Chapter 7: To Arms
Trianna woke to a deep rumbling sound through half-lidded eyes. She looked to her side and saw her wizard missing. Sitting up, she heard a subtle sizzling sound and smelled food. On the other side of the tent, if such a large home could be called that, she saw Theodore in a white apron and small clothes over a strange contraption that released flames from its surface. He had a pan in hand that he was moving back and forth over the fire.
Trianna was just about to get up when Theodore noticed she was awake. Their eyes met, and Trianna found herself pinned by his orange eyes. Trianna saw the wizard smile and couldn't help but join him. Trianna knew she was naked and should have been embarrassed, but Theodore had already seen it all, so she stood up without covering herself, sauntered over, and kissed Theodore. The wizard reciprocated before pulling away.
"If you want to clean up before breakfast, There's a newly installed shower just behind that door." Theodore indicated The only door in the tent a few feet from where they were standing.
"What's a shower?"
Theodore smiled in a way that said to Trianna she should know something so simple but explained that it shot water while you stood under it so that you could clean yourself. Theodore showed her how it worked. Which knobs were hot and cold water before leaving to set up a table that appeared in the center of the tent at some point.
Trianna could hear the clatter of plates and metal clanging of utensils as she took her time under the shower's hot water. She let the water wash over her hair as she slowly used her fingers to push soap through it. Trianna turned around and let the water pass over her face, liking how the heated water washed away the grime.
The pressurized beams of water were so different from the baths she was used to. It was less time-consuming, too; she could practically feel herself becoming cleaner by the second, and she didn't even have to fill a tub with water.
Eventually, when she felt fully clean, she stepped onto the tiled floor and found a towel floating over her. Trianna noticed how the tiles warmed her feet and how the water that touched the tiles disappeared as she dried herself. Curious, she decided to experiment with foreign magic. She collected the many strands of her water-laden hair in two hands before squeezing. Water poured to the floor and just began to pool, and it drained away until there was nothing but a clean white tiled floor. The mundane use of magic entranced Trianna, but she couldn't be surprised. Theodore seemed to use magic for everything.
Trianna wrapped her bathrobe around herself and entered the tent's ample living room. Theodore looked over to her and indicated for her to sit in a seat opposite him. Trianna looked at the table and saw that a beautiful porcelain plate had been set up for them, along with some scrambled eggs and what looked like a dozen small sausages.
It smelled exceptional. Without much thought, the sorceress settled in to eat to sate her wild and dangerous hunger. The eggs were delicious and sizzled her mouth, and the sausage was the perfect mix of salty and savory. The orange liquid tasted like ambrosia, sweet and refreshing.
"You're a man of many talents, Lord Lupin," Trianna said, giving a flirtatious smile after she had eaten her last sausage.
"You certainly seemed to like my sausages," Theodore said, looking up with a sly smile that wreaked naughty mischief.
Trianna realized with some embarrassment that she had eaten most of the meat he cooked.
"What can I say? I've never had meat so delectable. Can't you just be grateful for my compliment?"
Theodore shrugged but gave her a smile that made some heat dust Trianna's cheeks.
"By the way, there was some magic to cause the water to disappear after you've stepped out of the shower. What is it?"
"Yes, a charm. I made Vanishes water slowly as it touched the ground. I put it together after a certain black mutt couldn't learn to dry himself before entering communal spaces. Do you like it? It took me some time to make it so that the water drained seamlessly instead of suddenly? I never liked the jarring feeling of things vanishing all at once." Theodore seemed excited to talk about the arithmancy behind it, and Trianna couldn't help but smile as she soaked up descriptions of magical concepts she had never heard before.
"You know Theodore, I've never heard of Vanishing before. Where does the water go?" Trianna asked, curious as she thought the water had magically evaporated.
"It goes into an in-between space where all information about it is converted into pure data and erased from existence. It's magic that is good at getting rid of any mess or disposing of dead bodies." Theodore gave a nervous chuckle, and Trianna gave an amused smile and shook her head.
Trianna forgot about how powerful Theodore was. The wizard gave a nervous chuckle one second, and he slaughtered thousands in another, truly an enigma.
"So about yesterday. I just wanted to say…" whatever Theodore was about to say was cut off by Trianna's lips. The kiss extended for a few seconds more before she broke it off.
"I regret nothing." Trianna said as she dropped her towel, letting her tits hang free, her eyes inviting him, "I have long lost my chastity lord Lupin so you robbed me of nothing. I quite liked what we did together."
Theodore gave a lecherous grin and pulled her to him, fondling her chest as she let loose groans of passion before pulling away to Trianna's confusion.
"Shall I show you another one of my foreign techniques?" Theodore said. Trianna nodded in agreement, suddenly coy.
He pushed her onto his bed, brought his mouth and sharp, angular jaw to her lower lips, and began to lick. Trianna felt a burst of pleasure.
His tongue somehow lengthed and reached deep inside her, thickening and rubbing against her most sensitive areas. At some point, she felt her pleasure build to the breaking point before orgasmic pleasure erupted.
Trianna, sex drunk, looked at Theodore's soaked face with lust and leaned forward to touch his bare chest before a roar from Zeus interrupted them.
"Visitor…. Master."
Theodore stood up, vanishing the mess Trianna made on his face before looking at the tent's entrance in annoyance. He left the tent to speak to whoever had arrived, leaving Trianna sprawled on his bed. Theodore was suddenly distant when the wizard returned, ignoring Trianna's naked form as he began pulling on his blue cloak and fine dragonhide boots.
"I have a ceremony to attend and wouldn't want to be late. Feel free to stay a while. Zeus will protect the entrance, and I've explained to him that you're a welcome guest." Theodore sheathed his ritual dagger and began leaving his tent before pausing, saying, "I would like to meet you tonight."
Trianna smiled, "Of course, Lord Lupin, I will endeavor to keep my schedule open."
Theodore left the tent with purpose, and Trianna found herself alone, looking at the bits and bobbles in his tent. The tent's yellow lighting illuminated every corner of the room, and her wizard seemed a collector.
Lining the right wall, orbs of shadows shifted as if in pain. The darkness within the spheres coiled away from the light pooling in the parts of their orbs furthest away from the chandelier's lighting. Trianna found herself mesmerized by their constant struggle.
The left wall was full of all sorts of familiar and foreign weapons. Enchanted swords glowed shades of red and orange. They weren't on display. They were stacked against the wall haphazardly.
She noticed absent-mindedly that one of his rugs was moving, depicting gruesome creatures with long noses, pointy ears, and sharp teeth brandishing weapons at humans.
It depicted some battle, and on it, the creatures were black figures wielding swords, spears, and scythes fighting the human-shaped black figures using wands, and they began quite successfully slaughtering each other.
She saw the wand wielders use bursts of magic, driving back the pointy-ear creatures and imprisoning them before the rug started from the beginning once again. Trianna stood, and something interested her more than anything in the room.
She stalked over to his desk and saw a floating bowl of mercury water. The sorceress couldn't help but wonder what secrets it held.
Trianna reached forward to touch it before stopping when she heard a violent snap behind her.
"Stop, Masters wouldn't like you touching that." said a small creature with big eyes and bat-like ears wearing dark blue robes. Its nonhuman form frightened Trianna into silence before she took in what it said.
"Master? Do you mean Theodore? Did he create you like he did Zeus?" Trianna asked, surprised by her steady voice despite the creature's sudden appearance.
"No, you filthy muggle Master didn't create Mipsy, but he did raise her. Mipsy has known Lord Lupin all her life and provided for him." Mipsy said, proud of her relationship with him.
"What are you?" Trianna said, too shocked to feel insulted for being called filthy
"Mipsy is a house elf." Mipsy tilted her head in confusion as if that was something obvious.
Trianna could only nod in faked understanding before turning away, suddenly feeling her nakedness under the strange creature's eyes as she walked over to her clothes and began to dress.
"Could you tell Theodore…" Trianna turned, finally dressed, before seeing the tent empty once again. She wondered where that strange creature appeared from and eyed a sunken part of the room with a basement staircase.
Trianna shook her head, pushed aside the flap, and was greeted by Zeus's humongous form. She affectionately scratched the side of his majestic silver mane before heading out toward her tent. She didn't reach far from Theodore's tent before bumping into somebody.
"I'm so sorry I didn't see you coming." Trianna bent down and helped a beautiful blond woman in boiled leather armor to her feet. The woman had beautiful blue eyes and sharp aristocratic features that spoke of nobility, but Trianna had never seen her before.
"Thanks." The blonde woman's soft voice clung musically in Trianna's ear.
Trianna was about to continue but stopped herself, "by the way, what was your name again?"
"I never said it, but my name is Frida." Frida mimed a curtsy, lifting a nonexistent dress, "It's a pleasure to meet you." Frida prompted with her hand dipped forward.
Trianna smiled at the strange blonde's antics, "It's Trianna."
"Well, Trianna, you should be more careful where you walk. You might trip the wrong person next time. We wouldn't want that now, would we."
Trianna felt her face become hot with embarrassment.
"Don't worry, you can make it up to me," Frida said with a playful glint in her eyes that Trianna found slightly unsettling.
"I haven't eaten yet. Would you mind keeping me company? It's dreadfully boring for me right now. There's nothing for me to do. If you do this for me, we will be completely even."
Trianna considered telling her no, but she wanted to get to know this irreverent woman warrior. "Lead on."
Frida nodded, and the two women quickly found a seat with a bowl of spice each.
"So I know the Varden caters to many people, but I didn't think we had many women warriors." Triana languidly lifted a spoon of venison from the bowl, not eager to return to the pack of Magicians she would have to wrangle. They were such individuals that it was hard to order them around like soldiers.
"I am a rare breed, but women soldiers are much more common in Surdan. We have a culture of proud warrior women that have fought alongside their husbands during various skirmishes with the Empire." Frida pursed her plump pink lips, and her beautiful face screwed into a look of indescribable hate that passed as quickly as Trianna saw it.
"Well, you make a fierce warrior, Frida. I, for one, would be afraid to face you on the battlefield."
Frida smiled, and Trianna smiled back. It was nice to talk to someone that didn't know who she was, to make them smile. It had been a long time since Trianna had a friend.
"Well, I don't know about that one, but I certainly try to put on a brave face." Frida's blue eyes turned to Triana with genuine curiosity in her eyes. "You don't have a sword or armor, and you're dressed in fine clothes and jewelry. What is it you do for the Varden? Don't take this wrong, but you don't seem cut out for war. "
Trianna wasn't sure if she should tell Frida. It was nice talking to someone who didn't know she was a magician. Many were frightened of what those like her could do.
"I am a magician working for Du Vrangr Gata." Trianna paused, waiting for Frida to have an adverse reaction. Frida, to her surprise, smiled.
"Did you expect me to condemn you for your use of magic? That would be hypocritical of me." Frida pushed back some hair that fell over her face and looked at her amused
"I can use magic too." Frida smiled, and Trianna felt her heart lighten," but only enough to protect my mind."
She was about to ask Frida how she learned she was a magician when a runner came and whispered something in her ear. Frida didn't like whatever the runner said before he ran off.
Trianna didn't even get a chance to ask what was wrong before Frida turned to her.
"I have to take care of something urgent, but it was nice meeting you, Trianna. We should meet again sometime." Frida smiled kindly, "That is if I survive the coming battles."
Trianna could only nod and mumble good luck before the blonde ran away without a backward glance. Trianna watched the blond's back as she ran away. 'If she survived?' surely the girl had more confidence than that.
Trianna found herself back in her tent for only a few moments before she heard a wrap on her tent pole.
"Come in."
Trevon, one of the middle-aged men from Du Vrangr Gata, came in panicked. Trianna didn't take long to wrestle the story out of him.
Theodore had gone to a commencement ceremony announcing him as grand magus, but instead of giving a customary acceptance speech, he had revealed an infestation of spies in the Varden.
He had picked someone out of the crowd and, there in front of everyone, forced the man to down one of his potions, after which he admitted to everything. The Varden had been immediately outraged.
Theodore hadn't stopped there, and with the authority of Nasuada, he had begun the hunt for spies. He had been quite successful. He had already found two dozen conspirators and was searching for more. It had become a complete slaughter.
Some spies catching on that they were exposed had come together and tried to attack Theodore, but that ended as Trianna expected.
Theodore could be merciless when he wanted to be. Tevon didn't explain how the wizard killed them, but Trianna had a good imagination.
Those empire agents had the nerve to attack him despite herself. She felt anger for him stir. How could they be so shameless? How dare they try and take Theodore from her.
"So Theodore wasn't injured in his fight with them." Trianna's voice was calm
"From what I heard, Theodore didn't even allow them to touch him." Tevon looked at Trianna strangely, questioning if she had lost her marbles. Trianna didn't blame him. Theodore had no small amount of power. When he wanted to be, he could strike a frightening figure.
Who would ever worry about the Thunderer? Who could worry about someone so powerful?
Trianna ignored that look and nodded before standing. Without a word, she left to see if she could help Theodore.
Trianna didn't get far from her tent before reencountering Frida, but this time, she looked disheveled. The mild-mannered aristocrat had become someone covered in sweat. She ran past without looking at Trianna.
Trianna called out after her, and she stopped and turned to look at the sorceress. Trianna could see the terror on her face. Something was wrong
Trianna barely had begun to reach for her dagger before the leather-clad woman was upon her. Trianna caught by surprise, was unable to do anything before; with a crash of pain, she felt the ground beneath her fall away. Frida looked desperate as she punched down at Trianna, who felt a burst of pain and dizziness.
"I'm sorry you were kind to me, but he cares about you." Frida's gentle voice was shrill. "I don't have A choice. I have to do this. This is the only way I can fulfill my lord's order."
Trianna wasn't sure who she was talking to in her crazed mania.
Trianna remembered the kind of blonde she ate with and knew this crazed woman wasn't her. Reaching for the gate of magic inside herself, she managed to get Slytha out, feeling her magic fizzling out before she fell unconscious.
Frida picked her up, carrying her off. Neither noticed a small creature with drooping ears watching from afar.
Theodore quickly found the ring leader of the black hand, a man by the name of Altair. A spy even Eobard knew nothing about, but the man had been careless.
It was easy to extract that information from spies when they could tell nothing but the truth. Speaking of which, the wizard's stores of Vertasium were running low and likely would have to be refilled soon.
It would take over a month to brew more. Luckily, Theodore had Mipsy. The house elf had a knack for potions.
"How did you get into the Varden?" Theodore lounged in a chair opposite Altair or Kerr as his real name was, his arms crossed.
Kerr hesitated, but the potion was like a powerful riptide that couldn't be resisted. Theodore could feel it pull, and he hadn't even ingested it.
"The twins were kind enough to let me in." Altair's voice was soft, still containing pride despite his situation. The man himself didn't strike an impressive figure. He was small to average in height and looked even smaller now, hunched over in his chair. He didn't whimper, however, like the other caught spies.
The man wasn't at all what Theodore expected of a spy. He was far too ordinary and affable. Perhaps that was why he was the perfect spy.
He had an average, plain face, shaggy brown hair, and round facial features. There was nothing sharp or dangerous about him, but the wizard knew he was dangerous.
This man led the black hand with an iron fist. Theodore had already gotten him to admit to numerous assassinations. He went into excruciating detail too much more than necessary, the feeling as he slit throats.
It was as if the man was trying to punish Theodore for asking by endeavoring to make him as uncomfortable as possible with admissions. The psychopath certainly succeeded in that attempt. The wizard had no desire to hear about people shitting their pants as they died.
Altair told Theodore of a hit out on him. Almost the moment he made himself known to the Varden, an order had come. An order delivered through magic that could have been detected easily by Varden mages was sent by Galbatorix himself.
"Why does The Black King want me dead?" Theodore didn't raise his voice or change his inflection, but he reached out with his magic toward Altair and gripped him with his magic.
Kerr began to sweat, looking strained, but the wizard didn't care. He let his aura become suffocating for the man.
"I…. Don't know." Theodore looked at the man skeptically. The man couldn't lie, but telling the correct truth could mislead.
"Why do you think he asked you to kill me?" Theodore watched as the man snarled and struggled.
Kerr was forced to answer, but the man began to shake violently before he could get a single word out. Theodore looked closely at the magic surrounding the assassin and saw it was trying to strangle him. A string of magic tied to his soul was pulled taut.
The man swore never to reveal that information in the ancient language. The world's magic was ensuring that he held to his promise. Theodore grunted in frustration, letting the man spasm in what looked like extreme pain as he sat back in his seat to think.
The wizard knew he could peer into the man's mind and take the information he needed, but he also knew doing such a thing could be dangerous.
The man would likely become suicidal, and Theodore needed more than one session to take all he needed. The wizard also had no desire to take the man into his head like he did Eobard, not unless absolutely necessary.
The best option would be to sever the oath's hold on him, but messing around with another person's soul would be difficult, like performing heart surgery blindfolded. Theodore didn't know Kerr's soul intimately like his own.
No. Theodore knew of one way it wasn't hopeless. It would require a subtle knife.
Theodore looked at the man spasming in pain, silently begging for death, and called for Mipsy. The House elf appeared with a snap, looking disheveled. Not at all the prim proper house elf she usually was, even her lupin family uniform that she took such great pride in looked wrinkled.
Theodore sat up and looked at the house elf intently and saw that she was trying to hide her burnt finger. Mipsy tried to punish herself. He saw familiar bruises on the right side of her head where she hit herself after doing something she wasn't supposed to.
"What have you done, you silly elf." Theodore's eyes turned stormy, and in a rare moment of lost self-control, the wizard felt his metamorphmagus ability shift, changing his eyes to silver and shining.
Mipsy could feel her wizard's anger and looked away in shame. Theodore stopped the elf before she could hit herself again. His expression softened, his eyes turning violet, his hair shifting from black to red. His face softened and became freckled.
"None of that now. I thought we spoke about this." Theodore said gently with a couple of slashes with his already drawn wand; he healed her wounds.
"Now tell me." He said, his voice firm.
"Master's whore has been kidnapped." Mipsy's words barely tumbled out of her mouth before she was slapped, causing her to crumple to the floor. Theodore's hair writhed as if dancing in the wind, blown from all sides.
"We've talked about that too, elf." Theodore's eyes and hair took his intended form again, his ears burning red with shame at his lack of control.
"Were you trying to hide her kidnapping from me?" The house elf looked away in shame.
Theodore looked at the man, still screaming in pain, before standing up, "Take care of him, elf. I'll return shortly."
He left the tent, seeing Arya waiting outside. The elf was observing intently, waiting for what he would sink his fangs next. Many were like that now. Nasuada had given him a small legion of soldiers to help him root out spies; they all looked at him now, waiting for what he would do next.
The elf looked tired, and she likely was. She had followed Theodore throughout the spy inquisition. She helped find quite a few spies that Theodore was searching for.
Her natural Legilimens ability was an extraordinary help for finding individuals from the masses, but Theodore could see a strange sadness building behind her eyes with each spy. Her shoulder slumped, and her head wasn't held as high with the same pride.
The Sting of betrayal with every newly found spy wasn't something you could get used to. Theodore noticed it struck the Arya harder than most. Some part of her identity was bound with the Varden. One of the soldiers approached Theodore, waiting for his order, but he ignored the man.
"Could you guard the tent until I come back, Arya? I won't be long. I have someone to find. Just make sure no one enters." Theodore gave a small smile that hid the mountain of anger he felt building.
"Of course, Grand Magus."
Arya had been calling Theodore ever since he had been granted his title. The elf had become formal toward him ever since his speech. She looked at him differently, too. He was no longer a foreigner but a Grand Magus who contributed to the cause.
"Good." Without a backward glance, Theodore brushed past the confused soldier and began to search for Triana's unique magic, feeling a bone-deep worry take hold. Reaching out with his magic, he looked for the scent of lilac, and when he found it, he was gone with a snap.
What he found did not please Theodore at all. Bound to the floor of a small tent, Trianna was held captive, and someone who looked identical to her had a knife to her throat as if in the motion of sliting it.
Time slowed for the wizard as He saw the woman make the motion to slit Trianna's throat. Theodore transfigured the dagger into a feather with a flick of his wand. And, with another gesture, summoned the false Trianna to him. The one that smelled of sulfur and ash instead of lilac.
Trianna's naked, unconscious body flopped to the floor without support. Theodore summoned a cover and a soft cot under her. Before turning his attention to the rotten, Trianna still disoriented by his feet.
"WHO ARE YOU?!" The wizard's voice deepened, vibrating with magical splendor. The woman jerked back at his sudden volume close to her ear.
Theodore felt such anger that even his mastery of occlumency failed to contain it. His magic gripped the woman, lifting her into the air. The woman screamed in surprise. The wizard couldn't help himself. This stranger who had taken Trianna's face and clothes tried to what? Kill her. Replace her?
"PLEASE NO! I was repaying my debt. I would have given her a painless death. Please…"
Give her a painless death? Theodore tuned her out and fell into a familiar trance. The woman who held Trianna's face became a bug, and he was a curious child. It would be easy to rip off its wings and legs one by one.
The wizard raised his wand toward her right arm and pulled, and a spray of blood sputtered to the ground as her right arm floated away.
The woman screamed again, this time in pain, causing Theodore to return to himself. The desire to pluck off the rest of her limbs one by one remained, but one was punishment enough for now.
Theodore had enough of her noisy begging and sobbing. He silenced her, sealing the stump where her right arm had been before magically binding her left arm and legs together.
With that done, he turned his attention to Trianna, still lying on the floor.
It turned out Trianna was okay. She was unconscious but unharmed. Theodore quickly healed any cuts and bruises. Then Theodore carried her to her tent to rest, calling someone loyal to him in Du Vrangr Gata to watch over her.
The fake Trianna he took to the tent where Kerr was held. It turned out they knew each other, and the fake Trianna was a woman called Frida.
All it took was a finite, and the fake retook blonde form. The interrogation began again with the subtle knife in hand.
He found many secrets. Enough to know, he had many more spies to root out. Enough to see how the king learned of him.
Theodore walked outside, and the Arya came to his side.
"Let us go. We have more work to do. The corruption runs deep. Galbatorix has agents on the Elders council. "Our work must continue."
In a voice that should have been too quiet to hear, he said, "to arms."
Arya nodded with a stern look in her eyes, and his inquisition joined him in his search for more spies.
When Trianna woke again, she had a headache. The sorceress looked around, confused to see her tent's interior. She was wearing a different set of clothes than she remembered.
She heard shuffling by the door before she saw Tevon enter. The middle-aged man seemed worn with worry, but Trianna could barely think about that before hearing her stomach rumble.
She met Tevon's eyes with embarrassment, but the usually anxious mage smiled.
"would you like to get you something to eat?" The mage's voice had steadiness that managed to center the sorceress.
Trianna could only nod, not feeling up to talking. The magician disappeared for a few minutes, and Trianna used that time to gather her thoughts. The last thing she remembered was being attacked. She remembered pain and her spell not working.
Tevon reappeared with a familiar bowl of venison stew. Trianna made it quickly disappear.
"What happened?" Trianna's voice croaked.
Tevon grunted before sitting down in a chair next to her bed.
"The woman that attacked you is dead. You've been unconscious for half a day. The Thunderer has been busy while you slept."
Trianna quickly found out what everyone in the Varden knew. Theodore had found all of the Empire's spies and executed them. Tevon spoke of how the crowd cheered at their executions, and they had every right to.
The traitors ran deeper than Trianna could have ever imagined, with there being traitors even among the Varden's leadership. Theodore had even found a single Du Vrangr Gata agent involved. Multiple Elder's council members had been found out to be spies. There had been many more among the Surda force. The only place spies hadn't been found was among the Urgals.
"There is one more thing."
Tevon could not look her in the eyes as he said, "There has been a petition."
Trianna felt a cold chill seize her.
"What petition?"
Nasuda paced back and forth while Arya lounged on her couch, legs crossed, dwarven mead gripped in her right hand. Nasuada glanced at the elf with concern but could only sigh, pouring herself a drink and sitting beside her.
"You know what position this puts me in, right Arya? The power you have given him by rooting out spies by his side." Nasuada waited for a response, but the elf remained withdrawn. "Why did you help him in this Arya?"
The elf drank deeply and still didn't respond.
"You've accomplished nothing besides giving Theodore power." This time, Nasuada didn't have to wait for a response. The elf turned to her with a cruel look in her eyes.
"Accomplished nothing?" Arya's voice was distant and cold, "We have killed all the spies in the Varden, and you call that nothing. Nasuada, perhaps you are unsuited for leadership if you don't understand what we have done for you, my Lady."
Nasuada felt like she had been physically stabbed but turned to the elf, not letting the pain show. Arya met her eyes, and suddenly Nasuada understood Arya was in pain.
"You don't mean that." Nasuada turned away, took the glass, and drank deeply.
Arya nodded, "No, I didn't, but I have had a trying day. Perhaps now isn't the time to talk of such things."
Nasuada laughed, "You have had a trying day?" Her voice was so bitter and quiet it made the elf's hair stand on end, "Today, I had the legitimacy of my rule questioned. Tomorrow, I might not rule at all if I don't respond. While capturing spies, did you pay any attention to who was caught? Did you even think twice about implicating a member of the Elder's council?
Arya laughed sarcastically, "Would you rather have left them as agents for Galbatorix?"
Nasuada sighed and stood, "Leave."
Arya scoffed but stood to walk away.
"By the way, you have earned yourself a promotion with your stunt. You are now a lieutenant of the Inquisition under Theodore Lupin."
Arya paused, looking over her shoulder, "Inquisition?"
"With the internal pressures and questions about the Varden's leadership, we can only rely on separate organizations to police the Varden. Inform Theodore when you see him that he is subsequently the leader of both the Inquisition and Du Vrangr Gata." Nasuada sighed.
Arya raised a skeptical brow.
"I have received a petition from Du Vrangr Gata. I have no choice but to keep them satisfied. I can't lose any more support than I already have. You've made a mess, Arya. Fix it, will you?" Nasuada's soldiers sank low from overwork, "Now go. I have an angry king to soothe. We will talk more later."
It turned out King Orrin was more incensed than she ever imagined. The king stormed into her pavilion, surrounded by bodyguards in golden armor, screaming before he even greeted her. It had taken him nearly half an hour to finish his tirade. Time, which Nasuada considered a short rest period. Her tank was running on empty, so it was hard for her to care what the fool of a king thought.
Nasuada's thoughts became filled with idle imaginings. It wasn't difficult to imagine the power Theodore would wield now. The leader of the Varden could only ask herself what he would do with it. The wizard had proved himself somewhat trustworthy but had no stake in the game.
The Urgals required land and a king who didn't want to massacre them. The dwarves were hated by humans under the black king. Elves were mortal enemies of the Empire. Surda competed with the Empire for resources. The Varden fought against oppression, against destruction.
Theodore was a foreigner and did not need to fight for survival. He could always run home.
"Are you listening?" Orrin's first actual question directed toward her
"No." Nasuda didn't bother to hide her annoyance.
"No? I asked why you took Theodore's word on all the spies he prevented. You fed into his game. You gave him authority beyond his ken." Orrin said using air quotes when he said spies. Nasuada could only shake her head had the king not been paying attention.
"It's not his word that I took. He compelled people to tell the truth for the entire Varden to hear." Nasuada leaned forward, brushing her hand against her smooth silk sleeves idly. "Orrin, what would you have me do? Go against our Grand Magus? Could you do such a thing?"
Orrin looked away, his armor clinking as he shifted his weight uncomfortably.
"Orrin, I hope you see the situation as I do. whatever game Theodore was playing, he already won." Nasuada let out a sigh, slumping back on her makeshift throne. "The Varden knows his power and sees him as human despite his odd appearance."
"Then maybe it's time to remove him from influence through other means." Orrin's face darkened into a scowl.
Nasuada felt what little self-control she had left break in her and began laughing loudly and uncontrollably. Orrin looked at her like she had gone crazy; perhaps he wasn't wrong.
Nasuada caught her breath, "Were you thinking posion or assassins."
Orrin was a fool but no idiot, but he had almost no understanding of magic. Nasuada could practically predict what he would say next.
"We have a rider."