Magus Bloodlines.

Chapter 16: Chapter 16. The Fated Morning After.

Over the following two weeks, they made plans to take a five-day camping trip north of the city. Erza knew of a great spot that was seldom booked. Gavin's shoulder was just about fully recovered, he had very little discomfort or stiffness when moving it or using his right arm. Lyla was just about fully recovered. She had the boot off her leg and was only walking around with a small brace around her ankle from the injury being thrown out the window of the second story. She was able to mostly walk around without any assistance. She was thankful, she hated having that heavy boot on her leg or having to use the dang crutches all the time. Her arms hurt from resting on the crutches.

Gavin woke up early on Friday morning. They were supposed to get packed and head out to the camp site today. Aria and Lyla were planning on meeting Erza and him out there later in the morning. He was so excited all night that he could barely get any sleep. He rose and threw the blankets off as he walked around his room. He pulled out a duffle bag from his closet and set it on the bed. He reached over to his dresser and pulled out a few pairs of jeans, some shorts, pajama pants. He folded them up and put them at the bottom of his duffle bag. He opened another drawer and pulled out some socks and underwear. Lastly, he grabbed a few shirts, swim trunks, and a couple of hooded sweatshirts. He had no idea what kind of training Erza had planned, so he wanted to make sure he was set and good. 

He didn't really have anything else he could think of packing, so he grabbed a pillow and blanket and his bag and left his room, heading downstairs. As he got downstairs, he set his bag and bedding down on the couch and walked into the kitchen to see his dad was still there. He sat in the kitchen. His father had a cup of coffee down next to him as he read the paper. He glanced up as Gavin entered with a yawn.

"Morning son," Mr. Johnson said as Gavin walked in and grabbed a cup to make him some coffee. Gavin sat down at the table across from him as he spoke. 

"Morning dad, how come you are home, shouldn't you be at work?" Gavin asked in confusion as he sipped on the cold coffee. 

"I have a meeting in about an hour and nothing pressing beforehand, so I'll just go into the office later for the meeting and do things afterward." His father replied as he looked at his son. 

"Ah, it makes sense then I suppose." 

Mr. Johnson looked down at his son. He felt so much love and pride about how he had turned out. "You know Gavin, I am proud of the man you have become. A lot of crap has been thrown at you these past few weeks. You not only refuse to let them drag you down, but you made a plan to rise up and push forward," he told Gavin. 

Gavin smiled and felt warm all over at the praise. "I'm only doing what you raised me to do, dad. You raised a fighter, not a quitter," he replied to his father. He always wanted to make his parents proud. Even after learning that his parents weren't his real parents. That didn't matter to him. They were the ones that showed him love, unconditional love. They taught him right from wrong and raised him as their own. 

Mr. Johnson grinned at him. "Just wanted to say, I was proud and you get all mushy on me," he replied to Gavin. The front door opened then and was soon heard shutting. Quickly walking into the kitchen was Erza, dressed with a black shirt on and blue jeans.

"Heya Johnsons," she said in greeting as she stole a drink of Gavins coffee. 

"Morning Erza," they both said at her approach. 

Erza beamed excitedly at Gavin as she sat down next to him. "You all packed?" She asked. 

Gavin nodded as he grinned with enthusiasm. "Hell yeah." "This is going to be so awesome and fun," he replied. 

Erza nodded to him. She loved seeing his enthusiasm. This trip wasn't going to just be all fun and games. They were going to a secluded park and training him how to shift at will and not lose himself to the wolf. Then, if there was time, work on studying and practicing magic. "You know this isn't just a lazy, fun week, right?" She asked him. She wanted to have fun, but he needed to understand this trip was going to be alot of hard work. 

Gavin nodded. His excitement and energy quieted down as his face grew serious. "Yes, I know baby. You are going to put me through hell," he said grimly. He sounded like he was complaining. But she could see the determination in his beautiful blue eyes.

"Good, so long as you don't forget the goal here," Erza said softly. She reached out to squeeze Gavin's hand as she smiled. "We are going to put you through one heck of a crash course, my love," she told him confidently. 

Mr. Johnson smiled as he watched the two of them. They were such a perfect fit together. All these years as friends really gave them a strong foundation for their growing relationship. He had high hopes for their future. "Make sure he comes back home in one piece, Erza," Mr. Johnson said with amusement in his tone. 

Erza turned to grin at him. "That all depends on if he's going to be a weak baby, or grow strength to man up," she said teasingly. 

Gavin bristled under her light teasing. "Hey! "I'm not a weak baby as it is," he said defensively. He wasn't weak by any means. He could shift into a powerful werewolf. He just had no current control when he did so. Details right. Semantics. 

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