Chapter 24: Level 1 Warlock
"Shut up you beast"
The sound of whips lashing down on the bare skin of Warlocks sounded in the background, from where Leon sat.
"Stupid monkey!!"
"Dumb animals"
"Annoying beasts"
Coupled with the lashes, curses also rained down on the warlocks. After the events from earlier today, the hunters became angry. Apparently, the higher-ups of the hunters had been ambushed by the warlock alliance, with the help from some other rogue Warlocks on the run.
A lot of hunters had died, and the alliance higher-ups were able to escape with some others. There was no other avenue to relieve their anger other than punishing the few prisoners they could get their hands on.
"Let's go" Arian walked out from the main tent and took grabbed Leon's chains before leading him away from the area slowly.
Arian dragged Leon through the camp and finally into her tent, where she proceeded to cuff his hands and head straight to bed.
She was exhausted.
The hunt wasn't easy, the person she had fought against was of a higher level than her, plus his skills were tricky. She had to resort to using an advanced spell to win, and it cost her alot of energy. Then there was the evacuation of the remaining hunters.
As a level 2 mage, she had to be responsible for evacuating her subordinates, even with her weakness from the previous battle. It was normal for her to be this tired.
"Hmmm, she hasn't fully healed" Leon stared at Arians exhausted face and shook his head. The fourth elder of the blood serpent clan had done a real number on Arian. Even with the help of healers from the mage camp, there were still traces of venom in her, hindering her.
"Oh well, let's get down to business" shrugging his shoulders, Leon proceeded to stand up and walk towards a table. There he began pulling out several potions and herbs from a hidden pouch placed in his raggedy clothes.
Vitality potion
Vular flower
Xryngo liquid
Veeez nuts
These items were all Leon's spoils of war. He had picked them up during the chaos of the battlefield, usually Arian would limit his use by just taking whatever she wanted from his pile. However, this time she couldn't.
She was just too tired.
"Down the hatch" Leon smiled and began dumping these items directly into his mouth without a care in the world. And the reason for this is quite simple.
Each and every item on this table had one thing in common. They contained a bulk load of life energy. As his bloodline power was a bit on the poor side, Leon needed treasures like these to refine it.
More so than ever after witnessing the battle between the level 3 elders of both the mages and warlocks. They could fly!!!
In Leon's previous world, he had been more powerful than these guys, but the ability to fly was something only a select few could achieve. However, in this world it looked like he could achieve this if only he could reach level 3.
Feeling a warmth around his belly, Leon hurriedly sat in the lotus position and started circulating the medical essence through his body. This wasn't the first time he had done this, but this time was a bit different because of the number of items he could keep. He had to make full use of this opportunity.
As this energy ravaging through Leon's body, he managed to stay calm and tranquil, pushing it through his vessels and capillaries. Wherever it went, his body and blood absorbed them.
It didn't seem to be enough, as Leon soon started feeling bloated. The life-energy was too much, and for some reason he wasn't breaking through. This was the disadvantage of having an impure bloodline like Leon's.
"Second circulation" Leon muttered and continued pushing the energy through his body, even though it was uncomfortable he kept on pushing...
'Third circulation"
"Fourth circulation "
"Fifth circulation"
Slowly but surely, Leon's saw great improvements in refining his bloodline power. The number of herbs this time really made the difference. However, it just wasn't enough.
Soon the circulation came to a halt and couldn't move a single step.
"Shit, This isn't good" Leon muttered while beads of sweat slowly dripped down from his forehead. He had previously thought that the reason he was failing to breakthrough was because of in sufficient life-energy...however, it seemed like he was mistaken.
"Spit it out!! Spit it out!!"
In his mind, Leon's subconscious screamed. The amount of energy he was working with before now was small, so the backlash from failing wasn't too much and could easily be ignored. But this time was different. If he did spit it out, he would suffer heavy injuries.
But If he didn't, he might die.
"I have no choice…." Leon sighed, he had to spit it out.
However , in the last minute, a small explosion sounded from his back as a gust of foul air was pushed out from the pores of his skin.
"Uhhh…" Leon involuntarily took in a massive breath of air. Immediately after that sound erupted, Leon felt the energy in his body begin flowing again.
In fact, at this point, it no longer needed him to push, it seemed all too natural.
"I've broken through"
Leon's eyes widened in absolute shock. He had broken through just like that? He didn't even do anything special. How was that possible?
Leon wasn't the only one in shock, though. On the bed opposite Leon. Arians eyes shone with surprises and doubt, but also there was a trace of something else in them.
Killing intent.