Man-made Satan

Chapter 6: Magicians Market - Part 2

"No, if I took another left there I'd just wind up back in the discounted feywid section or whatever it is they call it." I said to myself as I studied the map trying to find my way to either the chimera parts or devil section of the marketplace. 

Honestly, even with the map I was still getting lost, which made sense as this place was massive. I mean there were bits of magic all over the place to make travel between sections easier but even then you had to take the right route or you'd wind lost and go crazy. I meant that literally as I passed by a few hobo magicians or supernatural creatures that looked like they just escaped the asylum. 

So I made sure to study the map to the best of my ability, even though it was basically impossible due to the sheer size of it. In fact, I could barely hold the map in my hands, couldn't imagine what the shorter various supernatural species would do or would they have a smaller version of the same map. I mean it'd make sense if they had a smaller version of it.

Anyway, I was eventually able to find my way to the chimera section of the marketplace. Here there was a vast quantity of different body parts, some I would want to get if I ever came back here and others were rather...mundane which surprised me by the fact they were here. Although it was possible they were cheaper, again another reason to come back here. 

I was able to find a more humanoid corpse one that gave off a sinister feeling, something I never encountered before. Putting my goggles on I was confronted with wave after wave of malevolent magic or at least what felt like the closest equivalent. They looked like a young man in his early twenties with sharp pointy ears. Alongside this was an extra set of eyes underneath where the normal first set was.

Then there was the gigantic mouth in the center of their chest alongside large patches of white fur. Combine this being's physical characteristics with the malevolent-like energy I was getting off this thing well I knew I was staring at a Stray Devil. Approaching I took a closer look at its body and the thing was easily ten ft. tall with long sharp nails on its fingers/toes. 

Honestly, if it didn't give off this sickening feeling I'd have mistaken it for a very advanced chimera creation but sadly it is not. 

"Well, now are you interested in this fresh Stray Devilcorpse dear customer?" A voice from behind me said making me jump forward in surprise. 

When I turned around I saw that it was a tall extremely skinny man wearing a black cloak with a top hat. Covering his face was a cartoonish white mask that had a large curled smile on it and two black eyes. 

"The name is Beltz Dust, and I can sell you that corpse for as few as 175 Fafnir coins, what'd ya say do we have a deal?" He said as a hand made entirely out of shadow crept its way from out of his cloak. 

Meaning it was probably a physical manifestation of a geis or whatever this world's equivalent was. Truly an interesting piece of magic that I'm guessing the man or thing put a whole lot of time into in order to perfect. To be honest though what he was asking for was the equivalent of 130,375 yen which wasn't a whole lot in the grand scheme of things and it wasn't like I was short on funds as well.

"Yes, we do my good man as long as I can get through the mundane world without drawing too much attention," I said as I used one hand to shake the shadow and the other to grab the 175 Fafnir coins with Beltz smiling as I did. 

"Why of course dear customer everyone in this market always makes sure to have a subspace bag for temporary holding and all that." He said as he got out a medium-sized bag and slowly shoved the stray devil's corpse into it. 

Once it was all done I was thoroughly perplexed by what just happened and the magic's that just happened in front of me. "Here you are dear customer, one stray devil corpse courtesy of yours truly have a wonderful day."

I then began to walk away, whilst holding my bag in my armpits so I could study the map to find my way back to the Kyoto entrance, at least as it was labeled on the map. Honestly though as I traveled through the place, this was a wonderful experience at this world's magic beyond the kind I was familiar with and how different it all was as something like creating a separate dimension was basically true magic or whatever it would be.

I guess that was something that was possibly in a world where the age of gods never truly ended, and with the meshing of pantheons as well. Alongside the fact this place's magic worked differently with me being only able to use a few of from my previous life, I was familiar with. 

It truly is a fascinating world any Magus worth their salt would want to explore to understand. For right now though I wanted to experiment on this devil's corpse and figure out how I could possibly replicate the process, or even create my own. Oh just imagine it, a malevolent being created by human hands and yet not a Beast like in Fate/Grand Order. 

It would be such a marvel of magic, of two worlds magic well kind of, and my own research coming into fruition in both alchemy and chimeras. Exiting this dimension, I couldn't help but let out what surely looked like a crazed smile to any outsider as I got myself bags full of goodies all without nearly draining my bank account. 

Oh well that meant I could come back here in the future, it had plenty of other places and sections to explore. 

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