Chapter 3: Ch.: 3. Natasha, Thanos meeting Enderwoman, Future plans
Montu became slightly familiar with headquarters and also met avengers.
Some were in training room, some were in their room and few were in office or meeting room.
Manav also put his chair in office room and saw captain sitting their checking files.
Suddenly door of the office room opened and Natasha entered the room holding a file in her hand, she felt familiar back facing her.
She became suspicious and curious.
Natasha stepped forward to look who it is.
"Oh hello Natasha." Steve greeted Natasha.
"Hello Steve." Natasha also greeted back and was about to extend her hand to rotate the chair to see who it was in the chair.
But chair was turned 180 degrees back and Natasha was slightly surprised and a bit shocked.
"You? Why are you here?" Natasha asked, her face becoming gradually annoyed.
"Me, don't worry I'm not following you, I came here to be the manager of this Avengers Headquarters, you know when your brother in law is backer of Avengers, how good it feels and despite he is also core member of team." Montu said and stood up with file and extended his hand to hold Natasha's hand and made handshake with her even through Natasha didn't cooperated.
'Hey, you think you can forget me so easily, no but I will not forget you, you are my one of dream goddess and when I saw you lying on Vormir dead, my heart hurted very much, so this time I will not let that tragedy happen and let you feel the feeling of having children, not one or two but a mini football team so you will never be sad and bored.' Montu thought to himself while walking through the big hall of headquarter, lost in his own thought didn't knew that Natasha is following him silently while looking at his back.
Montu entered his office and closed the door backhandedly.
But Natasha stopped the door slowly and quickly entered the room and than closed the door.
Montu threw file on table and walked towards glass wall in his penthouse office and looked outside at the green scenery.
Suddenly Montu was pushed to the glass wall and Natasha put her hand on his neck.
"Tell me why my body's injuries are healed after eating that golden Apple of your?" Natasha asked slowly.
"It can even heal the injuries made dozens of years, have you checked it or not?" Montu didn't answer but asked another question.
Natasha's eyes shrinked and her hand loosened from the back of Montu.
She wanted to ask something, but she just opened her mouth and closed it back, not believing the words of Montu.
"Yes it can heal what you're thinking about." Manav said in affirmative tone as he knew what she was thinking.
"How? How did you know? Where did you find these golden apples?" Natasha asked as she removed her hands from Montu, letting him move freely.
"Aren't spies and agents are like this, as for where I got them, this is secret." Montu said and filled two glasses with whiskey and handed one to Natasha, who took the glass and sat down on sofa thinking deeply.
Montu didn't said anything just slipped whiskey in small amounts, while looking at face of Natasha.
Suddenly tears formed in eyes of Natasha and fell on floor.
Montu was bit startled and stepped forward to hold Natasha, who started sobbing lightly.
"Hey why are you crying isn't this thing you wanted always?" Montu asked bit confused, he thought she will be very happy, but she is crying like this.
"Nah, these are the tears of happiness." Natasha said lightly and pecked on Montu's lips and just hugged him tightly her head on his chest.
Montu also hugged her with his right hand and leaned back on sofa lightly, letting Natasha lay on him.
"I'm planning for making a team of superheroes, will you co-operate with me." Montu said to Natasha.
"Well why one team, I can give you as many teams you want, as long as you're not exhausted." Natasha said with happiness radiating from her voice.
"Don't question my ability ever." Montu said and put his hands on his of Natasha and let her climb on him.
Unknown Planet.
Thanos was sitting in his handmade wooden house, looking at unknown direction with tenderness in his eyes.
"I should adopt her as my daughter and raise her with no regrets, sorry Gamora, nebula." Thanos said to himself, while apologising while looking in certain direction.
Thanos stood up and walked towards dark figure who was flashing here and there and sometimes taking out sand cuber from ground, putting it in another place, taking out wooden cubes from big trees, causing them to fall.
Thanos was both amused and surprised at her actions and abilities.
Suddenly dark figure teleported at the place where water was gathered in small amounts and screamed with pain.
"So water harms you daughter, dont worry I will help you." Thanos said and used his gauntlet, on which infinity stones shined and dimmed after a while.
Dark figure who was screaming because of water stopped screaming and looked at colorful lights flashing on her body and the gauntlet in hands of Thanos.
She saw that she was still in water, but didn't felt any pain, she bowed down and touched water.
Thanos felt very amused and cute looking at her like this and a tender smile appeared on his face.
"Do you want to be my daughter?" Thanos asked softly raising his hand slightly towards her.
Dark figure tilted its head a bit and flashed in front of Thanos and put her hand on his hand.
"Good, thank you for giving me this chance, can you tell me what is your name?" Thanos was very happy and asked her name.
She just tilted her head and looked at him.
"Enderwoman?" A questioning word came out from her mouth and she stopped again as she never spoke.
"Enderwoman, this is more like name of species, I will call you Ender from now on, okay." Thanos said.
Ender nodded to Thanos slightly.
"Okay do you like to make and play with cubes." Thanos said and reality stone flashed on his hand and large area of radius as Thanos in center become pixlized.
Seeing it Ended flashed here and there, picking and putting cubes.
"Hahaha, what a innocent girl you are." Thanos said laughing.
"But this, I have to get rid of this." Thanos muttered to himself looking at infinity stones on gauntlet in his hand.
"I will do it later." Thanos said and dismissed his plan to destroy infinity stones and just looked at Ender playing here and there flashing (instant teleportation) with smile.
Avengers Headquarters.
Manager's Office.
"Hey Natasha I think we should take advantage of this situation as half of universe's population is cleared to enhance the nature to at its peak and make earth a true nature planet as in past humans have just taken from earth, now it is time to give her back all of this." Montu said to Natasha who was lying on him naked, as they just had very intense exercise for plan of making superhero team.
"Good idea, how can I help you?" Natasha praised and asked for her role in this Earth revitalizing plan.
Both of them stood up as Montu dressed and Natasha cleaned the sofa using tissue paper and throwing them in garbage bin.
She also dressed after washing her hands and combing the hair.
"Let's go to meeting room, I have called everyone there." Natasha said to Montu who nodded back to her and headed to meeting room with her.
"Well so Natasha why did you called us for meeting, saying that it was emergency, tell us what is emergency." Captain asked Natasha as others nodded and looked at her.
"Well, this emergency will be told to us by our new headquarters manager." Natasha said as she looked at Montu, with a bit of tenderness in her eyes.
Except men in room all women quickly caught the change in eyes of Natasha, but didn't said anything.
"Well, Avengers hello, My name is Montu and you can call me that, I have a proposal for all of you, although I can do this work myself but with help of all of you present here today can increase the work by many times." Montu said.
"And that proposal is we have to use opportunity and a curse given by Thanos is our favour, that is we have to make Earth thousand times greener than before, with our intergalactic members you can go and spread this message to other planets and let those planets nature prosper."
"And also make many residential buildings, as what if we have chance to bring those half people back and where will they go after coming back and found that there houses and pdpoerties are occupied by other families, it will create great chaos and system will be shut down." Montu stopped after completing his speech.
Everyone in the meeting was surprised.
"Haha boy I like your ability to look at future and think so far, you have my full support." Tony laughed and praised Montu for what he said.