Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Planning
After finding out that I'm in the MCU I do what I should have done long ago, but forgot in the moment. I go to the washroom and look in the mirror. As I feared,.. actually no, as I anticipated, it wasn't me who was looking back at me.
Before coming to this place, I was the embodiment of slightly below-average. I had an average face, maybe 4/10, a permanent messy stubble, with uneven eyebrows, round cheeks, and smaller-than-average eyes. I was 5'7, which is pretty short while being slightly overweight.
However now that I look back at my new and improved self, I can proudly say that this is the glowup of the century. I still retained parts of what I used to look like, but I now stand at 5'11, I have broad shoulders, and I'm still slightly chubby (but that's gonna change soon if I start working out!). The biggest difference though, is my face. I look to be around 18, with sharp, youthful features, big blue striking eyes, skin as smooth as a Kpop idol, and finally some medium-length black messy hair, slightly parted to show my eyes.
GODDAMN IM HOT. I never thought I'd end up looking like this, no matter how much I glow up. I take off my top and strike some poses in the mirror. My body isn't overweight but has enough fat to make it look like I'm healthy. "Bodybuilder Physique! I'm coming for you!" I yell excitedly at myself in the mirror.
Before I move on from my glow-up, I remember to check one more thing. I look inside my my pants. A smug smile comes to my lips. Yup, I glowed up.
After taking a shower and cleaning up what was probably better described as a pigpen, I pull out a Word document on the laptop and start planning for the future.
Before I plan anything else, I need to sell everything I own except the bare essentials. I'm going to need money if I want to survive. Alex buys as much Stark industry stock as possible using his life savings that he had on his card. Damn, I didn't expect my card to work! Since ya know- different worlds and stuff... Anyways!
I can't plan too far ahead, because the far future will definitely be changed due to my involvement. And of course, I'm going to get involved. Being in the Marvel Universe has always been my dream! I've looked forward to this moment ever since I got ahold of that Spiderman comic back when I was 5! There's no way that I'm pussying out now.
Back on track, since it is currently 2011, the upcoming events are... The battle of New York. And I live in New York. So what they're saying is, if I don't train my ass off and get ready before the battle of new york, then I'm gonna be dead?
[Quest Alert: Preparation is key]
[you have realized that you and the entire world will be in great danger in a year. Prepare for the battle of New York!]
[Deadline: May 4th, 2012]
[Reward: ??? (Something to help you survive the battle, dependent on your effort)]
Great. Just great. I feel like the system is mocking me for some reason. Now, how will I get stronger? I could always just grind the gym, but I don't think being buff will do very well against alien warships. I need to find some people.
I list down a bunch of names on the doc.
These are the fastest ways to get stronger as of now.
First, I'll need a genius mind to help me get stronger, either by providing me with tech or weapons. The smartest minds that I can think of are Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Reed Richards, and Peter Parker. First, I'm not even sure if the Fantastic Four are even In this world, to begin with, and I know the Hulk is somewhere in Africa, meaning both would be hard to reach. Next, there's Ironman, but I don't think it will be easy to contact him, since he's a billionaire playboy philanthropist (arrogant prick) and all that. I could try to form a connection with him through his subordinates like Happy Hogan or Pepper Potts, but that's also going to take too long to be worth it, Which leads us to one option, Spider-Man. or Peter Parker. since he probably didn't get hit with the spider yet. Probably. We never actually got to find out when the MCU Peter got bit after all.
To reach him, the best way would probably be to sneak into Midtown High, and just befriend him. he shouldn't really have many friends, so he'll be easy to influence. That made me sound evil, didn't it. Anyways, if we have him, we will have a genius to help us from the back AND a super powerful ally in the future!
Next, I need to be physically stronger and better at fighting. There are not many straight-up hand-to-hand fighters in the MCU, so if I wanted to learn some skills, ill had to approach people like Black Widow, Daredevil, or The Hand ninjas. First, I'm going to immediately cross The Hand off of the list, as they'll probably mind-wash me and turn me into a goon. Next, Shield is a maybe, as at this point, Shield is pretty much just a second name for Hydra. They're also really hard to get in contact with, so maybe I can hack their servers or something with the help of Peter and Ned. This leads to Daredevil, but I'm afraid that if I start being near him, I'm going to come into the kingpin's radar. I'm going to have to pass on that. I guess there always is the classic boxing gym...
So currently, my goal is to head to Midtown High and befriend Peter Parker. I close my laptop and get ready to leave.
[Quest Alert: Friendly Neighborhood Aquaintence]
[Befriend Peter Parker(Spiderman)]
[Reward: {Party} Function]