Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Peter Vs Flash
As I watch Peter and Flash get ready to fight in the ring, I think I analyze the chances of both sides winning. Even though Peter has been getting bullied by Flash for quite some time, it should be around equal odds.
Peters has always been getting bullied not because he's weak, but because he's scared to fight back. But now that Flash insulted his dead parents... Again, I knew Flash was a piece of shit, but I didn't think that he would stoop so low to insult his dead parents.. damn.
Anyway, since Peter is actually trying to fight back now, I believe the fight should be pretty even. I think back on Peter's stats.
(a/n I made a slight tweak to Peter's stats, it used to be E- D- and E-, which seemed a little too low, even for a nerd.)
[Name: Peter Parker]
[Strength: E+]
[Agility: D+]
[Durability: E]
[Skills: None]
Damn, that's gonna be rough. With a strength and durability stat of E and E+, which is still pretty below average human, Pete shouldn't be able to do much damage through Flash's natural defence. His fat. I'm not saying this as a joke. Even if he isn't that fat, he's got some weight, which means Peter's E+ punches shouldn't be able to do much to him. It's like putting a featherweight-class fighter against a middleweight-class fighter. Even if the featherweight is more skilled, it's still going to be a losing fight.
As for the other two stats, thinking back to when I fought him yesterday, his speed can't be that special seeing how he let me get in between him and Peter, while his punch was enough to rattle my bones when I blocked him.
Because of this, I'm going to guess that Flash's stats should be around D strength, D+ durability, and E- or E agility. Now, if we compare this to Peter's stats, it looks like Peter will definitely lose. If he gets hit good once, he's probably going to be out like a light bulb.
However, that is a big if. Peter's agility stat far dwarfs that of Flash's. I wouldn't be surprised if Peter just wore him out. But to be fair, he is pretty angry right now...
Welp, looks like they're both ready. I ring the bell, not really knowing how to officially start a boxing match.
Right from the get-go, They both lunge at each other. Flash, not learning his lesson from our last fight, goes in for a right-hand straight, right at Peter's face. However, Peter did learn something from the last fight, mimicking my movement, weaving underneath Flash's fist, and closing the distance.
I hear Ned gasp next to me. I guess he didn't expect his nerdy friend Peter who always got bullied to be able to actually dodge a punch.
Grasping the opportunity, Peter quickly landed a one-two punch combo right on Flash's solar plexus.
Ned and I cheer. "Nice one Pete!" "Keep it up!!!". Damn, this guy knows his stuff. There are a few weaknesses in the human body that are affected no matter how ripped you are, and one of those is your solar plexus. Located right underneath the center of the pecs and the top of the abs, it is said that that is where all your body's energy is stored. No matter how strong or buff someone is, if they get hit there, their breath will be instantly knocked out.
Flash, briefly stunned, stumbled back a few steps while trying to get back his bearings. That was when Peter struck again. Peter pushed forward, trying to knock him out with a flurry of jabs and left and right hooks to his jaw, somehow all connecting.
But unluckily, even if Peter knew about where to hit through, I don't know, his anatomy textbook, he never learnt how to actually throw a punch. To get the most out of the punches, boxers usually build up rotational force with their entire body when throwing punches, kind of like an elastic band.
The more you pull an elastic band, the stronger it gets. The way Peter is throwing his punches is like barely pulling the band back. He winds up his punches with his shoulder and elbow joint, and releases, causing minimal damage. To pull the elastic band further, Pete should have winded his elbows, shoulders, hips, and legs, so that when he releases the stored-up energy, the strength of the punch is doubled or even tripled.
However, Peter didn't do any of this, making his abysmal strength stat feel even lower. It still did a little damage though.
Flash quickly recovered from getting his breath knocked out, and without any technique, swiped away at Peter, who couldn't dodge in time, and got pushed back.
Peter was clutching at his sides as if the swipe did some real damage to him. Honestly, it probably did, considering Pete's low durability.
"Unlike your name, you aren't very fast!" quipped Peter, full of adrenaline.
Classic Spiderman. Throwing quips and remarks mid-fight.
Flash scowls, clearly pissed that Peter landed some hits. "You think you're funny, Parker?" he scowls, cracking his knuckles. "Let's see you laugh after this, bitch."
This time, Flash doesn't just swing wildly, he barrels forward, using his size advantage to corner Peter against the ropes. Now that Flash has got Peter cornered, he sends out a straight, right at Peter's face.
Ned practically jumps out of his seat. "Dude! Are we sure this is, like, legal? Should we stop this??"
I shake my head, watching carefully. "No, not yet. There's no way Peter is getting hit by an attack so slow and predictable."
Seriously? is this guy an NPC with only one attack pattern? I facepalm.
Obviously, Peter ducks and weaves again, getting out of the corner, but not before landing another few jabs into Flash's abdomen.
"Dude, are we sparring, or are you just shadowboxing?" Peter quips again, getting more and more confident that Flash can't even lay a finger on him.
Flash stumbles back, breathing hard, sweat dripping down his forehead. His swings are getting sloppier, his stance is a mess, and his face is twisted in frustration.
For the last 5 minutes, Flash has been doing nothing but throwing right straight after right straight, getting sloppier each time. On the other hand, it's as if Peter has only now gotten warmed up, bouncing on his feet, grinning, and at this point, fully sure of his win.
"Come on, dude! You're not even trying anymore!" Peter taunts once again. "You should just give up!"
Enraged, Flash runs up to Peter one last time with all the energy he has remaining, and this time, with no semblance of technique whatsoever, throws a wild right hook. Peter, anticipating a right straight as always, tries to dodge to the side, but the fist isn't in front of him. It's beside him. Peter's brain barely registered the mistake before getting hit with a dump truck of a hook right to his temple.
Me and ned go silent.
Peter didn't even know what hit him.
His legs buckle.
He just falls to the floor.
He doesn't get up.
"D-Did I win?" heaves out flash, completely spent.
Unfortunately, it seems like he did.
10 minutes later.
Peter blinks his eyes open.
"Damn, he must have hit you hard to knock you out for ten minutes, and that's with gloves on," Ned mutters to him.
"D-did I win?" Peter wheezes out, fearing the answer.
"Unfortunately, you lost. Flash got one lucky hook in, and it knocked you out." I told him.
Peter looked ashamed and disappointed at himself.
"It's my fault. I got cocky. I let my guard down. I would have won that if I didn't get overconfident and arrogant." Peter spoke to himself, Gritting his teeth. "I'll never let my guard down mid-fight again. What if instead of a spar, this fight was life and death? I would have died of overconfidence. I need to get stronger." Peter had a burning determination in his eyes.
(a/n For those who are mad that Flash somehow won, Peter needs the motivation to get stronger. And he also needs to learn his lesson. since in the MCU Peters's backstory isn't really explored, I'm not really planning to do the whole uncle ben thing, so he needs another place to learn his lesson. )
(a/n 20 power stones already? it like doubled in a day!!!)