Marvel : Starting as Ghost Rider

Chapter 9: Old World ?

This world, it appeared, bore a striking resemblance to the world from which Roger had originated, differing primarily in the absence of the Marvel comic series, while DC Comics enjoyed widespread circulation.

Indeed, the exploits of Captain America had even been adapted into a highly successful comic book, of which Coulson was an ardent admirer.

Thus, the sight of a pirate vessel identical to one from a cinematic production could not but elicit surprise.

"A Pirates of the Caribbean ship?" George was momentarily stunned.

"Make way, pretty boy, do not obstruct the passage," a one-eyed, elderly fellow, pushing a wooden cart, barked.

"My apologies," George, a man of amiable disposition, promptly yielded the path.

Observing the one-eyed elder exerting himself to propel the cart forward, George, with a touch of incredulity, inquired, "Roger, do you truly believe this world is... an illusion?"

"Whether it is illusory or not, I cannot say with certainty. However, we must not tarry here for an extended duration. Remember, equivalent exchange. Linger too long, and another, a negative reflection of yourself, will emerge to supplant you in the real world. And you shall be forever confined within, unable to escape."

Roger tapped George's shoulder and gestured towards the pirate ship.

"I suspect your colleague has seen the film, Pirates of the Caribbean."

"You believe that vessel may be his doing?"

George scrutinized it. It was, indeed, identical to the one in the film, in its form, its sails, and even certain personages upon it.

"Let us proceed and investigate. It is possible your colleague is aboard." Roger declared.

With that, he took the lead, heading towards the Black Pearl, which lay moored at the docks.

"Ahoy there! We seek recruits! Board and lodging provided! All able-bodied individuals are welcome! Our captain is a man of many talents, and he shall impart his knowledge to you!" A thin man, standing at the bow of the black-hulled vessel, bellowed through a metal speaking trumpet.

A stout fellow beside him, also equipped with a trumpet, chimed in, the two taking turns.

"Desire to acquire a practical skill? Our captain can instruct you! Celestial navigation, helmsmanship, sail handling – if you are willing to join, you may learn all! Tomorrow's second mate, first mate, could be you!"

"Good sir, I wish to speak with your captain. Is he presently aboard?" Roger inquired.

The thin man produced a sheet of paper. "Complete this application. If you are illiterate, a few coppers will secure the services of a scribe at the docks. Then, return this afternoon for an interview."

Roger accepted the paper and examined it. Good heavens, even pirate crewmen were required to submit applications.

George craned his neck to peruse it. The application form was identical to those of the modern era.

The two exchanged a glance. There was no need for further inquiry; this was, with absolute certainty, the handiwork of one of George's colleagues.

"Inform your captain that we are friends from New York, very good friends."

The thin man cast a dubious glance at Roger, then surreptitiously tugged at the stout man's sleeve.

"Fatty, have you ever heard of a place called New York?"

"Never. Could the captain be from New York?"

"Go and inform the captain."

"I shall not. You go. If they are imposters, the captain will thrash them soundly. The captain despises being disturbed during his slumber."

Roger, with a sigh, produced a banknote and tossed it towards them.

"What is this?" The thin man caught the note Roger had proffered, examining it with curiosity.


He had forgotten. These individuals were not of the same world.

Roger searched his person. Ah, yes. He produced a pack of cigarettes.

He opened it, extracted one, lit it, took a puff, and then offered the remaining pack to the thin man.

Tobacco was a certainty. The thin man inhaled the secondhand smoke wafting through the air.

Tobacco, like rum, was a common currency, highly prized by sailors.

Satisfied, he accepted Roger's cigarettes and scurried back onto the ship. With such a reward, even a beating would be worthwhile, for pirate crewmen received no wages...

The stout man, left behind, was filled with懊恼, regretting that he had not been the one to run the errand.

Presently, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed from within the ship. A figure emerged, approaching Roger and George.

To their surprise, he was a man of Asian descent, an Indian.

"You are... you are... George?" The man first examined Roger, whom he did not recognize, but he recognized George. Although they were not close, and did not work together, they were in the same precinct, encountering each other daily.

"Ajay, it is I, George."

"Haha, splendid! I never expected to encounter a fellow countryman here! I am overjoyed! Come, come aboard my ship. Lads, fetch the finest wine and victuals to the captain's cabin! I shall entertain our esteemed guests!"

Subsequently, Ajay extended a warm invitation to Roger and George, leading them aboard his Black Pearl and into the captain's cabin.

"Come, come, partake of this. This wine is truly exceptional. I plundered it from another continent."

Ajay poured two cups and offered them to Roger and George.

Roger accepted his cup, offering greetings, but refrained from drinking.

George, likewise, did not imbibe, but rather proceeded directly to the matter at hand.

"Ajay, how long have you been here? Are you aware that this is a mirror world?"

Hearing George's query, Ajay was momentarily taken aback, then retorted, "I am aware. Are you not?"

"Then why? Why have you lingered here for so long? Everything here is illusory. Do you not intend to return?"

"Hahahahaha—" Upon hearing George's question, Ajay erupted in laughter.

Then, he raised his index and middle fingers, snapping them. With a resounding snap, a dozen or so beautiful women materialized out of thin air.

They were all scantily clad, popular Hollywood actresses, a dozen or so chattering women surrounding them, two or three to each man.

These beauties were passionate and unrestrained. One even seated herself upon Roger's lap.

"Ahem, Ajay, you..."

"My friend, do you not yet comprehend? How wondrous this world is! Were I to return to New York, I would be but a lowly police officer, possessing nothing, burdened with excessive credit card debts each month."

"And every day on patrol, I would have to clutch my firearm with trepidation, fearing I might, through some misfortune, be struck by a stray bullet."

Ajay embraced a fiery actress, planted a kiss upon her, and then drained a bottle of wine in a single draught.

"Look at my appearance. I have neither wealth nor striking features. Were I to return, would such a beautiful woman willingly be with me? Here, I am God! I can change my companions a hundred times a day, without repetition. Even billionaires do not live as comfortably as I do.

I advise you, too, to forsake any thought of return. What purpose would it serve? In this world, you are God. You may do as you please."

"Oh, and I should inform you of one matter. If you linger too long, you will be unable to return. You must make your decision swiftly."

Roger inquired curiously, "You are also aware that lingering too long renders return impossible?"

Ajay reclined comfortably in a rocking chair, two of the bikini-clad women stepping behind him to massage his shoulders.

"Naturally. I and Carmack entered together. Later, we discovered the secrets of this place together. He hesitated, and when he finally desired to return, he found that he could not. The original portal had vanished. He was resigned to remaining here."

"Where is he then? I did not see him aboard the ship," George asked.

"I do not know. When we first arrived, we discovered that our 'divine' sphere of influence extended only some ten kilometers or so. He could not, within my domain, exercise the same powers as I. And the same held true when I ventured into other territories. Thus, we parted ways. I have not seen him in a considerable time."

"Ajay, allow me to pose a query. In all your time here, has the extent of your dominion remained static?" Roger inquired with curiosity.

"It expanded initially. However, after I severed my ties to reality, it seems to have reached a limit. But I have little inclination to pursue further expansion. Enlarging my own territory holds little appeal, for I am already intimately familiar with it."

Roger was somewhat bewildered by this revelation. This realm, it seemed, did not adhere to any discernible logic. Why was Sally capable of seemingly limitless expansion, while his own world's rules differed so markedly?

"And what purpose do these recruited sailors serve?" Roger inquired.

"Hehe, you misunderstand. Even a god, dwelling within his own celestial kingdom, can succumb to ennui," Ajay replied, delivering a playful slap to a nearby actress's bosom, eliciting a coquettish giggle.

"I have fashioned this region of mine after the world of Pirates of the Caribbean. It appears expansive, does it not? Subsequently, I made a discovery: at the world's periphery, if one sails a vessel past it, one arrives in another location."

"However, venturing into these other territories is fraught with peril, for there, I am no longer a god. I possess no authority. Death, there, is final. Therefore, I recruit sailors. When I tire of the familiar, I embark upon expeditions."

With that, Ajay produced a map of his own devising, indicating a particular location.

"Here. I previously opened a portal at this point. Upon traversing it, I discovered a vast ocean, upon which appeared a monstrous beast. It overturned my vessel with a single blow, nearly costing me my life."

"Here, I ventured forth and discovered another ocean, and upon it, an island. Upon landing, I was beset by skeletal beings. I had recruited many followers, and after a protracted struggle, we discovered a most unsightly fruit. Remarkably, this fruit could be brought back. And guess what transpired when I consumed it?"

Ajay, with an air of mystery, produced an identical object.

"A Devil Fruit?" Roger recognized the object instantly.

Ajay was taken aback. "You are familiar with this?"

"I have encountered it in a manga. It is said that consuming it bestows supernatural abilities."

"Haha, precisely! Observe my hand." With that, Ajay extended his arm, which stretched forth, reaching the wall on the opposite side of the room.

George, however, remained perplexed. "In your own domain, are you not God? What difference do supernatural abilities make? You should be omnipotent regardless."

"It is not so simple. When I journey to other domains, I am but a mortal man. Yet this fruit, upon consumption, allows me to retain its powers even in other realms. Therefore, I am most enthusiastic about exploring these other territories."

Roger stroked his chin thoughtfully. He had, he believed, a tentative grasp of the underlying principles.

Equivalent Exchange.

And as for the powers of this fruit, Roger suspected, correctly, that they would be unusable outside the confines of the mirror dimension, for no equivalent exchange had been rendered. As to why it functioned within this dimension...he remained ignorant.

"Oh, and I should advise you. If you seek Carmack, you must hasten. For after a prolonged sojourn here, return becomes impossible. At the exit of the magic mirror, you will encounter a transparent barrier, impervious to any force."

Roger understood. This barrier was not glass, but rather something akin to a world membrane.

"Very well. It is imperative that we depart at once. Ajay, are you truly resolved not to return? Remaining here, there is always the possibility of unforeseen danger—"

George had not completed his sentence, for such was the case with Sally's mother, vanishing within the mirror world, the cause unknown. Perhaps she had been consumed?

"Hahahaha, I shall not return. In New York, I was an orphan, and this world is far more captivating. The people here are virtually indistinguishable from the living. I have been placed upon the blacklist in the real world. I have attempted; it is impossible to breach that barrier."

Subsequently, Ajay waved his hand, and the dozen or so bikini-clad beauties vanished.

"Moreover, you must exercise extreme caution. For in the domains of others, death may be permanent. Observe this." Ajay lifted his tunic, revealing a lengthy scar extending from his ribs to his shoulder.

"A wound sustained there may be a mortal wound. Be exceedingly careful."

Leading Roger and George to the deck, Ajay donned his captain's hat.

Turning to Roger, he grinned. "How do I appear? Striking, is it not?"

Roger, with a smile, gave a thumbs-up.

"Indeed. You bear a striking resemblance to Captain Jack."

"Hehe, I concur. Very well, lads! Hoist the sails! Stoke the boilers! We are setting sail!"

George looked on helplessly at the two of them, though he found this place to be rather novel.

"In truth, this is akin adventure world," George remarked. "In all likelihood, such a wondrous journey will occur but once in a lifetime. I shall record it in my diary, and relate it to Gwen."

Roger, too, chuckled. "Gwen will likely deem it a fairytale, akin to those of Andersen."

"By the way, do you desire to experience the sensation of being God? Omnipotent, like Ajay?"

George was tempted, but after a moment's contemplation, he shook his head.

"No. Gwen and her mother await my return. I fear I would be unable to resist the temptation, and that would be disastrous."

With that, he lowered his head, caressed the crucifix hanging from his neck, and smiled.

"Hoist the sails! Set sail—"

The colossal black-sailed vessel slowly began to move out to sea, gathering speed, ultimately attaining the velocity of a racing car.

For a time, George and Roger struggled to maintain their balance, swaying precariously.

"Haha, impressive, is it not? My Black Pearl is the swiftest vessel. On my previous exploration of other domains, it was its speed that preserved my life," Ajay, standing at the helm, roared with laughter.

"My friend, what transpires when you encounter a place that is not the sea? A ship, however swift, cannot traverse land," Roger inquired.

"Hehe, who said a ship cannot traverse land? My vessel, on land, is equally swift," Ajay declared boisterously.

"Lads, activate the sound system! Let us have a song!"

The crew, a motley assortment of individuals, began to laugh and cavort, and then commenced to sing:

[Let's go, let's set off again]

[As far as I know, the battle is still ongoing]

[The rope hasn't been cut, the whale hasn't left]

[The "Billy of Tea" keeps sounding its horn]

[Encouraging the captain, the crew, and everything]

[Before long, the "Billy of Tea" will arrive]


"Very well, I shall leave you here. This is the edge of the world. Beyond this point lies the domain of others. As for the location of Carmack's territory, you need only concentrate intently, and upon entering, you shall arrive there, just as you arrived here."

Ajay paused, then produced several more fruits, handing them to Roger and George.

"These are grown from the seeds of that original fruit. My crewmen have consumed them, and they are able to utilize superpowers in other worlds. I do not know if they will be efficacious for you, but I offer them to you nonetheless."

"Thank you, Ajay. You are a truly good man," George accepted the fruit and offered his thanks once more.

"Haha, do not mention it. I have cultivated many. Farewell, then, to you both," Ajay, with a flourish, bid them farewell, and then departed with his crew.

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