Marvel : Super Extraction

Chapter 2: A Black Eye and a New Power

As Pepper explained the situation, Leon finally processed what was going on.

He wasn't in the Marvel universe just as a random guy. He had an identity here.

Leon Richter was no longer just a random guy from Earth, he was now Leon Stark, the younger brother of Tony Stark.

Apparently, Howard Stark had a secret relationship with a European woman, and Leon was the result. But unlike Tony, who had grown up as the heir to Stark Industries, Leon had been kept out of the public eye. Although Howard ensured Leon was well provided for, his sudden passing, followed by the tragic death of Leon's mother soon after, meant that Tony eventually became his guardian.

Not that Tony had done much in terms of raising him.

Leon had been left to do whatever he wanted, with a comfortable inheritance and a 10% stake in Stark Industries.

Which was great except for the part where he had just punched the only family member he had in this world.

Tony, still holding an ice pack to his eye, shot him a glare. "I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, but next time, try using words before fists, yeah?"

Leon ignored him. His mind was still racing. He was in Marvel and judging by what Tony was saying now, they were dangerously close to the moment that set Iron Man's legend in motion

"There's a weapons demonstration in Afghanistan tomorrow," Tony said. "The military is interested in the Jericho missile series, and I was supposed to present it. But since someone gave me a black eye…" he shot Leon another glare, "I'm thinking you should go in my place."

Leon's heart slammed against his ribs.

Afghanistan. The Jericho Missile demonstration.

That was the moment. The event that would lead to Tony being kidnapped by terrorists and forced to build the first Iron Man suit in a cave.

And Tony wanted him to go instead?!

Hell no!.

"Nope," Leon said immediately, shaking his head. "Not happening."

Tony raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"I'm not going," Leon repeated firmly. "No way in hell."

Tony sighed dramatically. "Come on, you're an adult now. You should start taking responsibility for your shares in Stark Industries."

"Yeah, no thanks."

"Fine," Tony smirked, "then I'll just freeze your bank accounts."

Leon's eye twitched. "You wouldn't."

Tony shrugged. "Try me."

Leon cursed under his breath. He had no idea how much money was in his account, but it was the dividend of Stark's share. Which meant it had to be a lot.

He was still hesitating when Tony added, "Look, I'll even go with you. We'll go together, get it over with, and be back in no time. Easy."

Leon grimaced.

If they went, terrorists would attack and Tony would be captured. And he would probably be taken too assuming he didn't just get killed on the spot.

This was a death flag.

But Tony wasn't the type to change his mind easily. If he wanted me to go with him, then he was going.

Which meant Leon had one night to figure out how to stop it or at least change how it played out.

Grumbling, he stood up and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Tony called after him.

Leon waved him off. "Need some fresh air."

Outside, the ocean breeze helped clear his head a little. He needed a plan. If he couldn't stop Tony from going, maybe he could at least prepare for what was coming.

Maybe he could warn Tony somehow?

Or get some kind of weapon?


…why the hell was he craving an ant?

Leon blinked. His eyes drifted to the ground, where a single ant scurried across the pavement.

And suddenly, his entire body was screaming at him to eat it.

What the actual fuck?!

It wasn't just a weird thought, his body moved on its own, his fingers scooping up the tiny insect before he even realized what he was doing.

"What the hell is happening?!" Leon panicked, but his body ignored him. He popped the ant into his mouth before his brain could stop him.


The moment he swallowed, a voice echoed in his mind.

[Genetic ability detected: Ant.]

[Would you like to extract a random trait?]

Leon's eyes widened.

Holy shit.

He had a system.

Without hesitation, he whispered, "Extract."

[Extracting ant DNA…]

[Ability acquired: Enhanced Strength (Ant Proportion).]

[Would you like to fuse?]

Leon's heart was pounding. His body was tingling.

This was his cheat ability.

He wasn't just an unlucky bastard tossed into Marvel with nothing.

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