Chapter 254: Chapter 255 Two Matters
Following Tony's instructions, Arthur activated ''Šumer'' and immediately a deep, magnetic male voice echoed in his ears.
"Pleasure to meet you, Instructor!"
The voice carried a faint electric resonance, soft and captivating.
"Hello..." Arthur greeted back, feeling a little unsure.
To his surprise, Šumer floated into the air and hovered right in front of him.
"And then?" Arthur blinked, slightly dazed, unsure how to proceed.
"Please issue a command!"
"What can you do?"
"Šumer can scan hostile lifeforms identified by the Instructor, compare them to its database, analyze their weaknesses, and execute attack commands."
Arthur looked at Tony, who just shrugged.
"As long as you don't issue an attack command, it won't attack," Tony reassured him.
"Alright... run a scan."
"Scan complete. Ordinary carbon-based life form detected. Lethal weaknesses include heart and head. A critical strike to these points will result in immediate termination. Vulnerabilities locked. Stand by to execute attack commands at any time!"
"Okay, abort attack mode."
"Attack mode aborted."
Arthur turned to Tony. "Will all future mobile cannons have similar features?"
"The functions will remain the same. However, yours is unique, made of a special metal. It's much more durable, lighter, and has an extended signal range. Otherwise, one teleport from you, and it would become useless," Tony explained, showcasing his thorough considerations.
He continued, "That being said, Šumer's current database doesn't contain much information due to limited data. However, its ability to scan for weaknesses is quite reliable. As you encounter more lifeforms, you can upload their data into the system."
"That's impressive," Arthur nodded in agreement.
Then he tested Šumer's attack capabilities.
Its standard attack involved rapid bursts of energy shots infused with electric arcs and explosive properties— looking exceptionally powerful!
In addition to the standard attack, the homing missiles and the energy beam (the continuous attack mode) truly amazed Arthur.
The performance of the weapon exceeded his expectations.
"I've analyzed the attack mechanisms of your spaceship and applied its energy combination techniques, greatly increasing the weapon's firepower," Tony explained. "However, considering the variety of attack methods the aliens might possess, Šumer's attack modes are still quite limited. Fortunately, the Chitauri have generously provided us with ample research material. But..."
Tony looked at Arthur. "All weapons must remain under our control. From the moment they are created, they must never, under any circumstances, be fired at ordinary humans!"
"That can be coded as a directive," Arthur agreed firmly. "We cannot afford to destroy ourselves with our own creations."
"That's why I was so adamant about not making weapons before," Tony admitted, his tone uncharacteristically serious.
Arthur patted Tony on the shoulder, then suddenly grinned. "By the way, my battle suit... Make me two more, will you?"
"I already have them prepared for you. I knew you'd come back at some point. But the damage to your current suit is outrageous," Tony replied with a cold grin. "And that strange mask of yours - I made you such a great-looking mask. Why did it end up looking like that?"
"Well... it was for practical purposes."
"The universe?" Tony guessed.
"I anticipated that, so I designed some new masks for you," Tony said with a grin. "To be honest, I never thought I'd go to so much trouble to make so many things for one guy."
"Should I be honored?"
That evening, Arthur joined Tony, Pepper, Banner, and Dr. Connors - who had heard the news and come over - for a big dinner.
The atmosphere was lively, although Dr. Connors couldn't help but express his annoyance at Arthur's hands-off management style, and hoped that he would soon return to the company and take charge.
Arthur, however, had no interest in running a business. He marveled at how Dr. Connors, a scientist, could run the company so efficiently. With everything running smoothly, Arthur decided to leave things as they were, much to Dr. Connors' dismay.
If Connors had figured out his next move, he might have thrown in the towel by now.
After the enjoyable gathering, Arthur returned home, tidied up, checked the time, and activated a teleportation array.
In a flash, he disappeared from his room and reappeared in a familiar place - the ladies' room.
As the nominal leader of a supposedly righteous team, meeting in a women's restroom every time did nothing for Arthur's dignity. But considering the security it offered, there was really no better place.
Just as he appeared, he noticed Natasha bent over, washing her face.
"From the back, your curves could make any man's heart race," Arthur commented, crossing his arms in genuine praise.
"And from the front?" Natasha turned to him, unimpressed by the compliment.
"That's perfect, too," Arthur replied quickly. "A beautiful woman has no bad angles, no matter how you look at her."
"Strange. Did you take a course in public speaking in Asgard? When did you get so smooth?" Natasha asked, her tone laced with sarcasm. "I can hardly believe that the smooth-talker in front of me is the same instructor I knew."
"Smooth-tongued?" Arthur blinked. "Mistaking sincere compliments for flattery is heartbreaking, you know."
"Stop it," Natasha said as she walked over to Arthur and looked at him closely. After a moment, she exhaled in relief. "Well, you look fine - not injured, and you even seem to have put on a little weight."
"I'll start dieting when I get home," Arthur muttered. "What's happened at SHIELD since I left?"
"Two things."
Natasha held up two fingers. "First, your big guy was recovered by SHIELD. It's been sent to a research base, but there's been no update. I've found the maps and defensive layouts— you can retrieve it anytime."
Arthur took the documents and nodded. "And the second?"
"After the battle, Loki's magic staff was placed under SHIELD's supervision, but it vanished without a trace. Despite our efforts to track its whereabouts, we found nothing," Natasha explained, her voice grim. "I suspect someone within SHIELD stole it."
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