Chapter 11: Catfight of Miranda and Jack gone wrong
"Take it back you bitch!" Jack roared at Miranda in her office, her biotic fuming with rage as she stalked the Cerberus agent. They've been going at it ever since they got back from Pragia, with Miranda denying that Cerberus was in the wrong. They managed to keep a clear lid before because they were in the presence of others. But once Jack barged into her office and slammed her head against the table, all bets were off.
Miranda stood her ground, not threatened by the stature and instead preparing her own strikes. She raised up her chair from the ground, just as much fury in her eyes as the convict, "I won't, because it is true. You were a waste of Cerberus funds!" She yelled back, throwing the chair at the same time.
Just as Jack caught it with her own pulse, Shepard had run into the room, ready to quell their fighting. Jack sent the seat right back at Miranda, "Fuck off you cunt! You got no idea what went on down there!" she shouted, jabbing a finger at the officer. She spewed blue venom from her lips as she showed her fury.
"I know you were a mistake!" Miranda spit back, preparing another blast. She was fuming with rage that she tampered down. Held back since the convict demanded Cerberus files. Her hate towards the bald bitch was rabid, and she knew the feeling was mutual.
As she raised her arm up, covered in the dark matter, Jack did the same, the immediate intention to kill the other. Their eyes shone with understanding, confirming one of them would not be walking away. They completely ignored the Commander, not realizing she stepped in between them at the very last second.
"Stop!" She yelled, but it was too late. Miranda threw a warp, and Jack projected a mighty flare. Their minds didn't register when Shepard got in between them, hoping to end the fight. And their bodies were faster than their resistance, causing the unarmored Commander to take the full force of both strikes. The dark matter ripped through her clothes like they were air, followed by tearing into her flesh.
The reaction was nearly instantaneous, splitting her in half in mixed explosions of biotic fields and blood. Miranda and Jack's clothes were immediately sprayed in chunks of organs that they eviscerated, slowly processing their commander falling to the ground while her legs remained upright. Even her body was struggling to comprehend the speed of their attacks. But as they witnessed the final result before them, suddenly they're bitter rivalry was put on hold.
Shepard's legs were the only thing between them, Miranda able to see the remains of Shepard splattered onto Jack's body just as the convict saw her enemy's white suit covered in blood, stains that would never wash out. They each shot their gaze to their dying commander on the floor, coughing up blood in her final moments. Miranda panicked and jumped down to the floor in an instant, scared to see two years of her life go to waste. She was on her knees in the mess they caused, trying to gauge Shepard.
Shepard's eyes were frantic, wide awake as she felt her life spilling out of her from all sides. She couldn't even respond to Miranda grabbing her gently and trying to pick her up. Lawson wasn't going to let all of this be in vain, not because of them. But just as she was pulling Shepard up, Jack awoke from her spell, "What the fuck are you doing?!" She shouted at the officer.
"We have to get her to the Medbay, Jack! You and I can fight another day, but we need to help her!" Miranda bickered back, bile and anger coming out of her words like knives.
"You idiot," Jack muttered, moving towards the door and locking in. She turned back to Miranda, her body drenched in Shepard's innards, "We are covered in her. We did that. What do you think will happen if we bring her through the dining hall, into her friend's lab, and tell her that we blew her up and now she needs help," She asks, pausing for a moment as she can't believe the irrationality of the woman in front of her. When she saw the way Miranda held back, not arguing or fighting to save her commander anymore, Jack answered for her, "We'll be fucking spaced by her, or her friends if she died."
Miranda heard the end in her head before Jack said it, but it still impacted her greatly. On one hand, she needs to correct her mistakes and get them back on course. On the other, she did not wish to face the wrath of the Old Normandy crew should they announce their faults. Her head turned to her dying commander, her eyes in desperation for help, and realized that she wouldn't be the one to give it. Sighing, she asked, "Then what do we do?"
Now was Jack's turn to look hopeless for a bit. Shepard's lower half was still standing, and her eyes got drawn to it. It was behind Miranda, and as they were discussing what to do, it was twerking. In her death, Shepard's hips thrusted her crotch back and forth, and her legs struggled to keep their balance. Jack lost interest in their conversation for a second to just witness what was happening. Just from here, she could see that Shepard's pants were getting soaked by something. She assumed just her bladder unloading, but a part of her was kinda hoping it was a squirt.
The thought made her hard a bit, her small cock stiffening in her bloodsoaked pants as the silence dragged on. With how long she was looking away, Miranda followed her gaze to see what she was stuttering over. And after the lower half of Shepard caught her view as well, she silently joined Jack in watching the show. It didn't take too long for her own rod to harden at the sight, blush running on her face as she observed the very girl she was holding buck her hips against the air when they weren't attached.
"We should start by," Jack started to finally speak up, taking small steps to be in line with the cheerleader. Their minds seemed to be thinking a similar thing for once, Shepard hanging onto Miranda for dear life in between the two biotics as they all stared at her ass. She couldn't believe the two perverts! How could they just stand there and do nothing? She heard their reasoning, and understood their fear. If only she could talk, if the blood in her mouth wasn't clogging her ability to speak. She would have pleaded with them, assured they would be safe if it meant they saved her. But alas, it was too much, and she could feel her mind slipping the longer they kept this shit up. Jack continued what she was going to say once she felt comfortable telling Miranda, "We should get out of these nasty clothes."
She took one look at herself and was disgusted with how much she was covered in… In blood, of course, not clothes! Obviously. It was sticky, and needed to be washed out. Miranda gave a small nod, "Right," and lowered Shepard back to the ground, the helpless girl too weak to resist. Her mind was a haze, so cloudy from where she laid that she didn't even notice how the pair simultaneously peeled their clothes off.
Miranda's was in one full piece, and it left her pristine skin relatively well. Only her Collar had the remnants of Shepard's kidneys and took some pressure to rub away. Jack's outfit was a different story, however. Thanks to Shepard's constant nagging, she finally conceded in wearing a shirt, especially when the Commander said she would buy it herself. But now, with it covered in the commander, she had work around the guts and blood that clung to it to toss it over her head, before sliding her pants down afterwards.
With them both in their underwear now, Miranda was surprised that Jack even wore any, they saw better just how each other were getting turned on at the sight of Shepard's twitching ass. It was slowing down a bit, they noticed, starting to lose stability. Their focus almost got lost again when they heard a gurgle come from below the. Shepard managed to crawl enough to grab at Jack's foot, desperately hoping for a rescue. She tried to get something out, anything, but seeing the futas above her share a similar glance at each other, she was beginning to lose hope.
"Now, we should probably end her suffering," Miranda suggested, trying to ignore the growing heat she feels surging below. It doesn't help that her eyes always seem to take any chance to admire Jack's slim bod… Wait, admire? No, she wouldn't! She still hates Jack. Just, she has to admit that the convict has decent assets. Her flat chest was nothing compared to Miranda's voluminous boobs, but they were still nice to look at…
Jack nodded at her statement, but she didn't have a clear idea of what to do. She folded her arms around her chest, contemplating, "Okay. How should we do that, though? Stab her heart out? A quick twist to her neck?"
"Maybe…" Miranda mumbled, trying to come up with something else. Her mind was drawing blanks, if it was anything not associated with busting a nut right now. Her cock hardened so much, it peaked out of her briefs for Jack to see. The convict silently blushed at her rival's member just to show itself like that, making hers toughen up even more. Her frustrated expression while trying not to look down at herself was something Jack couldn't get out of her head. The officer then had a thought when looking at Shepard's dying, pleading eyes. The eyes… "Maybe, we could…" She trailed, trying to form her words correctly, "Send her out with… a good fuck?"
Jack's face grew even redder hearing those words come out, and she just had to see where she was looking at that made her get to that conclusion. "How? She doesn't exactly have the ability to feel…" She started to say until she connected to where Miranda was looking at. Her eyes went to Shepard's, and after a brief pause in confusion, she gasped and shot a glare at Lawson, "You can't be serious? How is that going to give her a good fuck?!"
"Well, I… Wait," Miranda stuttered, "You sound like you've seen something like that before?"
"Being around the galaxy's nastiest makes you witness shit you wouldn't believe," Jack explained plainly, huffing at her. She bit her lip, not sure if she should reveal more, but from the inviting sight of Miranda, she relented, "I might have even done it once. Just on a bitch that got on my nerves too much. And might I say, she did not react well to it."
At that, Miranda somehow didn't want to know more, and wanted to hear the story in detail at the same time. But they didn't know exactly how much time they might have had before the team suspected something. The door might have been locked, but a determined Quarian would crack it easily. They could let this get out. In fact, Miranda remembered there were indeed eyes on her right now. Before she could rationalize it, she shouted to the ceiling, "EDI! Delete all footage of this room since the moment Jack entered!"
The blue orb appeared on its pedestal shortly after she commanded it, with a simple, "Of course, XO Lawson. I assume I should not inform anyone of this mishap either?"
"Yes, EDI. Now piss off," Miranda groaned, letting the AI confirm her orders and blip out, giving her time to explain her process to Jack, "Well, if you think about it, it may help our alibi."
"Alibi?" Jack stood bewildered, relieved at the precautions Miranda was taking, but utterly confused by what she meant.
"Well, the cameras in this room are no longer filming, and while plenty saw you run in here, I don't think there were as many that witnessed Shepard entering. When they go to view the cameras, they'll see we're blacked out. Maybe for… private reasons," Miranda started, letting Jack come to the conclusion of her words before going on, "I think we can both agree we aren't sticking our cocks into each other, but we have to make it look convincing. Hence, we use Shepard here as our alibi. Fuck her, any way possible, and we can get out scott free."
The way she talked, she barely considered their commander a person. To make this seem ethical, Miranda drew back to her mentality during Lazurus, only seeing Shepard as her experiment. It was what kept her sane then, and now. And Jack, well, she found it comforting, and tried to find a way to dehumanize the dying woman beneath their feet. It wasn't hard, especially when she called back to that woman who pissed her off. She was neck deep in alcohol when she approached her, nagged at her about something, until she just snapped.
"Okay," She sighed at that point, feeling the old flame simmer inside, "I guess that would work. So, do you want to go first?" She asked, seeing how much Miranda seemed to be yearning for it. Her cock held no mystery as to what she was feeling, and since Jack got a full view of her entire tip, she felt a little more comfortable to start sliding her panties down.
A humorless laugh emerged from the long haired cheerleader as she saw Jack's small member. It was honestly a little less than average, but in a room with her, the convict's might as well be a pinky. "I guess I did suggest it. Let me just," she confirmed, working her own drawers down her legs. She felt like a robot with how stiff her movements were, undressing herself in front of the dying commander and her rival. When she slipped her feet out of her briefs, the pair heard a thud behind them. Shepard's body finally gave out, flopping onto the floor uselessly with a few last twitches before going cold.
They did their best to ignore the scrumptious ass that waited behind them, both clearly excited to take a crack at it. But Shepard's head needed their immediate attention, and they couldn't just abandon their commander to die such a slow death. Leading the push, Miranda lowered down to her knees and readied her stiff member, fruitless quipping, "Time to experiment," before taking her aim. Jack was following her lead as she took one last look at Shepard's screaming eyes. Her elegant green irises were even more shiny with the layer of tears that she had flooding her face. Her hope for survival drained, but she wasn't restful, not when Miranda took position towards her right eye.
"Sorry, Shepard. We can't take any chances," Miranda cooed to the girl she was about to ruin, "Goodbye." With a deep breath, Lawson took her aim and slid forward. She felt the orb resist her movements for a few seconds, but the more she put pressure on it, the more it started to cave. Miranda went slow to just get a feel at first, but once she got that, she was ready for the next step. She pulled back just enough for Shepard's eye to be normal, even if it was reddened not with abuse. Then, with a resounding grunt, she slammed her hips all the way, bursting the pale ball with pop!
Shepard's pain had been immense so far, but that entry dug her in. It was unbearable, and even if she tried, her screams couldn't be heard from the coughing she was forced into, choking on her own blood the entire time. She only had half her vision now, and it was soon to be none with how predatory Jack's movements were.
The bald futa watched how her foe reacted to her first skull fuck, and that O expression spoke for itself. She moaned like she was being penetrated, filled with the pleasure of such a tight hole. Jack remembered a similar, maybe a little angrier, reaction was on her face when she tried it. She almost was tempted to not even ask the question, "So, how does it feel?"
Miranda was clouded in her need to move, feel the gray matter around her cock shift and morph to her will. But when Jack's voice came up, she responded with a joyous, "Amazing! Holy shit this is good."
"I know right?" Jack laughed, seeing how quickly Miranda lost her compassion for Shepard once she felt the woman's brain on her tip. She really was just a failed product to her, and Jack wasn't going to argue that point. After all, how stupid did one have to be to get in between two hothead biotics ready to blow. She was quick to join the fun, pushing her dick right through Shepard's other eye, blinding their old commander and digging right into her frontal lobe. The convict roared out in bliss, getting to work humping against the crushed socket fervently, "Holy shit! Just as good as last time. Fucking sorry commander, but you have a fucking spectacular head!" She yelled, matching Miranda's speed as they plowed into Shepard's mind.
Shepard felt memories being fucked out of her from both sides, so many precious moments. Her first date with Kaidan, finding Garrus after she came back alive, Tali sneaking into her room to masturbate to her clothes. Wait, was that right? She could have sworn that it was Tali on Haestrom, finishing her work. But, when she tried to dig, all she found was a moan that wasn't hers, and wasn't Tali's. She searched more, feeling so many decrepit, sexual memories of the people she met. The people she was sure she never fucked in her life.
Liara strapped to her bed. Samara fucking her throat out. Hearing Kasumi's ragged breath as she crushed the thief's precious neck. The feeling of a shotgun shell blasting her chest open and Wrex fucking her dead pussy. Why was she imagining… no remembering these things. They didn't. They couldn't have happened. Could they? She died in a grand part of them, but surely she was only dying now.
Whatever she could come up with, it was shattered when Miranda carved a hole right through her hippocampus, wiping out all her memories in an instant. Her cognitive thinking went next with another thrust from Jack, and with another strike, her brain stem was gone. Her top half finally fell limp as it was disconnected to the brain, Shepard only living as her head for al little longer with the girl's raping her brain away.
The biotic bitches had their eyes closed for the longest moment, overwhelmed by the brilliant sensations that they were subjected to. The squishy, jelly substance curdling their meat like it was a delicacy, churning the gray matter like a smoothie while they could feel Shepard finally die. Jack opened her eyes first, feeling her incoming explosion getting ready.
When she did, she saw the creases on Miranda's skin, sweat finding its path through the guts that covered her face. For whatever reason, she couldn't look away. And she knew she should have. She despised the cheerleader bitch, right? Surely she couldn't be admiring her wavy hair as it trailed her movements in and out of Shepard's cranium. Nor could she be adoring how concentrated her features looked, or how her lips… her lips….
"Oh dammit," She relented, giving in to her repressed thoughts and surging towards Miranda. The perfect woman felt the rough lips of the renegade press against hers, and she was about to push her away. But then just after a moment, and opening her eyes to see how truly in deep Jack was going with it, she too forgoed their previous hatred. She partly accepted how it was just a load of sexual tension, and she felt starved when Jack started to back away, thinking she wasn't wanting it. But Miranda just pulled the tattooed girl closer, going deeper into the embrace.
Their feelings truly mutual, they held no more inhibitions. As they made out, the pair also released their long awaited orgasms. The white fluid backed up in their cocks before shooting out, spraying the remains of Shepard's brain in their seed. Life somehow seemed complete in that moment, Shepard's last goal to resolve their problems seemingly fulfilled as her corpse was pumped full of cum. Her head slumped against their members and they had to press incredibly deep into her.
The biotic pair fought with their tongues when they felt their tips touch each other, making them only that much more horny from the feeling. Their members slowly softened and swam in the pool of white they made, all the cum trickling out of Shepard's nose and ears. They relished each other's scent, and only when they stopped unloading into the empty skull, they parted, looking into the other's eyes with intrigue.
They stayed there for a minute, just soulgazing while sealed in the cranium to the hilt. Their hot, sweaty bodies were odorous to say the least, especially since it helped warm the blood and guts that were on their faces and Jack's skin. Neither wanted to end this off with some stupid remark, but it had to come to a close at some point.
"Well," Miranda panted, coming off her high and finally cutting away the silence. She gave another nervous chuckle while she leaned back, trying to relax herself enough, "Guess we got some talking to do. Thank Shepard."
"Yeah, thank Shepard," Jack repeated, giving Lawson privilege to see her for once, honestly content. Her smile was genuine, and she didn't feel forced into being satisfied. Despite the circumstances, she had to admit, this wasn't that bad. She looked down at the body they were still deep inside, Shepard's slack jaw just making the whole ordeal much more appetizing. Suddenly, at the thought, Jack had an idea. Instantly, she called out, "EDI!"
The orb popped up again with a sigh, but listened, "Yes Jack?"
"Can the Medbay preserve bodies?"
It took them a whole day to get what they needed to done. First, they had to hide Shepard's corpse under Miranda's sheets, as well as make it seem they were just having a threesome. Then they had to wipe away the debris they got from the corpse and take a shower, to which both decided to use Shepard's private shower, claiming to anyone suspicious that the Commander gave them clearance to take nice hot showers.
Okay, well, they may have spent a little longer inside there than they planned, something about Jack up against the wall with cream running out her ass as it quivered from Miranda's ASSault or something. Whatever. Actually, when they were in there, they heard something in the corner, and found none other than Kasumi trying to record them. She explained that she saw literally everything go down, and was willing to help them take the ship over. For the thrill of it, she said.
So, after they recruited their stealthy gal, they called a message for each of the original Normandy members to meet in the cargo hold for a surprise Shepard had waiting for them. They stopped Tali from joining, easy to do once they sliced through her suit and shut her in with EDI, who locked her AI Core down until they were done. And all it took was venting Joker, Garrus, Chakwas, and a handful of others into space to be in the clear. Sure, it was a loss, but one they had to make after doing what they did.
They also set an example for the rest aboard, that they were in charge. Shepard's preserved corpse was displayed in the center of the Mess Hall, given easy access for Jack or Miranda to assert their dominance over the crew by fucking the corpse of their commander. The Suicide Mission actualy went much better than planned, only losing Jacob, but who really cared about that. With no obligations to Cerberus or the Alliance, Miranda and Jack toured the galaxy as pirates, EDI and Kasumi their loyal team that kept the rest in line.
And for Tali, well, her body was useful for just a nice fuck pillow for Kasumi once she died from exposure, but her brain was removed. After all, her body may have been weak, but her mind could take the Normandy places with her intelligence. All Miranda and Jack cared about was at the end of the day, they settled their differences the day Shepard came to stop their fight. And she did, and birthed something incredible. Her sacrifice, and their dream.
Hand in hand, across the Galaxy together.