Mass Effect massively messed up

Chapter 13: Choices have consequences

The explosion rocked the whole building, every banshee being sent right back to hell where they belonged. Falere was with Rila holding her tightly, the sisters reunited after so long inside the nightmare. Samara was standing above them, remaining firm but clearly exhausted from the excessive fighting. The family, back together, and Samara dreading what is to happen next. While they kept to themselves, Shepard leaned up against the wall, watching them closely, still not trusting the dangerous Asari, and also not yet appreciative of their reckless behavior back there. In fact, she was infuriated for costing her a good teammate.

Because Rila was so adamant to take the possibly compromise Falere with them, Tali figured she could get the bomb reworked for a further detonation. But as the team made their way to the elevator, Tali staying behind to rewire the trigger, they arrived. A dozen banshees, too many to fight. She saw the fear in Tali's eyes as she turned to them, realizing the situation. But then, her fear turned to acceptance, and she readied the detonator to operate. Jane tried to run to get her, but Samara had both her and Liara in her grasp, throwing them into the lift and sending them up. The last thing that she saw before the door closed was the quarian pressing the button just as a hand cut through her neck, tearing her head off mercilessly.

Shepard had to remain quiet in the lift, since the poor family had to deal with the loss of their demon friends. Not one of her closest friends, no, but the freaks that killed her. She wished she could lay into the pair, but Samara would almost certainly fight back and give platitudes like Tali accepted the risks. Liara was also incredibly angry, pissed and enraged. She wasn't like Shepard, she didn't have any emotional connection to Samara, but she had a great connection with Tali. Being the only other alien woman on the original Normandy with her, they spent countless hours together in deep conversation. They even had a small fling after defeating Sovereign. She could remember when Jane walked into the back of the med bay catching Tali holding Liara up against the wall with her scientist garb unzipped enough to see her breasts. The thing that sold it was how Shepard offered them her quarters for better privacy and a lock. She ended up filling out her reports while having both of the aliens caressing her cock in mere minutes. By the end of their escapade, they had agreed that while it was fun, it was definitely only sexual. They also couldn't walk the next day without stumbling a bit.

So she was reasonably angry when she watched such a good friend-with-benefits die solely because of their selfishness. Why did she even have to fall back in the first place? Made no fucking sense. Now another one of the original members of the Normandy was dead because of a malfunctioning bomb.

With the chaos over, the elevator ringed out as the doors started to slide open. The cool air was a deep contrast to the heated building they just left, and slowly, they gathered up and headed out. Shepard and Liara begrudgingly left the trio to follow them, Shepard calling in the Kodiak while Liara retained her sour taste for the individuals behind them.

As Samara led her daughters out, she approached Shepard, "I thank you, Commander, for saving my children. I am dreadfully sorry about Tali's death."

"It'll be hard, but we honor her," Jane says wearily, keeping her tone plain to not surface her hatred right now.

"But," Samara sorrowfully started, "My work isn't done," she turned to her daughters, "Ardat-Yakshi cannot live in a monastery that does not exist."

"Wait! You have to be joking!" Liara growled, stepping up to Samara and putting and jabbing her finger in the older woman's chest, "We did not just lose Tali for your stupid children just for them to need to die!"

"Unfortunately, it is how you state, but I do suggest you watch your tone about my daughters," Samara warned the broker, "They are brilliant and kind."

"So was Tali!" Liara shouted, pushing the Justicar back, "She was incredible, and smart, and brave. And she died because your cursed lineage couldn't accept their fate."

Samara began to glow a blue as she took a defensive stance, "I understand you are angry, but that is unfair."

"Yeah, that Quarian knew the risks," Rila added as she dragged Falere.

That was what did it. Quarian. Not anyone special, no one by name. But a species. Liara roared, "That Quarian, huh?!" In the flash of a second, she pushed passed Samara and broke her stance as she closed the distance to Rila, "How about you join 'that Quarian'? If you broken bitch can go that high in the sky," she grabbed either side of Rila's head, then with incredible biotic power, turned her around to face behind her. Instantly, the asari fell with her sister, her eyes wide with shock as she died.

"Rila!" Samara screamed, about to run at Liara when she felt hands hold her back. She turned to see Jane on her. Enraged, she blasted Shepard off and made her fly a few feet. She face the Commander and yelled, "Stand down, Commander. She murdered my daughter!"

"And your actions killed Tali," Shepard shot back, bringing her pistol up from her holster. Samara didn't wait for any deal and charged, knocking Jane off her feet as she sent a fist right into the woman's crotch. The armor cracked and Jane doubled over in pain, expelling her food onto the ground beneath her.

Her hair was then grabbed by Samara, "I told you I would kill you if you did something to break my code," Samara grits her teeth as she lands a fist right onto Jane's face. The red head felt each blow as they came, and blood leaked from her nose, staining the fist that kept hitting her. Samara pulled back after a fury of 10 hits, looking at the damage she caused. She had a grim face, bloodied and bruised from the onslaught, but her determination showed through.

With the break in the chaos, Jane threw herself up and delivered her own biotic blast to the Asari. She hit directly on her chest, splitting the top of Samara's suit in half. As she was pushed back, the armor fell down, leaving her massive tits out in the open. But Jane didn't let the sight distract her, not when the rage still clouded her vision. She quickly resumed her barrage with a charge, and precisely throwing a jab into the crook of Samara's left shoulder. The asari cried as the joint was forced out of socket, hanging limp and useless. Still, she did not give in and responded with headbutting the Commander. The attack stunned her for a second, but gave all the opportunity for her to grab her own gun and aim it at Shepard. Firing a round, it struck the woman in the side, making her clutch it hard. She was about to continue firing when Liara yelled, "Hey, bitch!"

Samara quickly turned her gun, ready to strike the asari. The moment she saw blue, she fired a round in the girl's head. The air was still, and she was breathing heavily. When she stopped seeing red, she realized the body hadn't fallen. It took her that long to see that the person she shot was Falere, Liara holding her up in a headlock. The hole in her head still had smoke coming out, and her whole body gave out, Liara supported all the weight of the corpse, "Was intending to get you to stop, but that solves one problem," she passed off to the Justicar.

Tears welled up, a feeling she hadn't felt in centuries. Not even killing Morinth was this painful. Because, that was it. Her last daughter, killed by her own foolishness. She dropped her gun immediately, and it gave Liara the ability to raise her own, and she didn't hesitate. A bright flash, loud bang, and Samara was falling backwards, blood crawling out of a crevice in her skull.

Liara was still tightly holding her gun minutes after Samara collapsed on the floor. After a few more breaths, she turned to Shepard, remembering her injured state. Quickly, she tossed the corpse she was holding down and made her way to Jane, "Are you alright?" She asked as she felt up the Commander's side.

"Yeah, I'm good," she grunted, activating her omnitool to apply some gel, "Nothing that can't be helped."

They stood taller now, and scanned the bodies they just took out. It was a sad sight, seeing Tali's sacrifice go in vain. But, at least they got most of their anger out. Shepard called a delay on the shuttle, and Cortez didn't ask and just agreed to hold back. That gave the pair time to carry the bodies over to the hovercraft Samara had, stuffing both her daughters in the back. As Jane shut the door and turned around, she noticed that Liara was particularly staring at Samara's large bust.

Jane approached carefully, trying to gauge what she was thinking. A perplexed expression showed on her face, and to respond to the prowling of Shepard, she spoke, "Just thinking. Her suit was so slutty. Barely even held together."

"Yeah, I know right?" Jane laughed, placing a hand on her hip, "I've seen Omega strippers with more decency than her. If she tried, I'm sure Aria wouldn't hire her with how much she exposed."

"Definitely," Liara smiled, then turned to a more curious expression. It was more inward, and she suddenly felt very hot, "Shit, I'm getting in heat again. Just looking at those big tits is getting me going," she confessed as she put a palm to her forehead.

Jane scanned the scientist's body downward, able to see a visible dent in her trousers. It only took her a small self-conscious thought to realize she had one too, "Fuck, didn't think I would have been able to stop myself if I ever saw her nude."

Liara glanced over and saw Jane rubbing her crotch excessively. An idea popped into her mind. A dirty, awful one. But it sounded too hot in her head. She wasn't in control, she just leaned down and took hold of the torn dress. Then, she carefully torn the slit made down further, sliding it off her shoulders diligently. She ignored the questions that Jane was giving her and didn't stop until she was brushing against the dead asari in between her legs. It was then she felt a slick, wet spot. She had to peel the fabric off to fully remove it from Samara's body, and the feel was surprisingly warm for being a few minutes old.

When she was fully uncovered, Liara stood back up with the suit in her grasp. Her fondling left Samara's limbs slightly astray, appearing like she fell a great distance. Her body was on full display to both the futagirls, and both held subtle blushes on their face. They glanced at each other, and didn't need to meld to read each other's minds. With a little hesitance, they dropped whatever they had in their hands and reached down to their pants. Unbuckling and removing all the gear on their persons lower halves took a long few minutes, especially with their pulsing members starting to be more painful to keep concealed.

By the time they were in their drawers, their erections were stiffer than steel. Bulging from their shorts, they were quickly pushed off and sent to the ground. In response, the solid cocks bounced up to full mass, Liara's a daring 8 inches. Jane's only rivaled hers by another 3 due to the modifications of Lazurus. They once again examined the corpse beneath them, and Shepard finally brought up the obvious, "Are we really doing this. Fucking a corpse? And an old ally at that?"

"Well," Liara shrugged, scratching her head as she recalled old history, "Back in tribal times of the Asari, it was common practice to use the bodies of defeated foes to display power and a sense of respect towards the fallen, giving them a pleasurable send off to the afterlife," she explained with unusual clarity. Though, she began to trail off a bit the more she looked at Samara lying before her. She basked in the sight of the lovely folds she felt while removing her garments, and her heat was starting to become stronger with every glance.

Jane caught on, and worked to help the distracted asari out, "So, since the Justicar code is that old, we could just say that we're following the old ways?"

"Yeah!" Liara returned with more enthusiasm than she should've. She immediately back down to a more hesitant, "Yeah, we can say that."

The nervous laugh that followed seemed to break the tension a little, as Jane joined in as well. After another couple seconds of waiting, she decided to make the first move, getting down on her knees and straddling Samara's thighs.

"Hey!" Liara called as she was coming back to focus, "I wanted to use that first!"

Jane shrugged as she pushed her cock inside the woman's folds, "Well, then you should've been quicker about it. You can get her mouth right now."

"Hmpf," Liara puffed as she reluctantly made her way around to the other side. Getting to the ground as well, she carefully opened the Justicar's jaw with one hand, while putting the tip of her member in with the other. Once the mushroom was under the tongue, she jabbed forward, letting the lips close back down around her member as it penetrated her throat. Thanks to the miracles of Asari biology, it was still incredibly warm. It was soothing to the Shadow Broker, and she took it powerfully to the core. Gracefully, she slowly eased into the canal, like an experiment she was destined to complete.

Once she made it to the base of her shaft, she let out a guttural moan. It was so shameless and pathetic, that it stunned Shepard. She shot her eyes up, looking like she was high, and stuck her tongue out aggressively loose, flailing around as she began her motions. Pulling out and shoving back into the throat of the dead woman was a challenge to do repeatedly, but that was part of what made it amazing. After only another rough pound that she actually echoed her sentiment out loud, "Fuck, yes. Such sweet lips."

"You seem to really be enjoying yourself over there," Jane chuckled, going in at a more even pace. It was a rhythmic fluid, her thrusts. It was as if this was just a normal thing to her, going in and out at such a casual pace Liara couldn't focus.

Still, she did manage to respond enthusiastically, "Absolutely! She's so good! How's that set of lips down there?"

"Beautiful," Shepard smiles, giving a greater hump for emphasis, "I know it's terrible, but I feel so good doing it," she states as she increases the speed slightly, just enough to where it takes effort to barrel into the snatch. The walls were tight, clearly it has been decades since it has been used. She could hardly fathom that type of celibacy, but was infinitely grateful for it. Having such a virgin-like cunt to be serviced by made all of this even better.

Liara was still up in her high as she plowed into the cooling jaw. Her thoughts dissipated and her need increased, everything becoming a blur with only one focus. Fucking Samara. The blue corpse bounced around as both women railed into it, her perky breasts shooting from one extreme to the other. The blood that oozed out of her head trailed down and started to pool under Liara's legs. Even when the sticky purple liquid started to stain her thighs, she never stopped her barrage, going like a machine gun to the Justicar.

Their moans were joined together as they not too soon reached their peaks. They matched speed as well, with piston-like energy rapid firing until they couldn't contain it any longer. Their cocks were pulsing with great intensity and it was really only a matter of time before one of them would spurt. It was just a decision on who. While Liara was in the clouds, Shepard focused on the sight of the dead Asari before her. Her eyes locked on to the jiggling tits that flew all over the place. They were quite large, and voluminous from this view, she licked her lips in envy.

Without thinking too much about it, she leaned all the way down and plopped her mouth right down onto the left breast. Immediately she began to bite down and suck. Surprisingly, they gave milk, Jane getting a good taste of the sweet Asari lactase. She lapped up the fluid like a baby, not letting it stop her assault on her snatch.

Finally, after another agonizing few minutes of pushing to the limit, Liara broke first. She cried out blissfully and pulled out. She aimed the tip of her member right at the dead face of Samara and unleashed her cum onto it. She shot rope after rope, covering most of the head in her thick cream. It flowed into the crevices of her head tails, and splattered all the way down to her collar. Her shouts of passion were shameless, and loud enough that it could be heard throughout the mountain side.

Watching Liara cream the warrior's face, Jane managed to let the floodgates loose and release her own load of semen into the snatch. She pressed against the womb as she unleashed her baby making fluids right into it. She released her hold on the nipple in her mouth and held onto the corpse tight, her rod fully submerged as her balls drained into the hole she planted herself in. She groaned, though with a lower volume than her Asari counterpart, riding out her gorgeous ride in style.

After a good minute and a half of rivers flowing, the futa pair eventually died down. Their rods stopped pushing their seed out gradually, like turning a faucet off slowly until a small stream was all that was coming out for a bit. A stream that became nothing moments after, their orgasms spent completely.

They huffed and panted for a bit, living out the rest of their high for a while. The silence was refreshing, the only sounds being their breaths that were heavily and dense with exhaustion. It gave them time to have a sense of clarity, that they just committed a very heinous act to an ally after they murdered her and her family. And what's worse, is that they enjoyed it so much.

So much so, that what came out of Liara's mouth next didn't come as a shock to Shepard, "Okay, I might've lied about the concept of having sex with your enemy's corpse."

She simply just accepted it, not being in denial about the necrophilic act. Instead, she laughed at the statement, quickly joined in by the broker's giggle. They remained where they were for another moment, but firmly knew they had to eventually get back up. And so, Jane begrudgingly pulled her rod out carefully, exiting the stretched out cunt with a pop. The second she left, her seed spilled out into the open, guzzled out like a leaky gas tank. They picked themselves up, then reexamined the body, "I guess we should get her out of sight."

"Yeah," Liara nodded, "Wouldn't want Cortez to see her naked ass as we get in his craft. Not a good look for the heroes of the galaxy to be fucking bodies."

They shared another laugh, then got to work. Still butt naked, the pair took their respective limbs and dragged the corpse to the car. Popping open the driver's side, they carefully put her into the seat. Posing her wasn't that difficult, able to conceal her bareness mostly by planting her head on the dash. However, the actions stopped when they made their sights turn to the other dead lady's in the back of the vehicle.

Their members spurred back to life slowly with every glance, and after they shared a knowing look, they simply shrugged and opened the back doors. Taking out the Asari daughters, they ripped their clothes apart and went to town. Liara got Rila while Shepard enjoyed Falere's body. Both were exceptionally tighter than their mother. It seemed they had no sex rules at the monastery, fearing a meld. But because of that, they were fresh, and they both got to pop their respective corpses virginity. They went in with full strength, railing the bodies without stopping, Shepard laying in the back of the car with Falere on top. Liara hammered Rila into the back of the open trunk, pounding her way through with a fury.

It was another hour before Shepard finally reported to Cortez they were ready for extraction. She had made sure to rebuckle every strap to not give any suspicions. She called him as she slammed the door shut, leaving a cum drenched Falere in the back. Rila was stuffed in the trunk she was fucked in, the bottom of it having at least a pool of cream from the shadow broker. "Okay," she said out loud as she turned to Liara, "He's on his- way."

She stumbled at the fact that Liara had fully ditched her original look. She wasn't naked though, but instead wearing the red and gold dress of Samara. She posed in front of Jane, smirking, "How do I look?"

Jane blushed at the sight, but remained calm enough to respond, "Like I might need to see you in my quarters after we get back."

Liara laughed as the shuttle dropped down, and they walked in without incident. Only when the door was closing, did she give more. Slapping the Commander on the ass, making her yelp, Liara whispered in her ear, "Is that an order?"

"Yes, Liara T'Soni" Shepard said as she sat down, taking in what just happened. Necrophilia. Who would've thought? To turn the savior of the galaxy on so easily is a corpse. Made her think of her other crewmates of old, in more demeaning ways. She turned to Liara, seeing her similar debate in her head. She knew it would be talked about in that room, but right now, all she could do was smile and add to her statement, "It's an order indeed."

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