Mass Effect massively messed up

Chapter 9: Project H4Y/D33

After the fall of the Reapers, life returned to normal – or as normal as it had ever been. Once it had been cleansed of the ancient machines' influence, the Citadel with all of its bureaucracy and corruption returned, and other planets and systems quickly followed suit. Samara found a certain measure of relief in it – even after all the upheaval and destruction it seemed that civilization would always persevere, warts and all.

Her duties as a justicar, however, saw a dramatic increase in demand. Governing bodies like the Alliance and the Council were still reeling from the war, spread too thinly to enforce their own laws, and once where she had received cold dismissals she now saw impassioned, desperate pleas for her assistance. One such request came from Illium, a planet notorious for its hands-off approach to the various shady, immoral practices of its founding corporations – which spoke volumes as to the issue at hand.

She scrolled through her datapad, scrutinising each line, each word of the message carefully. A new robotics distributor had opened a storefront in the lower levels of the business district, far from the main hub of corporate engineering firms, and if the tip was to be believed, it was carrying out practices that fell outside of even Illium's legal loopholes. Her informant neglected to give further detail, nor disclosed their name and affiliation - as far as she knew, they could be a member of any number of the established corporations, looking to eliminate its new competition. Even so, lawlessness could and would not go unanswered.

Chartering a ship whose captain asked no questions as to her identity proved an easy task, as she expected from one operating on a planet like this. Credits transferred, no words or glances exchanged – it was a swift journey down to the surface, and she soon found herself disembarking onto a quiet, discreet landing platform in Nos Astra. She wasted no time in tracking down her target, taking care to remain unseen along the way. Justicars like her were uncommon sights outside official asari space, and she did not need the added complication of being recognised.

Samara observed the business' operation from across the street, secreted away in a hidden alcove. Outwardly, there appeared to be nothing untoward – two humans inside served as salespeople, dealing with the few customers that wandered in, and she did not recognise any criminals within their number. Something small, however, did catch her interest – some of the potential buyers exited with a keycard, slipped to them subtly during the transaction. She memorised their faces and the times of their appearance, filing the information away for later use – and waited until the close of business hours to follow one such customer to his intended destination. The justicar found herself travelling even deeper into the bowels of the city, far from the swooping, pristine architecture of the main concourse. Any veneer of respectability was also missing – she identified numerous wanted felons exchanging weapons and illicit substances in plain view, taking full advantage of their legality on Illium, and whilst she could easily apprehend them, she had far more intriguing bounty to focus on.

The turian she was tailing headed down an alleyway, pulling out his keycard as he approached the terminal at the far end. Seizing the opportunity, she descended upon him in an instant – and, after his unconscious form had been bound and concealed in a nearby locker, Samara placed the card against the holo-reader. It emitted a soft beep , followed a louder hiss as the dead end slid aside to reveal an elevator. It appeared that whoever oversaw this operation was particularly adept in concealing its true purpose, she thought with a frown, but they had never faced a justicar before. Her long, slender fingers danced over her omni-tool, employing several hacking programs on the machine's systems, and the security camera within was rendered non-functional before she entered.

There was only one option listed on the holographic display, marked only as LAB , and as soon as she selected it, the door slammed shut behind her. The elevator began to move, filling the small space with a low, steady hum. Her hand slid down to rest upon the sidearm at her hip, index finger resting against the trigger guard, and she closed her eyes, breathing in deeply as she prepared herself for whatever awaited her on the other side. Her mind was as much a weapon as her gun or her biotics – it needed to be sharp, honed to a fine edge without imperfection. Any flickers of apprehension, of doubt, anything that would impair her in carrying out her duties – cast aside, leaving in their place by a singular, unwavering focus.

Something, however, jarred her delicate meditation – a low, almost inaudible noise from behind the control panel, a repetitive beep that hadn't been present when she'd stepped into the elevator. Samara broke her trance, concern creasing her brow as she went to investigate – but it was too late. Her balance was momentarily disrupted when the machine came to a sudden, grinding halt, and as she was righting herself a peculiar scent filled the air.

Her eyes darted up to the vents, widening at the sight of a thin, white gas dispersing into the cabin. She reacted quickly, activating a respirator unit and placing it over her nose and mouth, but the brief second of exposure was enough for the substance's effects to take hold. Her movements felt sluggish as she opened her omnitool once more, attempting to bypass the lockdown on the elevator mechanism, but grew so unwieldy and uncoordinated that she was forced to give up. Samara let out a soft grunt as her knees buckled beneath her, collapsing her against the cold, steel wall – she did not have much time before her body succumbed to the gas, but by the Goddess she would not go without a fight. Her hand fumbled around the grip of her weapon, tightening around it with what little strength she had left – and a burst of sparks exploded out from the console as she squeezed the trigger. The elevator slowed, the low hum of motion coming to a halt – and a momentary flicker of satisfaction was the last thing she felt before she was claimed by the void.

Her rousing was a sudden affair, spurred on by a painful jolt of electricity delivered to the base of her neck. Part of her was surprised to still be alive - justicars rarely saw capture, often deemed too dangerous and resourceful to be kept as prisoners. Many of her fellows had met that fate, brutalised and butchered in captivity by criminals too cowardly to meet them in a fair fight. Her survival meant only one thing – that her captor was either brazen or foolish enough to assume he could keep her contained – and that was a mistake that they would soon sorely regret.

She was- naked, lying bare on top of a padded gurney. Her armour was visible off to the side, neatly folded a workbench, and on top lay her weapon. Samara closed her eyes, feeling for the familiar surge of power that came with her biotics. There was a trace of it – a slight, electric flicker through her nerves – but dissipated like smoke, slipping through her grasp before she could harness it. Several other attempts also met with failure, leaving her straining uselessly against her cold, biting restraints and, despite herself, a tremor of- fear ran down her spine as she realised exactly how powerless of a position she was in.

A low hum drew her attention to the door behind her, forcing her to crane her neck as she watched a nondescript human enter the room. They wore a form-fitting suit, one that resembled a quarian envirosuit save for the solid, yellow goggles staring down at her from above. The mask on their face gave off a pssshhhh as they exhaled, studying her with an ominous, almost supernatural stillness – and she returned his gaze with an icy glare of her own, jaw set and resolute.

"Subject conscious." A man's voice filtered through the mask, garbled and distorted to the point of unintelligibility, and yet its cold, clinical difference rang clearly with just two words. He didn't view her as a sentient being – no, to him she was little more than experimental stock, cattle to be used in whatever foul research he was conducting. The way he handled her, his hands grasping and squeezing various parts of her body without restraint or concern for her dignity, only reinforced this belief – and she felt a rush of anger and- embarrassment when he dug his fingers harshly into her breasts, hard enough to make her grunt in pain.

"Asari female, approximately a thousand years old," the man continued. "Response to pain stimuli noted - nerve conduction studies show levels are within acceptable parameters for procedure. Beginning phase one presently."

The low hum grew to a loud, mechanical whirring as a host of robotic arms rose from the floor, each of them bearing a different instrument at their apex. One of them hovered over her, scanning a bright, red light up and down the length of her body, and gave a confirmatory hum before another positioned itself just above her right shoulder. The generator housed within activated, power singing through its circuits – and within a fraction of a second, she lost all feeling in her arm.

"Mass effect scalpel deployed – right arm excised successfully. Blood flow contained – proceeding with contralateral upper limb."

Samara watched with wide, disbelieving eyes as the man lifted a slender, blue arm from the table – that couldn't be hers, she thought, it couldn't be – but there was no denying the sickening reality when she looked down. There was nothing beyond her shoulder – her limb was gone, skin, muscle and sinew cut through in a millisecond by a single mass effect field, refracted and concentrated to an atom's width.

Samara barely had time to adjust to her new reality before the same device swivelled over to her left side – and after an echoing thoom , she felt cessation of all sensation in that arm as well. The man removed that limb as well, setting into some manner of gel-filled container that swallowed it up eagerly. If she looked closely, she could make out a few minute, final twitches of her fingers before they fell still – and the fury she felt at her mutilation was only rivalled by the very palpable, growing fear starting to push past her carefully constructed walls of calm.

"Upper limbs amputated bilaterally and placed into nanite-preservative gel," the man announced. "Mass effect fields holding – effective circulatory volume maintained. Proceeding to final phase."

Restraints locked in against her head, forcing her to face forward. The justicar didn't need her finely honed intuition to know what was coming, nor could she stop it. She could only watch as another humming arm of the machine swung over directly over her face, lowering slightly to loom over her throat.

"You will regret this." Her final words were a promise, one that she would not be able to fulfil – but one that she hoped her allies and friends would see through to the end. "I swear it by the Goddess Athame, you will-"

The activation of the scalpel drowned out her last proclamation. In the blink of an eye, the mass effect field sliced through the freckled, scaly skin of her throat, through her trachea and her neck muscles and cleaved between her cervical vertebrae with a speed and precision that rendered the procedure almost painless. All Samara felt was an overwhelming dizziness washing over her as her brain struggled to process the bizarre feeling of such an instantaneous decapitation. For a moment, the last echoes of her body's senses lingered – one last, almost mocking glimpse of life – before she was plunged into an all-encompassing emptiness.

She tried to speak but, with her vocal cords separated from her lungs, her lips moved without sound. The man appeared to be speaking as he moved around her, but she could no longer hear him over the ringing in her ears which grew louder and louder by the second. Samara conjured up images of her children – her daughters Rila and Falere, even Morinth – and their faces gave her some measure of comfort as she neared her end. Her thoughts began to grow hazy, more disjointed and incoherent, until she couldn't even remember where or even who she was. The last thing the great justicar felt before her demise wasn't righteous anger or fury – just plain confusion, her brow creasing with a slight furrow before going slack altogether.

The technician studied Samara's vacant expression and the spasms of her freshly decapitated, armless corpse with a dispassionate eye. The monitors indicated cessation of all vital functions – heartbeat absent, blood pressure zero over zero, respiration nil – and automatically the tissue viability count-down began, giving him precious time to complete the procedure.

With the justicar finally dead, he could focus on finishing his work. He picked up her decapitated head by the tentacles, noting the small spasms and twitches flickering through her facial muscles – it appeared even in death, the appendages were extremely sensitive to stimulation. It warranted some investigation, that was for sure, and he'd keep that in mind for the next hapless asari that would wander his way. For now, he had to keep going – and to that end, he gently lowered her head into the gel of the preservation tank before inputting the activation command. It sank slowly downwards, bubbles escaping from her mouth as it filled with the greenish goo, and with a soft thud it came to a rest to the bottom of the tank. Samara's vacant, half-lidded eyes gazed out, watching impassively as the man who'd so clinically and cruelly ended her life began to convert her body into something that would've truly disgusted her.

The scalpel adjusted to his commands, a short, thin blade forming instead of the cruder flat he'd used earlier for the amputations – and ran down the length of her belly, stopping a few inches shy of her prominent pubic mound. The abdominal muscles honed by years of training and battle split apart down the middle, layers of fascia and muscle spreading aside to reveal her steaming, blue-purple viscera. The man reached in, using his fingers to bluntly dissect through the stringy connections keeping the coils of guts in place, and began to remove the non-essential organs. The small intestines, the stomach, the pancreas and liver – they all went into their individual containers, shrink-wrapped and flash-frozen for freshness – and there was little left inside her abdomen once he was finished, save for what he needed.

"Explantation of major abdominal organs completed – implantation of hardware commencing."

Another mechanical arm lowered, bringing along with it a glowing, blue-veined device. This was the secret to it all and, truthfully, one that he didn't fully understand. The Reaper tech was truly a mystery, despite all the research and alterations he'd done to make this whole process possible, and there were times he was convinced it had a mind of its own. Still, he had to proceed.

The man watched with bated breath as the object was fitted into her open stomach – and let out an almost audible gasp as tendrils shot out from the object, threading themselves into the asari's flesh. Pulsating masses of biomechanical flesh grew out from them, filling the hollow space until he could no longer see her insides, and with a soft hiss they knitted the incision over her torso back together, so perfectly that there was no hint of a seam in her flawless, sapphire skin.

"Reaper nodule accepted. Beginning fitting of upper limb prostheses and control unit," he mumbled, almost reverently at the raw display of morally unfettered science taking place. Two crimson, robotic arms laced with golden accents were fitted onto the stumps of her shoulders, flesh fusing to metal in an almost liquid-like fashion – and finally, the last piece of the puzzle. The HAYDEE control unit – a smooth, faceless chrome cranium filled with state-of-the-art programming - was lowered down to her severed neck and, with a hiss, it latched on and began to boot.

Within seconds, the linking process was complete. The Reaper tech in her torso interfaced with the control unit, receiving commands to bring functions back online, and with a loud beep the monitor once again began to register life-signs. Her chest rose and fell, her lungs inflating and deflating at an optimised, predetermined rate – and her still heart began to beat, sending blood coursing through her body once more.

"HAYDEE unit, bring yourself online."

There was a hiss as the restraints released – and then Samara rose once more. Her legs swung over the side of the operating table in a swift, fluid motion and she stood to attention, completely still and unswaying. The technician approached, reaching out to cup the heavy mound of her breast with his hand – and nodded in satisfaction at the immediate autonomic reflex, bringing her dark, dimpled nipples to full stiffness. They jutted out proudly in the cold air, with the same confidence and grace that the justicar had possessed in life – and he found himself cracking a thin smile at the marvellous transformation he had wrought upon such a divine woman.

Between her legs, however, was another story. Her thighs were wet and sticky with urine, released in the moment of her beheading with rather violent enthusiasm, and he could smell the lingering stench of her innards clinging to her skin even through his protective mask. He quickly finished his cursory examination, testing reflexes and responsiveness, and signed off on the procedure – complete, ready for shipping .

"Report to sanitation and hygiene," he ordered. "And be quick about it, our client will be arriving soon."

The drone that used to be Samara bowed subserviently, backing away slowly before it turned to walk down a hallway and deeper into the bowels of the facility. The man let out a deep sigh, contentment at a job well done, and tapped at his console. His work list came up and, as Samara's name vanished, another appeared. No rest for the wicked, he thought to himself with an internal chuckle – and pressed accept on his next job, waiting for his next project to enter his workshop.

Morinth gave a low whistle as she strutted down an aisle lined with HAYDEE dolls, every shade of asari skin on full display. Lilac, teal, a delicate, sea-shell blue – it seemed that whoever the procurer of livestock was, they certainly had an eye for colour. She licked her lips, rubbed the pulsing bulge in her pants – but she wasn't about to waste it on any of these nameless sluts, not when she had a far greater prize awaiting her.

Surviving the war hadn't been easy – she'd come close to being assimilated by those machines, but narrowly avoided it thanks to sheer fucking determination and a healthy serving of luck. Compared to that, building her fortune was practically a cake-walk, and the first thing she did after making her first five million credits (or stealing it from a brain-dead human executive, whatever) was turn her attentions to the only problem that could possibly get in the way of her enjoying this new peace.

Which brought her to right now. Morinth entered the room at the end, some manner of guest suite for clients to try out their recently purchased product, and took a glass of champagne from one of the drones standing by the bed. The alcohol fizzed pleasantly against the back of her throat as she downed it in a gulp, laying back against the silk sheets - though despite the refreshment her thirst wasn't slaked for even a moment. She tapped her foot impatiently, glaring at the faceless, unreadable visage of the nearby drone, and was about to show her displeasure when the door slid open.

Even though she knew what she'd bought, it still took her breath away. Morinth watched with dilated, lustful eyes as the HAYDEE unit that used to be her mother strode into the room, hips swaying seductively from side to side – but what truly made her erection finally swell to its full, raging length was Samara's slack face staring out at her from within the preservative tank, nestled safely under the drone's arm.

"Congratulations on purchasing a limited series HAYDEE Love Unit – Justicar Edition," intoned Samara's richly timbred voice. Morinth was glad that she paid for the full package, voice simulation and all - the inflections matched her mother's perfectly, each syllable sending a pulse of arousal down the full length of her cock.

She grinned in delight as the drone stepped forward. The costume it wore was fashioned after her demands, a far more obscene, revealing version of Samara's usual garb – and it gave her such satisfaction to see the justicar's lewd body on full display, her ample breasts jiggling with effort as it placed the tank on the bedside table.

"This unit has been programmed with more than a hundred thousand varieties of sexual techniques, all designed with your pleasure in mind," Samara continued to say. "Please, take the time to enjoy all that I have to offer – your satisfaction is our guarantee-"

"Right, enough of that corporate nicey-nice bullshit," Morinth interrupted. "I want you to sound like a trashy, holovid pornstar, okay? And you can start by getting that head out of the jar, and wrapping those fat tits around my cock. Understand, you piece of undead fuckmeat?"

The drone took a moment to process her demands, then-

"Of course, baby," Samara purred, forced from beyond the grave to humiliate herself – and it was nothing but music to her daughter's ears. Morinth hurriedly yanked her pants off and settled on the edge of the bed, watching eagerly as the drone retrieved her mother's head from its container. She all but snatched it from its hands when it returned, leering at the justicar's slack-jawed expression – that dumb look of submission looked far better than the haughty, holier-than-thou arrogance that oozed off Samara by the bucketful. She spat in Samara's face, relishing the way it smeared down her cheek with no reaction at all from her perfectly preserved, lifeless flesh – and held it to one side as she watched her mother's corpse kneel between her legs.

"You want me to jerk that big, blue cock off with my tits? Want me to pump these fat udders along this monster until you cover them in all that thick, creamy jizz?"

"F-fuck yeah," Morinth growled, biting her bottom lip hard. Fuck, she had only ever dreamed of this – her mother's delectable breasts mashed tightly around her member, stroking until she burst – and it was real, so real she could lose it right here and now. She breathed in sharply, fisting her hands in the sheets, as the drone pressed her already leaking cock into the deep valley of Samara's cleavage. A single spurt of pre-cum sprayed from her slit, splattering across the dimple of Samara's throat, and she took another shuddering breath to steady herself.

"Nice and slow, slut," she commanded, her voice wavering a little. "And keep talking, I want to hear how good it feels to worship your own daughter's fat fucking cock!"

Another groan spilled past her lips as her cock was swallowed into the hungry, almost suction-like grasp of Samara's ample mounds. Morinth gritted her teeth, trying to hold back the instinctive urge to moan – there was no fucking way she was going to give her mother the satisfaction of beating her so quickly. Her fingers dug into Samara's cheeks, forcing those full lips into a whorish pout, and she sneered at Samara's ridiculous expression with a vicious hiss. She 'd won, finally and forever – and she would enjoy her victory by extracting every last morsel of pleasure from her mother's corpse before she let herself cum.

"Mmmm, your cock feels so fucking good between mommy's tits," the drone moaned, twisting Samara's dignified voice into a delightfully depraved parody of itself. "So thick, so hard – and you're twitching so much , I can't wait for you to cover me with cum…."

Robotic hands squeezed those buxom, blue breasts tightly around her shaft, moulding perfectly around every bulging vein and twitching cord of muscle, until she could barely see the bulbous head of her cock poking out from the top. Morinth's hips bucked reflexively, another jet of pre-cum splattering onto her mother's perfect chest, and she only managed to stop herself from moaning out loud by crashing her lips to Samara's, forcing the guttural sound of lust into her mouth alongside her tongue.

" Mmmmhhhhhh….."

Once she got started, she couldn't stop. Morinth passionately made out with her mother, the apathy and unfeeling response she received only amplifying her sense of dominance and driving her urges out of control. Her hips were a blur of motion as she eagerly fucked Samara's fat udders at a faster and faster pace, no longer caring how much she was oozing over all that flawless skin. She could feel her heart pounding wildly inside her chest, almost on the verge of exploding – but she kept on going, going and going and going until-

" Gnnnhhhhh -fu-fucking take it you goddamned whore- "

The load she'd been saving up for days exploded out of her cock with incredible force, gushing like a fountain to coat the drone's shell of a face. Rope after rope of thick, stodgy asari sperm rained down over her mother's perfectly preserved figure, splattering over her breasts and dripping from those thick, swollen nipples to form puddles by her feet. Morinth grunted like an animal, burying her entire length into her mother's cleavage over and over again, and by the time her orgasm finally petered out she felt well and truly drained, satisfied beyond any sexual experience she'd ever had.

And she hadn't even fucked her yet.

"Oh fuck..." the drone cooed, playful and sing-song. "Such a massive load for mommy, you naughty girl….. don't tell me that's all you have, baby? Mommy's pussy is so wet, so ready to be bred…."

A soft chuckle escaped Morinth's lips as she eased herself free from Samara's cleavage, every inch of her sticky and glistening with her cum. Her erection was flagging, growing soft from after such an intense climax, but she'd come prepared. Reaching into her discarded pants, she popped the bottle of Hallex and chugged down pill after pill until she could feel her cock growing stiff again. An all-encompassing euphoria washed over her, saturating every fibre of her being, and her eyes were completely black as she gripped her mother with her biotics and threw her onto the bed.

"Face down," she grunted. "Ass up, and spread 'em."

The drone obeyed without hesitation. Morinth grinned viciously as Samara's fat ass raised into the air, presenting itself in a truly lewd fashion. The drone reached back to peel her asscheeks apart - somehow both the tightest and juiciest set she'd ever lay eyes on – and she let out a groan, cock aching at the sight of her mother's sopping azure and the pink, puckered hole that sat above it. The choice was almost too hard to make, but one look into Samara's vacant eyes helped to make her mind and she tossed her mother's head aside to brace herself on her hips.

Morinth groaned as she eased her erection into her mother's perfectly preserved, perfectly moist cunt. By the Goddess, it felt better than she could've ever imagined – so warm, so wet, so mind-bendingly tight in the way it gripped around her cock. It was hard to imagine that she and her two sisters had been squeezed through there at some point and, if she didn't know any better, she might as well be fucking a fresh asari virgin.

"Baby..." the drone whined, hips wiggling eagerly. "Oh Goddess , you're splitting mommy's pussy apart!"

Taking a shuddering breath, she began to thrust deep into her mother's sloppy hole. The sight of the famous justicar, of her own prideful and arrogant mother bent over and presenting that juicy rump to be fucked – it inflamed her lust out of control, scorching through her veins and into the very tip of her throbbing, angry prick. Her face twisted into a harsh sneer as she landed a harsh slap across Samara's fat cheeks, watching them jiggle as lewdly as an Omega whore's would, and the pillowy flesh all but swallowed up her fingers when she gripped onto it as tight as she could. The room echoed with the sounds of furious, animalistic grunting as she levered herself further and further into her mother's dead-yet-alive pussy, the sloppy lubricant of their mixed juices somehow doing little to make it any easier than if she'd gone in dry.

"You like that, huh?" she hissed. "You like having my Ardat-Yakshi cock raping your drooling azure, making it mine? You like being a worthless justicar slut for your monster of a daughter?"

"Yes! Goddess , yes! "

The simulated cries forced her hips to rut faster and faster, each thrust more powerful and violent than the last. Biotic power suffused her body, amplifying her strength beyond any natural limit, and yet Samara took her dicking without issue. Her cunt stretched and adapted perfectly to match Morinth's brutal rhythm, sucking hungrily onto her cock like a vacuum every time she rammed herself in balls-deep – and she could even feel her mother's cervix flexing against her cockhead, slurping excitedly at the leaking pre-cum.

"Not fucking yet!"

Morinth yanked herself free, panting heavily, and almost collapsed off the bed with how weak her knees had become. Her head swam as she dragged herself over to the loveseat, slouching back in the plush cushions, and snapped her fingers towards the towering slab of cockmeat jutting from her hips. The drone obeyed without asking, clambering off the bed and into her lap, and both mother and daughter let out a throaty moan when her shaft found its home within her warm, sucking cunt once again.

"Okay, slut, you've earned my load," Morinth grunted. "Get that ass moving, and don't you dare stop until you've drained my balls!"

Flesh slapped noisily against flesh as her dead mother rode her like a pro, her azure practically melting her cock with how molten-hot it was. After a while, she couldn't even keep up with her thrusts – all of her strength was being sucked out through her prick, leaving her utterly helpless and yet completely content to watch Samara bounce her juicy rear up and down her twitching length. She was so close, so fucking close – but she couldn't yet, not until she got exactly where she needed to be.

Summoning whatever dregs of stamina she had left, Morinth forced herself to sit up. The shift in angle pressed her right up against Samara's cervix, preventing it from slipping away – and with one final thrust she punched through and buried herself into her mother's wet, waiting womb, howling out her impending climax in a savage cry.

"Em-embrace etern- "

Those were the last words before Morinth's head tumbled from her shoulders, bouncing off her mother's ample tits before landing at her feet with a muffled thud. Almost immediately, her freshly decapitated corpse went wild – hips bucking furiously, it gave one final, explosive thrust and came deep inside the drone that was her mother. Rope after rope of steaming jizz gushed out of her spasming cock out to swell Samara's womb, millions upon millions of sperm attempting to fulfil their purpose by burrowing deep into the tight, sucking organ.

The blackness faded from her eyes as whatever lingering pangs of pleasure fizzled out, leaving only a strange, hollow emptiness. Morinth blinked a few times, mouth moving wordlessly in silent curses of disbelief, as she watched her headless body go limp beneath her mother's and a steady cascade of urine wash out of Samara's perfectly pink, tightly stretched cuntlips. This had to be a dream, she thought, some kind of orgasmic illusion, and she just kept on staring, staring in shock until oblivion finally claimed her soul.

The door hissed open, allowing the technician to enter. Thank whatever gods there were that the asari hadn't noticed her mother placing the collar around her neck – though, to be fair, she was fairly distracted. The unit was a temporary measure but appeared to be in perfect working order, he noted with satisfaction – blood vessels clipped and shut with micro-mass effect fields, and rudimentary control over the nervous system established.

With a wave of his hand, he dismissed Samara. The justicar stood up from her dead daughter's lap, that spent, sticky cock slipping out of her cunt with a loud slurp , and took her position to the side as he advanced on Morinth. A quick tap on the collar's paired control device delivered a basic program into the freshly decapitated asari, jolting her into a rough facsimile of life – and her corpse stood, limp cock dangling between piss-soaked thighs.

"Proceed to processing," he ordered, bending over to retrieve the Ardat-Yakshi's head. "And take this- actually, disregard. Continue as ordered."

Somewhat choppily, the headless asari obeyed. Almost like a child, it took one step at a time on shaky legs towards the door and left sticky footprints of sperm and urine in her wake. Just looking around, he could see the woman had left the room a complete mess – the drones would need to work fast to prepare for the client's arrival. Still, he had enough time for a little experimentation – and a little fun for himself.

His fingers worked their way into Morinth's headtails, squeezing onto the delicate, sensitive flesh, and he noted with pleasure at how the asari seemingly blushed in response. Her mouth opened, wet tongue outstretched – and he obliged her offer by quickly releasing the crotch plate on his protective suit, letting his already stiff cock spring out. It was nothing compared to the asari's own member but still plenty thick enough, and he let out a low groan of pleasure as he pushed into Morinth's drooling mouth. He squeezed her tails again, and her tongue flicked along the underside of his member – then lolled out against his ballsack, fluttering pleasurably against his churning testicles.

"Personal note," he mumbled, holding himself deep down the back of Morinth's throat. "Find way to preserve- unnhhh -reflex responses- ahhhh -in asari physiology after termination. It is truly- oh fuck -exquisite!"

A few more twitches of her throat and wicked tongue sent him over the edge, and he bust his nut into the asari's slack throat. Globs of bloody spunk oozed slowly from the neatly severed end of her throat, joining the accumulated mess on the floor, and he inhaled raggedly through his mask as he slowly extracted himself from her lips. There looked to be- a hint of what looked like anger in Morinth's expression, a lingering emotion from her sudden demise – but he couldn't help but wonder if her brain still held some spark of activity, spurring a reaction to her posthumous abuse. Another interesting avenue of research to pursue, he thought giddily.

With his lust satisfied, he handed the head off to the justicar drone. "Take this processing, and return to client services for final preparation. The Shadow Broker will be here within the hour, and she won't be kept waiting."

The drone nodded, gathering up her own decapitated head and placing both into the preservative tank. Morinth and Samara stared blankly, one on top of another, out from their new home as the latter's marionette of a corpse walked them out of the room and towards their new owner.

"Tell the turian councillor that if he wants to keep his little indiscretion quiet, he'll do what I tell him- unnnhhhhh! "

The disembodied, guttural voice of the Shadow Broker rang out in a darkened room, echoing ominously in the air – only to be interrupted by the sounds of noisy, wet thwack-thwacking and a breathy sigh. The sounds continued, punctuated occasionally by moans and grunts - then came to an abrupt halt with a ringing, musical cry. Heavy breathing filled the room, followed by a sloppy slurrpppp and the sound of dripping.

Liara T'Soni stepped into the low light of her bedside lamp, licking her lips like a cat with cream – not an altogether metaphorical turn of phrase. A pleasantly warm, heavy load of fresh asari spunk was nestled in her uterus, sloshing around inside her belly in a way that made her shiver – and she even had extra, lapping up a stray strand of cum from her fingers.

"Very impressive, I can see why so many fall for the charms of an Ardat-Yakshi," she commented. "Get yourself hard again, slut – and Samara, why don't you join her?"

A broad smile played over her lips as she watched the justicar's voluptuous body slid atop her own daughter's similarly stacked figure. With a quick few strokes, Morinth's member was at full-mast again and plunged itself into Samara's glistening azure without hesitation or missing a beat, going straight into a slow, leisurely fuck.

Beautiful, Liara thought with a wicked smile. After she lost Shepard once again at the end of the war, it had taken a long while for her to regain any manner of sanity or control – and when she did, she was a different person. There was no money to be made playing by the rules, she'd come to realise, no power to be held onto by clinging to some outdated morality espoused by a man long dead. She took what she wanted now, indulged every dark desire that her mind conjured up. Nothing else mattered but her , nothing and no-one.

Her hand snuck down between her legs once more, rubbing at her already aching clit. Liara bit her bottom lip, watching as Morinth's cock hilted within her mother's snug, gripping cunt, and reached over to retrieve the justicar's head. Samara's mouth fit perfectly between her legs, those plump lips practically sealing onto her cunt, and by the Goddess , it felt incredible. As she rode out yet another bone-shuddering climax, she couldn't help but imagine bestowing the same transformation on her other, former friends.

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