Chapter 96: Invasion in Asgard
Earth, England
"Shouldn't we evacuate the people in a bigger area?" Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye, asks on his comm as he observes the place from a high point. His trained eyes checked and memorized the region already.
The area has been isolated and quarantined under the pretense of a gas leak. From the beginning this area was an unused private propriety, the only problem is that is dangerously close to the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich, so there's a big flux of people nearby.
"It would cause panic…" Natasha, the Black Widow, answers. She is on the ground a little closer to the scientists working now.
"Better panic now than later." Hawkeye says with a sure tone.
"I can agree with that, but we don't even know what is gonna happen."
"Trouble, that is what gonna happen." He once again answers as a matter of fact.
"The Magnitude of this trouble is what we are unsure about." She says calmly
"And what do our brainiacs have to say about the magnitude of this trouble?" His question makes Natasha take a look at the area where the "brainiacs" are discussing. Stark, Reed, Pym, Selvig, Banner, and other scientists are in an open area filled with technological apparatus, moving around, looking very busy.
"They are talking about trying to close down the wormholes definitively…" She says slowly, something strange in her voice.
"So no trouble at all? That would be great."
"Yeah…" She answers slowly, not sounding convinced
"Are you sad about it? Do you want the action?" He jokes
"Hell no." She denies fast "But this is looking suspiciously like one of those moments before disaster, get what I mean? They try too hard and end up making things worse…"
"... and we clean their mess." Hawkeye finishes her words "I know what you mean. You don't think they can do it?"
"Well, if Eidolon said that there's no stopping it… Then there's not stopping it, probably."
"And you trust him that much?" He asks while raising his eyebrows "Surprising coming from you."
"If we are talking about people's lives, yes." She doesn't deny it "Especially because he is doing all this without a paycheck." She adds in a joking tone.
"A true saint." Clint jokes in kind
The two laugh a little, before noticing a familiar portal appear in the air. A dark and smoky double door opens and Eidolon's people walk out from it.
"Well, a show is about to happen…" Natasha smirked seeing the purposeful steps of the recently arrived SCP's people.
"They are going against Eidolon's instructions."
"Well, maybe they can discuss this difference in opinions amicably-"
"...Or no…" Clint deadpans.
Natasha walks close to see what is happening clearly.
The one that talked just now was Lady Jade, who was being accompanied by Mikhail. The russing meta keeping an austere face.
"We capture your tries to block the link between the Realms with our satellites! Why the hell did you change the plan??" The green woman asks annoyed. She needed to come here to solve this issue. As the self-appointed right-hand of Eidolon, she needs to put the order in the house when he is away.
"Girl… We are trying everything before making a decision." Stark raises a hand to her. It looks almost condescending, and it pisses her off.
"Your trying can kill us, Iron Briefs!" She then turns to Fury "Didn't we agree on a plan? Contain the area of effect of the Convergence in a single point and hold the fort?"
Fury gives her a stare, unknown if he is thinking about what to say or if he is trying to intimidate her with a glare.
But obviously, this would not work on her, she lives together with Hector, and she is not strange to glares. She snaps her fingers at him like he is some sort of dog who she wants to attract the attention to.
"C'mon baldie, say something. We don't have all the time in the world." She snaps "If you are not gonna stick with the plan we are gonna act independently." At the moment she has the authority to make this call…
And if others of Eidolon's inner circle agree, she can even command to detain them, preventing S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers from messing things up.
"Like Stark said, we want to exhaust all the options." Fury finally says, voice hard.
"Exhaust all options…" She shakes her head in a mocking tone "Fucking unbelievable "Is that hard to just follow his instructions? Do you really think that you know better than him on this?"
"Miss… Lady Jade. Eidolon is not here, and to do our work we need to take our own conclusions." Reed tries to say diplomatically
"We gave you a lot of data collected in the last week! And even so, you wasted time going back to square zero?" She asks in disbelief. Now she understands Hector's woes. What she doesn't understand is why he still tries. Those people are exhausting.
Lady Jade facepalms "I don't ever want to talk with you guys anymore… Cortana, please assume from here." She says and her wristband lights up in a blue light.
A female and even voice comes from Lady Jade's wrist "I would like to you all cease trying to block the Convergence."
"And who are you?" Stark asks
"I'm Eidolon's assistant A.I., Cortana. But that doesn't matter… What matters is the consequences of you trying to forcibly stop a cosmic phenomenon."
From Lady Jade's wrist, a hologram appears, showing the schematics of Earth and the rest of the Nine Realms, simulating the connection established by Yggdrasil and the Convergence.
"It's a natural circle, trying to forcibly stop it completely would be the same as trying to stop the movements of the planets around their stars, or stopping a Black Hole from absorbing everything… It's unnatural and can cause devastating consequences." Cortana explains.
"What kind of consequences?" Fury asks
"From instability on the Convergence, increasing the damage and making it impossible that we can contain it in a single point… To affect Earth's position on the cosmos…" She says gravely "We can end up changing our planet's movements or even teleport it to a completely different area of the universe. I think I don't need to say that in this case, extinction would be inevitable."
"..." Now everyone shuts up.
"You are trying to contain a storm in a flask… A cosmic spatial storm. You don't have the energy to counter it and neutralize the Convergence. You will hold up for some minutes before the dam bursts open with even more strength than before. Uncontrollable."
While everyone has grave expressions watching the simulations, Shego has an "I told you so" face.
"And we are not even talking about the magic aspects… It will add a new degree of unpredictability to this whole ordeal. And an extra batch of consequences even if things don't go too bad." Cortana adds
"Magic?" Some scientists are not that fond of the world
"You all met a mythological god…" They can almost see Cortana rolling her eyes. The holo-screen changes to show Earth, and then it appears a golden net around the globe. "The planet is protected for long scale inter-dimensional invasions by a barrier, that said barrier is kept by the stability of the Sanctums… If by any chance, your little project destabilizes the balance…" The net disintegrates and they can see huge arms appearing around the planet, and even a giant creature that can swallow Earth "...the big fishes will be able to come to this side, like how my master would say."
"Well, I'm convinced…" Natasha concedes with a straight face.
Somewhere in the Nine Realms
"I was reading such an interesting book in the comforts of the library… And now we are in the middle of a jungle somewhere." Jane whines playfully at Thor "In an alien jungle…" She adds after seeing a very strange lizard running on a tree "Only you to make me do that." She slaps Thor's arm.
"I concur." Eidolon nods, supporting Darcy as she walks on this tricky forest "There's still a lot of books to read…" And not only that, he doesn't want to leave the Palace in case it is attacked.
"Hahaha! Don't be like that, my friend!" Thor laughs "This hunt will be better than any book!"
"We will catch something big and eat it tonight." Volstagg adds "Nothing better than eat something that you hunted with your own hands!"
"I can agree with that…" Eidolon reluctantly nods
"Do you hunt Eidolon?" Darcy turns to him, surprised.
"Sometimes… In other worlds. In the last one that I visited, I fished… Enormous sea monsters, as big as islands." He says calmly like it's no big deal "I still have the meat stored for my pets. They eat a lot."
As he was talking he noticed the strange looks from everyone.
"What?" He asks confused
"I don't know…" Darcy starts hesitantly "I always thought that you are the super pacifist guy that can't hurt even a fly…" She says and Jane nods
"..." They couldn't be more wrong. But is good for him to know that some humans have this impression of him "Obviously, I kill things and sometimes even people… It's just the circle of life. If I hunt, I will make sure to utilize all of the prey's body, as a show of respect."
"A respectable approach." Thor nods.
"The right approach." Sif adds "There's no honor in killing something much weaker than you or killing just for fun."
The two exchange a glance that is not noticed by anyone else. Despite what happened last night, they are able to keep a mature friendship. It's not awkward or anything like that.
"But I didn't think that you are one to tell tall tales, Eidolon." Volstagg finally says why he looked at the hero strangely "You fished a creature as big as an island? Haha!" He provokes
"Well, not fishing per se… I fought it, but is on the water, so I guess it's fishing…" And to prove that he is not only boasting, he shows footage of his memories with his powers, making a holo-screen appear in the air.
The P.O.V. is obviously his and there's a huge squid reaching at him with its tentacles, encircling him before trying to capture him. But Eidolon with his bare arm, chopped them all while projecting flying slashes.
They saw other scenes too like him being swallowed by a ginormous fish and him bisecting the thing in two from inside, or a monstrous dog by his side blasting the water and making monsters fly to the sky before falling in the water, like they are normal fish. But causing huge tsunamis.
"..." Now they believe him and look at him with strange looks but with a different reason.
"See? That's Rover, by the way. One of my pets, he got too excited and fished more than we needed… After scolding him, we stopped."
"What a hell?!" Darcy is finally the first to break the silence "In what sort of hellish world are you in??"
"Eh? An aquatic one…" He gives a bad explanation. He doesn't wanna talk about it in a lengthy way.
"Damn…" Darcy smartly says "And you are really holding back a lot, huh? Look at that destruction… And what is with those chop-chop cartoon things?" She mimics his movements with her arms.
'Anime things…' He corrects in his mind "If you are talking about the flying slashes, it's just a projection of inner energy." The best way to explain it is "If you know how to use your inner energy, you will have a longer reach."
And to illustrate that, he casually jabs into a certain direction and sends some trees flying, opening a small path.
"Isn't this only the wind pressure?" Jane asks
"Yes to that too. But with a good control of your inner energy, you can control how the attack will go, instead of losing energy to the air and it being dispersed harmlessly in an ample area you can concentrate it this way. Keep it in shape.." He says "It's more efficient."
To illustrate that, he makes a similar jab to the previous one, but without technique, the power of the attack is more ample and weaker. The trees in a huge area are forced to bend in the opposite direction, but they are not uprooted completely.
This type of technique is very much used in anime worlds, even when the world doesn't have things like mana, chakra, ki, haki… All Might could punch it a certain way too to maximize his attacks or make them weaker, even when he made the same punch motion. Maybe he was doing that unconsciously.
"I'm kind of surprised that you all can't do that." Eidolon takes this opportunity to address an issue that has been on his mind for some time.
He experienced the strength of those people and they are not weaker than any One Piece character, but the attacks of One Piece characters look more impressive. It's not only a question of how the media was displayed…
"Why don't you guys use your magic reserves to empower your attacks?" He asks
"..." The Asgardians look between themselves
"..." Eidolon stares at them strangely "Never thought that magic power can do more than magic?" He asks hesitantly
"Well, you guys are a blessed race... I bet you use it unconsciously anyway and never need to get creative. But let me show something." He extends his hand to Lady Sif "Please lend me your sword."
That's not something someone can easily ask, but Lady Sif trusts him and she can easily guess that he is going to make a demonstration, so she handed her sword without a problem.
"A fine blade, very good balance." He compliments when he has the sword on his grasp before turning around "As I'm familiar with Lady Sif's strength, I will match her power but add an effective use of magic power…"
He takes a stance, suddenly the blades start shining in a pretty white-blueish glow. Darcy, with her phone that never leaves her hands, records everything.
The glow gets only a little stronger like the blade was painted in some luminescent substance. *Whoosh* Eidolon brings the sword down and the light leaves the blade together with the arc of his movement.
It's like he just painted a light screen in the air that stretched far and wide at incredible speeds like an aggressive wave cutting open a path.
"Something like this…" Eidolon turns around again to give it back to Lady Sif's sword.
Everyone shows different levels of amazement, Eidolon opened a fissure on the ground with that slash, literally cutting the forest in two.
He used her sword, used the same amount of strength but he used magic power and his own power efficiently… And the difference is obvious. Now he is sure that Lady Sif would not lose to anime characters that show more visually appealing attacks. 'Comic books are kinda static…' He remembers
"Okay, that is super cool." Darcy smiles and stops recording to check the footage.
"I didn't know that it makes that much of a difference." Thor comments
"You should have known, you literally use magic thunder in your attacks." Jane laughs at him. To her human mind, the concept was not that foreign, but maybe it was too obvious to the strong-from-birth-Asgardians. Like, obviously your attack would be stronger if you add energy, right?
"Now that you put it this way…" Thor scratches his beard
"It's just that magic is something sorcerers use. Too complicated." Volstagg says
"Complicated to you, your stonehead." Fandral mocks him.
"Like you are any different, Twig." The two engage in some banter that the rest ignore.
After receiving her sword back, lady Sif can't help but show some amazement "Can you teach me?" She asks Eidolon
"Hmm." His eyes change to the All Seeing Eyes of God and checks her for a second "Well, you can learn. You all are magical beings… But is a little complicated, so when we have time." He nods to her.
"Thank you. I appreciate that." She nods back with a smile.
"But the principle is kinda simple… First, try feeling your magical energies, then try moving it around your body, and then try using it." He talks as the group goes back to walk around the forest "I understand that not everyone can be a good sorcerer, but I guess everyone can learn this much."
He would not teach her his secrets like Haki or anything else, but this much is not a big deal. Even if things go in a very bad direction and the two end up fighting in the future, in accordance with Comic book logic… He would still be much stronger than her.
The group goes deeper into the forest. It seems that Eidolon's attack scared many animals and beasts, he apologized for that, but everyone dismissed it because it's not a big deal. What matters is the experience of the trip.
But Eidolon thinks the trip should be worthwhile too, they can't go back with empty hands after all, so he decided to use his super-senses to at least find some good game.
"Are those things tasty?" He points at a flock of strange giant birds after he led them there.
"It tastes like chicken!" Thor is already spinning his hammer and taking off to pursue the giant birds.
His actions are not without a thought, he is not only chasing the animals in the air, it's more like he is herding them and leading them close to the ground and to the group.
On the ground, the two members present of the Warriors Three and Lady Sif prepare the pikes that they brought and throw them at the birds. All of them miss on the first try….
"Hahaha! Are your eyes only decoration?" Thor makes fun of them from the sky, striking a bird with lightning and making it fall. "Oops" Suddenly a pike flies too close to his face at supersonic speeds.
"Sorry~" Lady Sif waves her hand in an apology to him, but her smile denounces her true intentions.
The group of Asgardians plays around as they hunt the flock of birds, when they run out of pikes, they try using other objects. Volstagg throws some rocks, Lady Sif throws and uses a net…
On the side, Eidolon and the two Midgardian women just observe how Asgardian does their hunt.
"A little brutal…" Jane comments
"The lack of technique must come from the fact that they don't need it." Eidolon analyzes "No traps, no long pursues… Well, maybe in the past, but now they are just having fun."
"When I get back, those videos will have so many views~" Darcy is having fun recording things too.
Eidolon makes a mental note to check those videos before coming back. Who knows if she recorded something potentially dangerous or too personal…
"Aren't you gonna join them?" Darcy asks, wishing to have some more videos of Eidolon in action.
"They have everything under control." He says dismissively
After the Asgardians have their fun, they stop and analyze the spoils,
"Isn't this a little too much?" Jane asks seeing the pile of dead animals. It's bigger than her.
"Nothing will be wasted." Thor declares with a strong smile. He had some fun like in the old times with his friends.
"I will take care of it…" Eidolon extends his hand to the pile and after a ripple, everything disappears.
"Really… So convenient!!" Jane exclaims for the umpteenth time, making the rest laugh. She doesn't hide the small harmless envy for Eidolon's powers. His miscellaneous ones.
After a chuckle, he extends his hand at her "Time to your medicine." And he bathes her in a golden light, restoring her stamina.
Thor and her say their thanks to him.
"It's nothing, let's hope things get solved soon." The hero says.
As much as they are in a "vacation mood" to try to forget the looming threat on Jane's life, this can't go on forever.
"I'm sure my father will find a solution." Thor says with confidence. To assure Jane and himself.
"...I still have some non-conventional methods to use if things get dangerous." Eidolon comments
"Non-conventional methods?"
He is about to explain the dangerous, and not guaranteed, other ways he can try to take the Aether from Jane, but something captures his attention.
"Something big is coming…" He warns them while narrowing his eyes, making the rest look in the direction he is turned.
Slowly they start feeling the ground trembling…
"Bilgesnipe…" Eidolon says in a calm tone. Apparently he sees the threat approaching, but he doesn't think much of it.
"Bilgesnipe?!" On the other hand, the rest showed alarmed faces at the revelation.
"Is there something wrong with this… Bilgesnipe?"
"What is a Bilgesnipe?"
The two midgardian women ask.
"Bilgesnipes are very problematic creatures. Very durable and relentless. It's never worth the trouble finding one." Thor says seriously
"Except that time when you tried to ride one…" Lady Sif chimes in to throw some embarrassing stories of the past on his face.
"Hahaha! He felt on Bilgesnipe dung! Hahahaha" Volstagg appears to be dying of laughter.
"..." Jane raises an eyebrow at her boyfriend, trying to not rub salt in the wound, but the corners of her mouth are curving.
"At least I tried, you cowards!" Thor retorts annoyed
"Hmm, is Bilgesnipe meat any good?" Eidolon's voice suddenly interrupts the friendly banter, he still looking at the 'nothing', contemplating something.
"Eh? Never tried, but apparently is too hard." Thor answers.
Everyone starts to notice Eidolon's strange look.
"Are you thinking of eating a Bilgesnipe?" Lady Sif asks, incredulous.
"Well… It looks like a mix of dinosaur, boar, and deer… So maybe is good." Eidolon answers "Even though not all dinosaurs taste good…"
"Did you eat a dinosaur?" Darcy's mouth is agape
"Yep, the carnivorous ones are not that good, but the rest kinda are. Some are the perfect blend of cow and chicken…" The hero answers like is the most normal thing in the world
"Dude, you're crazy." Darcy can't help but laugh at the absurdity of his words.
"Just curious…" He shrugs "Anyway, I can think in some ways to use even the hard meat of this Bilgesnipe in a meal, but let's give up for now. Let me take care of it." He steps forward, the tremors very strong now, they can even hear the roars of the approaching creature "We invaded his territory after all…"
*Crash* *Thrunk*
Finally, the creature emerges from the dense forest, destroying the trees and rocks on its part like a car breaking polystyrene foam objects.
As Eidolon said, it really looks like a dinosaur, but with deer antlers, and charges crazily like a boar or a rhino.
The sheer brutality of the beast is really scary to the Midgardian women and even makes Lady Sif and the others raise their guards. But Eidolon simply walks at the Bilgesnipe calmly, then suddenly the air shifts…
It doesn't seem he did anything, but something happens after Eidolon glares at the animal. Something invisible hits the bilgesnipe like a Tsunami.
"Bwwoh!" The thing instantly emits a scared gasp and stops charging madly forward, but its momentum is too strong and the beast continues moving even when its huge limbs sink on the ground in an attempt to stop.
Everyone is witness to the amazing scene of a hundred-ton creature doing its best to not crash against Eidolon and sit meekly in front of him.
"There, there. Good boy." Eidolon raises his hand and gives some pats on the snout of the Bilgesnipe. "Don't worry, we are already leaving."
"Can I touch him too?" Darcy, surprisingly, is the first to get over her shock and walk closer.
She loses the sense of danger because of the hero. Eidolon quickly gives a glare at the big creature and then turns to her "He said that is okay."
"You can talk with him too?" She remembers that he can talk with animals, but she thought that only normal animals.
"Did you just threaten him?" Jane asks. Eidolon's side glare didn't escape her eyes.
"It's different but is possible, like a foreigner but similar language…" He ignores Jane's rightful assumption.
"Cool~" Darcy caress the hard skin of the animal.
"That's very impressive, my friend." There are no records of anyone taming a Bilgesnipe." Thor comments, eyeing the creature.
"Well, some partially achieved it with magic and mind control…" Fandral comments
"Those are just dirt tricks." Lady Sif says in disgust. It seems she likes mind control as much as Eidolon.
"It's just a combination of intimidation and understanding." Eidolon explains "I read that those creatures are not only incredibly durable but also incredibly resistant to mind control and magic… So I used something everyone has… Instincts." He doesn't say more.
This creature really fascinates him. It's like the perfect tank, he wants to study it. It reminds him of Tarrasques from Dungeons and Dragons.
After that, they used the bilgesnipe as a mount to go sightseeing around, a feat that no one seemingly did before. Eidolon also cooked some of the birds as snacks, earning some praise. He cheated with Pearl Jam's stand power.
The girls loved the effect on their hair and skin.
Eidolon P.O.V, Library of Asgard
Finally some peace and quiet… Don't take me in the wrong way, I love the people here, but damn if they are not rowdy.
My introverted ass can't stand their energy while acting like a hero, my social battery is low. I have been challenged to fights, dragged around, forced to drink…
Again, nothing bad. But I want some time to myself. So I left my mantle and a clone to Darcy and came here to read some books. She was thrilled and took a lot of selfies.
Obviously, all of this would not be any trouble if I was here to relax, but I'm here to work. I'm 24/7 at high alert. Those walls with protective wards that block my senses are not helping with my paranoia either.
Now let me see those magic books, the spells are nothing new and ground-breaking but I'm interested in the runes.
Since I gained Dauntless's shard power, I have been doing experiments in creating weapons charged with my powers. I already think the combination with the Soru Soru no Mi of Big Mom is excellent, now if my weapons are enchanted on top of that… It will not take long before I start producing weapons not weaker than the ones I gain through the Gacha.
That's one of my ways of doing things. I don't want to be completely dependent on my Super Cheat. For exactly this reason I went to the Hero Academia world that time.
"Oh, Eidolon… What a surprise seeing you here." I recognize instantly this female mature voice that is talking to me.
I immediately stop floating and land on the ground to greet Thor's mother.
"My Lady." I nod "Or should I call your Majesty? I confess that I know close to nothing about the formalities of Asgard."
She laughs softly and waves my concerns away "Only Frigga is fine, my dear."
"Uh… Alright then, Lady Frigga." I can't call her for the first name and is not like I can call her Mrs. Borson. That's not how last names work around here.
"Are you enjoying your stay on Asgard?" She asks while beckoning me to follow her.
"It's nice… Different. But is fun, I always like to discover something new, so this whole experience is like a very fun vacation." I answer democratically while walking by her side
"But you look a little… distracted." She comments "Is there something weighing on your mind?"
"..." Perceptive, huh "Just worries."
"Worries? Care to share?"
"It's a lot of worries…" I say with some mirth "Worry about Midgard, my people, the Convergence, Dr. Foster…" The possible attack can happen at any instant.
"I see… You carry a lot on your shoulders." She comments while eyeing me carefully
"Just some responsibilities that I got along the way." I shrug.
"I wish Thor was a little more like you without my husband having to take… drastic measures." She sighs, the corners of her mouth moving upwards a little.
"He is on the right path now." And I know that the whole 'losing his powers and name of Thor' was a plot to prepare him for the Ragnarok.
Not that I will comment on that, it's not my business and I don't know if she is aware of that. Now that I think about this, maybe I should not interfere much with 'Thor's challenges'. If I help too much I could stunt his growth.
What a drag…
"I heard that you beat my sons in the yard." Frigga's voice cuts my thoughts.
"Eh?" Well, she is talking of her other sons beyond Thor. They also asked for a spar and I kinda destroyed them… respectfully "It was a hard fight…" No, it was not. Even being Gods of War, Strength, Speed, and Light… I'm better. And Thor is really a cut above the rest.
"No, it was not." Eh, am I that easy to read? Poker Face mode: On.
She also seems to notice my change of face, because she giggles again.
Ugh, it's like talking with the Ancient One. I can't act all… "Eidolon" on them.
Let's change the subject… Think fast… Something else… Someone else… Ah.
"I have to say that I'm a little surprised that Dr. Foster was so easily accepted" Sorry Jane "I thought that considering everything, there would exist more resistance from you two, Thor's parents, about their relationship."
She gives me a look "And what do you think of their relationship?" Look at her turning things on me.
"It's not my place to say anything." I deflect
"And what if I ask you for advice on this? As Thor's mother…" She says with an honest look
"..." Ugh… I can't deny it now…
Old women are scary. They know exactly what to say…
"Well…" I started "Considering everything… I would advise you to simply let it happen."
"If you are really pleased with them together, then you really don't need to do anything. On the other hand, if you have some qualms about it… Trying to do something would create the opposite effect. It's common for teenagers on Midgard to be rebellious about relationships that their parents disapprove." I joke.
She rolls her eyes and sighs in amusement and tiredness "You tell me…"
Balder, I bet… Simp.
"I can understand that your uneasiness doesn't come from a bad place… Thor has too big responsibilities to a normal human and the biggest problem… Their lifespan." I say.
"You are right…" She sighs again, as she walks to a balcony to watch the sky. "This love can become a burden to my son."
I walk till I am at her side, observing Asgard.
"If it lasts is love, if not is a love story… The two are good either way." I say without looking at her "Sometimes is about the experience, the journey…" I recently learned his lesson, even right now I'm still in an uncertain relationship with Mary Jane
"Thor learned good things from Dr. Foster, it brought good changes in him… Whatever happens, their relationship will not be a waste." I nod to myself "Don't worry, Thor is strong. He can bear the burden of the ending… He will gladly bear this burden." I'm talking about Thor and about me too.
Well, that's it. That's all I can do to help a bro. I don't have anything more to say, and as always I keep my silence.
Eventually, Frigga takes a long look at me, long enough to make even me a little uncomfortable before she smiles warmly and puts a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm glad my son has a friend on you, Eidolon."
"..." Well… That's… That's a huge praise… It even affected a little my unmoving heart "I'm glad too."
"I would hope that you could extend the hand of the friendship to my other sons too…" She adds after some time.
"..." I look at her with calm eyes "Is this about Balder? If it is, don't worry… I don't have any animosity against him. We just don't see eye to eye… It's half my fault." I admit.
"Him too, but I was also talking about Loki…" She finally says, in a low voice, almost ashamed.
'No.' It's the curt and rude answer that I stopped from coming out of my mouth. But she is so… She is so motherly and she looks so fragile talking about her trashy son, that I can't treat her rudely.
I saw similar things while I acted as a hero. Innocent mothers going to see their son arrested at the Police Station… The sadness, the hopelessness, the feeling of defeat. It's heartbreaking. You can't help but feel bad for them.
What better reason there is to not be a criminal than not disappoint your mother and make her cry?
"I'm sorry, but I don't think that I can even be friends with Loki." I say gravely
"In truth, I don't like to say never, so in this case, I will say… I have no intention of being friends with Loki." I will be honest "Once again, I can understand your side, Lady Frigga. As his mother, you love him unconditionally. I really can understand that, believe in me. But I will ask you to also understand my side… He invaded my home and killed thousands of people and he would have killed many more if not for my efforts."
"..." It pains me a little to see her show a sad expression. This is not an argument that I'm enjoying winning.
"It's just how life is… You make friends and enemies, a good person can be bad to someone and vice-versa…" From this balcony, I point at the sky "If I invaded Asgard and killed a bunch of its inhabitants, I don't think you would be sad seeing me being struck by Odin's spear. It's just a question of perspective… As his mother, you're ready and willing to be hurt for him, and by him… As a stranger, I'm not willing to give him any more chances."
I will not outright say it, but I try to pass the message on my stance. If Loki steps out of line in Midgard again…
Once again Frigga sighs sadly, looking old and weary… I wish Loki would see this and watch him discover the consequences of his actions. If this can't move him, he is truly lost.
"You are wise beyond your ears, Hero of Midgard." She takes my hand into hers, patting it lightly "Do what you need to be done…" She looks up to look deeply into my eyes "It's the burden that those on top have to carry."
"..." I don't say anything more and just watch her leave silently. She looks very lonely and small…
Seriously, Loki… Don't. Just… Don't!
"You just missed your mother." I say without turning my back to the newcomers at the Library.
Thor is leading Darcy and Jane here, I bet she made him come.
"Really? Mother was here?" Thor asks
"Yes. We talked a little." I reveal.
"I wish I could talk more with her…" Jane comments, a little down, maybe even nervous. She is the girl that "is not good enough for our son". In her mind, at least. Or in reality, it's kinda true… If I want to say the fact ruthlessly.
I saw Thor, like me, notice her thoughts and squeeze her hand in support.
"The astrophysics books are right there…" I point to take her mind off depression.
Jane cheered up and excitedly dragged Darcy to the section that I pointed out.
Seeing Thor smiling warmly while watching her act almost childishly, I decide to do what bros do and reveal to him what I talked about with his mom.
"You know… Your mother has her misgivings about you two, but she is only worried about you." I start. Many problems in relationships come from misunderstandings.
I can't solve this issue, but I can help prevent any sort of resentment from growing because of a lack of communication.
"So she went to talk with you…" He turns to me
"She just wanted some advice from my perspective." I say "She is open-minded enough to hear me out on this. She is just worried about the inevitable break up."
"Inevitable, huh?" To repeats, almost spitting the word, as if it owes him money.
"Thor… I know that you don't want to think about it now… But if you ignore this issue, it will really eventually happen. And if you put your mind in trying to prevent it, you will need to think about it."
"..." He keeps his silence before sighing, very much like his mother, even if they are not blood-related "I know. But I don't know what to do. Am I wrong in trying just to forget about it for now?"
"No, obviously not." I shake my head "Thinking about it too much, would only stress you out and maybe the solution will appear eventually anyway. But you must think about more than her small lifespan… You must think about her mortality." I give her a look.
Thor follows my eyes. Jane Foster is in danger… It's not his fault, but the warning is clear.
"We live dangerous lives, Thor."
"..." He keeps looking at her and then he starts speaking without turning to me "Sometimes I think about it too… Ending things to keep her safe. I know our relationship endangers her. Something deep in me tells me that is the right thing to do, but I don't want to listen."
"What would you do in my situation, my friend?" He finally turns to me
"Just speak your mind, my friend." He reforces "I need it…"
I sigh… Those guys are so complicated, not that I can say anything.
"If you asked me to be honest some months ago…" I started walking away to the same balcony where I talked with his mom. Away from the girls, so that they don't listen "...I would advise you to break up with her. Relationships between supers and normal people rarely end well, and are always filled with troubles and even misery." I say honestly, exactly like he asked.
"But… I changed my mind, recently." I confess "Promise me that you will keep a secret…" I ask before continuing.
"I give you my word." Thor nods seriously after seeing my expression
"I recently pursued a relationship with a girl… A normal girl. She doesn't know that I'm Eidolon."
"Oh! Congratulations, my friend! She must be a really special woman!" Thor smiles widely and slaps my shoulder
"'s much more complicated than that…" I almost wince "Let's say that as my civilian identity, I'm pretty loyal, but… As Eidolon…*Ahem* Eidolon has his… paramours."
Seeing Thor's eyes widening makes me cover my eyes in shame. I think Thor is the only other that I'm comfortable telling this, outside my inner circle… Well, he and the Ancient One maybe, but is not less embarrassing.
"Hahahahaha!" Thor suddenly bursts into laughter, a full-blown belly laughter. He throws his head back and guffaws while holding my shoulder for support "Eidolon, your animal! I didn't think you the type, but you surprised me." Maybe is not that uncommon in his culture.
I continue to facepalm while he laughs.
"Wait, are you cheating?" He suddenly stops and gives me a sideglance, he still knows about Earth's customs
"I told her. Not about being a superhero, but about the other women…"
"And she accepted? Wow! Impressive! My mother still pokes my father about his…past." Thor says with some fear in his eyes, I don't want to see an angry Frigga either "Even more impressive, my friend. You are the man!" He laughs again and slaps my back. He is half impressed and half teasing me.
"Ugh…" Let's continue this talk "The thing we must focus on is… Eventually, when my relationship progress… I will need to make the choice between telling her about 'Eidolon' or ending things. This is the first uncertainty of this relationship." I raise a single finger to illustrate that.
"Then after I tell her, it will all depend if she can accept my other identity and the… other girls. That's the second uncertainty of this relationship." I raise another finger "See where I'm going with this… My relationship is full of uncertainty, but I went for it anyway, because I'm sure that I will not regret it. And I will learn and take the experience for the rest of my life. Gladly carry the burdens too. You are the same, right?"
"Yes." He gives a slow nod
"So don't end things. Live the good and bad of this relationship, Thor." I put a hand on his shoulder "And do your best to make things right… If she falls in danger, protect her. And you can ask for my help too."
"Thank you." He smiles at me while we share a bro moment.
"Now, if you want a more solid advice… You have two paths ahead of you." I suddenly say, leaning on the balcony and crossing my arms in front of my chest. "And I'm talking about two paths if you continue this relationship."
"Yes… About the difference in lifespan problem. Do you want to hear it?"
"Yes, please."
"You can equalize things." I reveal "First… You can try to find a way to increase her lifespan to match yours. Or second, you can go live as a mortal and match her lifespan with hers."
"As a mortal?"
"Just on the outside… Go assume the Donald Blake identity again, my friend. Live on Midgard as a hero with us, dedicate the next decades to her… Marry, create a family, watch her grow old, stay with her till the day she dies… Then accept the end with a smile and come back to your duties in Asgard, as Thor the God of Thunder."
"That…" He looks a little overwhelmed
"Can't Odin hold for more than 50 years?"
"I don't know…" His eyes look glassy as he thinks about what I said
I sigh and give him another squeeze on his shoulder "None of the paths are easy, my friend. And I'm not telling you to completely abandon Asgard either… Sometimes life is about balance. In truth, I think most of the time life is about balance." I start walking away to leave him alone with his thoughts
"Whatever you choose, don't be shy in asking for help. You are my friend." I can think of ways to increase her lifespan, and I also can think of ways how he can balance things as Donald Blake/Thor.
But I don't want to influence his decision too much for now. He has time to think about it, after all.
Another party is formed when night arrives again.
I'm starting to think Malekith will not attack at this rat-
"..." If Cortana was here, she would say that I jinxed it.
That was a very sudden attack, my danger sense didn't even capture it. One of the drawbacks of being super strong… But I noticed the danger to the environment near me. My powers are evolving, and Spider-sense is bullshit.
My super brain stretches this moment as much as possible I as start observing everything around me, processing and understanding the situation.
I see… I was skeptical about how Malekith would even put up a fight against Odin, but now I understand his plan. Kamikaze attacks… I never met him, but I instantly understood that he was a maniac.
Those Dark Elves barely left their stealth mode, something they are famous for, before crashing on the Palace. They entered this battle with a losing mindset, wanting to cause as much destruction as possible before dying.
And I know everything is only a distraction.
My hero instinct kicks in and I instantly move to where Jane and Darcy are. I know that I don't need to worry because they are with Thor but even so… They can be sneaky or something like that.
In my way, I defeat the invaders while helping the Einherjar. I notice that is not only Dark Elves that are invading, there are some monsters, ghost-like beings, and even… Light Elves? Yep, things are already deviating just because of the extra characters existing.
I arrive at the garden of the palace just in time to see Thor spinning his hammer around, wind and lightning hitting the enemies in all directions. Jane and Darcy are just behind him being protected by my mantle.
Heh~, normally she doesn't need to do anything, but my mantle is kinda strong. She has been following me for enough time to know how to fight.
I increase my speed and dash to them, with a flicker of my finger s circular barrier appears around Jane and Darcy, allowing me to be rough with the surroundings.
Thor noticed that too and he also gets a little heavy-handed.
It's over in the next second, Thor raises the Mjolnir high in the air before striking down on the ground. A huge shockwave propagates together with lightning as thicks his arms. I also do short work of the ones that are not directly hit by his omnidirectional attack. Moving from one to another and hitting them exactly where it hurts.
Every single one of them falls unconscious on the floor.
"I guess there's no chance of this being part of the festivities…" I ask him with a raised eyebrow
"No, this part normally happens before we celebrate. Most of the time it is the reason why we celebrate." He says back, keeping the good humor.
"Well, you will never catch me saying that a trip to Asgard is uneventful" I concede and we both laugh.
After making sure Jane and Darcy are okay, Darcy is a little too hyped with the whole thing… Seriously, does she have no sense of danger? Where is that woman who always carried her taser around? Am I her taser now?
"Thor… Go help your people. Entrust their safety to me." I speak seriously. He must be worried.
He doesn't even hesitate, he only gives a glance at Jane and nods at me
"I trust you, my friend." He nods before flying away, carried by his hammer.
I turn to the two women, Jane is a little worried and Darcy is recording everything.
"I will keep you two safe, but there are other places that need me," I say that before splitting myself into four with my ghostly bio-fission.
The me with the mantle stays with them before carrying them to safety.
The other three disappear at fast speed.
Third Person P.O.V.
The other three Eidolons move in different directions. There are two places that they need to make sure to check and go to another place to try to finish things today.
One of the Eidolons flies out a window and ascends to the sky. He looks down and uses all his powers to check the status of the Palace. The situation is worse than when Loki invaded New York. There are not only more invaders, they appear to be much stronger.
The enemies' spaceships ripple in existence after leaving stealth mode, and have two objectives… Or they mercilessly crash somewhere or they deliver a huge batch of soldiers. Sometimes they do the two.
This is a mess composed of many races across all the Nine Realms and unfortunately, Asgard has a disadvantage in numbers. The Aesir was always the minority, and right now they are caught unprepared.
"Heimdall vision is really not perfect… Or he is having trouble right now too." Eidolon says after getting a better view of the situation, a view shared by all four bodies.
This one in particular doesn't stop his ascent. He looks up and his eyes change… The All Seeing eyes of God are displayed at full power. They narrow as he increases his speed, flying like a rocket.
He flies a little far from Asgard, seemingly to the nothing, but suddenly he pulls his fist back and punches the sky. Cracks appear… And strangely some sparks and explosions too.
A humongous black spaceship is revealed behind the cracks. The Dark Elf Mothership.
Eidolon doesn't waste time entering the ship and attacking the crew.
"Now… Where is Malekith?" He asks floating in the air and with his eyes shining red.
A.N.: Hello there.
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Hope you all enjoyed it, make a comment because interaction motivates me to keep writing. Thanks for reading.
Till next time and stay good y'all.
Bye Bye~