Chapter 4: King of the Underworld
[3rd POV]
(1 week later)
A week passed with no further news from the new villain Ryomen Sukuna. The hot topic of a UA student betraying the Heroic institution and how he had exploited it for many years was slowly dying down with no further discoveries.
A world in which roughly 80% of the population had some sort of superpower was chaotic. Even the big news was quickly swallowed by other news if there was no further development.
Daigo Arata, aka Ryomen Sukuna, made no further appearance after he escaped his capture. It was a wise decision considering All Might himself mentioned how he wanted to be involved in the case. With the Symbol of Peace in the picture, there was no surprise from the people that Sukuna went into hiding.
But still, the JNN news was exploiting the situation to the fullest extent. Anything related to UA always got clicks.
And since there was no new information to report, the channel held debates over the situation.
"You really believe the student's fall was inevitable due to the nature of his quirk?" Aiko Tanaka asked in exasperation. His eyes all but glared at the person sitting across him, his fellow debater.
"Yes, exactly!" Seiji answered with zero hesitation. There was no shred of apology in his belief.
"You're fucking insane," Tanaka said and he grew more frustrated when the workers flashed him red for cursing on live.
"No, I'm not insane Mr. Tanaka, I am just a realist," Seiji shook his head, "This incident is not an isolated case. There have been multiple studies over the years indicating a correlation between certain qurks and increased aggression or antisocial behaviour,"
Seiji continued, passionate in his own belief in a way that you couldn't help but listen closely to what he had to say even if you didn't agree with his views.
"Some quirks, by their very nature, are destructive - they're born from violence, chaos, and negative emotions. It is naive to think that a quirk with an inherently dangerous or 'evil' quality will not, in some way, influence its user's personality. How many examples do we need to accept this fact? Isumi and his qurik 'fear leech', Gashira with his 'cannibalism adaptation', and Kyogetsu with his 'pain catalyst'. I could go on forever Mr. Tanaka,"
His argument was strong, and with proof and examples to support it, it was hard to refute his point.
"The UA student in question, Daigo Arata, had a quirk that allowed him to send invisible slashes at people. His qurik also came with a mutation that made him look like some kind of monster. Is it really surprising that he spiralled into villainy? This is why we must seriously reconsider how we treat those with quirks of a darker nature - perhaps even establish stricter monitoring or segregation to prevent these tragedies," Seiji said and this time, Aiko rebutted.
"It all came down to that in the end for you, doesn't it? A dangerous and prejudiced approach to the problem you presented. A person's quirk does not define their morality. There is no such thing as an 'evil' quirk - only the choices a person makes,"
Seiji laughed out loud at that predictable response, "I wish I live in your world Mr. Tanaka, I really do. There's sunshine~ and rainbows~"
"And I don't want to live in yours Mr. Seinji. Do you think I haven't read your works? You are a quirkiest who insist on pushing your qurik purist agenda. People have no choice in what type of qurik they are born with. The discrimination against mutation qurks is bad enough, and you want to add to that," Tanaka said, his tone seemed fed up with the debate.
"Discrimination? Is that comparable to the suffering of victims caused by this broken system?" Seiji spat out in equal frustration.
"Then what do we suppose we do? Build an Alysum for these dangerous people? Or perhaps you want a system where people with quirks you deemed 'evil' are forced to bear unfair scrutiny," Tanaka asked.
"If that's what it takes..."
"You're absolutely insane!!"
The debate was cut short right when things were getting heated. Aiko Tanaka held his earpiece and listened to the new instructions. The debate had to be ended since more viral news just came in.
"We interrupt our ongoing coverage of the U.A. student controversy with breaking news - a high-profile criminal responsible for a series of brutal murders has been located by authorities and is currently on the run,"
"Let's give visual to our drone in Kamino Ward as it covers the ongoing pursuit," Tanaka said and the screen changed to the aerial view of the drone. This gave time for the channel to get ready and for Seiji to be escorted away from the stage.
"Fuck, just leave me alone goddamn it! Can't you let a man visit a strip club in peace?" the villain screamed while running away from the heroes chasing him.
He only wore his pants and his torso was naked. One could deduce that he was found out right before he dug into important business. He had taken off his mask which led to the bartender recognizing him and calling the authorities.
{The villain, identified as Kurotsuki Gai, possesses the quirk "Rupture" - an ability that allows him to create internal vibrations within solid objects, causing them to violently shatter from the inside. Investigators believe Kurotsuki used this quirk to kill at least four civilians last week by targeting their vital organs, leaving no external wounds - a method both precise and merciless,} the reports continued while the drone covered what happened below.
"You can't get away from us! Surrender peacefully before we are forced to take drastic measures," one of the heroes who were chasing the villain screamed back.
It could be seen that none of the heroes had speed-type qurik from the way they were lagging behind the villain. But the heroes did not give up and continued to give chase.
The villain ran through the urban streets, violently shoving away the people who were not fast enough to get out of his way. He secretly hoped that one of them hit their head to distract the heroes.
The chase continued through the bustling road of the city which was a complicated web that spread through the city.
"That's quite enough, goodbye suckers!!" the villain said and then applied his quirk on the ground beneath his feet.
The action created shockwaves under his feet which allowed him to jump across long distances. He would jump on top of buildings, parkour on street lambs and run along the terrain inaccessible by the heroes.
The heroes could not pursue him any longer.
{It seems like this one ends in the failure of the heroes.....but wait- what's this!! The hero Gran Torino is on his way!!}
The small hero Gran Torino used his qurik to propel himself across the sky. He started miles away from the chase but he was quickly catching onto the villain. He was like a human jet as he shot across the atmosphere nearly at the speed of sound.
"Shit!! I can't expose myself out in the open," the villain cursed before he jumped down from the building and sank down into some dark alley.
It would have been easy for Gran Torino to catch him if he had continued running on top of buildings. But still, the short hero quickly reached the alley where the villain disappeared and jumped down.
"Huh?" Gran Torino looked around at the dark and isolated alley, finding nothing except trash bags and dumpsters.
"Did I take a wrong turn?" he said after scanning through everything with his special goggles and not finding the villain.
In the end, the hero bursts into the sky once more to search for the villain.
But maybe, - just maybe - had he not relied on his advanced goggles and looked normally, he would've found the dark ball swirling inches above the ground.
Then again, the ball was only the size of a golf ball so it was so very easy to miss.
[3rd POV]
"What the fuck?" that was all the villain could say when he found himself in an unfamiliar space.
One moment he was running in the alley and the next thing he knew, the world bled away and he found himself in a completely new place.
"A teleportation quirk?" the villain asked himself and quickly checked his surroundings.
He was in a dark space without walls, was he out in the open?
But there were no stars in the sky, no moon to light up the place, it was like he was standing in the darkest of night. His eyes told him that he was in an open space but he could not have felt more trapped.
It was like being stuck in a small box.
The only light came from the malevolent shrine twenty meters away from him. The shrine gave off an unnatural red light that was bright enough to reveal its details but not bright enough to light up the surroundings.
The villain looked beneath his feet and tapped his foot on the liquid he was standing on. It looked like water but it was not wet. The place he found himself in was so strange that fear started creeping up his throat.
Humans feared the unknown and right now he didn't know shit.
Finally, the villain caught the figure of someone. They were not there before but someone was standing in front of the eerie red shirne.
"Unexpectedly domains work great as a hidden hideout. Although I had to trade its sure hit effect for a longer duration and to shrink the domain from outside, it does a marvellous job at being a hideout," the voice reverberated through the entire space.
The villain felt a chill down his spine. He had never felt more malice and danger from an entity. He did not know what they were saying but it scared him to death.
But the fear slowly faded away when they took no further action. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that the person in front of him had four eyes and four arms.
The image was recognizable, especially since he had been all over the news for the entire week.
"You!! I know you!!," the villain spoke, relief on his tone, "You are that new villain, Ryomen Sukuna or whatever. Look pal, you are new to this business so I will let this slide. I have connections with really big names - the type of people who can erase you with a snap if they ever find that you harmed me,"
There, that usually did the trick for him when he encountered other villains.
But instead of taking his words seriously, Sukuna just chulked. It was the type of laugh that was genuinely friendly and innocent. The sound of those chuckles was extremely unnerving coupled with the sheer malice coming from him.
A psycopath.
"I would hope you have a connection to big names considering that is why I kidnapped you in the first place," Sukuna said.
The villain took a step back after the revelation. Maybe he had taken the wrong step in this confrontation. He did not know how strong the guy was but for him to be an S-Class villain meant that he was definitely stronger.
"What do you want? I'll do anything you want,"
Kurotsuki Gai was not some stupid thug. He was an infamous villain who dodged heroes left and right while thriving as a villain. He made connections, he knew stuff, like when to fight and when to grovel like a dog.
The current situation demanded the latter approach. No way he was going to act out or even resist when Sukuna was somehow able to teleport him to god knows where before he even realized it.
No one even knew he could do that!!
Sukuna's shoulder sagged slightly in disappointment, "I was hoping that you would resist for a bit. That way I can torture you with a proper reason while in actuality, I just want to punish you for killing innocent people,"
The villain sweatdropped at the confession. And yet he could not keep his mouth shut from saying, "You can still do that if you want,"
"I can, but I'm a villain now, right? It won't make sense if I torture you out of righteous fury,"
"I understand," the villain nodded.
"Okay, now..." Sukuna said and immediately, malice and all kinds of evil filled the space once more, causing the villain to fall on his butt and shrink back like a scared cat.
It was the effect of cursed energy on normal people.
"All for One's criminal empire, tell me everything you know about them," Sukuna said in a grave tone before he realized something.
"You do know about them right?"
"A-Absolutely!!" the villain nodded like a chicken, "Everyone slightly related to the underworld knows about it."
"Because the truth is, everything is under All for One. Even the smallest crime like grand theft auto doesn't go unnoticed by him,"
"He is the unspoken King of the Underworld,"