Chapter 15: Chapter 12: USJ incident part 1
A new day started as usual in Class 1-A, with Aizawa announcing that they would be choosing a Class President. While many students argued against each other, wanting the position for their own, Tenya Iida proposed a democratic voting system, emphasizing the importance of leadership and responsibility.
When Iida encouraged everyone to participate, Ryoma simply responded to him, "I'm not a part of this. As long as it's not me, I don't care." With that, he opted out of the voting process entirely, uninterested in being given extra responsibilities to deal with.
The voting proceeded as in canon, with Izuku Midoriya and Momo Yaoyorozu receiving the highest votes, becoming the president and vice-president respectively.
Later that day, during lunch at the cafeteria, the usual peaceful atmosphere was cut short when an ear-piercing siren suddenly blared throughout the building. A robotic voice echoed:
"Security Level 3 Breach Detected!"
Panic erupted instantly. Students sprang to their feet, their fear escalating into sheer chaos as everyone rushed toward the exits. The massive crowd of panicked students shoved and pushed against each other, creating a bottleneck near the cafeteria doors.
Ryoma used his quirk to levitate himself above the chaos. With a swift motion, he compressed one of the steel balls he carried into a flat, circular platform and held it steady in midair, allowing Momo to jump onto it and stand beside him above the crowd.
"Thanks.", Momo, trying to keep her calm.
From their elevated position near the windows, they could see the situation outside.
A horde of reporters somehow managed to break through the security entrance of the school and swarmed in.
"Momo, cameras.", Ryoma urged her to create the tiny scouting cameras once again.
"How many do you need this time?", Momo asked.
"Four should be good.", Ryoma answered and she complied.
Ryoma took control of them, sending them flying through the open window, maneuvering them outside toward the source of the breach.
As the cameras zipped through the air, Ryoma and Momo watched the live feed on a small display Momo had created.
Meanwhile, Iida had a plan.
Realizing the crowd was acting irrationally, he turned to Ochako Uraraka. "Uraraka, make me float!"
She complied instantly, tapping his back with her Zero Gravity Quirk. Iida launched himself forward, using his Engine Quirk to propel himself toward the cafeteria exit sign above the door, but the excess speed made him slam into the wall comically.
Hovering above the crowd, he shouted with all of his strength:
"It's just the press! There's nothing to panic about! You're at Yuuei, let's conduct ourselves in the manner of those enrolled at the highest academia!!"
Ryoma focused on controlling the four tiny flying cameras Momo had created. He sent two of them to scout different corners of the school, following paths he had memorized. Another remained in place, observing Aizawa and Present Mic as they confronted the press outside. If anything went wrong, Ryoma wanted to be ready to assist.
The last camera flew toward the back entrance—the very place where the reporters had broken in. But as soon as it arrived, Ryoma and Momo's eyes widened in shock looking at the screen. The entrance door had been reduced to dust.
That wasn't normal.
Momo frowned. "That… doesn't look like something a reporter could do."
Ryoma nodded in agreement.
"Make me a mini nylon zipper bag with an iron zipper, I want to take a sample." Ryoma said, his voice calm but firm.
Momo, still processing the situation, quickly created the item. Ryoma manipulated it through his Quirk, guiding it to the ground to collect a sample of the dust that remained from the decayed entrance.
As the police arrived, they swiftly took control of the situation, forcing the reporters to withdraw from U.A.'s premises. With the immediate threat neutralized, Ryoma recalled all four of his tiny cameras, ensuring they returned undetected. The chaotic lunch period finally came to an end, and classes resumed as normal.
Back in Class 1-A, Izuku reflected on Iida's decisive action during the cafeteria incident. Realizing that Iida was a far more suitable leader, he voluntarily stepped down as class president and returned the position to him. The rest of the class agreed, and Iida humbly accepted the role with gratitude.
After school, Ryoma and Momo headed to her house, where they entered the upgraded underground training room—now also functioning as a mini-laboratory. Over the past year, they had improved it to support their scientific experiments alongside Quirk training.
Running a series of tests on the dust sample, they analyzed its composition and chemical structures. The results were clear: it contained a mix of materials that originally made up the entrance door—concrete, steel, and other structural components—all reduced to powder sized particles. This meant the quirk responsible had fragmented the door at a structural level.
Ryoma, for the first time in this world, experienced an uneasy feeling as he deemed this could be a great threat coming.
"It's highly likely that someone is aiming at Yuuei. This individual with such a dangerous quirk to be specific. Someone who could damage the security of the top academia is no mere thug on the street. We need to develop countermeasures," Ryoma said.
"I think the police and our school have definitely already investigated this but—You're right, it's better safe than sorry.", Momo agreed.
The next day.
As the class gathered at 12:50 PM, Aizawa announced that today's lesson would be a Trial of Rescue exercise. They would be traveling by bus to a specialized training area located some distance away from the school.
Done wearing his hero costume first, Ryoma walked toward the designated bus pickup area to meet his homeroom teacher waiting at the bus.
Ryoma opened the conversation immediately taking this chance of brief privacy:
"Sensei Aizawa, may I have a question?"
"Go on." Aizawa, his tone as indifferent as ever.
Ryoma kept his expression neutral. "I wanted to ask about yesterday's security breach. Have they figured out how the reporters got in?"
Aizawa's gaze sharpened slightly, though his posture remained relaxed. "That's not something you need to concern yourself with. The police and U.A. are still investigating."
"Have they got a clue to suspect what or who was behind it?", Ryoma asked.
"Unfortunately, not yet but based on the abnormal damage done to that door, we all agreed it was the work of a quirk user.", Aizawa answered with a darkened tone.
"However, it's none of your business to worry about. Stop prying unnecessary things and prepare yourself for the upcoming rescue trial."
After changing into their hero costumes, the students boarded the bus and headed toward their destination: the Unforeseen Simulation Joint—USJ.
The trip was quiet for a moment before Ryoma eavesdropped a bold statement coming from the frog girl Tsuyu Asui towards Midoriya:
"Your quirk reminds me of All Might's."
Midoriya was shocked and tried to deny in a panicking voice:
"That–s-s-o? Haha, but mine isn't, like—".
'Hmm?', Ryoma noticed his odd reaction.
"Wait up, Asui, All Might never gets hurt, that's where the likeness ends!", Kirishima argued.
'Gotta give the red-haired kid some recognition. So he's not just a muscle head after all.', Ryoma commented mentally on Kirishima's observation.
Then the children began to discuss quirks' requirements to be both strong and flashy in order to benefit them in becoming pro level.
"If we are talking the double whammy of flashy and strong, you can not mention Kurogane, Todoroki and Bakugo!", Kirishima exclaimed.
"Bakugo's always fuming, so he won't be very popular.", Asui commented.
"YOU BITCH!! I'll be popular too!!", Bakugo shouted back.
"See?", Asui pointed at the living proof for the accuracy of her words.
The situation made Ryoma smirked slightly, the humor is straight up from a comical situation in TV shows.
"It's only been a brief while since our socialization has commenced and yet already we have been made apodictically cognizant of your personality, redolent as it is of a turd getting steamed in a sewer.", Denki roasted Bakugo without using his electricity.
"What the hell kinda vocabulary is that??!! I'll fucking kill you!!", Bakugo, unable to understand half of the insult, still threatened back at Denki.
Upon arrival, they were greeted by Space Hero: No. 13, who would be supervising their training. No. 13 began introducing herself and explaining the importance of rescue work, emphasizing how Quirks should be used responsibly to save lives, not to harm.
Ryoma had researched about No.13 before, observing her so-called "Black Hole" quirk in actions via online videos.
'Straight up blatant bullshits!'
'If her Quirk truly replicated even a fraction of a real black hole's properties, there wouldn't be anything left of whatever entered its range — not just solid matter but also air, heat, light. Scientifically, the moment she activates a black hole in the normal environment , it will immediately cause explosive decompression via the surrounding air and heat it consumes.
A real black hole also causes something called time dilation, meaning that from an outside perspective, anything approaching the event horizon would appear to slow down indefinitely.
While from the videos I saw, objects got sucked into No.13's finger without any relativistic effects.
Moreover, the conservation of mass and energy: anything pulled into a black hole would increase its mass, yet Thirteen didn't seem to get heavier at all when she used it.
Her actual quirk was in fact just a strong controlled vortex with an exaggerated name.', Ryoma thought while Midoriya and Ochako showed their excitement hearing about No.13's fake glorified quirk.
A sensation interrupted Ryoma's thoughts, he felt a chaos in the electromagnetic fields of the area surrounding him. He had yet to fully grasp the manipulation over the spectrum of electromagnetism but he was still able to detect the anomaly when it changed too rapidly in a short time.
Before the lesson could properly begin, a massive swirling portal of black mist materialized in the center of the training grounds. From its depths, a horde of villains emerged, led by a pale, scratchy-looking man with disheveled hair, "wearing" a bunch of cut off hands around his body and on his face—Shigaraki Tomura.
Aizawa instantly tensed. "Huddle together and don't move! No.13, protect the students!!"
"Is this like that training pattern–"
"Don't move!!! Those are villains!!!", Aizawa sensei interrupted Kirishima.
"Eraserhead and No.13, according to the teachers' curriculum we procured yesterday, Mr All Might was supposed to be here, and yet…",Kurogiri said.
"I knew it. So yesterday was the doing of you louts.", Aizawa replied.
"Where is he….we went through all this trouble and rustled up so many of us to bring along …You can't tell me All Might…The symbol of peace…isn't here…
I wonder if he'll show up if we kill the kids?", Shigaraki said with a disturbing tone.
"Sensei! What about the intruder alarm sensors?!", Momo asked.
"Of course we have some set up, but—"
"They're having someone jamming the electromagnetic signals inside this facility right now!!", Ryoma warned everyone.
"No.13, evacuate the students! Try contacting Yuuei! Kurogane, Kaminari, you two help her with your quirks!", Aizawa gave orders.
"Sensei!? Are you gonna fight them alone?! Even if you suppress all of their quirks, there's too many of them!", Midoriya worried.
"A hero always has more than one trick up their sleeves. No.13, I'm counting on you.", Aizawa without hesitation, charging at the villains to fight them alone.
"This is no time for analysis! We've got to evacuate!", Iida snapped Midoriya out of his blabbering as the class headed to the exit.
The blackmist villain flew before them with great speed, blocking their escapes:
"I'm afraid I can't allow that."
No.13's glove finger unplugged as she prepared to fight.
"Greetings. We are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity, but today we've come here to U.A. high—the bastion of heroism— to end the life of All Might, the symbol of peace.
We were under the impression that All Might would be here today but—-ARGH!!"
Mid-sentence, Kurogiri choked as his metal neck brace suddenly crushed inward, an unseen force squeezing it mercilessly. His mist-like body quivered as he struggled to breathe.
Ryoma stood among the students, with his right hand raising up, controlling the magnetic field that was responsible for Kurogiri's predicament. He had no intention to listen to a villain yapping his full speech of introduction in a life threatening situation like an idiot.
"Y-You!!",Kurogiri rasped, barely managing to turn his gaze toward the culprit—only to be met with Ryoma flipping him off with a middle fuck finger.
Bakugo and Kirishima took this chance and jumped at the villain to attack him.
"BEGONE!!!", Kurogiri's body enlarged and created a giant mist engulfing class 1-A instantly.
Bakugo and Kirishima were the first victims to get sucked into the mist.
Ryoma reacted fast, controlling the steel armor plates on his costume to latch onto as many people as possible, yanking them away from the portal's pull.
He managed to save No.13, Iida, Uraraka, Shoji, Sato, Sero, Ashido, Ojiro, Hakakure, Aoyama and Koda.
Unfortunately, the rest were already gone—teleported away before he could reach them.
No.13 attacked Kurogiri, attempting to vacuum his body into her "Blackhole". But Kurogiri quickly adjusted, extending his mist-like form and opening a second portal behind her, backfiring her own attack against her.
Before he could execute the counter properly, Ryoma yanked the metal neck brace clean off Kurogiri's body with a sharp tug of magnetism.
"Arhghargh!!!" Kurogiri's distorted scream echoed through the battlefield.
"Thanks for the save, kid.", No.13 tapped Ryoma's shoulder.
She turned back to the class. "We need to go, now!"
She then turned to Iida:
"Class president! Your job is to run back to the school and report on what's happening. The alarms haven't sounded, the phones aren't working while Eraserhead senpai is down there nullifying quirks means whoever is interfering with the system has hidden themselves. That being the case, you going back is our best option.", She explained her order to Iida to run back to call for reinforcements.
"Nomu. Help Kurogiri and stop those kids from leaving.", Shigaraki ordered the giant black skinned artificial human with a bird peak and exposed brain. He launched at the exit door at horrific speed.
"Stand back!" No. 13 yelled, pushing Ryoma out of harm's way.
But she wasn't fast enough.
The Nomu's fist slammed into her, sending her crashing violently into the wall.
""""SENSEI!!!"""" The students cried out in horror.
Ryoma's mind raced as he processed what had just happened. The speed—the power—that thing wasn't human.
He controlled steel plates and metal parts from the wall, shaping them into sharp blades to shoot at the Nomu.
The blades tore through its flesh—stabbing deep, slicing into muscle.
But the creature didn't react.
Instead, it simply leapt toward Kurogiri's crumpled form, ignoring the injuries entirely. With mechanical precision, it grabbed the discarded metal brace and reattached it to Kurogiri's neck.
Then Nomu did the unexpected thing in front of the class, it pulled all the metal blades out of its body emotionlessly and its wounds began to heal back quickly as if nothing happened.
'Super speed. Super strength…And healing?!! Multi-quirks?!!', Ryoma stared in sheer disbelief.
"What the fucking abomination are you?" he muttered, instinctively lifting himself into the air with magnetism. It was literally a death sentence to fight this monster on land and in close quarter combat.
'For God's sake if you can fucking fly—', Ryoma's thought was cut off as he saw the Nomu jumped at the same height as him in a split second.
Ryoma instinctively manipulated as many metal panels, objects, anything he could from the surrounding environment to wrap around his body into a giant metal shield to protect his front but it was no use. The Nomu punched through the shield as if it was made from paper.
Nomu's fist was just a few centimeters away from Ryoma's face before its hand got stuck in the punctured shield. Luckily, it didn't hit Ryoma yet thanks to the help from other students: Uraraka floated Sero up and Sero shot his tape, wrapping around Nomu's leg to drag his speed slightly back.
Iida rushed straight to the door during the chaos.
"Insolent child! You've caused enough troubles for us today!", Kurogiri with a surprise attack from Ryoma's back, enveloped him in black mist and teleported him to Windstorm/Downpour Zone of USJ.
"Get your fucking hands out of my students!!", Aizawa after defeating all the lackey thugs shifted his attention to Kurogiri and Nomu. He rushed hurriedly to save his students.
"Nomu, take him down.", Shigaraki ordered with a sickening smile behind the hand on his face.
Nomu took the order and changed his target to Aizawa.
(Author: a warning for disturbing content upcoming. You've been warned).
Midoriya, Asui and Tokoyami got teleported to Flood Zone. They used strategies that Midoriya came up with to win against the underwater villains.
Bakugo, Kirishima were in Collapsed Zone. Todoroki was alone at Landslide Zone while Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Kaminari were in Mountain Zone.
Their fights were the same as in the canon.
Ryoma reappeared in the Downpour Storm Zone, alone. Heavy rain poured down in sheets, drenching the artificial cityscape. Surrounding him were several villains, already waiting in position.
'That bastard's black air-form body acted as a warp portal. So that means other students got teleported as well…But are they in the same zone as me or were they scattered?', Ryoma thought while observing the villains approaching him.
'These motherfuckers really have the patience to wait in a storm rain for a student to get thrown here for an ambush?'
Without a word, he raised his hand. The scattered metal debris around the ruined city area trembled.
The villains barely had time to react before Ryoma attacked with brutal precision.
First villain lunged forward, but Ryoma's iron spikes shot out from the wet pavement, piercing straight through both of his knees. He collapsed, screaming as his legs gave out beneath him.
A bulky, tattooed villain tried to charge, only for iron bands to snap around his arms and wrench them backward, dislocating both shoulders with a sickening pop.
Other villains that carried weapons made from magnetic metals immediately got disarmed by Ryoma. Their guns, knives, axes floated out of their hands and pointed against them.
They brought their hands high up to surrender out of fear.
Then, every piece of metal in the area coiled around all of their bodies like snakes, snapping limbs and twisting joints at unnatural angles. Their weapons were destroyed by Ryoma's quirk one by one.
"Welp…it's time for interrogation. I have some questions.", Ryoma said.
A villain, wearing a metal mask, seemed to not be afraid of him, immediately shot back a cursing provocation:
"We will tell you nothing you hero junior dipshit!!"
"Ah, we have a volunteer.", Ryoma clapped his hands.
An invisible force seized the villain's metal mask. In an instant, an overwhelming pressure clamped down, forcing the unyielding steel inward with crushing force.
A sickening crunch echoed as the mask caved in around his lower face, the pressure centering on his jaw. His muffled scream barely escaped before—SNAP—his mandible shattered like brittle wood. The force violently wrenched the joint from its socket, twisting his lower jaw at an unnatural angle.
Teeth splintered, shards of bone pierced through torn gums, and a gush of blood spilled from his gaping, misshapen mouth. His tongue stuck out uselessly, half-pinned between jagged fragments of his own teeth. His attempts to scream turned into grotesque, wet gurgles as saliva and blood flooded his throat, choking him on his own agony.
His body convulsed as shock took hold, but the mask remained locked in place—an iron vice slowly crushing what little remained of his lower face.
The moment the villain's jaw snapped, the entire group of criminals froze—a mixture of horror, disbelief, and primal fear flashing across their faces. The sickening crunch of bone breaking under pressure echoed through the rain-soaked ruins, followed by the wet, gurgling sounds of the man drowning in his own blood.
Some villains instinctively staggered backward, their previous bravado vanishing like steam in the rain. One clutched his own jaw, as if feeling a phantom pain, his breath hitching. One pissed his pants, no one noticed due to the rain. Another, a younger thug, vomited onto the pavement, unable to stomach the sight of his comrade's face being twisted into an unrecognizable mess.
Then, Ryoma reached for his belt.
When he clicked open a small pill-shaped capsule, and a stream of iron sand hissed out, slithering through the air like a living entity, the fear in the villains' eyes turned into sheer, unfiltered terror. This was the countermeasure Ryoma planned for the villain(Shigaraki) that he studied about his quirk that fragmented the backdoor into dust yesterday.
However, during the process, Ryoma also had thought of a method to attack/torture humans with it.
"No, no—wait! STOP!" One of them screamed, realizing what was about to happen.
The villains watched in horrified paralysis as the iron sand swirled, glistening under the rain before flying into the shattered-jawed villain's mouth like a bunch of insects.
His ruined, twisted lower face convulsed violently, his eyes bulging as the fine metal particles crawled past his shattered teeth, down his throat, filling his airway like liquid death. His body spasmed uncontrollably, his choked gurgling turning into a high-pitched, muffled wheeze.
At this point, several villains fell to their knees, pleading, sobbing, anything to avoid being next.
"W-we'll talk! We'll tell you EVERYTHING!" One of them blurted out, his face deathly pale.