Minecrafting in the world of Terraria as the Beheaded (Rewrite)

Chapter 26: A bloody marketplace

Combat could be likened to chess.

You make an initiating move, someone makes a responding move and you move to respond to that move

In combat however, your turn to respond was decided by your inner reflexes, your base physicality, how you reacted and what your current situation is like.

In this case, I was confident in my inner reflexes to swiftly move out of a gunshots way when I hear a gunshot which mind you is hella loud and fast.

Ever since arriving here in this world filled with disease, undead, mutants and lots of cold weapons I was granted a body that I could only dream of possessing

A fight necessitated three reactions of fight, flight and freeze and I chose fight.

And my current situation?

I whipped my hand again drawing an arc of black corrupted blood in the air, catching the japanese Kunai in my hands as I prepared for my next move

'Where the hell are they all coming from?!'

I silently screamed in my head I used the power of centrifugal force to twist my body around to dodge yet another of the undead archers placing themselves on high ground.

Throwing the kunai at them, the string connected to its end tensed before failing to reach its position as many others continually fought with every tooth and nail.

'Can't reach them from here.'

Wanting to pull out one of the new bows I had just stolen from the blacksmith that had disappeared out of nowhere, I also felt like running away.

But then I remembered I was a muggle and was unable to pass through that wall.

Right hand holding the balanced blade, the green blade with rings making its weight distribution incredibly efficient, the greenish blade cut through the air with a whistle.

Tearing through the zombie's guts another one of the undead popped their degraded heads out of the wall, showing their mouth full of rotting teeth as they chomped down.

Raising my arm in response a shield placed in my quick slot suddenly appeared breaking its teeth.

Pushing forwards I heard the sound of bones breaking as something suddenly pierced into my shoulder.


Pain shooting up my spine, I glanced at my shoulder only to see an arrow poking out of it.

'And it just had to just glance the only piece of armor on my body.'

Feeling another impact on my body I noted how I should shut up even my thoughts as another arrow glanced off of the piece of armor on my shoulder.

'Thank you pauldron.'

Sending my thanks to the inanimate object I turned to glare at the numerous undead archers picking off the numerous market goers.

Screams and groans filled the air as blood of all types splattered onto the ground where they were absorbed by the numerous cloths hanging around, transferring them down to the large tub of crimson down below.

'And now that I focus on the blood I can finally smell it.'

The smell of blood overpowering the magic that suppressed them in the first place I felt another impact on my shoulder pauldron.

'Now that's just plain annoying.'

Turning my attention from the fighting people slicing through the numerous undead with skill I glared at the undead archer.

Rushing forwards I threw the Kunai forwards once more into the air, its white thread swiftly unwinding itself around of my hand.

Embedding itself into the wooden boards they showed their resilience as it dug deep.


"Thanks for helping me."

Spotting a frothing shieldbearer rushing at me with a dazed look in their blue eyes underneath the purple hood on their heads, the large wooden shield they wielded rushed towards me as I took a running start.

Fortunately running alongside the edges its pale bare feet slapped against the ground as I kicked off of its shield sending me into the air and it into the depths below.

Falling down to meet its maker, it collided against several bloodsoaked pieces of cloth that were surprisingly more durable than they looked.

Watching it break into several pieces that turned into an unknown slush I realized that the ground down below seemed to be made entirely of such a slush.

'Let's just ignore that for now.'

Hefting myself up with the help of the not so intact shieldbearer the white string and the kunai held my entire bodyweight as I swung upwards.

Flipping through the air, mid swing I took back the Kunai and placed it in my inventory aiming to use something else to perform another swing in the air as I climbed up higher and higher within the ramparts

Grabbing one of the numerous cloth pieces I swung upwards, bringing out another of the Blacksmith's crafted weapons and spun in the air.

Flames setting the head of the Nutcracker alight, the orange head hammer turned orange from the blaze as it instantly crashed into the wooden boards that the undead archers had set themselves upon.

Flanked by slowly rising undead in the form of a lizard and a few men and women arrows poking out of their body it didn't take a genius to know what had happened to them.

And although I give my condolences for their loss, I wasn't going to be giving my condolences to the undead archers that heartlessly ambushed them.

Slamming the flaming head into the wooden boards, although they were constructed incredibly well to the point that they could hold several peoples body weight, it certainly wasn't built to withstand this amount of abuse.


Tensing my arms I twisted in the air while swing the nutcracker.

Flame enhanced hammer breaking through the floorboards, the undead archers on the verge of loosing another deluge of arrows that would inevitably claim a few more lives stumbled.

Falling to their doom I sent the hammer straight into my inventory while grabbing the falling red ribbon.

Clutching it, the cloth soaked in blood broke from its place on the boards.

Clenching my hands my eyes dashed from place to place as I swung around.

Blood soaking my hands I spotted the undead coming from several points along the wall on boths sides

Zombies, Undead Archers, Shieldbearers.

The undead trio accompanied by the flying red bean shaped undead mutants appeared.

And one guy I certainly wasn't expecting.


'Is that what it's called?'

Spotting the so called sweeper with an abnormally large right arm and abnormally short stature rush at the person who shouted out its name, they wielded the bow in the ir hands and aimed the arrow at the orange eye glowing underneath the grey hood.

Raising its orange blade embedded into its arms like that running zombie with blades in its arm, the Sweeper raised its arm and slammed it down into the floorboards.

Instantly sprouting flames, the wood was unable to withstand the impact as the impact instantly tore apart the wooden floorboards and drew a path of destruction to the man who had shouted earlier.

Loosing their arrow a panicked look befell their face as they lost their footing and slipped downwards where they probably wouldn't be able to survive.

And at best they would get off with a broken back where they would be unable to do anything.

And honestly speaking, if you couldn't do anything without anyone's help to survive how is that any different from dying?

'Not that I'm going to allow it.'

I was heading their anyways.

Still swinging from the same blood soaked piece of cloth I drew the kunai and flicked my hand causing the Kunai to fly off in a strange direction.

But thanks to learning how to use a meteor hammer I knew what I was doing.

Instantly wrapping around the man's flailing leg the kunai instantly locked around it as I flew upwards.

Swinging my arm backwards the man flew behind me as the kunai served to connect us both.

Landing atop the floorboards I heard the sound of something snapping and the sound of scream

But better a broken leg than die.

And it seemed that the man agreed with my statement.

Grimacing as they landed against the floorboards besides me they sent me a grateful nod before cursing out in several tongues.

'On second thought I don't think he's grateful.'

Balancing on the unharmed leg while bleeding around their other foot, they hurriedly hopped away, bow in hand.

'It was more of a whim anyways.'

Thinking this on the fly I grabbed the bow out of my inventory and instantly transferred back to combat mode.

Whipping out the arrow I knelt on the ground and narrowed my eyes at the sweeper who suddenly burst out of the floorboards in front of me, rising like some sort of demon from the depths of hell.

And seeing as this place was heading to a place that was as equally as horrible, I guess it was fitting

Bow string tensing on the infantry bow, flames consumed the tip of the arrow as I let it fly.

Piercing the air, it instantly split the air in front of it as it stabbed straight into the skull of the sweeper in front of me, snuffing out the orange light in its eyes with chilling effeciency.


Hearing movement behind me I swiftly rolled forwards to the unmoving body of the sweeper still frozen in its rising motion and replaced my bow with a pair of daggers.

"Calm down Slade! It's just me!"

"Oh" Blinking, the adrenaline that had previously flowed through my veins and dilated my pupils slowly lowered their effects causing me to be acutely aware of how many labored breaths I was doing as the lungs in my chest struggled to take in air.


"?" Tilting her head in confusion she chuckled "No silly, it's me Cherry, Ella is my sister."



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