Chapter 12: chapter 12 the launch

One Hour Before the Launch of Mortal Online

Celeste sat on the couch, controller in hand, glaring at the clock. One hour. Just one more hour before she could finally escape into Mortal Online, her soon-to-be kingdom.

Mark lounged across from her, sipping soda. "Man, I can't wait to get in there and just—"

"Die repeatedly?" Ana cut in.

Mark shrugged. "Yeah, probably."

Liz scrolled through her phone. "I'm placing bets now. Who gets wiped first: Mark or Daniel?"

"Hey!" Mark protested.

"Daniel," Ana said without hesitation. "He's gonna do something dumb within the first five minutes."

Right on cue, Daniel strolled into the room, a smug grin plastered on his face. "Ladies," he purred, sliding onto the couch between Ana and Liz. "What's a gorgeous pair like you doing in a place like this?"

Ana snorted. "Waiting for Mortal Online."

Liz didn't even look up. "Ignoring you."

Daniel placed a hand over his heart. "You wound me."

"Not yet," Celeste muttered.

Daniel, undeterred, leaned in closer. "You know, Liz, I've always admired your—"


Celeste's fist met the back of his head.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL, WOMAN?!" Daniel clutched his head, glaring at her.

Celeste, unfazed, went back to checking her PC setup. "Stop flirting before I throw you out the window."

Ana burst out laughing. Mark nearly spit out his drink. Liz smirked.

Daniel huffed. "You're just mad because you can't resist my—"

Celeste reached for the closest object—a pillow this time—and launched it at his face.


Daniel fell off the couch.

Liz grinned. "You walked right into that."

Ana wiped away tears. "This is the greatest pre-launch entertainment ever."

Mark checked the time. "Forty-five minutes left. You think the servers will crash?"

Celeste's eye twitched. "If they do, I will riot."

Daniel groaned from the floor. "If they do, I'm blaming Celeste's bad karma."

Another pillow to the face.

And so, the countdown to Mortal Online continued—with chaos, violence, and Daniel being repeatedly smacked.

30 Minutes Before Launch – The Chaos Intensifies

Celeste sat on the edge of her seat, fingers tapping impatiently on the keyboard. The Mortal Online launcher was open, the servers still locked, the countdown taunting her.

Thirty more minutes.

Too long.

Across the room, Mark had fully reclined on the couch, phone in hand. "So, I found a guide on the best starter builds. Apparently, magic is kinda broken if you—"

"Nope." Celeste cut him off. "I already planned my build weeks ago."

Mark blinked. "You didn't even let me finish."

"I don't need to. I know."

Ana smirked. "Of course she does. She's probably got a spreadsheet."

Celeste didn't respond.

Liz's eyes narrowed. "…Do you actually have a spreadsheet?"

Celeste remained silent.

Mark sat up. "You do."

Celeste sipped her drink. "And what of it?"

Liz shook her head. "Jesus."

Meanwhile, Daniel—who had finally recovered from his earlier beatings—was sprawled across the armrest of the couch, lazily spinning a controller in his hand. He was far too relaxed for someone about to dive into an MMORPG with Celeste.

Which meant one thing.

He was planning something.

Celeste narrowed her eyes at him. "Alright, Daniel. What's your plan?"

Daniel gave her an innocent look. "Plan? Oh, Celeste, darling, whatever do you mean?"


This time, she threw her mousepad at him.


"Because you're scheming," Celeste said flatly.

Daniel rubbed his forehead, pouting. "Why do you always assume the worst of me?"

Liz raised an eyebrow. "Because the worst of you is always accurate."

Ana nodded. "That's actually a fair point."

Daniel gasped. "I am offended. I'm a gentleman."

Celeste cracked her knuckles. "Say that again with a straight face."

Daniel smirked. "I'm a gent—"


A cushion this time.

Mark checked the time. "Twenty minutes left."

Liz stretched. "So… bets on who's gonna rage first?"

"Celeste," Ana said instantly.

Mark hummed. "Nah, I think it's gonna be Daniel. He's gonna do something dumb, Celeste is gonna kill him, and then he's gonna rage."

Daniel scoffed. "Please. I'm untouchable."

Celeste smirked. "You think you're untouchable."

Daniel opened his mouth to retort—


A notification popped up on the screen.

[Servers will open in 15 minutes.]



"OH, IT'S TIME!" Ana practically vibrated with excitement.

Mark grinned. "Hell yeah."

Liz smirked. "This is gonna be a disaster."

Celeste cracked her fingers, a dangerous gleam in her eyes. "Finally."

Daniel leaned back, arms crossed. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen, let's see who lasts the longest before breaking."

Ana snickered. "Oh, that's easy. Celeste."

Liz smirked. "Yeah. She won't break. She'll just break us."

Daniel shot Celeste a cocky grin. "Oh, don't worry. I'll make sure to personally make your gaming experience interesting."

Celeste's smile was pure murder.

"Oh, Daniel," she said sweetly. "I dare you."

Daniel's grin widened. "Challenge accepted."

And thus, the war was about to spill into Mortal Online.

10 Minutes Before Launch – The Calm Before the Storm

The air in the mansion was thick with tension. Not the bad kind—no, this was the kind that came before absolute chaos.

Celeste sat at her setup, triple monitors glowing ominously as she leaned forward in her chair, fingers hovering over her keyboard. Her eyes never left the countdown timer.

Daniel, meanwhile, had kicked his feet up onto the coffee table, stretching leisurely. "So, Celeste, have you decided on a guild yet, or are we just going to wing it?"

Celeste scoffed. "Wing it? Do you think I would leave something this important to chance?"

Liz chuckled. "She definitely has a guild already lined up."

Ana smirked. "Probably sent in an application weeks ago."

Celeste took a sip of her drink. "It wasn't weeks. It was a month ago."

Mark whistled. "Of course it was."

Daniel tilted his head. "Lemme guess—the most hardcore PvP guild you could find?"

Celeste's smirk was all the confirmation they needed.

Mark groaned. "Well, I hope you enjoy your hardcore life because I'm gonna be chilling."

Ana snorted. "Yeah, see, that's your problem. Chilling in Mortal Online is how you get murdered."

Liz leaned back. "Not us though. Celeste will make sure we don't die. Right?"

Celeste didn't respond immediately.

Liz frowned. "…Right?"

Celeste continued watching the countdown.


Still no response.

Ana crossed her arms. "Celeste."

Celeste exhaled dramatically. "I will try to keep you alive."

Daniel smirked. "Translation: If you fall behind, she's leaving you to die."

Celeste shrugged. "I'll loot your corpse at least."

Mark groaned. "I'm not even in the game yet, and I already feel betrayed."

[5 minutes until launch.]

The tension rose.

Ana vibrated in her chair. "Oh my god, I need this game to start NOW."

Liz smirked. "You just wanna start fights, don't you?"

Ana grinned. "Maybe."

Daniel draped an arm over the back of the couch, eyes twinkling. "Well, if we're talking fights, maybe I should duel Celeste first."

Celeste barely glanced at him. "You're asking to be humiliated immediately?"

Daniel flashed his signature cocky grin. "Oh, darling, I'd love for you to humiliate me."


Celeste didn't even look as she grabbed a book and threw it at him.


Liz covered her mouth, trying not to laugh. "At this point, you should just expect it."

Mark checked the time. "Three minutes left."

Ana grinned. "Ohhh, we're so close."

Daniel, rubbing his forehead, grinned. "So, last predictions: Who's gonna get rage-kicked from a party first?"

Mark smirked. "You."

Ana nodded. "Definitely you."

Liz snorted. "Without a doubt."

Celeste didn't even hesitate. "Absolutely you."

Daniel gasped, clutching his chest. "I am so unappreciated in this household."

Celeste cracked her knuckles. "Don't worry, pet. I'll show you how much I appreciate you… in the game."

Daniel grinned. "Looking forward to it

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