Mobuseka:Leon's Adventure

Chapter 76: After All

**After the events in the secret part of the dungeon, Leon, Angelica, and Olivia began to see each other frequently at the Academy. Since that day, whenever Angelica found it unbearable because of the prince's actions, Leon and Olivia were always there, trying to distract her from unpleasant thoughts.

But Angelica's problems were truly serious. The prince stubbornly refused to speak with her, ignored her completely, and didn't even invite her to tea parties. By both rules and his status as her fiancé, he was obligated to spend time with her during tea ceremonies. However, not only did he avoid them, but he even ordered her to stay away from him. With each passing day, Angelica sank deeper into despair.

Noticing her depressed state, Leon decided to take matters into his own hands. He invited her to a tea party with Olivia, hoping to talk and lift her spirits, even if only a little.

Speaking of Olivia, after the events in the secret part of the Academy, she often blushed when Leon was around. It seemed their shared experience had left a strong impact on her feelings toward him. Fortunately, this phase didn't last long. Within a few days, she had gained enough confidence to stand beside him without getting flustered over little things.

During this time, Leon also significantly strengthened his friendship with a group of four guys: Daniel, Raymond, and the two brothers Tony and Vito.

Daniel and Raymond had the same problem as most barons and even some viscounts—they simply couldn't find girlfriends. Every noble girl at the Academy outright refused to even speak with them. Their attempts to invite someone to tea parties always ended in failure: either no one showed up, or the ones who did were what Leon privately called "hags with horrible personalities."

But the worst part? These girls didn't come alone. No, they somehow managed to bring their sex slaves along, making the whole situation even more absurd.

Leon watched sympathetically as the two guys lay on the grass, completely crushed and demoralized.

"Poor guys…" he thought, observing their suffering. "Maybe I should ask Luxion to find them some decent girls? There must be at least a couple of good ones among the thousands of students at the Academy."

Thinking this, Leon immediately decided to act and called out loudly to his trusty AI:


A moment later, a small metallic sphere appeared beside him, softly glowing with a blue light.

"I am listening, Master," Luxion responded in a steady, mechanical voice.

Sitting on his bed, Leon stared at the floating sphere—an artificial intelligence named Luxion.

"Can you look into something about the girls?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

Luxion stared at him with its single red eye.

"Apologies, Master," the AI replied emotionlessly, "but I refuse to provide information on the breast sizes of the girls."

Leon froze for a second, caught off guard by the sudden response. He was about to protest and say that wasn't what he meant… but then he changed his mind.

"Well, then tell me Angelica's size," he said with a smirk, giving a thumbs-up.

"Denied," Luxion immediately shot back.

Leon let out a deep sigh and waved his hand dismissively.

"Alright… What I actually need is something else. I want you to find some girls for my friends."

Luxion was silent for a moment before replying:

"I have forwarded your request to Cleare. She will handle it better. I will focus on something more productive."

With that, the AI activated its cloaking mode and disappeared.

Leon had barely relaxed when, with a loud BANG!, the door burst open, and the two brothers Tony and Vito stormed into the room. They were grinning ear to ear, clutching bottles of beer as if they had just won the grand prize in a lottery.

"Boss!" Tony exclaimed cheerfully. "It's Saturday! Time for a drink!"

"What the hell?.." Leon stood up from his bed, crossing his arms. "First of all, how did you even sneak that into the dorm? Alcohol is banned here!"

The brothers exchanged glances, smirking mischievously before answering in unison:

"We have our ways, Boss."

Leon narrowed his eyes but decided not to dig into their smuggling talents.

"And second… Today is Monday."

Tony and Vito froze, clearly not expecting that twist. Then, after quickly exchanging another glance, they stepped aside and whispered furiously to each other. A few seconds later, they turned back to Leon.

"The start of the school week is a great reason to drink!" Vito declared, raising his bottle.

Leon rolled his eyes.

"No, guys. That is not a reason."

He decisively marched toward the door, but the brothers weren't ready to give up yet.

"Boss, you found a secret dungeon, right? That's a big deal! Isn't that worth celebrating?" Vito coaxed.

"And you befriended the Duke's daughter!" Tony added. "That's definitely worth a bottle of rum!"

"How about this," Leon sighed heavily, pushing them toward the exit. "We'll drink when something truly significant happens!"

Finally, he shoved them out of the room and with a loud CLICK! locked the door behind them.

From the other side, he heard a disappointed:


Leon slumped back onto his bed, exhausted.**

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