Chapter 94 - Massive Damage
Kaleb and Shaggy stared on in fascination as Blutschläger’s body expanded. The old man’s bespoke suit stretched and grew as his body contorted and changed color. Blutschläger’s pale skin started turn silver and take on a glossy sheen. His pants and shirt ripped audibly as his muscles bulged and he grew to eight feet tall. His hands grew large and his fingers turned to metallic looking claws.
“What the fuck?” Shaggy yelled as they watched Blutschläger’s body change.
Shaggy lobbed his second rifle to Kaleb and fired his own. The green orbs of energy exploded from the weapon and collided with the Blutschläger’s now fully silver body. The blast seemed to impact the body and then reflect off bouncing and exploding into nearby walls and even some cars. Kaleb caught the thrown rifle and fired his own salvo with similar results.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me!” Shaggy shouted.
The now towering behemoth roared in answer and charged. Blutschläger made a direct charge for Kaleb swiping his large claws at Kaleb’s midsection. Kaleb jumped back, narrowly avoiding the swipe and fired up into Blutschläger’s face. The balls of energy bounced off at odd angles a few even ricocheted toward Shaggy. The werewolf rolled forward, letting the rifle hang from its strap as he came up with both claws extended.
The werewolf swiped his own claws at the large silver monster’s side. But Blutschläger didn’t even seem to recognize the blows as he casually flicked his arm out, batting Shaggy away. Shaggy tumbled end over end as he was batted aside until he crashed into the front windshield of a nearby car, crushing it.
Kaleb dashed around the Blutschläger and ran a short distance before turning and letting his own rifle hang off his shoulder. Blutschläger coolly turned to follow Kaleb, clear indifference on his face. Drawing his Magic Gun, Kaleb focused his Mana into the mental image of an icicle piercing Blutschläger’s skin. The large behemoth’s silver face sneered in contempt as Kaleb felt his Mana flow into his gun.
Kaleb mentally pulled the trigger and sent the large spear of ice flying. Blutschläger’s hand snapped up grabbing the spear from the air. But Kaleb saw that the tip had punctured into the large vampire’s chest. Kaleb thought he could even see blood, but as he watched Blutschläger crush the spear of ice, the silver skin grew over the puncture wound. A deep rumbling laugh echoed throughout the parking garage as Blutschläger’s eyes squinted in delight.
“Ha Ha Ha! Give it up! Thanks to the gift of the Quinica I am invincible.” Blutschläger chuckled in a deep growling voice.
Kaleb’s mind spun as he tried to think of something. The energy rifle was useless, his Magic Gun was too slow, and he didn’t like his chances up close. Blutschläger strolled forward leisurely as he brushed the shards of ice off his hands.
“You should have submitted to the will of the Quinica. Soon all of Under-Town will be under our control. In a matter of days I will have all the proof I need to show the elders that how profitable it would be to conquer the lesser gangs. When that happens droves of my brethren will fall upon Under-Town, cleansing it of the riffraff and other- ARGH!”
Blutschläger’s speech was cutoff when a shadow flew behind his back. Shaggy rolled out of his dash into a crouch, one of his claws dripping with blood. Blutschläger convulsed in pain and reached for his back as his silver skin seemed to quiver. Kaleb gaped in surprise at Shaggy’s bloody claw.
“Glowing weak spot!” Shaggy said pointing at Blutschläger’s shivering skin.
Kaleb moved his gaze to Blutschläger’s skin which was shifting and twisting. A yellow mass of veins slithered over the vampire’s shoulder and traveled down to his lower stomach. The yellow mass had a red orb-like center with clear claw marks along its surface. Kaleb almost laughed, it really was a glowing weak spot.
“BASTARD! You will regret that!” Blutschläger snarled as finished shaking in pain and dashed toward Shaggy.
Shaggy dashed away and Kaleb brought up his rifle again and aimed at the mass of veins. Blutschläger stopped his charge and crossed his arms over his stomach, guarding his obvious weakness. Kaleb stopped firing his rifle and put more distance between him and the large vampire. He heard stomping coming from behind him as Blutschläger gave chase.
Kaleb dashed between cars as he glanced over his shoulder. Blutschläger was shouldering cars out of the way as he covered his midsection. Shaggy was following behind both of them dodging around the flipped over cars. Deciding on a course of action, Kaleb turned and waited for the charging Blutschläger banking on his dodge skill. Unfortunately Kaleb proved too slow.
As Blutschläger swiped his claws downward at him, Kaleb tried to dodge to the side. But the vampire’s large claws raked across his chest and the blow sent Kaleb flying. Kaleb heard and felt Blutschläger’s claws shred through his armor and rend flesh from his chest. Kaleb gasped as he flew across the parking garage and slammed into a nearby car. He felt his blood trickle down his body as he took a few seconds to gather himself.
Kaleb heard Blutschläger scream in pain again and looked up. Shaggy had taking advantage of the large vampire swatting Kaleb and slashed the mass of veins again. Blutschläger’s silver skin quivered again, and they watched as the mass of veins traveled down the front of Blutschläger’s leg. It disappeared behind Blutschläger’s pants before it reappeared further down his leg. Shaggy dashed forward to strike the yellow mass again, but he was bounced backward as his claws connected.
“It’s invulnerable while it’s moving.” Kaleb shouted as he got to his feet unsteadily.
Shaggy moved away from Blutschläger’s convulsing form and shouted. “You okay?!”
Kaleb placed his hand to his chest and looked down. His armor had three large claw marks in it. Luckily, only one had cut through the Kevlar and Ifrit skin. The cut stung like Hell, but didn’t seem that deep.
“Yeah! Almost smacked the green off of me though.” Kaleb shouted back as he looked up.
Blutschläger seemed to come out of his convulsions, But Kaleb couldn’t see the yellow mass. Shaggy visibly tensed as he watched the large vampire shake himself out of his stupor. Kaleb got ready as Blutschläger gave another deafening roar and charged Shaggy.
“Where is it?!” Kaleb asked putting his rifle to his shoulder.
Shaggy dodged Blutschläger’s claws far better than Kaleb had and responded, annoyed. “It’s on his fucking foot!”
Blutschläger seemed to have heard the exchange, and he spared a glance toward Kaleb. The large vampire snorted in contempt and casually batted a car toward Kaleb. The car’s tires squealed as it skidded across the parking garage and rapidly closed with Kaleb. Kaleb rolled to the side away from the oncoming car and looked up at Blutschläger’s back.
The vampire’s back was to Kaleb as he got back to his feet. Kaleb could see a yellow glow coming from the bottom of Blutschläger’s left foot. We need to get to the weak point. Kaleb thought as he reached for his Magic Gun again. He had a clear line of sight and a large target. He focused on another icicle and channeled his Mana as he walked forward.
Shaggy was dodging and swiping at the silver behemoth’s legs with no success. Kaleb aimed for a spot between the old vampire’s shoulders and picked up the pace. Mentally pulling the trigger, Kaleb flew into a full run. The icicle sped across the parking garage as Kaleb raced after it. His aim was a little off and the spear of ice punctured Blutschläger’s silver armor at his right shoulder.
Blutschläger screamed in pain and turned around. Kaleb deployed Shocky and jumped on top of the trunk of a nearby car. Running along the top of the cars Kaleb waited until he was close enough before he leaped and slammed into Blutschläger’s turning back.
Kaleb activated Shocky’s stun effect as he slammed into the large back. Blutschläger’s spun harshly as Kaleb hit him, but he didn’t fall. Shaggy, seeing a chance, grabbed at Blutschläger’s left leg and used his considerable strength to lift it up. As Blutschläger tilted back, he flailed about and his arm smacked into Kaleb sending him flying into another car.
Eventually Shaggy toppled Blutschläger, and he quickly slashed his transformed hands across the yellow-red weak spot. Blutschläger let out another choked scream as his skin quivered and he convulsed. Shaggy backed up and watched and Kaleb pulled himself to his feet again. This time the silver skin around Blutschläger receded and his size returned to that of an old man.
Kaleb breathed a sigh of relief as he smiled at Shaggy. The werewolf relaxed his posture and smiled back at Kaleb. The two were both surprised they had survived such an encounter. Blutschläger had been far more powerful than either of them had expected. They had really lucked out with that glowing weak spot thing.
Before they could celebrate their victory, a blur of movement slammed into Shaggy. With a sudden stop Blutschläger, now in his human form, jerked Shaggy’s body toward him and delivered a headbutt that rocked the werewolf’s whole body. Kaleb watched in shock as Blutschläger slammed Shaggy’s head into a nearby car faster than he could see. Shaggy tried to fight back but his face was covered in blood and Blutschläger was too fast.
Finished with Shaggy, Blutschläger tossed the werewolf aside. Shaggy’s body slammed onto the hood of a car and he lay there motionless. Kaleb didn’t have time to worry about his friend as Blutschläger turned toward him. He tried to raise the K-Tech rifle but before he could Blutschläger was in front of him. Blutschläger gripped Kaleb’s right arm and twisted it brutally.
Kaleb felt his arm pop out of its socket as pain shot through his body. He didn’t even have enough time to scream before Blutschläger used his other hand to grip the back of Kaleb’s head. The old man’s sharp nails dug into his skull as Blutschläger forced Kaleb to look him in the eye. Kaleb punched the old man in the face with his metal arm, but Blutschläger barely flinched from the blows.
Gripping the back of Kaleb’s head even tighter, Blutschläger hissed. “You may have caused the Quinica to go dormant. But that doesn’t mean that I am without its gifts.”
Kaleb slammed his hand into Blutschläger’s face and fired a spike. The spike punctured the side of the old man’s head and crushed his left eye. But Blutschläger’s hold remained firm. Staring into Blutschläger’s remaining blood-shoot eye Kaleb tried to fire another spike, but all he got was the pneumatic release of air. He was out of spikes.
Blutschläger grinned. “You have proven little more than an annoyance. Once I have killed you, I will shall march on your people’s little settlement and slaughter every man, women, and child I find!”
Kaleb struggled feebly against Blutschläger’s hold, but it was useless. Blutschläger smiled wide and pulled him closer slowly. Kaleb stared at the grinning face of the old vampire. He wanted to smash those pointed teeth. Teeth! Kaleb thought suddenly.
Without thinking, Kaleb allowed Blutschläger to draw him closer. The move surprised Blutschläger and Kaleb opened his mouth wide and sink his teeth into the old man’s throat. Kaleb felt the warm blood flow over his lips as he sunk his teeth as deep as he could. Blutschläger screamed in pain and threw Kaleb off of him and to the floor.
Kaleb felt a chunk of meat come with him as he hit the floor. Blutschläger reached up in disgust to his bleeding throat and looked down at Kaleb clearly pissed. Kaleb wasted no time and used his metal hand to draw his Cybar and fired into Blutschläger’s legs. The old man screamed as the red burst of energy hit his knees. Kaleb scrambled to his feet, right arm hanging feebly from his side, as Blutschläger fell over. Kaleb fired the rest of his shots into Blutschläger’s torso as quickly as he could.
The gun burned away Blutschläger’s clothes and his pale skin from its shots. Kaleb moved away as he vented his Cybar pistol. But Blutschläger was still on his knees and trying to stand. Kaleb panted in panic as Blutschläger started to stand. But before he could get to his feet, a green orb of energy flew through the middle of his chest.
Looking past the old man’s shoulder, Kaleb could see that Shaggy was back on his feet and firing his rifle into Blutschläger’s back. The poor werewolf’s face was still battered and bloody, but apparently he could see fine as he sent multiple shots into the vampire. Blutschläger fell forward as the green energy balls left large holes in his body. Shaggy trailed a line of shots up Blutschläger’s legs and back until his gun hissed from overheating.
Kaleb gulped and glanced between Shaggy and Blutschläger. “Dude, you are resilient as fuck.”
Shaggy just nodded as he stared at Blutschläger’s back. “When I couldn’t get my powers to work right. I put most of my evolution points into Regeneration.”
“Looks like it has come in handy.” Kaleb said as he watched Shaggy’s nose reset itself and the cuts on his face reseal themselves.
Shaggy just nodded as he waited for Blutschläger to do something. Kaleb also waited, but it looked like they had finally killed the bastard. As Kaleb went to put his pistol away, Blutschläger’s body suddenly shivered.
“Nooooo!” cried the old man in a weak and croaky voice.
Shaggy pulled the trigger on his rifle but the gun was still too hot to fire. Kaleb aimed his own pistol at the prone form of Blutschläger but the vampire wasn’t doing anything.
“No. Please! Don’t leave me! I can still win! We can still conquer the world!” Blutschläger cried pitifully.
Kaleb thought he could hear the old man sob. Shaggy twisted his head in confusion as he asked. “Who the hell is he talking to?”
Before Kaleb could answer, yellow veins appeared on what remained Blutschläger’s skin. The veins pulsed with energy and moved. They collected near one wound on Blutschläger’s body. Blutschläger’s body turned gray and his body disintegrated as a small mass of something pink with yellow tentacles crawled its way out of Blutschläger’s wound.
“What the hell is that?!” Shaggy screamed, disgusted.
The werewolf raised his weapon to shoot, but Kaleb stopped him. “Wait! Wait! I think I know what this is.”
The yellow tentacles wrapped around the pink blob of muscle. Shaggy and Kaleb watched on as the mass of veins and tentacles wrapped itself into a large ball. Once in ball form the thing shrank, smaller and smaller until it was the size of a gumball. Kaleb moved to pick it up as Shaggy shouted.
“You’re gonna touch it?!”
Kaleb ignored him as he crouched down and grasped the small pink ball in his hand. Turning to look at the pile of ash that had been Blutschläger, Kaleb felt a little sad. In his last moments Blutschläger’s Quinica had abandoned ship. Kaleb thought a symbiotic relationship would be more secure than that. Holding the small pink orb for Shaggy to see, Kaleb said.
“Say hello to Blutschläger’s Quinica.”
Shaggy looked confused for a few seconds before he shrugged his shoulders. “As far as loot goes: that sucks.”
Kaleb gave a half-nod. “Maybe. Then again, who knows what secrets are in this thing. It can make its host faster, stronger, and live for quite a long time.”
“You’re not joining up with them are you?” Shaggy asked disgusted.
Kaleb snorted. “No. But I can use this somehow.”
Shaggy shook his head. “Fine, it’s yours. But I get all the credit sticks.”
Kaleb smiled and nodded. “Sure. Let’s go loot the others and then get out of here.”
“Well, yeah. About that…” Shaggy trailed off as he scratched his head awkwardly.
“I already looted mine.” Shaggy said grinning.
“Dude! You were looting while I was fighting for my life?!” Kaleb shouted.
“What?” Shaggy asked back, unapologetic. “It’s quicker that way, and you had the old guy handled.”
Kaleb shook his head. “No way, dude. Party foul! I call a party foul!”
Shaggy smiled. “There’s just the two of us. It’s a stalemate. Besides it’s a smart move. You never know when the po-”
The sounds of police sirens cut Shaggy off as he was speaking. Apparently you can’t fight a bunch of space-vampires in a parking garage without someone calling it in. Kaleb and Shaggy looked at each other swearing in unison in equal parts annoyance and anger.