Chapter 457: World Council
"We already have hunters with that ability, so why are you surprised? Also, don't you do a similar thing with that artifact?"
Olivia shared the same opinion as Ariadne; she didn't find it too surprising. But for Quartz, she knew it wasn't something easy to achieve.
She had tried hard to master and perfect the cultivation method Alex had given her. All his methods worked, but most of them were still theoretical. She needed to find a way to realize them herself.
Learning to switch armor sets instantly without any problem was not easy at all. She still remembered how she failed a few times and felt glad she had practiced by herself.
With every failure, she would end up naked as the armor just fell to the ground.
And this was not the worst; sometimes, it could also cause her injury or even break the armor.
Teleportation worked by folding the spaces; it required complicated calculations for each part involved. If she missed even one, the result would be disastrous.
"Yes, Ariadne, can you teach me how to do that?"
"As I said before, I cannot. It's something that you will automatically learn when you reach this realm.
How we do it is completely different from how you do it; it seems to me as simple as breathing.
At this realm, our will becomes strong enough that even space-time bends to our will, affecting reality."
"So, how long will I need to master this? Your technique was created by Edward; I think I need to ask Alex for help then."
Ariadne's lips curled into a smile, "It's Edward. Do you think he forgot about you? He already made one."
She then walked toward Seraphine and put her finger on her forehead. "Calm yourself; I will directly send the information to your mind."
As Seraphine was immersed in the new knowledge, Quartz asked, "What is your purpose here, Ariadne? Are you trying to unite this region?"
"Uniting? Haha, of course not. I am just building up a network to make sure everything on this side is alright.
In the first place, beastmen are already quite united. As I told you, the nine-emperor system works very well. Conflict still happens, but it never grows out of proportion.
The Dead Arena is more than enough to finish it. As long as there is no external factor intervening, nothing should go wrong."
"Just what is this external factor? Can you fill us in?"
"It's the same thing that caused the catastrophe in our city."
"What!? Do you mean that dungeon break was orchestrated? Who is behind this?" Olivia asked while Quartz was still deep in thought.
"Edward calls them the Primordials, and he speculates they also have sway in the association."
"Which hunter? How could the president not find out?"
Olivia felt this didn't make sense, considering how many hunters were working in the Association and how capable Solomon was.
There was no way such a big thing happened without his knowledge.
"Edward speculates they already know but cannot do anything. Even though the Association leads everything in front, they are still tied by the World Council."
"The World Council? They still exist?"
"Yes, otherwise, why do you think we are still separated by country?
Solomon always wanted to destroy the borders and unite it all under one government, but unfortunately, things are not that simple."
There is just no way the old elite would agree to relinquish power. Even after the catastrophe, all their strength stayed intact, and now they have become even stronger.
Many of them cooperate with foreign species. Their deals are questionable, and most of them are immoral, but the Association hasn't done anything about it.
They have already spent most of their resources on the front lines; they barely have any left to protect themselves. Having another inner conflict is just something they cannot afford now.
Many realizations then came to Olivia; things that she had always wondered about became clear now.
Why does the Association lack resources and manpower when they have their hand in almost every country?
The answer is simple: they are the ones fighting, while most of the resources are still monopolized by them. This made Olivia feel disgusted and hateful.
She didn't understand how humans could be so selfish. But if Alex were here, he would tell them that it makes sense because the elite would not want to allow the Association to grow further.
If they didn't have their hands full with the invaders, they knew what was waiting for them.
It's just human nature to self-preservation, something that resulted in cracks that could probably end up in their demise. Only when the situation escalates to the point where they have no other choice but to die will they really unite.
Unfortunately, Alex was not there to give out his insight. He was still on the gazebo, with MingYue sleeping on his lap. He knew he could wake her up, but somehow, despite his condition, he found the situation enjoyable.
After the kiss, they continued talking, but MingYue eventually fell asleep in the middle of it.
Alex stroked her hair gently while he was talking with Vesa.
Since she was out now, Alex used her to help communicate with the army.
"Tell all the sovereigns to focus on one class first and make sure to subdue the immortals, not kill them."
"Sure, King, but that will be quite overkill. Don't you think it's better to split them up?"
"Three sovereigns will be more than enough to subdue one based on my calculations, but Vesa, there are many unknown factors. We don't know what kind of methods these old monsters hide.
Also, tell them to change their strategy and attack without alerting everyone else."
"Ah, King means for them to move separately from the force? But won't that risk the army?"
"Yes, those immortals won't make any moves for now. I am sure they have more understanding than I do of the situation here.
My father has told a few of them about them. I don't believe they haven't done any preparation."
"But they ignored the King's father's request for help. That is why he went this far for his goal."