Chapter 3: EPISODE - 3 ‘BUDDY’
JOEY: (Slumped on the sofa, hands wide open placed on the back-rest of the sofa) UGHHH! *groan* Sooo bored!!! I thought being a reincarnated being, something's about to be fun, right? NO! Cause everything bores you. I've done all of my homework. You might ask how about taking a part-time job, right? Well, I do have it, in a coffee house, after taking a barista training there, I was hired as a barista. Today is not my shift, too bored to paint anything and have already cleaned the whole house but it's still only morning. *sign*
Its 10 in the morning, I slowly went upstairs, looked around the house and saw that, for the first time in my new life in this house, there was nothing going on. Mom was cooking something, Luke jumping on the trampoline with a cardboard box on his head, Manny trying to reach out to him. Other than them, the house was empty.
JOEY: Mom? Have I gone deaf? Why is it so quiet?
CLAIRE: If you had friends, this house would've been a whole lot of quiet, you know?
JOEY: You're cute when you try to be funny.
CLAIRE: If you're bored then go wander around the mall like the normal teenagers do. May be someone would find you funny and make you, their friend. Even better someone finds you cute, and makes you, their boyfriend.
JOEY: Now there's an idea… (rolling my eyes)
*DING DONG* Door-bell rings
JOEY: I'll get it…
(I said on my way to the door. I opened it and it was Matt.)
MATT: Hey man.
JOEY: What's up?
(We shook hands.)
MATT: I was thinking if we could hang out.
JOEY: Alright… Come on in.
MATT: I was thinking about going somewhere.
(Oh great, he's an outdoorsy person, I thought to myself.)
JOEY: Okay alright, wait a minute... Mom! Can I take your car, Matt wants me to go somewhere with him!
MATT: No, I brought my mom's.
JOEY: It's alright mom! Matt brought his mom's!
JOEY: Okay let's go. Oh wait, I need my shades… it's too bright outside.
JOEY: You play football?
MATT: No, I play soccer.
JOEY: Why do we call it "soccer" when everybody else in the world calls it football.
MATT: (shrug) (After a pause) Actually I wanted to go buy some things for the school tomorrow.
JOEY: And?
MATT: I was thinking Costgo… We always go there.
JOEY: Yeah, okay. I have some things to buy as well.
MATT: I've been meaning to ask, how's the school here?
JOEY: Nothing out of the ordinary, just like any other normal American high school.
MATT: hmm...
JOEY: Why do you ask? Are you nervous about being the new kid?
MATT: Pretty much…
JOEY: You'll do fine.
MATT: What do you do for fun around here?
JOEY: I go solo camping but don't know about others. (While shrugging)
MATT: You don't know? --- Wait, was that 'you not having any friend' all true?
JEOY: Yup.
MATT: Dude, you have a motorcycle, don't anyone think that's cool… And by the way how are your parents even allowing you to ride that thing?
JEOY: I don't have friends because I didn't want any, they are immature, and constantly annoy me with moronic questions. And as for my parents, they are cool so they let me ride it.
JOEY: Of course, they didn't. Well technically not they but she, mom totally freaked out when grandpa Jay gifted me his old bike. But for a long time of pestering, she agreed.
MATT: Cool! I wish my mom was a little more like that…
JOEY: Well, it's not that your mom needs to be cool, it's you who should be cool *shrug*
MATT: *pfff* Yeah, yeah… (pause) So you're going to buy anything?
JOEY: Yeah, got to stock up some of my art supplies.
MATT: Oh so you paint? Cool, maybe you could paint me some portraits someday…
JOEY: The time in the car was getting a little awkward --- Though I may be older in my mind, I'm still an old, introvert minded guy and couldn't get anything to come up in my mind to make small talks... I might just be the king of introverts, I wouldn't have single clue that I am making people around me uncomfortable by my silence. For all I care I would be having a blast, with not having to talk. (shrug)
MATT: The first time I met Joey, I didn't really have the best impression of him. He was kind of weird, but I'm new here… It's better to have someone you know in school than being alone. Also, he's sister is hot!
MATT: Now that we are talking about family… What's the deal with Haley?
JOEY: (Rolling my eyes) She's got a boyfriend, you'll see him tomorrow…
MATT: What?! She's already got one! (He took his eyes off of the road and towards me)
*At that exact moment, something rolled into the middle of the road*
JOEY: STOOOP! Watch out!! Watch out!!!!!
*Ssrrruuueeeqqqkkk* (Brakes applied)
MATT: What was it? Did I run over it?
*We got out of the car in a hurry and found a little brown puppy. It didn't seem like it was hit by our car, but had some previously obtained small injuries and some signs of malnutrition*
JOEY: No, doesn't seem like it.
MATT: *PHEW* (he brushed off his sweat) Thank god.
JOEY: But we need to get it to a vet, ASAP.
MATT: Why? It's not like I hit it or anything…
(Even before he finished his sentence, I gave a deadly glare filled with anger, making him take a step back)
MATT: Geez… Cut it out with the glare, you're creeping me out, and it's not like I don't want to help… I'm broke and Vets are pretty expensive.
JOEY: (I stopped giving Matt the glares, and looked at the puppy with pity) I got it covered with the money, so just…
*HONK HONK* (before I finish the sentence, Matt was already inside the car)
MATT: What are you dwindling there about, get your butt up and let's go, save that puppy's life.
JOEY: (I had a deadpan expression, not able to figure out how he got inside the car that fast) What a tool!
(Then Matt threw a towel from the car)
MATT: Just wrap it with this you clean-freak!
JOEY: Thank you! (I gave him the most heart-felt smile I have ever given to anyone in this life, which made him pause for a moment)
JOEY: (I rushed in and stood in front of the front desk) Excuse me, we need this puppy to be checked out.
RECEPTIONIST: Alright, what's wrong with the puppy?
Matt and I told the receptionist how we found the puppy and she led us to the doctor's office.
Dr. FRED: So, you found him on the road?
MATT: Yeah.
Dr. FRED: What you guys did was a very good thing, but the question is will any of you take care of it? It doesn't seem like he's got an owner considering its situation.
(Matt looked reluctant, but I said without a single thought)
JOEY: I'll be taking care of it.
Dr. FRED: Good! Tell you what, since you guys are such a good people, I'll give you some discounts and some treats for the dog…
JOEY: Thanks… But what about the puppy's situation, is it going to okay?
Dr. FRED: There's nothing to worry about, only had some minor scratches and malnutrition. But because of that, there's some complications seen on its growth, it's only about 15cm now but with proper diet it may grow double it's size but not more.
JOEY: Aw, poor boy (rubbing the puppy's head)… What breed is it?
Dr. FRED: It's a poodle, about 8 months old.
JOEY: hmm... (nodding looking at the puppy)
(It took more than 1 hour, the puppy was washed and fortunately it didn't have flea infestation, only some wounds which was treated afterwards. I payed $200 for the treatment and got some treats and additional $100 for wash and flea treatments)
JOEY: Alright, thanks!
(Just when we were about to leave, two boys came in with a platypus on a lease. They looked about Alex's age, one was smaller red-head wearing orange strip t-shirt with blue short and other was taller brown haired wearing beige shirt with purple high waist shorts)
(At first glance, owning a platypus as a pet seemed quite odd, but weirdly the trio made me feel quite nostalgic)
THE RED HEAD BOY: It's going to be alright Perry, we're here to treat you and you'll feel all better. (To which the boy beside him just nodded looking at the platypus)
(I was godsmacked hearing them and froze in the place until Matt dragged me to the parking lot. When I got back to my normal-self, I brushed it off as some coincidence)
MATT: You said you'll take care of it but did you get your parent's permission?
JEOY: It'll be alright, its just a tiny little puppy. And as a matter of fact, they might even praise me for doing a selfless good act… I hope. (After a pause) Let's go to the Costgo, I need to buy somethings for the puppy.
MATT: How can you even afford all of this? You've already lost $300, how much have you even got?
JOEY: Well I've got a part-time job at the coffee house, sold some paintings and earned some from my parents.
MATT: From parents?
JOEY: Not parents specifically but from my dad… He kind of feels guilty as I've never got pocket money so in the form of bets he gives me money. Just a week ago I got $400 from him.
MATT: $400? Wohhhh!
JOEY: Yeah, he does this once in a few months. At first I only bet for some few bucks but he just kept being annoying and I had to raise the money…
MATT: But why? Why do all this when they will eventually give it to you?
JOEY: Well, I used to deny taking pocket money to loosen our expenses, as we weren't financially good when I was little. After few years when dad got a stable job, I denied it again as I didn't really need it and we had just got Luke… So it's been about 3 years that he's been pestering me to take money like a normal teenager. Now, we do it just for fun.
(Pause for a moment)
JOEY: Stop looking at me or the puppy and look at the road. If you hurt one more animal, I will not take its responsibility.
MATT: (He sprung his head towards the road) I'm not judging but you really are kind of weird… Not in a bad way, but weird.
JEOY: I will take it as a complement.
(We were inside the building, looking around for dog bed.)
JOEY: This right here looks good. (I found a grey fluffy small dog bed)
MATT: Yeah, that would be alright, and this one's from me. (He brought a bone shaped chew toy)
JOEY: Thanks.
MATT: What about its food?
(That's when we ran into Uncle Mitch and Cam)
MITCHELL: Oh, Joey? What are you doing here? And what's that? Is that a dog?
JOEY: Yeah, we found it all injured and we kind of rescued it.
CAM: Awww, what a kind soul! (coming closer and patting on the puppy's head)
MITCHELL: Did Claire let you have the dog?
JOEY: Well... Ahh…
MITCHELL: Thought so.
CAM: Of course, she's gonna… Look at this cute little face…(petting the puppy on its head) If she doesn't I would be more than happy to take care of it.
MITCHELL: But Cam… What about Lily?
CAMERON: What about her? (not taking his eyes or hands off of the dog)
CAM: AH! Yeah right… Sorry we can't… but we (looked at Mitch and to me)… yeah we can't
JOEY: It's alright, I'm going to make mom agree anyhow… (I looked at their cart) But are you guys opening a store or something?
CAM: Well… Mitchell… (looking at Uncle Mitch)
MITCHELL: Only today I found out about this magical place, they have everything! Look at this camera, this paper shredder…. (it went for a long time) And dippers which was behind tyres! Can you believe it?!
JOEY: Ughh… yeah…
CAM: Alright Mitchell, we get it, you lost your Costgo virginity and you liked it… (he finally noticed a guy behind me) and who might he be?
JOEY: Oh sorry Matt, he is my neighbor, Matt (pointing at him) and they (pointing at my uncles) are my Uncle Mitch and his boyfriend Cam.
MATT: Nice to meet you.
(They shook their hands)
JOEY: Okay, I'll see you guys later…
CAM: We're done for today, meet you in your house.
CAM: We are done, Mitchell, done for today.
MITCHELL: Alright, let's go. See you later Joey and Matt, it was nice meeting you.
JOEY: Alright let's go buy your things. (I said to Matt)
(We then bought a lot of things, apparently Matt didn't have any of the school materials, not even a school bag… pens are just a whole another thing… As for me, I've spent more than $500 today, $300 at vet, $100 for dog bed, some toys and some of its food, and another $100+ for some alcohol marker)
MATT: Never knew markers could be that expensive.
JEOY: Yup, more than half of my earning goes to art supplies.
MATT: Bruh…
JEOY: It's alright, there are much that I spend on so its fine.
(We placed our stuffs on the back seat, and got into the car)
JEOY: Wanna come join dinner at my house?
MATT: Nah, I don't want to be there when you tell your mom about the dog…
JOEY: Yeah… She tends to get a little extreme sometime.
(We reached in front of my house, got out and took out my stuffs from the back-seat)
MATT: Remember, you're going to be my tour guide tomorrow in the school… And the puppy's condition isn't like that because of me, when you tell the story to your mom, alright?
JOEY: Alright, Alright…
(As I slowly entered through the front door, what welcomed me was Grandpa Jay being hugged by dad and Cam, more like being crushed)
JOEY: Okay, what's happening over here? (After I put aside the stuffs and placed the puppy on it)
GLORIA: Ah, Joey! Your grandpa is telling Cam and Phil how much he loves them.
JOEY: Oh… Then in this lovely occasion I'll introduce you to a lovely new addition to our family. (I picked up the puppy and returned to the living room) Meet our little buddy, 'Buddy'!
PHIL: What a nice little surprise!
JOEY: Aghh! What happened to your face dad? (looking at all the blood on his face)
PHIL: It's nothing, Jay just shot me…
JOEY: Congratulations grandpa, you've hit the bull's eye this time.
JAY: For the millionth time, it was an accident...
CLARE: (Mom interrupted grandpa) The dog looks to be injured, where did you find him?
JOEY: I found him injured so I had to take him to the vet's.
(Gasped everybody)
GLORIA: Poor soul… (petting the puppy)
CLAIRE: But… (she looked at Buddy and then me, then se softly said) I know that you want to keep it but it's a big responsibility to own a dog.
JOEY: I know, I'll take good care of it.
CLARE: *Sign* If it was any other person, I would have been against it, but… (Ruffling my hair) you did a good thing.
CAM: AWWW… (He again slumped down again, hugging dad and grandpa)
(Grandpa groaned being annoyed and dad groaned out of pain but reciprocated the hug)
GLORIA: Aye, come on Joey, join in the hug (saying that she also went to join the group hug, dragging mom and the video recording Uncle Mitch)
JOEY: I would like to but dad's blood gave me an eek.
(I went behind everybody and hugged between mom and uncle mitch)
EVERYBODY: Welcome to the family, Buddy!