Chapter : Characters:
The Dunphy Family
Claire – Late 30s, uptight suburban mom, tries to make everyday special for her kids, needs control.
Phil - Late 30s, real estate agent, upbeat, goofy, thinks he's cooler than he is.
Joey – 16, friendly and family guy, OCD, insightful, introvert, plays by the rules
Haley - 16, social, fashion-conscious, rebellious, has a wild streak.
Alex - 13, (girl), smart, cynical, insightful for her age.
Luke - 11, immature, simple, not the brightest bulb.
The Pritchett–Delgado Family
Jay - 60s, successful businessman, divorced. Recently married Gloria, struggles to stay "young" for her.
Gloria - 30s, Hispanic, beautiful, strong, quick-tempered. Protective mother. Divorced six years ago.
Manny - 11, Gloria's son - Jay's stepson. Old soul, sensitive, passionate, a young romantic.
Mitchell & Cameron's Family
Mitchell - Mid-to-late 30s, lawyer, gay, emotionally restrained, worrier.
Cameron - Mid-30s, gay, free with emotions, lives in the moment, surprisingly strong.
Lily - Baby girl, adopted from Vietnam.