Mountain Sitting Immortal

Chapter 38: Job Well Done.

As soon as the hammer struck the metal block, he felt a heavy backlash pass throughout his whole body. It was painful, and it almost made him drop the hammer.

If he hadn't used the exercise technique, his arm would become too numb because of the backlash, and he would definitely drop the hammer. But he used the exercise technique, so it was his whole body that felt the backlash, not just his arm.

His whole body ached. It wanted to rest to recover, but he couldn't rest because he still had to strike the metal block again in the shortest time. So he had to push his body to explode with power.

This is what the fighting technique entails. It is a method to dig out the strength of the whole body and make it explode in one strike.

After each strike, his body will feel weak. But it is not completely weak because he can still stand. So there is more power in his body that can be dug out.

With the proper control of his movements through the exercise technique, he can force out all the strength in his body for another strike. He has to do this again and again, 1,000 times.

According to the fighting technique, the trick is to neutralize the backlash of the hammer striking the metal block with his whole body instead of letting it run amok through through the body.

He is to accept the backlash with his body and then channel it to the earth through his two feet. When that is done, he can use the passage of the backlash to mobilize the power of his body to strike out again.

His body gave out after number 21. He fell down directly. It was pathetic to lose so early, but he was still holding onto the hammer, so that counted as a win for him.

It would be embarrassing if the hammer flew from his hands or he let the hammer pull him to fall down face first. None of that happened, so he felt good about his performance.

He also felt better when he remembered that the new girl hadn't been able to finish number 14.

He thought to himself, "I still have my hammer, and I did better than the new girl. That's a job well done if you ask me."

She had more endurance than him, but she wasn't as strong as him. His body was better, so he could withstand more backlash than her.

His strong body also has its disadvantages. Because he is stronger, the force he uses to strike the metal block is higher, so he has to deal with more backlash.

He still needs expertise in the breathing, exercise, and fighting technique to tide himself through the 1,000 repetitions needed to complete the challenge. It is why he can't perform as well as the older trainees.

He rested for a while. Then he stood up and resumed the challenge. He continued even when the top 30 had been determined.

Instructor Canes called out the 30 who would get the major blood pill and took them away to distribute the pills to them. The remaining students were free to do whatever they wanted because class had ended for the day.

Some students gave up and left while some continued. Most of them continued, so Arthur was not part of the minority.

The trainees were more mature after going through the three classes. They knew that the third class, which they are currently in, is the final class. Their results and achievements now would determine their future. So they were very determined and hardworking.

Many of them finished their 1,000 repetitions and even did more rounds. Some of them did up to ten rounds for 10,000 repetitions.

Others that didn't train their fighting technique trained their exercise technique. In short, they were always doing something even though they didn't need to.

Arthur watched this in between his rest. He was impressed by their dedication and hard work.

He thought to himself, "Talk about after-class studying."

They were doing all of this extra work mostly for themselves. After all, it is not everywhere that they could find high-quality sledgehammers and anvils that wouldn't break easily.

So they were taking advantage of the freely available equipment to train themselves and make themselves better.

But they were also training to improve their chances of getting the major blood pill tomorrow. After all, if they don't train, how else are they going to catch up to the ones who took the blood pill?

Arthur had other options. He didn't need to be desperate like them because he had pills waiting for him at home. But he didn't give up easily. He too tried to do another round after his first round of 1,000.

He did 11 repetitions out of the second round before giving up. He said to himself, "I just can't kill myself. I'll do better tomorrow."

His will is strong and willing, but his body is weak. It was his body that was looking forward to the exercise before he started it. But now that he has started it and the repercussions have pulled up in his body, the tables have turned, and his body is no longer willing to punish itself.

He didn't accuse his body for trying to hold him back because he knew that there was more exercise waiting for him at home.

He took Ruff to the front of the academy. Then he waited for Thompson for a while.

He didn't wait long before Thompson arrived. The quiet boy had joined the second class after almost six months of training. This meant he stopped receiving the minor blood pill and didn't need to fall asleep after class anymore.

Thompson also didn't receive the ox lung pill in his new class because he was new. He couldn't compete with the older kids, so he has to rely on himself from now on to make progress in his training.

It will take a while before he can earn the ox lung pill. Fortunately, he has two years of time for the second class. He might even be able to make the breath through to the fourth transformation without the pill.

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