Chapter 45: Reasonable Outrageous.
Lady Vena scolded Arthur loudly, "Don't be so disrespectful by putting her in a difficult position. Don't you know that she isn't that wealthy or influential enough to get that? Ask for something less valuable immediately."
She hit Arthur on the top of his head when she said. It really hurt him, so he rubbed his head as tears threatened to spill out of his eyes.
Lady Delia also felt a lot of pain. It was so bad she couldn't speak. She couldn't cry about it either.
The only thing she could say to alleviate the situation was to say that Vena was wrong and that she is actually capable of giving him that technique. But she can't say that because she really can't, and she doesn't want to fall into a situation where she promised something she couldn't deliver.
If she does that, her husband will be angry with her, and her rivals in the family will take advantage of her promise to embarrass her.
She could only smile and remained mute. But Arthur asked her, "Is mother right?"
Lady Devia screamed inwardly, "Do you really want me to say it?"
She didn't say it, though. Instead she said, "That reward is too big for you. You won't be able to use it, so it will go to waste. Why don't you ask for something else?"
Arthur thought about it and said, "How about 100 rank 1 grand blood pills and the second part of the fire mana techniques?"
This was also a big request. If he had asked for this first, he would have been rejected because of how outrageous it was.
But it didn't seem so outrageous anymore because something more outrageous had been asked first. Besides, she couldn't reject two things in a row. She could already see the other wives present getting ready to intervene in the matter.
She smiled and said, "Sure. That seems reasonable. You will get them if you win. Let it not be said that you're fighting a useless battle."
Arthur beamed and said to his mother, "See? I get a reward."
Lady Vena could only sigh and give up.
Greg was also prepared for the fight. Lady Devia also made promises to him. But her promises were not made public because she had no interest in giving him what she promised Arthur if he won.
Actually, she didn't intend to offer Greg anything in the first place. But now she had to give him the motivation to win so that she wouldn't have to give Arthur what she promised him.
She whispered to him, "Make sure to defeat him. You must defeat him. If you defeat him, I'll give you 100 major blood pills and make sure you get a good job when you graduate."
She was taking this fight seriously because she was starting to believe that Arthur might be at the sixth transformation and she might have to pay a high cost.
But even if he is, she is certain that Greg, with his body at the fifth transformation, should win the fight because he has been training for four years.
She believes that even if Arthur really made that much progress in a year, he shouldn't be as good a fighter as Greg. Skill being so important means Arthur should lose.
Even so, she told Greg over and over again to take the fight seriously and use all of his strength to defeat Arthur. It was a lot of pressure on Greg, but it was one that everyone believed he could handle.
Actually, Greg felt confident about his chances of victory because he was familiar with Arthur. They had trained together for nine months after all.
He was there when Taylor defeated Arthur with a single move even though Arthur was at the sixth transformation. So he was confident of his chances.
He assured her, "I will definitely defeat him, my lady."
She said sternly, "Good. Don't disappoint me."
Then she left him and smiled to the people while Lady Cena fidgeted and tried to remain composed.
Soon, the fight started. But things didn't go the way everyone expected. Greg lost.
It is because Arthur wasn't at the sixth transformation like they expected. They don't know that he is at eight transformations because there is no way to tell his level of transformation by looking at him.
The most accurate way to tell someone's level of transformation at the first mortal coil is to feel their body. But that method loses its accuracy the stronger the target and the higher their transformation becomes.
She couldn't use that to settle the matter anyway. Not only would it be disrespectful to disrobe Arthur and feel his body up in front of everyone, she could also easily be accused of lying if she inspected him.
She needed a publicly visible method that would determine the truth if Lady Vena's. With enough witnesses to watch the fight, no one could be accused of lying because they weren't satisfied with the reward.
That's why she suggested the fight. But it blew up in her face when Greg. This proved to everyone that Arthur might actually be at the sixth transformation. It was a fact that she couldn't hide.
The fight wasn't impressive. Arthur had to struggle to gain his victory, so the fight took a long time. But this long time only helped to show that he couldn't be weaker than the sixth transformation of body forging.
Lady Devia was truly impressive. She managed to keep up the facade of a smile on her face despite the loss.
Another wife came around to assure Arthur. She said to him, "Don't worry about Lady Devia breaking her promise. I'm sure that she will send someone to give you what you asked for soon."
Arthur smiled awkwardly and said, "Of course, I trust Lady Devia. There is no chance that she would have lied to me."
Ladu Devia nodded and actually instructed someone to bring what she promised. Then she left the crowd to find somewhere to sit.
The crowd dispersed soon after leaving mother and son to wink secretly at each other.