Mountain Sitting Immortal

Chapter 7: Iconic Red.

The rabbits and deer look cute, but that's a facade to hide the murderous nature within them. They only have their looks in common with the ones from his past life. The nature of the ones here is something demonic.

He has learned that lesson from the last time he tried to catch a rabbit. The rabbit had knocked him to the ground by headbutting him and then proceeded to beat him with its feet.

The deers couldn't be taken advantage of either. They too were strong and would take offense at the smallest slight. What's worse is that they won't forgive him for a long time.

They were very vengeful deer. They were more like goats in their stubbornness. They can chase anyone who offends them fearlessly for tens of kilometers until they catch up and punish the sinner.

One of them had even followed him all the way home after he tried to pet it. That was after it had chomped on his hair and bitten it off.

The deer nearly removed his scalp that day. It is the reason why his hair grows unevenly till today.

But that wasn't enough for it. The deer had to stalk him and stalk his house for hours, waiting for him to come out. It didn't leave until his mother grabbed it and told chief cook Brooks to stew it.

Even now, he can see many deer glaring at him and daring him with their eyes to leave the safety of the coach.

He snorted at them but didn't fall for their provocation. He had other things to do. Besides, the sentry owls were everywhere, watching his actions. He might get into trouble with the family if he bothers the deers again.

The caretakers are still salty about that deer that his mother had stewed. Apparently, the deer are prized deer meant to be raised without fear of death, or their meat will spoil.

So he didn't stop the coach and go down to cause trouble. But he promised himself to visit vengeance on them one day.

When he reached his destination, he gave the coach driver one loaf of bread. The driver smiled and said, "Thank you for picking today, mi lord. I hope you will engage my services again tomorrow."

He didn't promise anything. He nodded and resumed his journey on foot.

The driver put the bread away carefully and followed him to protect him.

The loaf of bread is the reason why every coachman wanted him to pick them. They wanted to receive the delicious and expensive loaves of bread that only the wealthy could afford.

As for him, the reason why he gave the coachman the loaf of bread was for the notification he received when he did so.

Mountain Karma +2

After two years, he has become familiar with Mountain Karma, its rules, and how best to acquire it.

Karma is essential good deeds. When he does good deeds, like giving people food, he receives karma. The Mountain Sitting Dao accumulates that karma into a mountain of karma and will strengthen him.

He hasn't gotten any benefit from it yet since the Mountain Karma started from level 1, but he expects that as the level of his Mountain Karma increases, the more it will strengthen him.

He wants to know exactly how it will strengthen him, which is why today is very important. With 55 loaves of bread, if he gets 2 karma for each of them, he will get 110 karma, which will make his Mountain Karma upgrade to level 2.

Sometimes he can get more than 2 karma for each loaf, but it all depends on the targets that he gives them to.

If he gives the servants at home, he will only get 1 karma at best. If he gives his mother, he won't get anything.

If he gives this same loaf of bread tomorrow to the driver he picked today, odds are that he will only get 1 karma from him. It is because the driver won't appreciate it as much as he did.

He has experienced this many times, so he has summarized the keywords for karma as appreciation and the impact of the gift on the target.

Getting the bread two days in a row will reduce its impact on the driver, which will reduce the amount of karma he will get from doing the same thing. It is why he always picks different drivers at home.

He has to make his generosity scarce, or they won't appreciate it. The lack of appreciation from the servants at home for the bread he worked hard for is also why he decided to come to the servant's quarters here.

The servants are generally poor, and he didn't visit this particular servant's quarters yesterday, so they are more likely to appreciate his gift more.

He carried his sack over his shoulder and approached the rows of buildings where the servants live. His tiny figure could be seen from afar because of his spiky red hair.

His hair used to be normal. It used to lie on his head like everyone else's. But ever since that deer molested his scalp, his hair could only stand.

It is as if they have been traumatized and are always living in fear of being molested again. So they are ready to run away and desert his scalp for their safety if need be.

This spiky hair and his rare hair color make him stand out everywhere he goes. The kids that saw him became excited immediately. They called out to other kids and ran towards him.

"Lord red is here. Lord red is here."

They were very excited and they knew the drill so they ran with all their might. It is an established rule that only the first will get anything from lord red.

They also knew to line up. Anyone who was out of line or tried to skip positions wouldn't get anything. He had enforced those rules over the years.

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