Multiversal Selection 2 My Hero Academia Inazuma

Chapter 79: Chapter 79 Blood Lightning vs All For one II

"YOU BASTARD!!" AFO screamed as spikes began to grow throughout his body.


He immediately moved forward to throw his punch.


Inazuma dodged easily to the side. All For One grinned when he saw it.


'Got you now.'


Suddenly the spikes on his hands shot out like bullets. The trick All For One had created to deal with people fast enough to dodge the first attack.


But Inazuma calmly smiled. He also made sure to slow it down enough so that All For One was able to see it.


All for one who was waiting for the spikes to hit Inazuma froze as he saw the grin. Suddenly his instincts started screaming at him and he used all the quirks available to him and pushed downwards crashing into the ground.


And just as he did, he saw a few clumps of hair fall down in front of him.


"Well, what do you know, you dodged that, guess I don't have to hold back considering that now you look like a young man" a condescending voice came as if dealing with All For One was an easy matter.


Rage clouded All for one's mind. He turned around and screamed while a blast of pure energy was shot towards Inazuma from his hands.


The Blast went straight through Inazuma widening All For One's eyes.


"Well then, I'm gonna take you out now, no use waiting for you to get stronger and make mistakes while underestimating you." He said and for a moment, everything went dark for All For One.


And when his vision came, he saw a small cluster of limbs lying around.


"Well, what do you know, I even diced you to thousands of pieces, but even then you recovered. Can't believe Eri's quirk was that overpowered. I must warn her to be even more careful about these things."


'Diced into thousands of pieces' for a moment All For One felt like it was just a joke, but seeing the amount of gore around him along with the blood on the blades held by Inazuma told all about the truth.


'What kind of monster is this?, why has he not been brought out by the hero association before' All For one began to ask reasonable questions as he felt like thinking about reality right now won't be good for him.


"Who are you?" All For One asked.


"Well for now, I'm the guy who's going to make sure that you disappear completely.


Warning bells started ringing in All For one's head. Just a moment ago, he was able to feel that he had almost an hour left before the reversal quirk completely make him disappear. But he felt right now that he only got a few more minutes before he completely vanishes. He felt like his body has returned to his teenage years making him feel more stronger and thankfully the reversal had not affected the quirks he had stolen all throughout these years.


Al For one knew what he had to do now. He can't waste his time fighting here. He needs to go and make sure to pass on the true All For One quirk onto Tomura to save himself from vanishing, but even then, he did not feel like he can beat Inazuma with Tomura's quirks as well.


'I need to get Tomura and run, I must hide, and this time try my all to be stronger. It does not matter what kind of quirk, with Tomura's body will be able to handle a lot of them.


I need to go now.'


All For one thought as he sends out a shockwave-based attack and then immediately used his full power to move towards Tomura. But all of it was in vain.


He suddenly felt like something was on top of his head.


"Goodbye Demon Lord"


And that was the last thing he ever heard.


"Nezu, All For One has been terminated, I'll be going to assist Midoriya and the others" Inazuma said through the speaker, and he got silence in return.


"Thank you" that was the only thing that came through. But Inazuma understood. He had just now eliminated a plaque that had infected them for a long time completely. This time without any loopholes of him coming back other than Tomura who will be dealt with within a few moments.


Inazuma looked at the smoke that was left behind after All For One had turned into a Fetus and disappeared. It almost felt anticlimactic because of the ease at which he had destroyed one of the biggest problems of the people of this dimension.


He then turned towards the direction where there the floating palace was holding Shigaraki right now. He then began running towards it. From what he can see, Bakugo managed not to get too wounded as he had collected his sweat from the day before, instead of only collecting them in the midst of the battle. Plus, Shigaraki seems to have reached the second phase on his evolution where hands the shape of his family began to cover the entirety of his body, forming into an impenetrable fortress protecting him completely. And it also seems like Kurogiri had also tried teleportation but had completely failed.


It seems like Mic managed to convince a hero with flight ability to take him towards the location of Kurogiri and take him down completely. The reports have been brought back that he was now kept in a large drum filled with Newtonian fluid which was connected to a lot of things using many diverse kinds of wires. Plus, they had knocked Kurogiri out and placed him in a basement of a building. And since Kurogiri has to know the coordinates for the activation of his quirk, keeping him in a place where he can't find out his location will stop him from activating his quirk.


At the time inside the Floating fortress.


"It seems you have passed on Master" Shigaraki muttered as he was able to destroy the last vestige of the weak version of his master completely.


He then looked at Deku who was right in front of him trying to make sure that he does not touch the ground.


"Let's decide Who will win, Midoriya"


A/N- hope you like it and every 100 powerstone gets extra chapter of Jason.


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