Multiversal Selection 2 My Hero Academia Inazuma

Chapter 82: Chapter 82 Final Battle III

"Midoriya wake up."








Midoriya screamed slightly as he woke up, then he looked around finding destruction all around but no one there to call him.


"Midoriya its me, you need to get up now" Banjo shouted from inside One

For All.


"What the hell happened here!" Midoriya asked wide eyed.


"That bastard All For One had a backup in case Shimura ever managed to get out of his control, and it seemed like the kid's idea to bring him out using Trauma worked as well. But it must have activated the moment when Inazuma said the last comment of him not having any friends, after that shit hit the fan." Banjo finished.


"But why don't I remember anything" Midoriya asked as he tried to get up. He was hurting all over, but he was still barely able to get up.


"The trigger was the reveal that Tomura was not using the hands of his family member. He still had a hand nearby and from what I can guess, that was a nomu in the shape of a hand and Aizawa's and Monoma's cancel did not work" Yoichi the first user of One For All answered this time.


"From what I can gather, the hand itself was hidden in another part of Tomura that was not in direct line to the cancel quirk and when the trigger word activated, the quirk also activated."


"What kind of Quirk?" Midoriya asked as he began climbing the rubble around him to see outside.


"A really potent Emp blast. It knocked everyone except one out and it also directly stopped the functioning of the entire island. It must have also stopped the students who were making sure it functions as well. The only silver lining was that your quirk had activated at 100 percent because of which we were able to be watch what happened outside and was able to make heads or tails about it" Yoichi continued but Midoriya did not hear the latter part as he immediately became worried about his friends that were with him.


"Wait, what about them, what about my friends what happened to them!, how long was I out" Midoriya almost screamed out the questions while knowing that they can communicate with their mind.


"30 seconds give or take" Nana answered this time shocking Midoriya who reached the top of the rubble. He looked down while being shocked by what he was seeing. All of his friends were lying down on the beach looking disoriented but safe. He also recognised the beach as well. It was the same beach in which he had trained in to become strong enough to be the vessel of One For All.


'But isn't this atleast a hundred kilometres from the floating base' Midoriya thought.

As to make sure that even by some problem the entire fortress was destroyed, keeping the fortress at a distance would allow the heroes to use a backup plan until Shigaraki reaches the shore.


"How did I even reach the shore" Midoriya had a guess but that felt unbelievable.


"We only saw a red flash" Banjo replied.


Midoriya immediately went towards Mei Hatsume as she was the only one that seemed to have her bearings. But unlike the times when she was always spirited, she seemed extremely shocked.


"Mei, Mei what happened did you see what happened" Midoriya shook her awake.


Mei sat frozen but she started to speak.


"My quirk had evolved a bit because of which I was able to see everything in a faster perception. That was the only reason I was able to see it" She gulped as she continued "After the Emp blast Tomura became uncontrollable and an explosion started with him at the centre. The platform where Aizawa and Monoma was sitting in was broken down by then stopping the cancel's effect on Tomura, so his quirk must have overflowed and created the explosion."


"But how did all of us come here, from what I know only thirty seconds have passed since then" Midoriya asked again seeing that Mei was frozen again.


"5 seconds"




Mei turned towards Midoriya.


"For you it might have taken that long to wake up. But for the hundred and twenty-one students and heroes to reach the beach, it took only five seconds at most, and I saw it very clearly" Mei continued while shaking a bit "Enmado Inazuma brought each and every one of them in pairs of two saving all of us."


Midoriya was shocked. Hundred and twenty-one means a total of 61 times he had to cross hundreds of kilometres again and again. He had atleast travelled a total of six thousand one hundred kilometres at the least.


Even Midoriya felt his throat go dry. While the vestiges of One for all were also shocked at learning the complete details of everything that happened. They thought that only Midoriya and a few people at most managed to escape. But all of them and that too without any one of them gaining any kind of wounds. The time taken to be only 5 seconds for all of this to happen.


Midoriya heard the sound of walking and turned around to find the UA three, Bakugo and Jeanist managing to stand up. Aizawa was also behind, but he was being supported by Monoma. The hero who was with them seemed to be just behind them and watching their expressions, it can be easily deduced that they too heard what happened and was shocked because of it.


For a few seconds no one was able to give any response. They just looked around seeing all the people who should have been dead to be still alive.


Finally, Aizawa managed to ask a question to Mei who was again looking towards the sea with a frightful expression.


"What are you watching Mei?"


"Shigaraki survived and he is now battling Blood lightning" her mutation had increased the distance limit which she can see, making it easy for her to see the battle happening a hundred kilometres away.


"And it seems like a battle between Gods!"


A/N- hope you like it and every 100 powerstone gets extra chapter of Jason.

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