Mushoku tensei: failed reincarnation

Chapter : The hurt maid dilemma

Lilla pov

I'm Lilla and I have no family name. I'm daughter of Augusta and flute who were working at my father dojo. I used to be the star student of my father dojo. I was the strongest one there and with the most potential. But, father always said I don't have that great talent. At first, I thought he just helping me not to be an arrogant and to avoid making fool out of myself.So, I worked very diligently and serious to keep myself always ahead of the rest. But all of that changed one day to be more specific.

The day Paul stormed into the dojo of my father is friend. beating everyone there like a bandit. Broke the dojo sign after winning the fight declaring. That, the dojo is useless to him. Everyone was talking about what happened and that's if Paul arrived here we will beat him. And everyone was bragging that he would beat him alone.

After that the next day my father, my master, came carrying a boy my age. (12 at the time). Declaring he will be his own discipline. everyone in the dojo wanted to refuse. But, father has already decided. our opinions to him just an after thought. My Mother was the most one hated him. He was moving like bandit beating who challenged him left and right. And the rest of the time sleeping wasting time. and even flirting with me. but, to make matters worse every day. he sleeps with different woman either in dojo. or their houses. He was braggrat like noble kids. but, with a bandit attitude. Everyday he eats with us on the table with no manners or etiquette. Which, were essential on our school. It was for knights sons to be strong on water god style. and have the etiquette. So, they can be in service for nobility.

Paul on the other hand with carefree attitude beated everyone in the dojo including me humiliating us with his carefree attitude and bragging. When we wanted father to fight him to broke his nose. (I meant his ego but wouldn't mind if broke his face in the way).

He beated father something seemed impossible to us. But, father with carefree attiude said he have to do it again. if he wanted to leave.

The next few day.

Paul like always was sleeping with carefree attitude not caring about what happens. Until the water god arrives. (Redia Reia). A duel against her is an honour and it appears she and father are close friends.

Naturally I was happy by her arrival and with the duel in which dad give her a fight. But, lost not like he can win. but, he gave her a fight that's something to be proud of. I was on the highest happiness possible until, she told us. She would train Paul everyone was furious. She also recognised his powers saying. if he used it right one day he could beat her one day.

She recognised him. and going to train him not me the daughter of her friend. I was devastated but at the same time I was refusing to acknowledge Paul. I just couldn't understand. How, I was training non-stop. and a sloth like him beats me like that.

I acknowledge he is stronger than me but he is everything father warned me about. He was a sloth & arrogant fool & with uncontrolled wraith. And moves behind his instincts closing his brain. (Which was useless in the first place).

He was like a plague who hitted the dojo. He was a plague and we must got rid of him. Thankfully mother took the responsibility of that. But, strangely enough he wanted to leave. and he couldn't father was stopping him.

Mother ploy failed miserably. If anything Paul with more irritated with the place more than ever. to him it was hell. everyone hates him. He got beated daily from Lady Redia Reia. Mother bad mouth him daily with the other students. And father stopped helping him to solve problems he came with.

One day me, mother, even Paul himself. We got father cornered and asked him. Why he don't let Paul leave. yes, he had the skill but he don't use it. And he doesn't care about it.

Then father reveals the harsh truth he wanted Paul to be his successor. And he wants him to marries me and take care of the dojo. I was frustrated apparently everyone in the room was also. has the same opinion as me. Paul said he can't stay in the area. Mother wanted to refuse what father has said but she couldn't.

I just can't believe what father wants he wanted a sloth & womaniser & trash and uncontrolled beast to be his successor favouring him over the other students losing the one of the most important advantages this dojo have since it doesn't favour anyone the noble house sons don't come here and even if they come they will be treated the same as everyone else. So, they always leave this school out of their choices.

And father favoured a perfect example of what he warned us not to become. The school lost it's credibility people. In the past when they saw me treated the same as everyone else and I was even more diligent than everyone else. It was our biggest proof of how good our dojo is.

And father who was before the one who trains all pushed the training to me and mother because father have become almost always busy pushing off bandits. Who apparently Paul beated them on their base making people stop paying tribute for them since a child had kicked their butts and before leaving he broke their base door.

Father always stops them alone. But, their appearance irritated Lady Redia Reia and that made her say if father wasn't close friend with her she would have counted her debt for him is over. Before, going to her room she said to us she acknowledge Paul is talent. But, if he doesn't take things seriously it matter of wasting time and she doesn't have a lot of it.

Mother started to be even harsher on her ways of making Paul life here is hell. she stopped giving him food. until he helps in dojo and becomes diligent student somehow. and father isn't free to help his issue since father had issues of his own because of bandits that came because of Paul.

Father was afraid they were to attack when he isn't on guard and hurt students this will be the last nail in our coffin. that will broke our dojo. The mere idea is terrifying to him which I don't blame him for being afraid but why not solve the problem and kick Paul I can be better than him with training.

Paul wasn't really affected by what mother did for 2 reasons he already been eating and sleeping out of dojo for sometime already. all she did was decreasing his food amount making him more sloth than ever. To him It didn't matter she just decreased the The number of times he eats it daily. To him one of them won't matter to him. Because he was already sloth so losing breakfast wouldn't effect him.

One day after Lady Redia beating Paul as usual but said his sword one of the reasons that holding him back is his sword had become rusty sword. Because the amount of unwashed blood of countless bodies had been through.

That give mother the perfect idea. Which, is stealing Paul sword and attack him when he doesn't have one. This way a single student could even beat him. But, that didn't happen because he somehow he beated 4 v 1 unarmed. And even took one of students swords and started shouting. Then, decided that's it he left the dojo not taking his daily lesson from Lady Redia.

After hour of him leaving. Lady Redia Reia returned from outside the dojo. She was irritated from whatever Paul probably said. or something had happened in their time out. Father came carrying unconscious Paul as usual whenever he escapes. Father always carry him after beating him unconscious. But, this time seems like Lady Redia is the one beated him. Since, Paul looks got beated badly. Same can be said about father's state. But, father this time is covered in sand and said "looks like I can't beat him anymore."

Father dropped him in his room. And then, started to look for the troubles Paul did to fix it. Before, it leaves a big disaster. But, it already did.

Apparently Paul did an impact on the city since most of the hurt students parents from father's friend dojo came asking for compensation for what Paul did taking half of our funds and savings and after them came his friend demanding compensation for his dojo which took all our funds barely leaving us with some left over in savings that wont last a year.

At first I thought of entering Paul room killing him outright using the fact he is unconscious but dropped the idea whatever happens I won't fall to this level. So, I decided to take my frustration on training and I gone all out in training.

I had to work even harder if I want to be useful to my family so I did I trained harder than ever this day leaving all my body stiff and I barely was able to move and went to sleep to my room. Not knowing that will help making worst day on my life.

I didn't sleep long enough and had woken up by Paul over me was preparing himself to rape me. I didn't realise what was he doing at first. When I did realise. He was already over me one hand silencing me and the other binding my hands. I tried to fight back as much as I could. But couldn't.

I couldn't beat him. When he is tired and I am full with energy. Now the opposite is happening. And he is going to rape me and I can't even scream he told I shouldn't scream at this situation. And, blame myself & my mother and the students who helped us turn his life into hell about this. And he wanted to leave many times but couldn't. Because, of father always beats him and turn him back. But, couldn't this time. And if his sword wasn't in my room he wouldn't come for me. and left using night as cover and he finished his lines. "You and flute reaped what you sow."

And he started raping me all of that time was preparing me and him without using his hands. Which, was occupied binding me. Then he penetrated me deflowering me taking my virginity very harshly and with triumphant smile. While I was crying.

He continued for hours till I got very tired from fighting back. So, I stopped fighting. And after more hours he stopped sleeping with me. And left before me waking up continuing to cry all day long. Father didn't talk to me since that day. Mother was furious on both father and Paul saying if he didn't bring him at the beginning or let him leave this would never had happened.

Father told us that day what he saw in Paul. he was diamond on rough his sword skill exceeds everyone else. And to make him even better the reason he didn't have money on him. Because he gave it all to his friends for hospital and settle down. And he helps people who he cares about world heartily.

Lady Redia said that day she tried to stop him before him leaving but he didn't use all his power and exceeded her sword slash speed somehow and if he really trained to his heart content from the start he could have beated her in his way leaving.

(While they were talking I was only remembering what he said yesterday he said something about being failed noble and his friends which one of them was half of his strength but unlike him he had responsibilities. He had sister to protect which will slow him down so he decided to help him settle down).

So what he said yesterday was true maybe just maybe he wasn't that evil. After that Lady Redia Reia left saying her debt is over. Afterwards life in dojo continues to become worse and worse bandits when they know about that Lady Redia left they gathered their numbers and all came attacking the dojo at the same time me and father couldn't push them all out at the same time some of them got in. And destroyed the place and harming some of the students doing what father feared and even worse. When, they couldn't find Paul they become furious and killed on of the students. Who could be passed as him to save their face.

Many of the parents took their kids out of the dojo and the one their kid got hurt asked for compensation which father didn't have money for so he had to be indebted to one of the merchants with a very big interest to pay the money. If we didn't pay twice the money father had taken by the end of the year the debtor will take the dojo which almost closed because almost no-one wants to come to us after losing all of our advantages above the other.

The favouritism which Paul had broken. The strongest in the area which Paul also had broken. The safest which also Paul has already broken and it appears that a low-noble man offered a marriage between me and the reserve to ensure there wouldn't be a fight for the head of the family. In exchange he will be able to teach in our dojo. And boy wasn't half bad. But, his only condition I am to be virgin. (That's a problem because his father promised us to give us enough money to rebuild the dojo from 0 if needed that left father more furious on me than ever apparently he blames me and mother about what happened saying he could have made Paul loves the place and with Lady Redia Reia teaching it wasn't far for him to reach king lvl or higher making our dojo the second strongest to the main one in Ars only).

And as if to make matters worse mother becomes pregnant all of the sudden. leaving our debt even growing more that day. I decided one of important decisions on my life. I decided to leave home and help our family by finding job either as a maid for low or middle class nobility or private guard maid for middle class or higher.

And when I declared my decision I declared also my incoming brother or sister will be the heir of the dojo and I will work to repay money they spent on me and I have to repay it. It was the first time I talked to father since the Paul incident happened and he accepted my words with mom. And through connection they talked to middle class noble house to take me as private maid and guard to his little daughter.

With a good salary which can cover our new family debt which is 3 times the of our other debt but with 4 years to pay it as long we pay at least a silver coin a month. My life at new noble house was easy and could even say better than anticipated and I almost felt like they are a something a kin to family but I never passed my boundaries and even asked my seniors to teach me how to become stoic and fill my almost none missing etiquette.

From how good I was at serving the young lady. Many people mistaken me for low class noble daughter working as a private maid. It appears that's this house used to be in good relationship with the Queen of asura before her marriage. And they didn't lose the relationship but they put a limit for the relationship between them.

Two years passed and I am almost an adult now. But the disappearing of nobles daughters become known. Especially with the young over grown ones. Or with talent like my young lady Edwina. So, her father asked me to be extra careful this days around.

On one of young lady monthly outing I realised we were being followed by group of people so I asked the young lady to take cover on carriage. And fought them killing half of them and capturing the other half. When I returned with bonded kidnappers the house head inspected their background before interrogated them himself.

After his interrogation finished he congratulate me and promised me double the salary after he finishes what he is inspecting he will resign the new deed with me. Since my deed is almost finished too he promised me to add whatever I want as condition as favour for saving his second daughter and even asked me to add his 3rd son into my work with triple the salary. At this point I thought I will never find better job and said to myself "I have to wait for when he is free and ask for new deed with 1 gold coin which more than enough for me with my young lady and new young master."

Two days have passed but what I realised master expression had soured and he became semi paranoid like he discovered something he wasn't supposed to. If anything he become more paranoid and impatient with everything and he even was search for a water saint to protect the family but couldn't he found a retired magician adventurer instead and signed for him.

The next day I found letter to "Lilla daughter of Augusta" I searched for sender only to find the royal family seal on it. And the sender is the Queen herself. The letter context concluded a praise for my recent save. and stopping the bandits who even got through a north saint and on different occasion a water saint. With their skills with numbers against each of them. But, I beated them with my rank as intermediate in water god style. But I can do perfect flow technique and can even stop weak advanced sword god style. On one vs one fights. (I owe this one to Paul my daily fight with him in dojo made me learn how to defend myself until I found opening and counter attack perfectly).

And asked me to be guard maiden to the King's harem till. The prince or the princess is born and become after that it's private maid. The prince incoming from the queen is supposed to be the heir and she is afraid that's one of the people who want to shake the balance of asura attack her. Before the birth or even through it and she need diligent guard who also maid to protect her and the child.

It was unheard of commoner to get into the silver Palace in day other than his day of graduation of the asura noble school which isn't for commoners in the first place and it's very high prices for fees and discrimination against low nobility and commoners is on another level there.

So father didn't get me in there and advised against angering any noble to live peaceful life. (I wish had taken his advice with Paul though. I shouldn't think about him now). Ignoring all of this I had once a lifetime offer. Especially to not very strong commoner like me I have to accept the offer.

"I advices you to reject the offer." Lord Donald Redbat advices me with a serious face.

"Can I ask at least why is that?" I wanted really to know why should I refuse.

He just sighed then looked into me with bored face then. "This place is a decorated hell. Where you will see people smile to each other while holding knife on their back preparing to put it in the other neck. it's place where your family is your first and real enemy. It will be the hardest job you will find in your life. Where, assassination attempts are like breakfast you will see true face of filthy nobles and high noble fetishes and worse than that the original royal family fetishes there." Then he lookes me into the eyes assessing the effect of his unbelievable words on me.


"You aren't believing me thinking I'm trying to stop. Since they promised you 4 Asuran gold coins salary. Right? You know the most I can offer is 1 gold coin. For only staying with Edwina guard and maid. She is about to enter the school. And she needs a special maid like you to take of her. And to make sure there isn't another idiot like Paul Notos Greyrat." (So Paul was a Notos Greyrat well at least I known his family name).

"My last offer is serving Edwina as private maid till the end of her school days and before she left you are private maid for both of Edwina and Derrick till their marriages or they stop needing you for salary of 1 gold coin and 2 silver Asuran coins. But you have to agree now." He looked at me with a smirk like he got a deal out of me.

"I will have to refuse your offer. My lordship and I will take my leave today so I don't impose any burdens for the Redbat family." When I finished his smirk faded then his face turned serious then at last give me one of genuine smile like the ones he gave to his kids never gave to one of the employees.

"Well that was expected. I already received orders to kick you off the house. So, you will have to accept the proposal of the Royal family. They can't take chance to be ignored or refused by a mere commoner. In their eyes. Well take this as my last advice Lilla listen well. First don't trust anyone. Second always be attentive like the day you saved Edwina. And lastly never show any emotion. And watch for everyone else is face. And movements every gesture how small it's matters. Good luck you going to need a lot of it. And the most important advice never ever under any circumstances trust the prime minister Darius Ganius silva." He advised me like father advising his daughter and I almost felt a tear were going to leave his eye but he dismissed it. With a smile I said my farewells to everyone in the house from senior maids to young Derrick but the hard one was me and Edwina I loved her as little sister and I think the feeling is mutual. But suddenly Lord Donald appeared and scolded Edwina saying since I joined silver Palace I can't have any relationship outside anyone outside can work as a perfect hostage against me and he won't able to stand by while his daughter blood got spilled by assassins. That will be after my life and my employers.

"Well I will miss my days here in Redbat house and I wish happiness for all of you."I said with teary eyes and barely able to hold back they are all good people from what I known they had repaid our debt and and fixed the deed only paying twice the very original debt and said I already repaid the debt by saving Edwina. (That day was my last day where my emotions got better of me because after that they give me in the silver Palace a very hard crash course on etiquette & emotions killing & loyalty & self control & using the new magic tools and items which improved my level too much I think I can beat Paul one on one with those and finally they prepared with us magic circles with healing magic for emergencies where in not impossible the royal family got hurt it had the ability to regain a full limb if needed).

(A/N lemon scene incoming dont read in public it's F/F)

That was pretty much everything before even the first meeting with the Queen who watched from shadows where I can't see her but she can. When I was in middle of my training found myself suddenly got carried then stripped naked after that they throw me in some kind of tub but to big it's enough to fit for the whole female staff which apparently was the reason it was made this way.

I didn't spoke since of our training I would have to endure being touched naked in my private parts and my sensitive spaces too. Training me to kill feeling on those too because both the assassins and the high nobility can use them against me especially espionage staff from all over the palace.

I just stayed silent while I was washed on very perverted way by 3 girls at the same time they probably are giving me another test and from smiles and giggles at appears they only had started. After they found all they did had no effect they started licking every part on my body I was barely holding on and the water isn't helping it has some kind of smell to increase my urge too. Suddenly they stopped with a woman voice order it was my first time hearing it but the voice was captivating the same can be said on the owner too which was very beautiful woman who came to bathe naked too and she started touching my body like assessing it


"Well it's a pity. I promised myself to make you my son personal maid. Without seeing the beautiful body of you. I would left you for myself and searched for younger candidate for my kid." (From what I understand she is the Queen but can she stop playing inside me I'm barely holding on). Suddenly she bitten my lips with kiss with hand still inside me and the other play with my nibbles make me lose control.

"Finally yielded dear. Ufff. I really wished to enjoy the pure Virgin you. Enjoying your body was going to be a masterpiece. That unworthy brat took it. Well don't look at me like this I won't go to far I still have to leave you to my kid after all." (I don't understand what she meant they asked for a maid not concubine why is she doing this?).

"From the looks of it she won't yield easily. Well that's good enough. She can work here for us she won't give our secrets for pleasures. But to be good prevent Daruis from reaching her or Garbel her body will attract both to her. Prepare place in the lily garden. We going to need to talk." The Queen said before leaving the tub and wearing her elegant dress with help of 2 of the girls. Who after sometime appears to be in there late 20th or early 30th. (I can't understand what is she talking about didn't they asked for a maid with good ability to defend the king concubines then why is she saying all of that about my body. And why is she warning them to watch out for both the prime minster and the first prince Garbel isn't he 9 years old).

(A/N the lemon scene ended)

"Well little Lilla follow me but before that wear this." Said one of the three girls. Who apparently she is in her 30th. She gave me a maid outfit covered in magic circles and tools. I followed the order and wore the outfit.

"Now follow me." She took me through different corridor to the lily garden where I went to met the Queen.

From here I started working as guard maiden and started working diligently to not leave any chance for mistakes and even participated in the princess birth and she was copy of the king but she was girl.

Since the princess Ariel had been born the assassination attempt on the Queen life have decreased the same can be said about the princess and things started to be lax when the princess had become 1 year old the Queen decided it's time to declare her as life and wellbeing and decision of she is possibly being the heir.


After that assassination attempts returned to normal so the Queen decided to fake outing for the princess with her being out and the princess still in the palace. The plan failled in a very miserable way the Queen was killed and the princess had got attacked too in the palace. But thankfully we pushed the attack off her.


Life continues but the only difference the high nobles started to approach me in disgusting manner more than before. My life here become hell and I can't even take my leave and Darius become more disgusting than ever.


One day when the princess was 2 year old a new assassins as usual but what's different is me I was irritated in the morning by Darius dirty approaches today so I wasn't fully focused until I saw one of the assassins was going to stab the princess. So, I jumped taking the stab on my right leg. I stopped the assassins but felt a pain more than the usual and my eyes felt heavy I barely can open. (That's when I realised what's happening I got poisoned).


The next day I had woken up next to many doctors telling me they tried to heal my leg but failed and I can no longer stomp or run.After that the prime minister offered me to get a king class heal in exchange for never refusing him again of course. I refused. So with disgusting smile he told me I'm no longer useful and I am fired.


I don't care how but I must run to them I know too much about the higher nobility inner secret fetiches & economies and systems. I left Ars known if I stayed one of 2 futures awaits me being tortured to death to extract information from me by one of the Queen enemy faction. Or the king send orders for me to suddenly dissappear since my knowledge about him is too much and I'm only useful in discovering where is the enemy faction who sent the last assassination on the Princess life.


I escaped towards citadel city of Roa and searched for job most of my money wasted or lost on the trip and I need not bad salary job since father dojo got closed per kings orders unofficially by letting 2 saint in water god style open next to father dojo one for nobility and other for knights sons destroying our dojo more than what Paul did.


(thinking about Paul he was never disgusting like the high nobles who done more than what he did by greater levels and they were ugly usually bald or with big bellys or even usually called many girls at the same time and most of them weren't adults yet all of that not mentioning Darius he was on another level).


After I reached citadel city of Roa I searched for one of 3 work as maid for low class noble which was the perfect pick. Second was teaching water god style I can train to advanced level but I can't ascend the rank. Lastly was not even one of preferred was as etiquette teacher because this needed history on teaching and I can't tell anyone my story.


After some research I discovered many nobles left the area leaving only merchants and adventurers on the area. So, there is high demand on maids especially very good trained one like me but the problem not many can give me a good salary without asking for experience. 


I got even scared when saw Sarous Boreas Greyrat is here he is one of few people who know my identity. And even worse he wasn't in the Queen faction. He was one of the enemy factions. When I felt it's very dangerous to stay here I found the perfect escape. Written on piece of paper on the adventure guild.

: We need a maid who is good in taking care of the house and incoming child preferably if she can help with the birth. The writer Paul Greyrat.


It was Paul the perfect saviour on this situation also he is now a low class knight on a very rural village. He is more than perfect. I went for him wanting at least 2 silver coins salary and if he didn't give an good offer I will threaten him with our past. When I reached found a refined man no longer like the other person I know but he was still the same. He offered me a very good salary and always have apologetic smile something he never had it before he used to have either goofy smile or filrtious smile which he still uses but with his wife only now.


Life continues peacefully he works as knight perfectly and seriously something Paul also never did before. And he is no longer arrogant fool he treats everyone equally and asks everyone to drop 'lord' and call him Paul. I found it hard to believe is that the same Paul who was plague in our dojo but when the food is put he is still the same as ever. Bandit eating. His wife Lady Zenith she is beautiful blonde who looks a lot like the royal family and her noble etiquette and manners appear when eating or treating people with respect but she asks people to treat her casually. (like Paul she appears to hate titles and nobility stiffness she also looks at me and Paul trying to find out what's between us but after sometime she started to leave it be). She works as healer on the village clinic to heal people on very low prices not caring for money as she cared for people. After sometime I realised she was the reason Paul changed to the better and she treated me very nicely too but she hates the bounds I put to keep my work perfect. Days continues and Lady Zenith stayed home because her late pregnancy period but she started to decorate the house to enjoy her stay home.


One day she started screaming from pain and I saw Birth water falling from her so I helped her wear birth dress and helped her to the master bedroom and called Lord Paul to her. (I put some level of limit between us and it seems it made things awkward to him). The birth wasn't hard if anything I think it went easier than the usual like the baby is not fighting to be born. When the birth finally finished I realised the baby had very weak pulse and he lets his breath out. After that I gave her the baby to find them both silent. And I realised the baby is dying he stopped breathing and he stopped making any response like lifeless body.


Then I remembered the training the taught us on the silver palace if the baby is born stillborn or weaker than the usual how to do some pushing to the chest with the right level it can save their life. I jumped and my leg hurt me badly on doing so but I couldn't stop yet I started pushing his chest then Called Lady Zenith to help me by healing him I need either one king class heal. Or as many healing as possible. (that's what we trained on anyway). After what hour or less the boy opened his eyes weakly then after healing him fully he started breathing and crying with this I really needed rest I got out to sit.


But I remembered the tradition so I cooked the cake. After going to present it I found Lady Zenith sleeping and Paul staying alone celebrating by drinking beer. I presented the cake he just holed it without eating anything. Then he started apologising changing topics to avoid eating the cake but he was sincere on apologising and even I saw him was really effected by what he did. I was happy he apologised but I didn't forget it fully so I told him he must forget about the past and he must celebrate his son birth by eating his cake When he was eating he was choking very hardly and dying for water but for some reason I felt happy by leaving him i left him until he finished the cake. Then got him water. Which he drank on one gulp apparently he still really the same with sweet things he still hates it. I got my revenge from Paul since he changed from his past self I have no idea what to do I don't want to harm a good version of Paul and if anything he never harmed me since that day and he is protecting me from nobility now so I will leave it be.

After that it appears that the child suffers and he need high class healing I think at least saint level to be good immediately when I wanted to apologise for falling them they were genuine in saying it doesn't matter what matters I saved his life which they were going to fail without me around.


The days become repeated loop for all of us me, Lady Zenith and young master Rudeus until he started crawl at age of 5 months which quickly especially with his limitations. After that he started talking very limited but fast for kid his age. Then he become more affectionate with Lady Zenith and lord Paul. He also started to get better than before it really give peace in mind it helped us lowering everyday tension for them but to me I was scared he was going to die at any moment gladly it didn't happen but he wasn't safe yet he isn't 1 year old yet neither he was healthy yet.


After that I started to realise he had some kind of intelligence and consciousness comparing it to the princess she started to have one when she was older at least 1 year old. I felt worried if any noble hears about this they will come here to take him. And his parents are very attached to him to leave him this easily this may even attract Lord Sarourus Boreas Greyrat. The mere thought scared me. I can't openly tell his parents to hide him or even declare him dead well first things first I will warn the kid not to show too much talent so I did warned him about miko future. I forgot to say about his very bad habit of calling someone right behind him it scares me especially he doesn't breathe much or does he have blood lust with it making can't feel him.


When I thought I solved the problem I found him chanting whole healing chant fast enough like an adult after that he felt his body like assessing his chest then he did the intermediate one healing on his chest then falling asleep. (that sight scares me a lot first he is still too young still can chant intermediate healing that's mean he had Awareness from the beginning of what is happening also this explains why he didn't need for healing magic this past few days).


I need to tell his parents but what well they do if I told them they will bring him a tutor or worse they maybe go to Boreas household for the kid. It's the worst solution the better one is tell him he is a miko and tell them he had conscious and they must start treat him the right way and explain to them that any noble discover about him will take him forever this will help especially with how lady Zenith afraid of losing him.


"Lady Zenith, Lord Paul we need to talk." I told them when they were about to finish dinner the same day I found Young Rudeus chanting. When I finished my words I saw Lady Zenith looking at me curiously and Lord Paul flinches. (Maybe he thought I was going to tell her about or history).

"well it's about young master Rudeus don't worry he is fine I just think he is a miko with early conscious. So, I was going to suggest give him some more time and maybe make him part of your daily life." When I said it's about young Rudeus not him he sighed in relief then flinches again when he realised what I said. Madam Zenith on other hand showed worried expression for a second but when I was in middle of my sentence she blushed then she showed happy expression and started jumping in happiness when I finished.


"Kyaah! did you hear that dear our Rudy is a genius. We are going to teach him now. Let's see reading and writing maybe some low fitness training so when he grows up becomes swordsman like you always wanted." Lord Paul was lost for words for some seconds then he tried to talk but couldn't find chance by madame Zenith overwhelming talk but at the end nodded in agreement.

"About that dear what about getting Rudy a little brother. Hey! Don't forget to holding back in front Rudi." Lady Zenith suggested suddenly to Lord Paul and he smiled and groped her ass then he got scolded with very cheerful attitude and continued to flirting forgetting I'm in front of them.


(I'm not really sure if they will hold back in front of young master Rudeus if they can't do that in front of me but if anything I wish they treat him the right way and my peaceful stay here stays as long as possible).

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