Chapter 31: The ambush
[plase give me power stones...]
[In the royal chapel of Millis]
"...and that's what happened, Cardenl... witnesses say that a child freed Zenith and Terese Latreia from their captivity..." Adolf muttered quietly and with his head down, just a few hours ago the plan had failed in a way with Zenith Latreia escaping, but with the youngest daughter still captive the plan was still in motion, it was not until recently that shocking news from the merchants arrived.
a child no older than ten years old burst into the slave market, killing the attendants in cold blood and freeing the slaves and the girl, it was a chaotic situation in every sense, and all the witnesses gave their description of the child:
brown hair, green tunic and black leather pants and with two swords at his waist, but unfortunately they have not been able to find his name.
The Cardinal listened to all this in silence as anger built up inside him, not only had his plan failed, but they also found out, it was only a matter of time before the Latreia went over to Harry Grimoire's faction.
"Who the fuck is that kid?!! How the hell could he defeat advanced level swordsmen!! You said it yourself Adolf!! S rank warriors for fuck's sake!!!" The Cardinal shouted angrily throwing his own desk at the wall.
Adolf could only stay in his frozen place while the rage grew in the Cardinal, he could even die if the Cardinal orders it.
"Y-your holiness... please give me another chance!! I-and I swear I will find the person responsible for this and bring him before you! Just please spare my life!!" Adolf said in a desperate tone and bowed at the Cardinal's feet.
"You have until sunset to find the whereabouts of that child! Search every tavern, inn and guild in the city if necessary!! That fucking brat is endangering my entire faction and he must pay for it!" the cardinal shouted, kicking Adolf in the chest, who only rolled on the ground and after a few moments he got up and bowed and left the place.
Fortunately his search bore fruit with one of his spies in the Latreia house, a simple butler named Alfred.
"So Paul Notos Greyrat huh?..." the cardinal muttered with disdain as he read the report that Adolf had brought him minutes before.
"Not only does he spoil my plans but now he's impersonating that dead Asuran noble..." he muttered, spitting to the side.
"Adolf!! Didn't that butler say the location of that child?!" the cardinal demanded.
"n-no sir, but I followed the clues to an inn near the noble district, Paul Notos Greyrat rented a room there for six days and just vacated it a few hours ago" Adolf said with sweat running down his forehead and a predatory smile formed on the cardinal's wrinkled face.
"The damn cockroach is on the better hire powerful people this time, no matter how many they are, I want that kid in front of me as soon as possible!" the cardinal shouted angrily and Adolf ran out of the place in search of more mercenaries, but in the middle of the road he stopped to think.
"A common mercenary won't be of any use...I must think big" Adolf muttered to himself and his gaze went to the central chapel and a smile of realization formed on his face.
[Paul Pov]
After dinner I decided to go to sleep quickly, it had been a quiet day so it didn't take me too long to fall asleep, unfortunately Laws didn't have a sleeping bag or anything like that, it seemed strange to me thinking that he and his wife must have traveled for several weeks to get here from the great forest...
Is he a spy? could be, but Millis wouldn't have someone who was a human spy or that's what they want us to believe...
Ugh! Being cautious is a pain in the ass! Besides I'm already asleep why am I thinking about this now?...
My paranoia was too much and I opened my eyes immediately.
Everything was dark, the campfire had already gone out but the wood was still burning slowly so it hasn't been too long.
I looked around and everyone was sleeping and the carriage was in place
"I guess I'm overthinking things, aren't I?..." I muttered to myself as I let myself fall into my sleeping bag and closed my eyes again.
"hmm?..." the sound of a branch breaking made me open my eyes again, a monster?, probably...
I moved my hand to the ground slightly reaching for my sword Sakka and slowly unsheathing it.
But something felt different, if it was a monster it would have already revealed itself and wouldn't stalk us so much, plus I feel like I'm being watched.
(sresh, shoosh, sreash...)
I started to hear the sound of bushes monster would do that, and it's coming from several directions...
oh shit!!.
I slowly slipped out of the sleeping bag as the sound of footsteps became louder and louder, It was already clear, it was an ambush or maybe they were simple bandits who saw an opportunity in an unsuspecting group.
Whatever it is, I have to end this now...
"Stop...they're still asleep, kill them all and capture the boy" I heard a voice say behind me.
Shit, there are several!.
As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could see some silhouettes moving towards Gesse and Laws while others moved towards the carriage...'s time to get up.
With a quick movement I jumped out of my sleeping bag and lunged to the two assassins who were closest to me.
"what the fuck?!!"
"Hey what?!"
Neither of them reacted in time and with a long sword of silence the upper halves of both were cut off.
"What the hell?! He woke up, attack!!" I heard a voice behind me and more assassins rushed at me.
Fortunately passing through them was easy, I can guess that most were intermediate rank in any style of the sword.
Gesee and Laws were already just waking up without understanding the situation.
"ambush!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and I could see Laws jump up from the ground.
I continued to make my way through the mercenaries until I reached the carriage where Roxy was already awake and protecting the others.
"Roxy, you have to be careful, use fire magic to light the way, the others will distract us, get out of here!!!" I shouted as I ran towards the remaining assassins.
"Paul wait!!" I heard Hilda shout behind me but it was not the time for that.
In front of me Laws was firing arrows left and right at the swordsmen, I was surprised by the speed with which he did it, practically keeping them at bay while Gesee was behind him covering himself...
"Kill that kid! How is it possible that he is stronger than you!" The man who was apparently the team captain shouted angrily but did not take any action to attack.
With a quick count I could see that around 7 mercenaries were still.
Three of them lunged at me and I cut them down without any problems while the others were busy with Laws.
"Laws!, Gesse!, run to the carriage!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and Sakka cut two other mercenaries in half.
Laws blinked in confusion but Gesse dragged him alongside.
The two remaining assassins seriously considered whether to attack me or not, I could see the hesitation and how they put themselves on low guard ready to surrender.
But I didn't let them do anything and I killed them immediately, my gaze instantly went to the guy who was leading them, with fire magic I lit the campfire again and our surroundings lit up.
Everyone was already in the carriage ready to leave, they were only waiting for me but my attention was focused on this guy in front of me.
"Well, tell me who sent you to kill me or are you just bandits? Depending on the answer your fate will be decided" I muttered as I got into combat stance but the man did not flinch at all.
"Hmm, I see, what Adolf said is true, you are very strong, you must at least be an advanced triple, those techniques are not for beginners" the man remarked, touching his temple thoughtfully.
"Adolf? work for Millis' church?" I muttered with a mocking smile.
"Heh, yeah, you could say yes, but the pay is good you know?!" The man said and from his hip he unsheathed a long sword with a black blade.
"My name is Enzo Moreira, and I was hired to take you back to Millis so that you can be judged properly, Paul Notos Greyrat" the man announced, getting into a combat stance.
"Crimes? What crimes? The only criminals here are you kidnapping innocent girls!!" I shouted angrily but Enzo raised an eyebrow at this, but after a few seconds he shook his head.
*It doesn't matter, because of you the slave market has collapsed and you are wanted for aggravated murder, turn yourself in now or I will carry you like a sack of potatoes!"
Now I wanted to scoff at his statement but my instincts were screaming danger for some reason, the guy looked like a run-of-the-mill mercenary, there was nothing outstanding about him, but still,He gave off an aura of danger that I couldn't explain.
I could feel my heartbeat speeding up in my chest, my breathing becoming ragged, my grip on my sword weakening due to the sweat on my hands.
It was fear...I had never felt fear against an opponent...but why him?...
"If you want to take me! You have to let them go!" I said pointing at the carriage "They had nothing to do with what happened there, they are innocent!" I declared, ignoring Hilda and Roxy's proposals.
At this Gesse wasted no time and the carriage began to move quickly, Hilda wanted to get out but Roxy stopped her strongly.
Enzo raised an eyebrow and a predatory smile formed on his face.
"Fine, let's let your slaves go!" Enzo said, opening his arms....a chance!!
Without thinking twice I rushed at him at full speed using wind magic as propulsion and with a long sword of silence I attacked his chest...or so i thought.
But my instincts screamed danger again, Enzo's sword faded from my sight and...
Without being able to understand what had happened, a huge cut appeared on my chest without any explanation and I was thrown towards the trees.
I almost lost consciousness right there but I forced myself to get up while using healing magic on myself.
I got out of the rubble and lunged back at Enzo who had a relaxed expression, using Sakka I went for his neck...a direct hit, he doesn't even try to parry the blow, so why?!
My instincts screamed danger again and my attack lost strength and the next moment I felt a burn on my neck and I was thrown back into the trees.
I woke up and my neck was bleeding profusely so I went back to healing it under Enzo's stunned gaze.
"surprised huh? I'm a Water King And that was the secret technique Ocean Mirror, every attack you throw at me will simply come back to you, it's like trying to walk in the sea, in the end the waves will return you to the shore" He said in a calm tone as he wiped the blood from his sword and despair took over my body...
The Sword God Style will definitely be useless against this guy...I have to change my strategy now!!
"What's wrong kid? I gave you a chance and you turned it down, now you'll go back to Millis just being a torso!"
"What's wrong? You're not so tough anymore, huh? I'm not sti- aggh!!" Without wasting any more time I created a dense fog between us and heated it with fire magic which turned into hot steam.
"Damn kid! What magic without enchantment, huh? Don't think those tricks will save you!" He screamed and ran out of the smoke in the opposite direction to me, but he quickly located me.
I put a hand on the ground again and created a deep Quagmire and started throwing hollow stone bullets at him but the guy repelled them all and they exploded in the trees creating shock waves.
"You're full of surprises you damn brat!!" He screamed and with a leap he jumped into the mud puddle closing the distance between us in the blink of an eye.
An immense pain ran through my spine and I was thrown towards a tree, the impact was such that I even felt one of my ribs break and my vision became blurred.
But with healing magic I was able to regain consciousness again and with my right hand I grabbed my sword?...
"hmm?" I bent down to quickly pick up my sword but nothing happened so I looked at my right arm and...
My right arm had been amputated perfectly at the shoulder, I turned behind me and there was my arm on the ground.
Panic quickly took hold of me.
Am I going to die here? Here of all places? No, I don't want that!!
Still...there are still so many things I want to do! I want to go back home, see my mother, see my brother and reestablish ourselves in Ars.
I still have a lot to live for! I don't want to throw it all away tonight, not today!
"You are certainly talented kid, it will be a shame if all that talent is lost when you die in Millis the guy said as he raised his sword again but I remembered something...Wii Taa's teachings.
"A student of the North God style will continue to fight! It doesn't matter if he loses an arm or a leg! He will not stop fighting until he dies and I will teach you how!!"
"Huh? What's wrong kid? Do you still want to fight? It's a shame I can't just kill you, if it were up to me you wouldn't have even seen me move" he said as his sword rested on his shoulder.
"fuuuu...let's do it!!" I screamed and lunged at him.
It's all or nothing now...