Chapter 6: Life Goes On (Oliver Tree)
Six months passed in the blink of an eye.
Ever since Zuku and I decided to become quirkless heroes, our life had gotten a lot busier.
Well maybe not quirkless on my end, but the point still stands.
Heh. Stands.
Anyways, Zuku and I have been working on building ourselves up, granted we can't really do much without shattering our puny five-year-old bodies, but we're trying.
Every night we go on long walks as a family, Inko, Zuku and I. We do a couple laps around the apartment block, with Zuku and I doing sprints and races every now and then for increased intensity.
After school we go to Dagobah Park and "work out", which is basically just doing some push-ups, sit-ups and squats until we fall over, then practicing movement by climbing trees and playing tag.
Let me tell you, Zuku can be terrifying in a game of tag. Hell, I remember it like it was yesterday…
"Alright Zuku, you know the deal. I run away, you count to ten, and then chase me down like hell on wheels and then we switch. Whoever gets caught first does dishes with Mama tonight."
I stared into the emerald eyes of the boy across from me, the determination in his gaze so hard it was a little chilling. He had grown quite a bit in the months since our "diagnosis", his frame holding a miniscule amount of muscle and grown maybe an inch taller.
Ugh. "Diagnosis." Like being normal was a disease.
He nodded tensely. "I get it, Aniki. I'm going to start counting."
And I immediately turned around and started running, diving into the massive playset in the middle of the park. By the time I reached the second story of the playset, Zuku was on the move, leaping over a picnic table and charging into the playset.
I could feel the vibrations of him dashing through the playset as I weaved through obstacles to evade him, clambering over a faux rock-climbing wall and clearing through long tubes with a dive, my twin brother right on my heels.
I could feel him closing in, so I made a desperate move, I climbed on top of a giant spiral slide, standing three stories in the air and leapt into the ball pit at the bottom like I was motherfuckin Ezio.
Falling through the air, I realized just how bad an idea this was. You see, I hadn't really checked how deep the ball pit was, and I decidedly did NOT have enhanced durability.
Before I could truly contemplate my own stupidity, I slammed into the ball pit, which was deep enough that I wasn't critically injured, but still knocked the wind right out of me.
As I lay there face down in a ball pit that I was very quickly learning hadn't been cleaned in quite a while, wheezing desperately to catch the breath that had just been ripped from my miniscule body, I heard a battle cry come from the top of the spiral slide.
Terrified, I rolled over just in time to see a fifty-pound screaming missile launch itself into me at terminal velocity.
I laid there for what felt like an eternity, watching my younger twin soar towards me like some kind of evil falcon/cannonball hybrid, mortified.
I tried to scramble to get out of his way but didn't make any progress, the accursed plastic balls hindering my movement.
Then my world went white as pain radiated from my lower back.
I spent a week in the hospital after that.
Luckily Mom was a doctor, so getting someone with a healing quirk to help was pretty easy, but that doesn't mean we evaded punishment when she found out.
I thought about lying to her but knew Zuku couldn't lie to save his life, so we were grounded for the next few weeks, which significantly slowed our work-out progress.
It wasn't all bad though, because while we were locked inside Zuku started doing his thing with quirk analysis and even at the tender age of five he was legendary.
Honestly, the fact that All Might either didn't notice or didn't care about Zuku's talent in the field severely lowered my opinion of the man.
Zuku, Mom and I were sitting in the living room.
Zuku and Mom were on the couch, the former in the latter's lap as they watched a movie, a cheesy Rom-Com where All Might played both leads. It was kind of funny, watching All Might go on dates with what was clearly himself in a wig.
I was sitting on the floor in front of them meditating, using just a fraction of the Hamon Breathing method I'd been given from the tutorial. I'd figured out how to severely limit the amount I took in with the technique, so I started allowing the Ripple to trickle in, slowly building my resistance.
I was startled out of my meditation when I heard Zuku start to ask Mom questions about the quirks in the movie, and what she thought of them.
When I opened my eyes, he was pointing to one of the side characters, an extra playing a waiter tending to the All Mights on their date.
"Mama, what do you think that guy's quirk is? He's got a cool lizard head, but his hands and visible skin is all flesh colored! Do you think his quirk is limited to just giving him a lizard head, or does it give him an Emitter ability?"
Inko considered the question. "I don't know, baby. If I had to guess, I'd say it's just a Lizard head mutation, but without asking him any questions or seeing him use anything else I can't really tell."
Zuku looked a little put out at the answer. "Aww..." He whined "I really wanted to know more! It's a shame he isn't here to ask." He pouted.
"You know," I add, "We might not have quirks to analyze, but Mom does. How about you ask her about hers?"
Zuku's eyes lit up. "You're right Aniki! Why didn't I think about that before! Wait right here Mama." With that, he rushed off into our shared bedroom.
Mom looked at me questioningly, but I just snorted. "Don't look at me, he may be my twin, but I can't read his mind. You'll just have to wait to see what he's up to."
We sat there waiting for a few minutes, and eventually Zuku walked out of the hallway wearing one of mom's white work blouses over his previous outfit, holding a notebook.
"Izuku honey, why are you wearing my shirt?" Mom questioned, bewildered.
Izuku just smiled. "It's a lab coat! Like a scientist wears!" Izuku then got a slightly stern look on his face, which just looked adorable on him. The effect was further diminished when he struggled to climb into a chair at the kitchen table.
"Alright Mama. Come sit at the table. Doctor Izuku has some questions about your quirk."
I couldn't help it; I busted out laughing. "Oh yeah? You a doctor now?"
Izuku glared. "Yes, I am, Aniki." He then smiled again at mom. "Mama, if you would come answer some questions, please?"
Surprisingly, Mom came out of that interaction having learned quite a bit about her quirk, since Izuku seemed to know just what questions to ask to make someone think. Since then, he's filled that notebook with analyzing the quirks of our classmates, at least the one who will talk to him.
Unfortunately, even at this age people are discriminating against Zuku and I for being quirkless. It isn't that bad from our classmates, and the teachers aren't doing anything wrong per se, but it's clear that Izuku and I are getting less attention and care than the other students do.
Not that I'm complaining about that, honestly. The less people that pay attention to Izuku and I the less danger we're in. After all, this world isn't nice to the quirkless, as our father had already sadly proven.
Besides, I don't really need anyone but Izuku, and these brats are annoying as all hell anyway. The only genuinely antagonistic kid was Katsuki, but the longer that progressed the more I got the feeling it was because of Izuku and I than our quirkless status.
Still, he was getting too cocky too fast, honestly it was kind of startling. Just a month or two ago he'd join Izuku and I at the park or swimming in the river, but he and Izuku had that argument with the whole falling off a log thing, and he'd just stopped talking to either of us at all.
Not that I really cared. I had much more important things to focus on, like;
Hamon Breathing (0/10) (53% to Level 1)
This skill allows the wielder to replicate the power of the sun through self-controlled breathing. This power is manifested th….
Over halfway to level one, where I could use the full breathing technique. Imagine the improvement in my gains when I get access to that sweet, sweet ripple….
Oh boy…
"Aniki!" Izuku whispered harshly.
I raised my head from my arms and looked at him lazily. "Hmm? What's up?"
"Hibiki-Sensei called on you." He chided.
I turned to look at the board, saw how simple the question was, and groaned. "Hibiki-sensei, two plus two equals four."
The teacher clicked his tongue. "Correct, Midoriya. But still, try to pay attention in class. You zone out too much."
"Sure, sensei. I'll try." I muttered and immediately put my head back on my desk.
Man, school is boring. Then again, what did I expect from first grade? At least I can practice my breathing.
"Man! Another boring day in that glorified prison. I wonder when school will be interesting again?" I half-shouted, stretching my arms behind my back on the walk home, Zuku in tow.
"It isn't that bad, Aniki. Sure the teachers are a little distant and some of the classmates can be mean, but we learn a bunch of cool stuff! Today in quirk-science we even learned about how Endeavor's quirk works!"
I rolled the thought around. "Fair. Learning how that "Hero" uses his fire was fun, I guess. Everything else was boring though."
If Izuku noticed the sarcastic emphasis on hero, he didn't mention it. "Right? Who knew that his fire was from- "
"Shh." I hissed, and Izuku stopped talking. "Hold on. I hear something."
I listened closer and could faintly make out the sound of a boy crying up ahead.
"Follow me."
I started running up ahead, Izuku on my heels. I ran into a clearing in the park, where I saw Katsuki and two of our classmates beating up on a boy a year older than us.
As soon as he came around the corner, Izuku charged into the confrontation, shielding the other boy with his own body.
Intrigued by Izuku's decision, I decided to just stand by and watch.
Besides, it's not like asked for backup.
"What are you doing Kachaan! Why are you being so mean!?" Zuku shouted.
He threw his backpack off his shoulder, the bag landing onto the bench beside them, that disgusting All Might cape fluttering in the wind.
"Jeez! You made him cry!" Izuku turned around and checked on the other student, only to see him nursing a small burn on his left arm, clearly a result of Katsuki's quirk.
Seeing this, Izuku got a sad but determined look in his eye. "It's alright." He said to the crying boy. "I won't let him hurt you anymore."
At that, he got up and turned around, staring at Kachaan and his goons. Slowly, he brought himself into an amateurish boxing stance, something I'd taught him.
"Kachaan, if you keep hurting him, I'll have to stop you myself."
*Sniff, sniff.* I'm so proud of you, Zuku. I thought, wiping a tear from my eye.You're still gonna get creamed though.
The trio looked genuinely startled for a second, until Katsuki snorted derisively. "Hmph. You want to pretend to be a hero?"
He and his lackeys activated their quirks, the fatty on the left growing red wings and the Loser on the right extending his fingers.
Katsuki himself let off an explosion in his hand. "You don't stand a chance without a quirk."
Izuku flinched like he'd been struck. Then, he just exhaled a deep long breath.
"Alright Katsuki. Let's do this."
At that, the three boys charged at Izuku, ganking him. Izuku did well to start with, Grabbing the Fatty by his wings and using him as a shield against finger dude, but the distraction allowed Katsuki to get behind him and land a punch on his kidney. The blow knocked the wind out of Izuku, the smaller boy contorting in pain, but unyielding.
Ooh, that's going to hurt in the morning.
In retaliation, Izuku threw Fatty into Katsuki, toppling them both over as he dove for finger boy and pinned him to the ground, where he proceeded to lay into him with vicious punches.
Since the boy's fingers were extended, he couldn't maneuver his hands to block his face, so by the time Katsuki and Fatty got untangled Izuku had already broken his nose, blood streaking on his face.
Izuku leaned back, resting on the boy's chest as he caught his breath. Katsuki, noticing that Izuku was winded, tackled Izuku to the ground, slamming the smaller boy face-first into the dirt and pinning his arms behind his back.
Breathing heavy, Katsuki shouted, never taking his eyes off Izuku. "Oi Tsubasa! Come hold Deku down while I hit him! I don't want him to squirm!"
Unfortunately for him, it was me who answered. "Sorry, Tsubasa can't come to the phone right now. Can I take a message?"
Katsuki's face contorted in confusion. "Huh? What do you mean?" He whipped his head towards my voice to see Tsubasa unconscious on the floor, my foot on the back of his head.
Katsuki just stared, gawking. Suddenly, his face contorted in rage. "Kurotani. What did you do?"
I just whistled innocently and put my hands in my hoodie pockets. "Who? Little old me? C'mon, you didn't really think I'd let you Two v One my little bro?" I snorted, conveniently ignoring the fact that I just watched as Izuku fought all three of them at once.
Katsuki just stared at me blankly, confusion marring his face.
Izuku, sensing opportunity, squirmed and kicked his way out of the other boy's grasp while he was distracted.
"Don't worry Kachaan," I said, the word coated in venom, "I won't interfere anymore. This is a one-on-one now. And I'm not your opponent."
Katsuki stared blankly until he eventually pulled himself together, rage burning in his eyes. "Tch. Whatever, not like it matters. I could take you both, I'll just kill Deku before I get to you."
At that he launched himself at Izuku, explosions propelling him forward. Izuku's eyes widen in surprise at the sudden offensive, but he manages to lurch out of the way of the impending strike.
Katsuki lands on the ground and spins on his heel, and launches another attack at Izuku which the smaller boy dodges. "DON'T DODGE DEKU! LET ME KILL YOU!" Katsuki shouts, building up for another dash.
Taking a deep breath, Izuku shifts into a lower stance. When Katsuki launches towards him, Izuku steps over to the side and leaves a foot behind, tripping Katsuki. The boy's eyes bulge as he goes crashing towards the ground, slamming his chin into the dirt.
Izuku, sensing weakness, finished the job with an axe-kick to Katsuki's ribs.
Izuku stood there watching Katsuki grasp at his ribs in wonder. For a moment, there was only the sound of Katsuki's grasps and Izuku's heavy breathing.
Clap. Clap. Clap. I walked towards the pair clapping, stopping next to Izuku standing over Katsuki.
"Great job Zuku." I said, ruffling his hair.
I then turned my head to Katsuki, the anger having left me at this point, all that was left was annoyance.
"Really dude? Bullying? I thought you were better than that. Guess I was wrong."
Katsuki twisted, staring me dead in the eyes, rage absolutely coating his face.
I was unimpressed.
"You're done Kachaan." I said coldly. "Just go home. And do me a favor, cut out this bullying shit. You only get one warning, next time I'll step in myself."
Without another word, I grabbed my backpack from where I'd dropped it, slinging it over my shoulder. I turned to walk away, hearing Izuku's hurried footsteps behind me as he caught up.
"Did you see that, Aniki?" Izuku's voice was full of excitement. "I beat Kachaan! Without a quirk!"
"I saw. Good job, Zuku. I'm proud of you," I replied, only half-listening. After all, I'd just gotten some really good news-
Hidden Quest!
Humble Beginnings
Katsuki Bakugou is bullying an upperclassman with his goons. Luckily, you and Izuku are there just in time to help.
Fight off Katsuki and his Goons (3/3)
Reward- Iron Item Gacha Ticket
Izuku beats Katsuki by himself. (1/1)
Reward- Iron Talent Ticket
So this is how quests work? I just get informed after the fact? Or was it because this is a Hidden Mission? Eventually, I just shrugged and moved on. After all, I'm lacking the information to make an actual conclusion.
But still, rewards this early, what a nice find. Let's start with using the Item Ticket-
With that thought a giant JoJo's themed slot machine appeared in front of me and began spinning, the Golden Wind theme song starts playing.
I panicked, glancing around to see if anyone else noticed the massive, ten-foot slot machine. But nope. All I saw was Izuku staring back at me, confused.
You won Joseph Joestar's Walkman!
Ooh nice. In the game, getting this from the gacha would let you change the background music.
I sling my backpack off my shoulder and reach into it as I withdraw the Walkman from my inventory, making sure that Izuku can't see me do so.
As the Walkman pops out of the inventory it comes with a small binder of cassettes, including fan favourites like "Bad" from Michael Jackson and even some Nirvana tracks.
I haven't been able to find any good music here, as everything I can find is produced and sung by heroes so this will go a long way to preserving my sanity.
I nod, content with my first prize.
Alright, time for a Talent Ticket-
You won Dio Brando's Fashion Sense!