Chapter 10: Completionist!
Bane stood before the red slime, strong and tall. The other slimes on the first floor were only about as tall as Bane's thigh, with the tallest reaching up to his waist. The red slime, however, was as tall as Bane and multiple times as wide.
Bane focused on the red slime, and Threat Analysis activated:
Red Slime:
The "boss" of the first floor in the dungeon. Significantly larger than the other slimes on the first floor. However, it suffers from the same weakness: a soft exterior and a large surface area for attack.
Bane nodded; he agreed with the system's analysis. With such a large target, Bane was confident he could win.
He withdrew his sword and charged at the red slime with a battle cry.
"Ah!" Bane raised his sword and ran toward the large gelatinous mass. Just as his strike was about to land, the red slime jumped high into the air. Oh no! Bane thought, running away from where the slime had jumped.
The red slime slammed down to the ground, sending chunks of the floor flying like shrapnel from a grenade. Bane stood his ground, avoiding the pieces of flying rock.
It has different attack patterns, Bane realized. After fighting over fifty slimes, he had become familiar with their usual behavior. Jumping and using the terrain was something he had never seen before. There was a clear difference between the red slime and the others.
Bane stood a good distance away, thinking of a plan of action. However, while he was strategizing, the slime jumped again—this time, directly toward him.
"Tch." Bane clicked his tongue as he gazed up at the red slime soaring above, preparing to crash down where he stood. He ran out from under the slime as it landed, once again sending stone fragments flying like shrapnel.
I've got it, Bane thought. His plan was as follows: wait for the slime to jump, move away to avoid the shrapnel, and attack quickly before the slime could jump again. However, this was easier said than done. If he was too close to the slime's blast radius, he risked being crushed or hit by debris. Bane was aware of the risk and proceeded cautiously.
The slime jumped to the ceiling again, but instead of running aimlessly, Bane moved with purpose. He gauged where he could safely stand and waited for the slime to crash down. As the slime descended, Bane heard a quiet whistle before it slammed into the ground.
Bane had judged the blast radius correctly, but maneuvering around the shrapnel was another challenge entirely. As he dodged and prepared to attack, the slime jumped again. I need to be faster, Bane thought. If he could avoid the debris and strike quickly, he might succeed.
Bane moved to a similar distance and watched the slime crash down once more. The floor was becoming increasingly uneven, and the debris was piling up with each impact.
I need to do this, Bane thought. He tried getting in close to attack a few more times, but he was always too late. Glancing toward the entrance of the room, he noticed it was sealed off by a light blue forcefield, preventing entry or exit.
Wish someone had told me that beforehand! Bane thought, panic beginning to set in. It was kill or be killed.
Bane ran around the ever-deforming arena, formulating a new all-or-nothing plan. Since he couldn't get close enough to the slime for a melee attack, he would have to attack from a distance. But without a bow or ranged magic, he had only one option: throw his sword and risk losing it, sealing his fate.
He debated enacting this plan and tried his previous tactic of getting in close, but it failed again. It's all or nothing, then, Bane thought, taking a deep breath and stepping far away from the slime, ready for its next jump.
Whoosh. The slime leaped into the air, sending dust and debris flying. But instead of moving, Bane positioned himself under the slime's expected path. He clenched the handle of his sword, stretched his arm back as if to sheath it, and took a step forward.
"Ah!" With one last cry, he slung his arm forward, sending the blade spinning toward the slime as it descended onto him. He didn't move; he had complete faith in his ability to slay the foe. He stood directly in its path and waited.
Squish! The sword met the slime's gelatinous exterior just as Bane had intended, piercing its underside and causing a massive explosion. The slime rained down on Bane as multiple text boxes appeared.
Red Slime Defeated
1 XS-Energy Crystal
+100 XP
The usual reward text box appeared, and Bane noted the considerable amount of XP gained. He closed the box and moved to the others:
[Skill Acquired]
[Magnetize LV 1]
Unsure of what this ability could do, Bane opened the skill's description:
Gives the user the ability to move metal objects with their mind. Leveling up increases the skill's range.
Bane nodded. I must have gotten this for throwing my sword, he thought. He reached his hand out toward the sword, which now lay on the ground a few meters away.
Just as the skill described, Bane imagined the sword returning to his hand, and it flew across the room, orienting itself to land perfectly in his grip. Bane smiled. So useful!
He sheathed his sword and turned to the last—and most intriguing—text box:
[Fast Travel Unlocked]
[Floor 1 Entrance]
[Floor 2 Entrance]
Bane noticed a new icon in his vision: a small circle with a dot inside, next to his status icon. Opening it revealed a menu allowing him to "Fast Travel" to either the first or second floor entrance. Unsure of what this meant, Bane opened the description.
Fast Travel:
Gives the user the ability to fast travel to certain locations. When used, the user will be moved from one location to another instantly. To conceal the ability, fast travel can only occur when out of sight of others and will transport the user to an area out of view.
Bane's mouth hung open. This is the craziest ability yet! he thought. Every time he acquired something new, he found himself thinking the same thing.
All the text boxes were closed, but a small exclamation point remained on the quest box. Opening it, he saw that he had completed the quest:
Floor 1 Completion:
Slay all enemy types on the first floor of the dungeon:
Green Slime – Complete
Blue Slime – Complete
Red Slime – Complete
Rewards: 1000 Shill, one skill point
Bane claimed the rewards and moved to his status, where he allocated another point into agility:
[Bane of the Slums]: LV 6 (230/740)
[Title]: Slimey Slayer LV 1 (72/100)
[Strength]: LV 3
[Dexterity]: LV 2
[Mind]: LV 1
[Agility]: LV 3
[Fortitude]: LV 1
[Magic]: LV 1
[Skills]: Appraisal LV 1, Threat Analysis LV 1, Danger Sense LV 1, Passive Healing LV 1, Magnetize LV 1
Bane gazed at his status happily. With the constant marginal upgrades, he could feel himself growing stronger. In just two days, he felt he had completely transformed. He was still no match for Luna, but he knew he could take her on soon.
He decided it was best to head back. He had earned 1000 Shill from his quest and obtained the crystal from the red slime. Speaking of which, it was still on the floor. He used Magnetize, and to his delight, it flew into his hand. It was still labeled as an XS-Energy Crystal, but it was undoubtedly the most valuable one he had acquired so far.
Bane stood, looking around the room to ensure he hadn't forgotten anything. Satisfied, he prepared to leave.
Travel to the first-floor entrance, Bane thought. His vision went blank, and an instant later, he was at the entrance of the tunnel, with the stairs to the surface just a few meters away.
Brilliant! Bane couldn't contain his smile as he walked toward the stairs. Even with Luna ruining the start of his day, he couldn't stop himself from grinning like a child.
Luna's usual spot was vacant again. He would have to stay vigilant. As he ascended the stairs, he noticed something unusual: his breath. Previously, he had struggled with the stairs, but now he climbed them with ease, reaching the surface quickly.
Bane walked through the Guild Hall and waved to Winter behind the counter. He prepared to apologize for the sack with a lie.
"Good afternoon, Bane. How are you?" she asked, smiling.
"I'm good, Winter, but I must apologize," Bane said, bowing slightly.
"Why?" she asked, tilting her head.
"I destroyed the sack you gave me for the crystals."
"Oh, that's okay! I have plenty, and they were really cheap," she said, waving her hands dismissively.
After ensuring she wasn't upset, Bane exchanged the crystals he had collected and earned another few hundred Shill.
Today was a successful day, he thought.