Chapter 45: (34) helping the mentally challenged is…eventful part 1
So I tried looking up where twice lives, but I couldn't find anything so I'm going to bring a city from one of my favorite anime's into the series as the next town over, salt city(where my mob psycho fans at?!)
Now onto the chapter.
I was walking down the stairs of Tory's apartment building when I hear the ringtone of "what does the fox say?!" And click answer .
"Am I a rat? Am I a bear? No, I am principal Nezu!" I hear on the other end as I chuckle at his antic, "how are you principal nezu? I just dropped off a classmate at her apartment."
"My quite the gentleman, well I got a call from Nemuri earlier, she wanted information for a Jin Bubaigawara? Said you wanted to help him." He says as I sit on cavaliere.
"Yeah tomorrow I was going to help him with his mental state and see if you wanted to give him a job as a teacher's assistant or something." I admit as I could practically hear Nezu thinking it over before replying.
"I'd like to meet this man for myself, so I as well as Mr.Aizawa will be coming along as a safety precaution." He says as I start up cavaliere, "I understand, you want me to pick you both up on my bike?"
(The next morning)
I woke up earlier than usual, I look over and see Toga cuddling me like a koala, wearing red lace underwear as I hear her light snoring with the occasional calling of my name in her sleep.
I chuckle at the sight as I lean down and lightly kiss her on the forehead as I slowly get up and gently walk over to our closer and pull out some casual civilian clothes.
After changing into a pair of black jeans, a gray long sleeve shirt and black socks, and I walk out of my door as I see the door to Nemuri's room open and I see her in lascivious underwear that caught me off guard.
She turns and looks at me with a teasing smile, "oh my, you're looking at your teacher in the nude, you naughty boy!" She teased as I cough into my fist.
"Morning Nemuri, you want some coffee?" I offer as she bends over and I see her shapely ass as she pulls up her stockings, "that sounds nice, two sugar cubes and a dash of milk if you could." She responds.
Nodding I make her cup of coffee and I put the leftover coffee into two thermos' for aizawa and myself, I put some sugar and milk in mine and left Aizawa's pure black.
Finally I added some boiling water to a final thermos and add some teabags in the second compartment and after placing them in satchel I say goodbye to Nemuri and I drive over to UA.
On my way here I stop by Leblanc and grab one of their red velvet muffins and eat it on the way to school, and on my way there I see a blur of blond hair as I see All Might who lands next to me, "GOOD MORNING YOUNG HENRY!! DONT YOU KNOW SCHOOL IS OUT FOR THE WEEK?" All Might asks with his usual booming voice as I take out my thermos and take a sip of my coffee.
"I do know, but I'm going on a trip with Nezu and Mr.Aizawa to a possible new employee." I tell him as he nods in understanding, "so tell me young Henry, is this person a similar case to miss Toga?" He asks as I understand where he's coming from, someone who is a villain but needs help.
"Yeah, split personality disorder, I have an idea for helping him but I need to consult the support course before we leave." I tell him but before he could respond the sound of an explosion in the distance and all might had to go.
Driving up the hill I see the school and notice that some stalls were being setup, as I pull over and park my bike I turn and see Aizawa was walking towards me, with Principal Nezu Inside his scarf.
"Morning Aizawa, Principal nezu." I say to them as I open my satchel and pull out the thermos' and hand them to the confused individuals.
"I wasn't sure how far away Jin is so I prepped some black coffee and some tea for you both." I explain as Aizawa looks at me and shrugs before opening the thermos he held and took a sip and a satisfied sigh.
"So I take it you are prepping for the sports festival early?" I ask my principal who is sniffing the contents of his thermos before pouring the still hot tea into the cup and takes a sip.
"Indeed, next week you will have to give the opening speech, now then I've got the location of his home and it's in the next town over, home to the esper hero Mob, Salt city." He says as I nod.
"Okay then, let's get going." I say as I get back on cavaliere with Aizawa holding onto my shoulders.
"Let's ride!"
Well folks I hope you enjoy this chapter, I figured I should split this into two parts but I do have an idea for the reward for changing the fate of Twice, either a pheromone manipulation (model rabbit) or animalistic attraction, something that makes people with animal quirks feel safe or attracted to henry.
You can probably guess who I'm having Henry intern with already? Either Mirko or Ryukyu.
But besides that I hope you all have a good rest of your day or night, peace 😁✌️