Chapter 14: Chapter 14 (City Z)
And Versil also woke up and Alpha took it and said, "Don't say anything in public, Versil. Ok? We must keep it as a secret from everyone."
And Versil replied, "Hm! I will try my best!"
And Alpha and Versil left the room and started leaving.
Everyone gathered in the main hall and Alpha also enters and stood in front of Aize, according to the line of her division.
And Rehi arrives at the stage with a mic and said, "Thank you everyone for gathering, this is for a special announcement or I will say a special mission for us."
And everyone got the notification once again.
And Alpha gave a sigh, she knows what it is. It could be fun for her if she goes for the hunt alone but she knows that it will not happen.
"As you all can see at your System, you all have got a mission to clean a city, from monsters, and I have got an order from our government, four divisions together will go to hunt down the monsters and clean one city."
And Alpha was being bored already.
"Division 1, 2, 3 and 4 will go and clean City G and Division 5, 6, 7 and 8 will go and clean City Z. In each City you all will have around 10,000 monsters, and whatever the results will be, everyone will be honoured and can be even promoted to another level. I hope you will be joining it and helping goverment to end the monsters."
And Alpha smiled, "... You know that whoever achieves and wins the mission--"
"Don't say any further Alpha." Said Rehi with sweating.
The fact is that the person who achieves this goal can take over the city and rule over it. Rehi knows about it, and Alpha also knows about it but Rehi is ordered that this fact shouldn't be exposed.
Alpha smiled that she can control and blackmail Rehi for this.
"... Who kills the most is not important..."
And everyone turned at Alpha by hearing this by her, even Rehi, what she meant to say?
"The one who kills the last monster will only matter. He will only achieve the goal of the mission."
And Rehi was surprised to hear this... He never heard about it but Alpha knows about it.
But Rehi smiled and said, "Will you explain with coming on the stage Alpha?"
Alpha smiled and said, "No thanks, I just wanted to tell about it only... But I know who will rule..." And she started walking away and Rehi was left with a smile and sweating that what type of girl is Alpha is.
But Rehi said, "Yes, as she said, the one who will kill the last monster of the city will take over-- I mean will win and will be awarded and will also be given any one of his/her wish to come true."
And everyone was shocked to hear this and motivated by it already.
And Rehi smiled and started leaving the stage.
"... I want to see if he will still try to hunt and take over the the whole world." And Rehi left with a clever smile.
At night, all the divisions gathered a d unfortunately for Alpha, all her schoolmates are in Division 5, 6, 7 and 8. She gave a sigh and moved ahead.
"I will ask for her." Everyone was discussing that what wish they will want but Alpha laughed that for all of them, firstly survival will be the hardest thing to ever do in the fight.
Aize came next to Alpha and she smiled and asked, "What will you ask if the mission was achieved by you?"
Aize replied with being strict, "Firstly, it's already too hard to find that what will be the last monster, and secondly, first we will have to start hunting. Then only one last will be made."
And Alpha laughed because she knows what he will ask, "How much money will you ask?"
And Aize finally got a smile and said, "I have not thought yet how much I will ask..." But suddenly Aize realised that Alpha has tricked him and shouted with anger, "Wait, I am not a greedy guy that I will only need money!!!"
And Alpha laughed and said, "Anyone can buy you by money, you are dog starving for bone of money."
And Aize realised that Alpha knows him and started walking away with a sigh and left.
And Iz was watching it and came next to Alpha. But Alpha being rude, she started leaving again!
But suddenly Iz caught Alpha's wrist and Alpha was totally angry now.
"Why you don't hear of me?! Let me--"
"Leave my wrist..." Said Alpha with anger.
And Iz was shocked, he never expected that Alpha will treat him like this but he should have expected at least this.
Alpha took away her hand and said, "Just leave me already..."
And Alpha started leaving.
"What's special in Aize and Zero that you admire them the most?!!!" Asked Iz with anger and frustration... Why don't Alpha talks with him like she does with Zero or Aize.
"Aize is a good friend of mine, he doesn't follows me like you all do, he chases money. And Zero was my only one... My love, I can't grief anymore, but I am going to wait for him. Even if we meet in our next life."
And Iz was standing with complete anger but Alpha moved ahead.
Alpha was in the van of Division 7 and watching outside the window. They were going to City Z to hunt down the monsters.
But Alpha also recalled that someone, from Vampire Knight's team dominated and achieved the mission. She never get to knew that how many members were in his team, but it was sure, they all were way more strong, it is said that Vampire Knight only sent one from their team for one city, but he dominated at all.
And Division 5, 6, 7 and 8 reached to City Z at night. And thankfully, it was detected that many monsters are near where they have stopped.
And Alpha already feel the presence of monsters at the roof of the building which was in front of them.
And Alpha indicated the direction at the roof, of 12 floors building, and everyone looked towards it with excitement.
But the moonlight arrived and everyone was shocked, even Alpha.
A Purple dress girl was killing all the monsters with a creepy smile on the roof already and more surprising thing, she was killing 10 in just a second.
And Alpha realised, it's the same girl... But she was no more blindfolded, her creepy smile and red eyes shine at the moonlight.