Chapter 20: Chapter 20 (System Hack)
And Alpha was shocked to read this, she has never heard of this Legend or Constellation ever before but... Rehi is the...
But Rehi started sweating by getting the notifications from System and looked at Alpha.
Alpha shockingly looked at Rehi and he just said with lips, without any voice, "Don't- tell- anyone- and- repair- what- you- have- done- to- the- System."
And Alpha was shocked, '... Is he really... It?'
And Alpha started repairing what virus and hacking units she has put in the System so that no one else could get access to the whole data of System which is currently exposed.
< The System has been locked again. You can't access to Adminstration Of System. >
Everyone got the strange notification and Alpha gave a sigh that it could be dangerous if the whole data would have been gone to anyone. But she repaired before it at perfect time, Goverment also ignored the opportunity and when the strange System notification arrived, what they have lost!
And Rehi gave a sigh and started doing his job on System, if someone had got the opportunity and started transferring the whole or any data, he stopped all the transferring processes and whatever would be done in Administration.
But nobody cared about it and Iz shouted with anger, "What do you mean by that?! I killed the last monster and also got the System notification that I did!"
And Rehi while working on System said, "Disqualified players can kill the monsters but they will be not counted in the one who were qualified. And in City Z, there are only three players qualified."
< City Z Hunters: 1st, Eclipse, 2nd, Alpha, 3rd, Aize, 4th, null (no one) >
And suddenly System shut down and Alpha smiled and said, "I want to talk with you Rehi." And started leaving.
And everyone was left shocked... Which means no one won the prize of any wish?
But everyone started laughing and were saying that whatever happened was good to happen, Iz was cheating them but he himself is now defeated.
And everyone started leaving with teasing and laughing on Iz and he was being completely angry.
And Iz suddenly caught Rehi's collar but suddenly the cops took their guns at Iz's head, how someone can even touch the head Rehi?
"You can enjoy in the night party and take out your anger with food and drinks. And let me go." Said Rehi and Iz was completely angry but couldn't do anything and left Rehi's collar and Rehi started leaving.
"So tell me..."
Rehi was sitting on his seat in front of his table in his office and Alpha was sitting in front seat.
"Who you are?" Asked Alpha and Rehi smiled and said, "You have already caught me so why are you asking?"
And Alpha was surprised with the answer and said, "So you accept... That you are the one who created the System?"
And Rehi smiled and replied, "Yeah, that's true I am the one who has created System... But actually I have not, but the System Creator."
"I have never heard of that Legend or Constellation."
And Rehi stood from his seat and said, "She is not a Legend or Constellation. She is God of Time, one of the main Gods."
And Alpha never heard that Gods also have the powers of supporting their followers. It's actually first time she is knowing that Rehi is the creator of System by the support of a God, not by a Legend/Constellation.
But Alpha came on her actual motive of coming here and asked, "You are the System... So you also know that I have came back to time?"
System has almost all the data of the world, from confidential to secrets, it also has all the data of all the individuals in Earth. So there's no doubt that System will not know that Alpha has came back to time.
And Rehi smiled and looked at the sky by the window and said, "You are not the only one who has came back, around seven more are here."
And Alpha was shocked to hear it! Someone else... Has also came back to time?!
"Who they are?!" Asked Alpha with panicking to know but Rehi smiled and said, "I can't tell about informational and confidential data of an individual. I haven't even told about it to goverment anything then how can you expect to tell you?"
And Alpha stood with anger that she lost the opportunity, if she would not have repaired soon, she would be able to see about individuals like Vampire Knight, but she has lost. She can't hack again because System is shut down currently which also makes senses, others can try to hack again.
"When are you going to open System again?" Asked Alpha seriously but Rehi smilingly answered, "Till night but I would have put advanced ultimate encryption to it, you hacked it once but not again."
And Alpha knew that Rehi will put better and the strongest protection to the System Administration which she can never broke it.
"Any question left?"
And Alpha looked at Rehi and asked last question, "... Are you one of the seven who have came back to time?"
"No, I just know that you all have came back to time but I know nothing about what you did in your previous life... Except one I guess."
"... He actually became an constellation after he died in his previous life, so he is the constellation in this time as well."
And Alpha was more shocked and confused.
The fact is that if someone, a constellation/star/legend dies in his physical form, then he will be no more a legend or anything and will become a normal soul but someone, who has became a constellation after dying? How that's even possible?
"That's enough to tell, get ready for the party. I have booked a huge restaurant for all of us." Said Rehi and Alpha cleaned her brain because it is going more complicated and complex, it's better to remove it and focus on the party.
And Alpha started leaving.
But suddenly Rehi called her again and she turned back and Rehi came running to her and gave something.
"... Someone gave this to me to give it to you, it's a healer portion, he said that your arm was burnt so he is giving this to you." And Alpha looked and it was a healer portion for burns.
"Who gave? Did you?" Asked Alpha.
"Nah," Rehi said, "Someone I admire a lot."