Chapter 3: Chapter 3 (Betrayal)
'In my previous life, Mistress was already dead plus most of the teachers and students as well. At that time, I was saved by my one classmate, Iz.'
Alpha started walking towards the ground where Zero was found lying dead but now he was not there.
"The same happened previously, Zero's body disappeared forever."
And Zero again started becoming emotional and crying in silence.
"Hey, Versil, was my uniform also came back at time and will it be just now?"
Alpha, after crying for minutes, started walking towards her home. She has no other option than to keep on living, for the sake of him.
Versil bended into a question mark replying that she don't know.
Alpha smiled and said, "You are pretty cute, Versil."
Alpha reached her home with no problem because she didn't found any monster in the path as she expected.
"I am home." Alpha opened the door and entered in and started searching for stuff.
"Oh, so you have also came back to time. It means my everything which I obtained in previous life have also came with me."
Alpha found her white overcoat of neck to feet and a white and golden full shirt and trouser which she got in her previous life around six months later after the apocalypse.
Alpha wore her uniform and came out of her home because everything which she needed was with her. She again started walking at the road.
"I will need to give these things to whom they belong." Mistress and students were stalking Alpha from the beginning just for their own protection and want to steal Versil and Alpha's uniform.
"Why is it going too boring? I--" said Alpha and suddenly heard a huge voice of explosion.
"Well, let's enjoy in fighting only." Said Alpha and started running towards the explosion spot. Mistress and students also followed her with fear.
Alpha reached the spot and the place was totally vanished.
"Huh? No mons--"
Suddenly Alpha feel something on the ground, something coming from under.
"So it is a earthworm monster, huh?" Alpha relaxed but suddenly felt something more dangerous and said, "Don't tell me that... It is a high ranked earthworm monster..."
And suddenly a huge earthworm in monster form came from the underground. And Alpha started sweating.
'I... I can't defeat this all alone--' suddenly Alpha remembered something and started laughing and thought, 'I know... This must be like killing a small bug for Vampire Knight. The highest and the strongest in this world, if I got afraid of this, I will not be able to ever compete equal against him.'
Mistress and the students were already scared from seeing the monster. But one boy, stepped ahead to help Alpha, the blue hairs guy, Iz.
"Hey!!! You can't go ahead anymore, Iz! Let Alpha--"
"Why to be so selfish that you are giving Alpha's life on risk. How big cowards you are." Said Iz and started walking towards Alpha.
The giant earthworm lied on the ground and started moving towards Alpha at high speed to hunt her.
Alpha smiled and when the earthworm almost reached to Alpha, Alpha jumped on his head and spelled, "Vanish" and landed reverse on her one palm and suddenly the earthworm's head vanished with a huge explosion.
Alpha stood on the ground and spit some blood from her mouth.
"It will definitely not be easy to defeat."
The huge earthworm stood and regenerated his head again and no scars was on him after his healing.
"May I help you?"
Alpha turned back and Iz was standing there. Alpha said, "Give it a try"
Iz smiled and straight his arm in front and spelled, "Flame Execution"
And suddenly a lot of fire came out of Iz's palm and moved towards the giant earthworm.
Iz continued throwing the flame for 2 minutes but it was only his capacity till now and so, the flame thrower stopped and fall on knees totally exhausted.
"Well done, leave the rest on me." Said Alpha and started walking towards the giant earthworm.
The giant earthworm's body till where it caught fire was totally burnt. The earthworm tried to regenerate it but before it could do that, Alpha reached at top and started cutting the earthworm in many slices while landing on the ground.
When Alpha landed on ground back, the giant earthworm had stopped moving because it used all the power in healing his parts making him paralyzed for a few seconds.
Alpha touched the paralyzed giant earthworm and said, "Farewell, giant earthworm monster... Explode"
And the giant earthworm's whole body exploded bringing its blood rainfall.
Iz smiled and said, "I knew... You are the strongest..." And his eyes closed.
Alpha said, "Uh! I need to become more strong than Vampire Knight! He would have killed this monster with just one slash by his black katana!!! I envy my killer!!!"
Alpha turned her head upwards and blood raindrops coming on her face and said, "For what... Am I here?"
"It... It can't be... How is Alpha so strong?!" Zero's killer was being envy from Alpha because he wanted to become her hero but all till now, she is dominating all alone straight.
"Well, anyways, I should continue moving forward with being alive. I want to surpass my death and my killer."
Alpha turned back towards the voice and her friends, Mistress and other students were running towards her. When they reached till her, they suddenly hugged her and said, "Are you alright?!" With weeping.
"Stop your drama, I know you all were stalking me till now to get protection because of my strength. And the reason of it is... You all have accepted the fact that you all don't even stand at me. So just leave."
"It is not like that--!"
"Just shut your mouth and leave otherwise... You all will end up dead."
Alpha's one friend said, "I... I guess you are right-- Hypnotize."
And Alpha suddenly stunned and stopped. Mistress and everyone started smiling that they have finally trapped the big fish.