Chapter 6: Chapter 6 (Zero's house)
Alpha was stopped because Zero's all the things which makes him remember hurts her the most because of his own absence.
"Hey! Do you want to come or get caught by cops? I can't keep the door open for all the time." Said Aize and Alpha entered the house.
Alpha sat on a chair in the living room and removed the cloth which was hiding her face and took a breath of relaxation because she has wore the cloth for a long time.
"Here you go, have some tea." Said Aize with holding two cups of tea and offering one to Alpha.
"No, thanks. I am fine." Said Alpha with sweating because she knows what is the taste of Aize's tea, it actually tastes horrible and only once in her previous life she drink it and never asked and always denied if Aize asks.
"Such a weirdo, Zero always drink it whenever I say."
"Huh?" Alpha was surprised by what Aize just said and continued, "He all the time drink your team? But why, I mean always?"
"Yes, because in our matches of chess, I always win and in each match we challenged that whoever loses will have to drink the tea of winner."
'So he himself knows how horrible tea he creates.' thought Alpha.
"Anyways, did you saw yesterday at night a shooting star passing from the sky? I saw it with Zero."
'How lucky is he that he watched the shooting stars with Zero. I wish I could have been in spite of Aize and spend some precious time with him.'
"A rumour is there that the shooting star was the beginning of the apocalypse."
"Huh? A shooting star...?" Alpha was a little bit shocked because in her previous life she has never heard that there a shooting star passed just one day ago of the beginning of the apocalypse and also never heard of the rumour of it.
"I also don't believe in the rumour but when Zero saw the shooting star, his face was looking like he is too much pressured by responsibility but also had a smile, it was strange." And Aize stood from his seat and started walking towards the kitchen.
"Zero is dead." Said Alpha when Aize was just walking towards the kitchen and stopped. Alpha thought that Aize could also feel the pain of greif of Zero like she is suffering.
"As expected from that loser, he can't even survive in the first day of the apocalypse." Said Aize and continued his walk.
Alpha was shocked by Aize's reply on Zero's death and realized that he is not different from her schoolmates who also said the same thing.
Alpha stood from her seat and wore the cloth and started leaving.
"It is night, if you want to leave then I suggest to leave tomorrow." Said Aize.
"No thanks, I will be fine in Zero's home." And started leaving.
'Love really makes girls sick. Can't she just move on? He was the weakest from the starting anyways.' thought Aize while washing and cleaning dishes.
Alpha got out of Aize's house and started stepping towards Zero's house. She reached in front of the door of Zero's house and gently opened the door with saying, "I am entering, Zero."
When Alpha opened the door, she heard voices of someone whose she knows. They enjoying and partying in Zero's house!
Suddenly two humans at the door path and Alpha was now confirmed who they are, it was Zero's killer and Mistress and you know it very well who were partying, the whole school members were in Zero's house enjoying in themselves.
Mistress was just going turn towards Alpha but suddenly someone grabbed and took out Alpha of the door and outside the view of anyone because she was in front of a wall just next to the door outside.
"Uh... I forget to tell you that some people entered in Zero's house when I was leaving to find you."
Alpha turned back and it was Aize. He continued, "I am sorry to informing you late but you are not caught. I made it in time. So... Are you coming or not?"
Aize actually doesn't knows that they are Alpha's schoolmates and Mistress but he knew that Alpha is being considered as a criminal so she can identify easily, at the last cops saw her in that uniform hiding her face while encounter with Aize so he has to save her.
"Just stop there, Alpha."
Aize and Alpha were now scared because she, now maybe is caught again. They turned towards the voice and it was Iz.
Soon Alpha's all schoolmates started coming and surrounding Alpha and Aize.
"Uh... I guess you are caught again, sorry." Said Aize.
"Stop saying sorry and think about something to escape!"
"No, you don't need to escape. We just want to bring you on the right track, we don't want to make you a criminal." Said Iz.
'Uh! This really annoys me a lot. He really thinks that I care about him and others.'
Mistress came in front and said, "Guys, keep her surrounded so that she can't escape. I am calling police."
And Aize started becoming panicked but Alpha was still calm.
"... Right! Aize, use your psychic power and float everyone except me so that I can escape."
"I don't know how do you know about my powers but I guess, it is the only thing I can do." And Aize used his psychic powers and everyone started floating giving the chance to Alpha to escape.
Aize was kind of stunned, not moving but his psychic powers were still working.
"Hyin, don't make me laugh. Aize is not going to be hypnotized, right?" And Alpha kept a hand on Aize shoulder and he once shaking and said, "Hm?... Yes."
'Don't say that he can be hypnotized.' thought Alpha with sweating and in seconds she started running in speed because she was now afraid that Aize can be hypnotized so it's better to get rid of things immediately.