Chapter 8: CHAPTER 8:Form d
After the speech made by General Luke who was the supreme commander and overall General of military base 4,The students were then shared into four groups with the groups being,group A to D. These groups were made in order to divide the students and assign them to a dorm.
"The military base was divided into staff and officers quarters which was for all the military officers who either volunteered to teach the students or for this who stayed and trained in the military.And then the students quarters which was further divided into dorm A to D.
Each of these dorms were very large and had several buildings to train and teach the students on important things on how to defeat beasts,and also buildings in which these students would sleep in.Michael was assigned to dorm A and was given a map for the direction to dorm A.All teachings and training was to start the next day and the rest of the day was the time for students to rest but they were all expected to go to their respective form classes and also meet their form teachers.
"Finally some time to rest."Michael says after going to the room given to him by the military.And unpacked the little things he brought to the military.
"Now I've been wanting to ask this and so I'll ask it now since I have the time.System what are you and who created you and lastly what's your purpose of helping me."Michael asks the system and awaits an answer.
"Hello system why aren't you answering?"Michael says after receiving no answer from the system.
"Seriously?"Michael Says sarcastically and rolls his eyes.
"Anyways as long as you can make me strong enough to find and kill that beast to save Mary,am okay with you.Mary please hold on a bit longer"Michael says as he clenched his fist recalling when he visited Mary the previous day and how pale she had become.
"I swear with all I have that I would find Mary's cure and purge the earth of beasts and wicked fools like silver."Michael says and clenches his fist so hard that his nail injures his palm.
Michael stops clenching his fist and relaxes himself.
*Knock* * Knock*
"Who is that?"Michael asks himself and walks over to open his door.
He opens it and sees a black haired man who should be in his thirties.
"Hello,I am Sam your forms teacher.I am in charge of you and all your activities so please don't cause trouble or else I would be blamed for it."Sam says and laughs at the last part.
"Anyways you and your other form mates are expected to all gather in your form class right now so you all can get to know yourselves and also receive a map of this base.Anyways,here's a map that would show you the way to the class buildings and our class room.And also you are assigned to form d of the dorm so please remember your form."Sam says.He gives Michael a map to his class and walks off.
"I guess I am going to be using a map,again but why does this school like giving us maps can't they be a bit more modern."Michael says and follows the direction to his form class.On his way Michael notices something.
"System,Why do all these other students possess bigger rooms than me?He asks after noticing the vast difference between the rooms of some students and his room.
"I guess discrimination runs in every part of the world including the military."Michael says and walks towards his classroom.
Michael enters his form class room and sees up to forty other students who should be his classmates.
"I guess these are my classmates.Anyways Were is that Sam guy ."Michael says referring to his form teacher Who steps in almost immediately with a huge grin on his face.
"Hello everyone,As you all know I am your form teacher and I have a very important person to introduce to you all today.Meet Lily Boron your fellow classmate."Sam says and smiles so much as if he was planning to cut his lips as Lily walks into the room.
"Lilys our class mate?This is a dream come true."
"I can't believe this,Lily is actually our form mate."
"This is wonderful I can't wait to get to talk to her."These were some of the several comments made by most of the students in the class especially the boys.
"It is an honour to have you in my class lady boron.Is there anything you would lik....."Sam is cut short as Lily walks past him and moves to the back of his class.
The entire class goes silent after this act and a few students laugh silently at Sam.
"Whats so special about her,I didn't have an introduction so why does she?"Michael mistakenly bluest out,dissatisfied with the way most people were gaining special attention.
The students pause at Michaels comment and some start laughing at Michael with others making some offensive comments on his ignorance.
"Who the he'll is this guy?"
"He's probably trying to gain Lilys attention"
Most of the students makes this comments at Michael who isn't bothered by them.
"Young man May I know your rank?"Sam asks Michael
"I'm a bio"Michael responds without even giving any mind to the slaughters that followed his answer.
"Enough of that.So let's forget about this and move on to what I was about to say."Sam says using this opportunity to regain face in front of his students.
"Something came up and I am not able to give you all your maps and so on but you all should be in the class by 6:30am tomorrow to receive all you need to stay in the base.Class is dismissed"Sam says and the students leave the class with some still giggling and laughing at Michael.
"If I didn't have the system,I would have been ashamed and felt embarrassed at the situation."Michael says to himself and walks towards his room but is stoped when a hand pats his back.
"Hi,what's your name."A muscular and handsome tall blond haired student says.
"What the hell,I didn't even notice his movement."Michael says and turns back to notice the blondy.
"Oh sorry,I didn't introduce myself.I am Nate and nice to meet you."Nate says and stretches his hands out for a handshake.
"Nice to meet you too."Michael responds.
"I really liked what you did back there.It was a cool act to pretend you don't know's nice to finally meet someone who doesn't suck up to people because of their social status"Nate says and smiles at Michael as they walk out of the class building.
"On a serious note,I don't know her."Michael says and gets confused on why he feels so open and comfortable with this stranger.
"Seriously?I thought you were joking."Nate says as they continue walking away.
"Nice meeting you Nate but I have somewhere to be."Michael says after spotting a training building.
"Okay.It was nice meeting you too."Nate says and watches Michael walk away.
"He is special."Nate says and walks away.
"Finally a place to test my current strength."Michael says as he walks into a training building