Chapter 28: CHAPTER 28
School resumed after a day off for recovery after the festival.
Rain and cloudy skies accompanied the students to school.
Nagato looked up to see the dark sky that kept dropping water. But the water never touched his body a drop.
Unbeknownst to anyone Nagato was actually practicing using shinra tensei with a small pressure. Waves of small pressure shinra tensei enveloped Nagato's entire body.
At first glance, it might look like Nagato was raining. But if you look carefully, then the raindrops look bouncing when they are about to touch Nagato's body.
Cool indeed, Nagato doesn't need to get wet when it rains. Though he just thought of this way while enjoying the rain yesterday. And the result?, Success.
But unfortunately his feet are still wet. That's because Nagato did not cover his feet with shinra tensei. Because if he did that, then his feet would not tread. It's like walking on air, but it has a negative effect too.
If Nagato also enveloped his feet, apart from him not treading, the objects around his feet would also bounce due to the effects of the shinra tensei waves.
Nagato glanced at the watch on his left hand. In five minutes the entrance bell would ring. He cast his gaze toward the UA entrance gate. Nagato could see Iida who was running in a raincoat followed by Midoriya who was walking quickly after Iida.
After seeing those two people Nagato started walking around in the rain. Alone. That's right, alone!.
Without Aizawa-sensei or All Might following.
That's because yesterday Nagato got a new tracker. It looked like a red watch and was now attached to his left hand.
According to Nezu's words, this device was the same as a GPS system. So as long as Nagato doesn't leave the UA neighborhood, this tracker won't give a warning. Now Nagato felt more comfortable without having to follow Aizawa-sensei and other teachers.
It looks like UA is starting to relax their vigilance on Nagato.
Even though yesterday Nagato had just made trouble. But now the UA people instead of being vigilant are loosening their guard.
Hm, the problem Nagato caused yesterday was that he free-fell from the top of the rooftop of the UA building. Nagato just realized that the UA rooftop has a helicopter pad. He had always been suspicious of UA's financial origins.
But that's not important. What was important was that Nagato had clearly agitated all the teachers who were holding a meeting that day.
Suddenly there was a red shadow that fell freely through the meeting room window. Who wouldn't be shocked by that surprise?.
The meeting was immediately stopped and the teachers flocked down to the first floor and to the front yard in the rain.
In the middle of the grass the UA teachers saw Nagato who was lying in the rain without moving. They could not confirm whether Nagato was dead or not. Because Nagato was basically dressed in red and therefore the teachers couldn't tell if the red color was from Nagato's blood or clothes.
And strangely, whether out of worry or caution, the teachers just stood still while continuing to stare at Nagato's body. Even Nezu who came last with Recovery Girl also stood still.
As Recovery Girl walked quickly over to Nagato, he suddenly got up and sat down with a dumbfounded expression. "Amazing." He whispered.
Recovery Girl immediately hit Nagato's head with a stick after hearing that and nagged him. Nagato immediately groaned in pain and held his head. Several teachers exhaled after confirming Nagato was fine then returned to the meeting room.
Nezu smiled and shook his head. Aizawa-sensei glared at Nagato before turning around. And All Might laughed awkwardly because of this incident.
Nagato always succeeded in causing an uproar among the UA teachers.
Actually at that time Nagato was trying another use of Shinra tensei. That is flying, or levitating (?). That must be it.
But the problem was, she had a fear of heights. Although not as severe as phobia, but seeing heights still makes him feel dizzy and nauseous.
Nagato didn't dare and hesitated to use shinra tensei to fly. Therefore he tried to corner his own situation. Freefalling from a height makes him inevitably use shinra tensei to secure his life.
And the results were successful. As Nagato almost hit the ground his quirk activated and he was able to hover a meter above the grass. Nagato stared at the green grass that was right in front of him. Yes Nagato dove in face first because earlier he jumped freely like jumping into a swimming pool.
With shinra tensei, Nagato turned his body to face the rainy sky and lowered his body slowly to lie down. When the teachers came, Nagato was silent because his heart was still pounding from the crazy action he had just done.
Once his heart was comfortable Nagato sat up with an admiring face and said, "Excellent." Which was immediately rewarded with Recovery Girl's cane and the old lady's scolding.
Nagato laughed as he recalled the incident. He hadn't expected the UA teachers to be so worried about him. Well, maybe one of the reasons for their concern was that Nagato would wander the school if he died back then.
Nagato spent some time in the rain for a while longer before returning to Aizawa-sensei's place. Although he was now free to roam within UA but that didn't mean Nagato had forgotten his identity now.
Nagato saw Itachi flying towards him. So he consciously held out his hand as a perch for the bird. "It's time to go back huh?"
Itachi now had a new job. That was to deliver the teachers' messages to Nagato.
Ever since Nezu found out Itachi was a suspect in the theft, Nagato thought he'd parted ways with the bird. But he didn't, because there were no criminal laws regarding animals, so even though Itachi was a theft suspect, the bird wasn't jailed.
But Nezu warns Itachi to hand over his stolen goods to the police and promise not to steal again.
Yesterday Itachi led the police to his 'shiny' nest and the items have now returned to their respective owners.
But the problem is, Itachi clearly can't stop his hobby. Lately many students have been claiming to have lost items. And every time that happened Nezu would ask Itachi to return them. Clearly, UA now had two prisoners to keep an eye on.
Nagato walked towards class 1A. Aizawa-sensei must be there considering the storyline that happened today. If I'm not mistaken, determining the name of the code hero?.
Nagato walked while rubbing his chin. While heading towards the last corridor, he bumped into Nezu.
Nezu, isn't this hallway leading to the first class? Nagato looked back to make sure. He wasn't going the wrong way, was he? The corridor to the Principal's room shouldn't be this way. What did Nezu get here for?.
"Good morning, Nagato-kun." Nezu greeted with a smile.
Nagato nodded. "Good morning, Nezu-san."
"Why do I always feel like you're differentiating me from the other teachers, Nagato-kun. You call other teachers uncle, don't you?"
"Hm, well. I can't see your approximate age. So I called you by a safe nickname, that's all. Not everyone I call because of the age gap anyway. Midnight-san for example, she doesn't like me calling her aunt." Nagato replied flatly then slapped Itachi who was perched on his shoulder.
The bird had been fluttering its wet feathers next to Nagato's face making Nagato wet as well. The surprised Itachi immediately fell by Nagato's feet.
Nezu who saw that smiled wryly. "Could you be more gentle with Itachi? He's a living being too."
"No, the bird doesn't mind anyway. It can leave if it doesn't like my treatment. I'm not restricting it either."
Nezu sighed and continued to smile. "Are you looking for Aizawa-san? She's teaching her class with Midnight-san. You should probably go there soon."
"Yes, that's where I'm headed too. See you, Nezu-san." Nagato walked past the smiling Nezu without bowing. It was rude, but Nagato was used to treating everyone like that.
"Nagato-kun, have you been out in the rain?" Nezu suddenly asked.
Nagato stopped and turned around. "No, my clothes are dry. Can't you see that? I'll get soaked if it rains. See you later, Nezu-san." Nagato immediately turned around after lying without blinking. Itachi followed behind while hopping around like a sparrow.
Nezu stared at the departure of the two boys and sighed deeply. Then he turned his gaze to the long trail of puddles Nagato had left behind.
He'd obviously gotten rained on and hadn't even bothered to change his shoes. What a brat. Nezu chuckled then called the janitor to clean up the muddy trail Nagato had left behind.
Nagato opened the door. Many pairs of eyes were immediately drawn to him.
"Nagato-kun?, Coincidence. Might as well, write your name." Midnight immediately handed Nagato a small whiteboard and marker.
"Huh, what for?" Nagato received the items in confusion.
"Hero code name. Everyone wants to have a hero name, right?" Mina replied with a nervous and awkward smile but then the girl smiled brightly. "My example, call me Pinky."
"Y-yes, mine is called Cellophane. When I graduate, you have to call me by that name." Sero added to make the atmosphere less awkward.
Nagato narrowed his eyes. What is this?, The attitude of the students changed. Usually they would stare at Nagato with a wary look. But now they tried to be friendly.
"I'm called Chargerbolt." Kaminari pointed at herself with a thumb.
"I'm Invisible Girl." A cheerful voice came from the front of the bench.
"I'm Uravity!" Uraraka said from behind.
"Call me Red Riot!."
"I'm Froppy, gero."
"I'm Tentacole."
"Call me, Can't Stop Twinkling!."
And many more. Almost everyone said their nicknames with excitement. Except for the calm ones of course, and Iida also belonged to this group. It seemed like Iida was still affected by the incident that happened to his brother. He was silent a lot in class as if he was thinking about something.
Nagato listened to them quietly until they finished.
"Well, have you heard them? They now have hero code names. You can have one too, Nagato-kun. Those who haven't chosen a name yet are, Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki, Iida, and you Nagato-kun." Midnight smiled as she looked at Nagato.
Nagato stared at the whiteboard in his hand for a while.
"But I'm not a hero."
That one short sentence seemed to instantly dispel all the cheerful atmosphere that the people in the room had managed to build. Aizawa-sensei opened his eyes but was still in his sleeping bag and motionless. Watching silently. All the students looked at Nagato awkwardly.
"Ah, that's..., it's okay isn't it. It's just a name." Midnight smiled.
"Nagato-kun!" A loud voice came from the back row. Then someone stood up. All eyes now focused on that person including Nagato himself.
"That's your name isn't it, Nagato-kun. I apologize in advance if my words will offend you. But there's no way there's a kid who doesn't want to be a hero." It turned out that the one who could say that out loud was Uraraka Ocako.
Nagato looked at the girl rather strangely. Why did he feel like the girl was giving off a dark aura?.
"Don't say you're not a hero!. You just don't want to be a hero yet!. I can't believe there's a kid who doesn't want to be a hero!. You're still a kid Nagato-kun!, you still have a long way to go!. You may not want to be a hero now, but in the future!, your mind can change right?!. Therefore, my friends and I will show you how great and cool heroes are!. So that you too will dream of becoming a hero in the future!!!" Uraraka said with such enthusiasm that he was panting.
There was silence for a moment. Aizawa-sensei smiled slightly and closed his eyes to go back to sleep again. Midnight then clapped her hands followed by Midoriya. Then the other students also clapped. In the end, the atmosphere of the class was very lively because of the applause.
"That was cool Uraraka!"
"Good speech Ocako-chan."
Several compliments made Uraraka blush. "T-thank you everyone!."
Nagato scratched his hair for a moment. "Ng?, .... Okay. Then you can prove your words. All of you." Nagato's words made the 1A students' gazes excited and determined to prove.
Nagato rubbed his neck. "Now what do I do?"
"Now you can write the name you want on this board." Midnight explained patiently.
"But I never thought of the hero's name before." Nagato was still rubbing his neck.
"I see, then I'll help you think. What suits you, huh? I see you really like the color red. How about rose, or camellia?" Midnight rubbed her chin.
Nagato's eyes twitched at the call. "Are you sure you're suggesting that name?"
"Why, wouldn't Rose be suitable? You're pretty and cute, but dangerous." Midnight licked her lips.
"Sensei, I feel that your explanation has a point, but I don't think that name is suitable for her age. I suggest Red Boy." Yaoyorozu raised a hand.
"Doesn't that look like me?" Kirishima replied.
"It's not the same. Yours is Red Riot, while mine is Red Boy. It's different in meaning." Yaoyorozu argued.
"Sensei, I suggest Akahana!" Uraraka also raised his hand.
Red flower? Some people were thinking. Meanwhile Nagato's eyes were twitching even more. He was obviously a boy, how could he use flower as a name?.
"What about Red music? You like songs, don't you?" Jiro chimed in.
"I like Akayuhi, gero." Asui Tsuyu also opined.
Red sunset. Not bad either. Some people nodded silently.
"How about Cute Boy!." Hagakure with his hand invisibly raised.
"I suggest Pinkboy!." Mina raised her hand excitedly.
"Hey, why do you girls call him cute like that?!. He's a boy!, that should be cool!. How about Coolboy, oh or Red Devil!. That's cool." Kaminari argued to herself.
"How can you call a little boy a devil?!." Jiro denied Kaminari.
"Ah I was going to suggest!. How about Red fairy!. I guess fairies go well with children don't they?" Uraraka raised her hand again.
"I suggest Red Spear. That sounds cool doesn't it? Besides, the quirk can create a spear." Sero argued.
"That sounds cool!, I agree." Mineta said. Many other boys also nodded.
"How could it be!. Nagato-kun is still a kid. You suggested that name?. He'll sound like a brat who likes to hit!" Jiro once again argued.
Bakugo, who had been quietly thinking about his own name, flinched slightly. "Hey, you mean to mock me?"
"N-no Bakugo!. The one who said he liked hitting people was Jiro!. How can you be mad at me?" Sero waved his hand.
"But you mentioned it first!." Bakugo snapped.
An argument finally started between the male and female students. Bakugo also occasionally shouted angrily at some people's opinions. Nagato felt that the room was starting to sound like a market.
Nagato glanced at Aizawa-sensei who was sleeping in a sleeping bag in the corner. He could even sleep with this much noise.
"Everyone, please calm down. I know you guys mean well suggesting a name for Nagato-kun. But Nagato-kun also has the right to choose his own name, right? Well, Nagato-kun, write down your name." Midnight smiled. But that smile seemed to say, write it down immediately, or they will be very noisy.
Nagato rubbed his forehead then started writing. Everyone was silent waiting for Nagato.
Nagato soon finished and showed his writing. "You can read, right?"
On the white board was written the name in capital letters. The writing was so clear that it could be read from behind.
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