Chapter 33: Chapter 33
[Tryte: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."]
Chapter 33:
The sun was at its peak, illuminating the whole Murim world.
Ryoung was walking slowly with Lee Hwamyung by his side; he had copied the martial arts of the blade god.
That rivals the mighty heavenly demonic sword art, even if it is for 2 or 3 formations.
That feat is not easy for any martial art; even those famous sects can't invent any martial art at par with heavenly demonic sword art.
Ryoung and the director were walking side by side; the silence was palpable.
The director shattered the silence that was lingering between them.
"Elder Ryoung, why not stay in the academy for one more day."
Asked Lee Hwamyung with a respectful tone, he couldn't muster the courage to make the new Elder furious.
"Why, is there something more to gain from the academy?"
Asked Ryoung a theoretical question, while the director was amused at Elder Ryoung's thinking.
"There's nothing to gain, but it is not appropriate to go without even resting for a day."
Said the director with a smile forming on his face. Ryoung nodded his head; they walked for some more time.
Reaching to his private room, Ryoung entered it while director Lee Hwamyung disappeared from there.
Ryoung came to the kitchen and began to make tea for himself.
It was not something of habit but a temporary delicacy to let the time pass.
Ryoung took a pot and filled water in it, boiling it he started the process of tea making.
Ryoung was not someone who worked in the kitchen in his previous life, but here in this world, to pass the time, he had to do it.
After 15 minutes, the tea was ready, and he poured it into a cup made of marble and shiny materials.
It was a gift from one of his subordinates, who knows from where they get these things, but Ryoung is a gentleman, so he accepts everything with grace.
Taking the cup in his hand, Ryoung walked to the table and sat there, sipping it once he fell into a deep thought.
'From the battle with elder, my only advantage was of pure strength.'
'But what if someone of equal strength fought with me.'
'Should I try to develop some martial arts for that particular reason.'
While his thoughts raced with the possibility of creating something more versatile and fundamental art, he was sipping the tea, enjoying it to its fullest.
As his mind was working with many possibilities, a face came into his mind.
It was not someone who made Ryoung happy or sad, but it was a cadet named Cheon Yuchan.
Why this face came was not something Ryoung knew, but he decided to use the time he stayed in the academy to its fullest.
'Should I create an assassination art.'
Thought Ryoung, while a new possibility generated in his mind, and the need to use it came earlier than he thought.
'The shadow stride copied from the academy has a trace and essence of darkness.'
Ryoung placed the tea on the table and sat in a lotus position; in his mind, a movement technique became to simulate.
It was a technique copied by Ryoung in the academy's library.
It was swift and fast like an assassin would move; it was from a mid-sized assassin's clan of the cult.
And after getting upgraded by Ryoung's absolute talent it became something more deadly.
It doesn't even leave any trace of internal energy after using it.
Thinking about this particular art, Ryoung smiled slightly.
Ryoung started to extract the essence of shadow and darkness from the martial art.
Focusing intensely on it, his mental energy was consumed rapidly.
But he has more mental energy than needed or more than he can even consume.
After 5 minutes, he succeeds in the extraction of the essence of darkness and shadow.
He began to intervene with them in one, making something more useful.
He mixed both essences, and all his internal energy began to change.
It was birthing something unique, something that can't be seen with eyes, something that can't be felt with internal energy.
The newly moulded essence was like a blank page; it was named [Invisibility] by Ryoung.
Ryoung began to make the martial art like a protective cover for his body.
Its essence was being mixed in his dantian or as called [energy core].
His flowing internal energy disappeared from his arteries like it was not even there.
After many more experiments and Development, Ryoung completed the martial arts and named it [Dark Veil].
It was a different type of art that couldn't directly increase Ryoung's strength, but it would support it.
Like its name, it can cover Ryoung and make him Invisible to bare eyes.
The best thing is that he has incorporated it into his heavenly steps, and today, this technique will be used for the first time.
Nonetheless, after making [Dark Veil], he practised it in his home, Ryoung slowed his speed as a normal human.
Ryoung did his home chores, nothing excessive. Just packing the pair of clothes sewn by Baek Yun Ji.
The main thing is while he was doing these trivial things, he was constantly using heavenly steps but at a normal pace, like a human.
His speed didn't reach the threshold of an Olympic runner, but there was something unusual in it.
The whole room was silent; even his walking sound didn't come.
If even one spectator was seeing it. They can't sense anything from him.
They'll get surprised by it because even if he was going forth and back, there was like no presence emanating from him.
Meanwhile, in the Sichuan branch of the Heavenly Demon Divine Cult, four figures were sitting on a table surrounded by chairs.
"What was in the latter? Did something happen?"
Asked a figure in a deep voice that resonated like drums in the packed room.
"Nothing significant for our liege, it is just our liege became Elder of the cult."
Said another one, while the other two also shared their opinions.
"We should depart in the evening; the order was personally from our liege."
"You are right, brother; we should depart early to be present in our liege's presence as early as we can."
They all shared their opinions; the one who spoke first was a giant man looking like an orc.
His body was packed with muscles; his face had a slight jawline with round eyes.
His hair reaching to his shoulders, he wore a black robe that had the insignia of Heavenly Demon Divine Cult.
They were holding a meeting to discuss about when to depart from Sichuan to the Thousand Mountains.
They have received a letter that consisted of an order from Ryoung to return from their duties.
They have all their comrades ready to depart this evening.
The route from the Sichuan region to the Ten Thousand Mountains is more dangerous than anyone can imagine.
There were many bandits and fiends from the Evil faction that stirred trouble in the middle of any traveller's journey from that route.
But the power they got from their liege's instructions was not something to take lightly.
The one who sent the letter was Mun Ku, the favoured one by their liege.
Nonetheless, they all were ready to go into the cult.
While they were planning to depart, the academy was silent, like there were no traces of life forces from the cadets.
Ryoung was making a deceiving plan to capture and end the ant's lingering life in this unholy world.
Ryoung was selecting his clothes to wear at the time of assassinating Yuchan.
He wore a black, yes right, all black. He has considered that with his prowess, who would be foolish enough to face him at a battle in the academy?
But his nature, which has evolved to become more cautious, said anything else.
After ensuring that he couldn't be recognized by anyone without snatching his fave cover, he just waited the night for Descent.
Time flew by, and eventually, night came; Ryoung stepped outside of his room and disappeared from there.
His target was Cheon Yuchan, the cadet who has deceived fate and has not lost any arm.
Cheon Yuchan's losing arm was fixed by fate and destiny, So Ryoung, being the good-natured human being that he was, thought to help destiny by killing this deceiver.
Darkness and silence were covering the whole world while some twinkling stars were trying to illuminate the world with their dim lights.
Ryoung approached the private room of Yuchan and saw the lights were off.
He pushed the door open and entered it, seeing the expensive decorations that were making the room like a royal prince's room.
Ryoung ignored these things and walked towards the bed where Cheon Yuchan was sleeping.
'After so much time he has indeed reached the Entry Master prowess.'
'What a fine subordinate you would make.'
Thought Ryoung while approaching slowly and sitting on his bed.
The miracle of Ryoung's newly created martial arts was starting to show; Ryoung had moved so much and even now, he was sitting beside Yuchan.
But this cadet who was in Master prowess couldn't detect Ryoung's internal energy, nor could he perceive Ryoung.
Extending his hands Ryoung attacked on Yuchan's pressure points.
Making him wake up from his slumber, but his voice was struck.
Yuchan's internal energy was sealed by Ryoung.
'What happened, what is this demon doing here.'
Thoughts raced in Yuchan's mind. He opened his eyes, and next to him, he saw a reaper.
Sitting there Ryoung gazed at Yuchan. Like an open book, Ryoung could see everything in Yuchan's body.
Ignoring this particular trait of his eyes, Ryoung picked Yuchan and moved silently with a fast speed.
'Where am I, ARRGHH... what is this pain.'
Screamed Cheon Yuchan in his mind; his vocal cord acupoints were sealed, so he couldn't speak.
And in his eyes, he saw nothing except some green and brown scenery for one second.
His body was being ripped by the air friction that came with the speed they were moving.
Ryoung was not going at his full speed even then; the friction of air had nearly ripped Yuchan's jaw and his temples.
After the second most painful experience, Yuchan opened his eyes, that has a trace of a tear in them.
He saw a river and many tall standing trees; they were on a high, thick branch of the tallest tree of the demonic academy.
It was the same place where Cheon Yeo Woon and Cheon Mu Guem were fighting in the early days of the academy.
Reaching there, Ryoung unsealed his vocal cord acupoints and let him speak freely for some time.
"Huff..Huff. Who are you, why are you doing this to me."
Asked Yuchan, blood gushed from his jaw; Ryoung answered it before killing him.
"Can't you recognize these blood-like eyes? How did you survive so much time with your dull brain."
Said Ryoung while again sealing his acupoints; after sealing it, Ryoung grabbed Yuchan's left leg and twisted it like something made of clay.
Blood spurred from his left leg, and Yuchan was gritting his teeth.
Next second Ryoung grabbed the right leg and twisted it with the same pattern of his left leg.
This torture lasted for some time before Yuchan's eyes lost the desire to live.
'Kill me...kill me... kill me..kill.'
Repeated Yuchan in his mind, while Ryoung unsealed his aucopoints once more.
But this time, there was no sound coming from his mouth; his teeth were shattered, and his tongue had been twisted.
His whole body was twisted and slashed like a chef cuts his vegetables.
"Yo...u..Demon....wil...l go in..he..ll."
Shuttered Cheon Yuchan while his soul left his mortal body from this cruel world.
He was genuinely happy at the time of his death.
The sheer amount of pain he has experienced today has broken him into pieces.
His body was cut into pieces; it was shattered in the surroundings of the tree.
This would make even an evil man consider 'is he real evil'.
Ryoung's smirk that was making him look like a demon disappeared and his calm demeanor returned.
He disappeared from there without cleaning the mess he had made while torturing his guinea pig.
The whole academy was silent; no one had got the wind of what happened that day.
It would be a mystery forever and the fear of a demon lurking in the academy will spread throughout the cult.
[Chalter end]
[A/N: I'm healthy today, but the lingering fever has not left me in peace. Yeah so i tried to write a good chapter, if you have any questions and doubts just ask in comments.
Thanks for reading.
See ya 😊 👋]