Naruto Card Shop System: Yu-Gi-Oh! in Another World

Chapter 3: Chapter 2:


Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Shop System

[User: Aknadin Tono]

{Spirit Gacha}

{Spirit Exchange}

{Shop Management}

{Quests} 1 Unclaimed Reward



 Slowly I let the scroll slip out of my hands as it dissipates along with the mist as whatever was controlling me lets go of my strings, leaving behind a dark golden system window. I try to look away from it but it follows my head, always staying in the center of my vision. I try moving it and it acts like a computer window, staying the same distance away no matter what I do but moving horizontally and vertical at a wave of my hand, always relative to the position and angle of my head. My pointer finger accidentally touches the Shop Management tab, opening a new window.



Shop Management----------------------------------------------------------------------------| -- | [_] | X


{Starter Decks}

{Booster Packs}

{Financial Overview}



 I play around with it a bit more, finding that while the main system window cannot be changed in size nor minimized, auxiliary windows act like those of a regular computer. Only my pointer finger works when 'left clicking' on things while my middle finger acts like a 'right click' although all it does is allow for some basic cosmetic changes that I don't bother with except for making the windows more transparent. I move the windows out of the way, deciding that I should probably give my self time to freak out over breakfast before focusing back on whatever is happening to me.






 After a few hours of freaking out as I made and ate breakfast before settling down in the meditation room. I decide to open the quest window.



Quests------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -- | [_] | X

Awaken The Scroll:

Open the Scroll

Rewards: Basic Decoration Packs



Decorate Your Shop:

Put up the Basic Decorations

Rewards: Starter Deck: Yugi



First Spirits:

Draw your first spirit pack

Rewards: Starter Deck: Kaiba




Learn how to use Paper Release to create cards and make physical copies of two different Starter Decks.

Rewards: Booster Pack: Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon



Open the Shop and sell your first cards.

Rewards: Millennium Necklace Technique: Card Divination



Tournament Arc:

Obtain at least 16 customers within a week of opening and hold a small Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament.

Rewards: Summoned Skull Spirit




 Claiming the rewards opened the Shop Management menu automatically with a small notification next to the Decorations button. Clicking it opens a Decoration Inventory with a Basic Customizable Wooden Sign, two Basic Wooden Card Tables, four Basic Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Mats (Black), two Basic Wooden Counter Height Card Displays, and eight Basic Wooden Chairs. Going downstairs, I check the menu options for the Decorations Inventory, with the left click giving options for Placing, Retrieving, and Selling Decorations while the right click gives options for customizing the Decorations with color and design options depending on the Spirits, Starter Decks, and Booster Packs I have. Without much deliberation, I try Placing one of the wooden tables. making a green outline of the table appear in front of me before the table is Placed where the outline was. Retrieving the table, I test how Placement works a few times before Placing the card displays in front of the shop counter, the tables, chairs, and Yu-Gi-Oh! playing mats to the right of the room from the entrance, and setting the sign next to the counter so I remember to put it up when I have a shop name. Opening the Quest menu, I claim the Decorate Your Shop quest and open up the Starter Deck Menu. The window is similar to the Decorations Menu, so I click the Starter Deck: Yugi, revealing the amount of physical copies it has, the amount of ink and paper I have (divided by color), and the amount and color of ink/paper I have, all of which is zero. I close the menu and check the paper making workshop in the room behind the counter. Looking at the workshop there are some wooden boards on the table next to a bow saw, a large grindstone with a water pump attached, a basin with an attached drain next to a bottle of bleaching solution, a paper press, and a hand cranked machine for corrugating paper next to another table with a paper cutter. There is no glue that I can find so I can assume the paper release is need to make the card stock needed for cards and the cardboard needed for the boxes.


 I go back upstairs and look through the Paper Release jutsus, of which there are three. First is Paper Release: Dance of the Shikigami, a jutsu that is extremely hard to use but deceptively simple to learn as it gives you the ability to turn into and control paper, making it virtually useless without the fine chakra control needed to quickly turn targeted areas into paper that can then be reformed back into your body or the chakra reserves needed to make the paper resilient enough to use for blocking. The second scroll is Paper Release: Paper Strengthening, a simple technique that is used to temporarily strengthen paper to the level of steel while, coincidentally fusing pieces of paper together if both are being strengthened while they are touching as it effectively just strengthens the bonds between paper molecules to make them harder to cut. The last scroll is Paper Release: Paper Clone, one of many adaptations of the Clone Technique, that has the ability to attack opponents but the weaknesses of paper, although it could be strengthened at the cost of it's agility by the Paper Strengthening jutsu. All three together could make a formidable ninja if they had the reserves for it, which I already know I do not.


 A quick check of the kitchen and the safe where I keep my money tells me that I should be good for at least another week food wise and it will only take a few days for me to translate my body's paper-making muscle memory into the actual skill needed to do it. The only real things I have left to do are to try to sense my chakra and figure out how the Spirit Gacha. I open the Spirit Gacha menu.


Spirit Gacha------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -- | [_] | X

{Main Deck Era Gacha} 

{Main Deck Era Gacha Gold}

{Fusion Era Gacha}

{Fusion Era Gacha Gold}



I click on Main Deck Era Gacha.



Spirit Gacha------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -- | [_] | X

[Main Deck Era Gacha]

Rarity Curve: 7 Normal - 2 Uncommon - 1 Rare

{1 pack - 10,000 Ryo($100)}

{11 packs - 100,000 Ryo($1,000)}



 I try clicking on the 1 pack option but it merely flashes. I click a few more times before slowly trying to put a 10,000 Ryo note against the window, causing it to disappear in a flash of light. I try clicking on the 1 pack option again and this time the window changes into an illusory slot machine with ten slots, seven grey, three green, and one blue. I pull the lever and the slots spin a few seconds before stopping on all 7s. A window appears in front of the slot machine.



Cat's Ear Tribe [COMMON]

Magical Merchant [COMMON]

Hidden Spellbook [COMMON]

White Dragon Ritual [COMMON]

Des Dendle [COMMON]

Union Rider [COMMON]

Sonic Duck [COMMON]


D. D. Crazy Beast [UNCOMMON]

Y-Dragon Head [RARE]




 How are these spirits? Why are these spirits? What do I do with them? I press close and it boots me to the Spirit Exchange window.


Spirit Exchange--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| -- | [_] | X

{5 common --> Common Exchange Ticket}

{10 uncommon --> Uncommon Exchange Ticket}

{5 uncommon --> Uncommon Exchange Ticket}

{10 uncommon --> Rare Exchange Ticket}

{5 rare--> Rare Exchange Ticket}

{10 rare--> Unique Exchange Ticket}



 After a few minutes of deliberation I decide to not risk it and close the Spirit Exchange window and get jump scared by the ten wisps of light suddenly floating in my lap, nearly falling over from the surprise. One of the lights, the only blue one, comes closer and I can see the image of Y-Dragon Head. "H-hello?" My voice is a bit hoarse so I smack my chest and cough to clear my throat, "Hello? What are you? What do you do? Are you one of the spirits I summoned?" My rapid fire questions seem to surprise it as it backs up. "Can you talk at all," I ask, the little mechanical dragon shaking its head no. I make an educated guess from my memory of the anime, "Can you only talk to the person you choose to be your partner?" The little thing seems to relax at the question and nods it head. "Do you need help finding someone or is it more of a chosen destiny thing? Point to your left for needing help and point to your right for chosen destiny thing." Y-Dragon Head points its head to its right. That's a little boring I guess. "Can you guys do anything else," I ask. It does a little barrel roll into it's card that I quickly catch before it transforms back to its spirit form in my hand, "So you guys can be my little helpers in duels until you find your chosen partners?" It nods it's head yes before flying off my hand and flying off to where ever the rest of the spirits went while we were talking. Guess I should go to the meditation room to start with those chakra training exercises.



Author's Note: How are you guys liking this so far? Bit of a larger chapter than I usually do so let's hope I can consistently keep chapter's this long as I get into my rhythm. Planned to get it out a bit earlier today but I went down a rabbit hole of how paper is made and then had to set up my system for the Gacha RNG. Basically, I spin a wheel with different booster packs from the TCG Pre-2016(divided into two wheels for the pre-GX and GX booster packs, tell me if I should make a third for 5ds or not) before opening the packs using the YGOPRODECK pack simulator, cataloguing the 7 out of the 8 commons in the first pack before cataloguing the rares from the next to pack, finishing off by opening packs until I get a secret rare.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.