Naruto: In Uzushiogakure

Chapter 28: Chapter 28 : Seals arts progress

It has been year since my aunt stopped giving fuinjutsu lessons, Because she gave birth to a child and as you can guess she was still named Kushina Uzumaki 'yep no talk jutsus Mother'.

So I have been visiting others if I get anything I couldn't understand.

For example i really get along with the

former first elder now just an old man

retired and focusing on perfecting his

Seals and sometimes giving lessons at the


So my fuinjutsu progress has been far above compared to my peers in the academy because I have a good memory I get the

hang of any seals in a week at most and if it was a difficult seal it would be a month at


The seals I know almost as a second nature could be dozens but they were not that powerful as they were the basics for example 'Paper Explosion seal, Storage seal, chakra suppression seal' and many others and miscellaneous seals that does nothing but make my foundations better.

I made great deal in making fuinjutsu and also I stacked more than seventy thousand Paper Explosion seal.

I could store them in different storage seals mostly Papers. Haruko also helped me in making the seals.

Recently I have been studying chakra drainage seal. I want to make a headache kind jutsu in this direction because it possess various direction I could follow to make it stronger.

I imagine I alone standing in more than hundreds of shinobis and all the shinobi is

in my sensors and I could place too many traps and seals mostly advanced and S rank chakra drainage seals.

I could potentially made them ducks that waits to be cooked. I plan to make the chakra drainage seal and other seal to compliment each other and work simultaneously by draining the enemies chakra and absorbs chakra.

I plan to name this kind of seal chakra absorption seal, though there are jutsu absorption techniques of the inelegant like the hungry ghost path of Pain and Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

But all this is when I become a seal pioneer and seal creater in the future. Now am just in the learning period before becoming a seal weaver.

Few months ago when I was learning the Gravity related seals. There was many interesting thing to study further but surprisingly I got the general idea and theory working perfectly in my head, so all that awaited me was the action but I was stopped by the Retired elder when I suggested my idea.

He said first become stronger then try it again so that it could be written under your name, it was a surprise because I could not use chakra so I can only ask others to infuse their chakra into my work.

So I put on hold that project with everything ready, I even gave it a name' Anti-gravity seal' this was an interesting idea because my friend haruko and I were studying the gravity seals when he suggested that if we could on reverse every seal it would be


That gave me inspiration because in my previous life Gravity was overcame with speed and force. But here is different what

if I could make a floating ship that is being enhanced with anti- gravity seal, i should really able to make it. I almost saw me flying with island like the Golden lion from One piece.

That marked my first project that I could call my creation but I think there was the movie named 'Bonds' in naruto that konoha was attacked with flying ship that was called ' Ancor vantian' by the remnants of the land of the sky that konoha destroyed in the second ninja war.

But that was also explained in the movie that the Flyin fortress was using large amounts of chakra and they were flying using mist or something so maybe I would be the first to truly invent a Flyin ship or fortress or plane that utilises anti gravity seals.

I could become the opposite of Isaac Newton, Since he discovered gravity, I discovered anti gravity, this concept was possible even in my previous life.

My first pioneer project truly began there but there was also instances that I tried to modify Paper explosion seal into a chain reaction but the idea was simply denied by my aunt who was teaching me then.

It is really fun to invent something, you really feel special when you see something you came up being used by others. I am almost feeling my pride going through the roof with an unfinished work more like yet started.

What If I invent it I could really fly like the old man that uses kekkei tota dust release the third Tsuchikage. I would undoubtedly boast to my friends to the point that I could make them wish they would shit instead of listening to my boasting.

I giggled thinking far future but there was something that was not yet achieved since I arrived here. Something that made me frustrated and anxious.

I still haven't unblocked my chakra pathways and today is when the doctors said I could reawaken my chakra. I feel so elated not compared to my imaginative inventions.

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