Chapter 18: The Mysterious armor
The sun rose and the dawn came.
Hayama got up from the bed and looked at his disciples that are still sleeping.
Even Tsurugi who was supposed to be guarding them was starting to look dozy.
Hayama looked at Tate who was snoring and kicked him in the stomach.
"Get up. It's time to switch duty."
Shiro opened his eyes when he heard words from Hayama sensei.
"Can't you just shake my body instead of kicking me? It hurts."
Tate said as he got up.
"Now go and wash your face. I will be going away for a while when you two get up."
"We are on it. Come on let's go." Shiro said as he grabbed his sword and walked towards the nearby lake that they saw on the way to the village.
"Hey. Wait up?" Tate followed Shiro.
"Tsurugi. You can rest now. I will guard you until those two arrive." Hayama said to her.
She was too tired to even reply to him as she smiled and fell asleep.
If she was standing up she would have collapsed but because she was already sitting while leaning on a wall it didn't happen.
"Hey, do you always have to be such a kiss-ass?"
Tate said to Shiro.
"Because we are still not strong enough to work without any supervision."
"You have such a horrible personality. It would have been better if you are a dickhead or an asshole but you are worse... You are boring." Tate said as he looked at Shiro.
"Boring. Huh?" Shiro said as he thought for a while.
The two arrived at a lake.
Both of them use their hands to cup the water in their hand and wash their face.
Shiro pulled out a charcoal from his pouch while Tate pulled out a toothbrush and a small bottle that contained salts to brush their teeth.
"You use charcoal?" Tate asked as he looked at Shiro.
"This is much cheaper and disposable, so I left my toothbrush at home," Shiro replied.
"I want to ask you one thing. Where do you even learn fire ball jutsu and shadow clone jutsu? From my knowledge, you are not from a notable clan to know such techniques this early."
For someone that acts like a simpleton, he is smarter than he looks. Shiro thought as he looked at Tate for a second.
"It's none of your business. I still don't trust you enough to talk those kinds of things with you."
Should we attack them now? After all the girl could be used as a good hostage against him. Ryugan thought as he looked at Hayama who was guarding Tsurugi.
No. I should leave the jonin to Suiko. If Suiko lost and got taken care of by the jonin it would even be better since I know that the jonin would be in a weakened state after fighting someone like Suiko.
Ryugan thought in his mind as he observed the two.
He then took a glance at Suiko who seemed to be impatient and wanted to launch an attack immediately.
"Wait until the group is fully separated. The other two Genins are still around here." Ryugan whispered to Suiko.
The large man nodded.
He is not stupid so he knows he is getting the worst part of the deal but he believes that he could take care of the Konoha Jonin so he does not say anything to Ryugan.
"Remember. I want more money after this."
He just reminded Ryugan who nodded.
"Then I will be going," Hayama said as he saw Shiro and Tate walking back towards him.
"We get it," Tate replied.
Hayama walked away after entrusting Tsurugi to the two boys.
He does not know why but he has a bad feeling in his mind at that time.
"Katabuchi Gold mind. It's not very far from here."
Hayama was kind of relieved when he figured out that the place where he had to go was not very far from the place where his students were located.
He believed that if an incident occurred he could make it back to the outskirts of the Takumi villages without having to spend a lot of time.
But suddenly a man appeared and swung him with a large mace of of iron.
Hayama dodged the attack by jumping backwards before the attack hit him and looked at the person who just tried to attack him.
He was large.
A broadly built man, who wore a purple coat over which he wore his armour which was designed with a silver tiger-like head breastplate and a pair of dark blue pauldrons.
His eyes had small black pupils and wavy brown hair with a small beard.
He was Suiko the tiger of the four celestials.
"Konoha Jonin. This is your end."
He said as he looked at Hayama.
"Who are you? Are you related to the person who attacked us on our way to Takumi village?"
Hayama said as he pulled out his sword and pointed at Suiko.
Suiko ran towards Hayama with great speed and attacked him using his mace.
Hayama started to swing his sword at Suiko.
His sword was infused with wind nature so it produced a large wave of extremely sharp windslash.
However, the attack disappeared before it could hit Suiko.
Like the chakra that was infused in the attack was just absorbed.
"With my infinite armour, your attack cannot harm me."
He roared and swung his mace at Hayama.
Hayama used his sword to shield the attack so he was not directly hit by Suiko's attack but it still launched him flying away.
"Such power. How is he that strong and that fast." Hayama said as he pierced the ground with his sword to recover his momentum.
This also allowed him to prevent himself from being launched very far away into other structures such as trees or rocks.
There is something off about the armour that he is wearing. I have to find out what it does, find its weakness and take it down once in for all. Hayama thought in his mind as he looked at Suiko.