Naruto Kurama’s Soulbond

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Kurama Naruto

"La, La, La," Kurama Naruto's singing echoed through the Village Hidden in the Leaves. He was currently sitting on thin strands of what appeared to be bandages that were tied to the top of the Hokage Faces. He had just finished his masterpiece, redecorating it by painting on flowers and other pretty things. Personally, he thought the whole village could use a good makeover it was so dull and boring and pretty much ugly. He knew boys weren't supposed to like pretty things and cute things but Naruto was always an outsider so he really didn't care. Besides, he himself was cute and no one could deny that especially the alphas in his class.

He had white hair tied back into a long ponytail that currently was whipping through the breeze and a pair of red goggles perched on his forehead. His eyes were beautiful icy blue, but we're rarely seen because he kept them shut. Bandages covered him from neck to toe or at least that's what people thought they were. He was wearing pink pants and a matching pink and blue jacket with a little picture of a fox on its front, which currently hung around his waist. His upper half is covered by only bandages and around his neck is a necklace that has different colour beads around it 9 in total. The largest looked like a giant pearl that was at the centre but this was something more precious than a pearl. Truthfully, they all were.

"Get down here you weirdo?!!" yelled one of the villagers from below but Naruto just ignored him.

"Yeah, we had enough of this stupidity!!!" yelled another person, once again Naruto just ignored him.

"You are dead when Lord Hokage gets here!!!" yelled someone else however Naruto couldn't ignore that one.

"Oh please!!! Like I am afraid of that old geezer!!!" Naruto yelled back.

"How dare you call Lord Hokage, old geezer!!!" yelled someone, "You wouldn't stand a chance in a fight with him!"

All this did was make Naruto laugh, the crowd below erupted in yelling and screaming of, "How dare you?"

Once Naruto was finished laughing, he yelled, over the villagers, "I'm just doing the village a favour by making it a little less drab! If you're too stupid to appreciate beauty! It's not my fault!"

As Naruto heard steps come closer the crowd erupted and whispers of "It's Lord Hokage." and "Now the brat's going to get it."

Naruto could hear under his breath the Hokage say, "Are those daisies on my face."

That's when Naruto heard steps that were familiar to him. It was Kakashi Sensei. "Naruto what are you doing?!" he called to the child.

"Nothing much, just making the place pretty," said Naruto as he hung upside down to look at Kakashi.

"Oh! Is that your's Kakashi?" asked the Hokage to one of his top Jōnin.

"Yes, sir." said Kakashi with a smile, "He means well."

"Shouldn't he be in school right now?" asked the Hokage.

"But school is so boring! They teach stuff that I knew since I was a 6-year-old!" complained Naruto.

"I know kid, I know, but if you wish to graduate you do have to attend so many days," called Kakashi up to the young man, "Now come down and I will walk you to school."

"Yes, Kakashi Sensei," said Naruto with a pout on his face as he jumped down.

As Naruto stepped into the classroom still with a pout on his face. He could hear the squeak of the chalk as Iruka wrote something on the blackboard.

"You are late again, Naruto," said an angry Iruka Sensei not turning around from the blackboard, "Let me guess Kakashi had to retrieve you."

"Jealous of Kakashi, Iruka Sensei?" asked Naruto with a little sass.

Naruto could hear the piece of chalk that Iruka was using break. As Naruto was about to take his seat next to Hinata the only other omega in the class. Iruka turned around trying to hide his blush said, "Your omega charms may work on alphas but not me. I would like to remind you that I am a beta."

"Then why are you blushing?" asked Naruto sweetly.

"Rrrr. Today the class will be reviewing the art of transformation!" yelled Iruka, "All you have to do is conjure a form that looks like me!"

"What???!!!" all the betas in the class yelled, as they glared at Naruto, which was most of the students.

"Haruno Sakura. Here I go…" said a pink-haired girl trying to be cute but failing hard. Like most beta girls had a crush on Sasuke, an alpha in their class.

"Okay," said Iruka after the young girl turned into his image.

"I did it! Did you see that, Sasuke?" she said trying to get Sasuke's attention but like normal he just ignored her.

"Next, Kamaru Naruto," said Iruka Sensei.

"Change," said a board Naruto only using one hand to call on his chakra to transform into Iruka's image.

After Iruka facepalmed himself, he yelled at Naruto, "Can you please at least use two hands!"

"Hey, just be happy I used one," said Naruto as he put his hands behind his head and headed to his seat.

"This is a real pain," said Ino as Naruto walked by.

"Oh please Ino, you are just jealous." said Shikamaru to her, "It's not his fault he's an omega and a male one at that."

"Yeah it's not our fault that us alphas can't resist such a tempting beauty," said Kiba licking his lips as he watched Naruto's butt as he walk to his seat.

"Yeah," said the only other three alphas in class, Shikamaru, Shino and Sasuke, shaking their head yes in sync to what Kiba said. This surprised Naruto that Sasuke also agreed. Truth was unlike the other alphas, Sasuke kept his distance from Naruto like he was scared of something. Naruto assumed it had something to do with what happened to his family.

"Naruto, they're glaring at you again," whispered Hinata.

"I know," said Naruto, "they are just jealous." It always surprised Naruto that Hinata the other omega was his friend. Personally, it made no sense to him. She being the other omega should be more jealous than the girl betas that he got all the attention from the alphas, but she didn't, he wondered if she found her soulbond or sometimes referred to as mate like he did.

It was the end of the day of the last class for the year tomorrow would be the final exam and Naruto and his friends would be a full-fledged Genin and one step closer to their dreams. It took him forever to convince the current Hokage to let him attend ninja school. The Hokage was hesitant to let Naruto become a ninja because he was a Yokai. Let's just say the Hokage couldn't handle a board Naruto trying to redecorate for very long while Kakashi was away on missions. But once Naruto found out that he was too advanced for ninja school, let's just say the redecorating started up again.

Naruto left the building with Shikamaru, Shino, Kiba and Kiba's pup Akamaru. Naruto looked up at his work only to discover that most of it had been washed off. "How rude? It took me hours to paint that," said Naruto with a pout.

"Don't worry Naruto," said Kiba, "When one of us alphas becomes Hokage we will let you redecorate the whole village."

"Thanks, Kiba," said Naruto flashing the alpha a genuine smile which caused Kiba's heart to speed up and a blush to appear on his face like only a soulbond could cause.

Naruto knew that Kiba was one of his soulbonds, he had 8 in total. The only reason why Naruto knew how many soulbonds he had was because of how many Hoshi-no-tama (or star balls was another name for them) he had. He kept them around his neck safely under his jacket. The largest represented him and the other smaller ones represented his 8 soulbonds. He knew about 5 of them currently, Kiba, Shikamaru, Shino, Sasuke and Kakashi of course. However, Kakashi was the only one who knew about it though, the others to young to know quite yet. But that didn't mean they didn't feel the pull towards him.

"Sorry boys but I got to go to the market and pick up some groceries for dinner," said Naruto.

"Hey, Naruto how about me, Kiba and Shino, buy you something sweet at the market, for trying to do something nice for the village," said Shikamaru.

"Really? Thanks," said Naruto who had a big sweet tooth and all three of the boys knew it.

Once Naruto got home to a little cottage on the outskirts of the village, he had shared with Kakashi and all of Kakashi's 8 dogs for as long as he could remember. Naruto began to prepare dinner for him and Kakashi when he got home. Today he was making Pork Katsu Curry one of Kakashi's favourites. He was almost finished when he heard Kakashi's dogs stir meaning he was almost home.

"Something smells good," called Kakashi as he took off his shoes at the front entrance.

"Thanks," said Naruto from the kitchen, "It's almost ready."

As Kakashi poked his head into the kitchen he found Naruto with his hair tied back in a messy bun and wearing his favourite checkered apron it was quite a cute sight, that Kakashi was used to. Even though Kakashi was one of Naruto's soulbonds he was a good decent amount older than him by 13 years in fact, so at this point, Kakashi treated him more like he was a little brother than a soulbond. They hadn't even kissed on the lips to Naruto's dismay.

As Kakashi and Naruto sat down for dinner they just idly chitchatted about their day that's when Kakashi asked "I assume you and your friends are ready for your final exam?"

"Oh yeah, I know that Shino, Kiba and Shikamaru are ready and I've been helping Hinata with her Jutsu so I know she will pass as well with flying colours," said Naruto, "I am more nervous about what will happen after the exam with the true examination will be taken place when we are all assigned different teams."

"You're right getting the headband will be the easy part. The true test begins when you start working as a team," said Kakashi, "and what about Sasuke?"

"Oh I know he will pass but he is still avoiding me like he is scared or something." said Naruto with sadness in his eyes that one of his soulbonds was keeping him more at arm's length even more than Kakashi.

"I know it's hard kid, but he is probably just scared of getting hurt if he lost you too."

"I am not a kid anymore Kakashi, you said once I become a ninja or reach 18 you will officially accept my soulbond with a kiss, and tomorrow I will have reached that goal. So please stop treating me as a child," said a very serious Naruto with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Of course, I will never break that promise to you Naruto," set an equally serious Kakashi.

The next day, Naruto got to school particularly early. None of the other students were there not even Iruka Sensei was here yet. To say he was excited was an understatement, soon he'd be a full-fledged ninja. And like Kakashi promised not to treat him like a child anymore and finally act like his soulbond, which meant Naruto would get his first true kiss.

Naruto heard the creek of the door to the classroom open and someone walked in. It was Iruka Sensei, his face looked almost sad. Like he was about to do something he didn't wanna do.

"Are you okay, Iruka Sensei?" asked a genuinely concerned Naruto.

"Naruto," he said was surprise, but the sadness didn't leave his face. It seemed to get worse, "Can we talk Naruto?"

Shikamaru, Shino, Kiba and Akamaru just had shown up in time for the exam to start. "You three are cutting it close." said Iruka Sensei at the blackboard, "Don't you three know how important today is."

"Sorry, but we can't find Naruto anywhere. It's not like him to be late on such an important day," said a concerned Shikamaru.

"Yeah we thought he be here early," said Kiba just as concerned as Akamaru sat on his head.

While Shino shook his head in agreement.

Iruka stopped writing and a sad expression came to his face, "I am sorry to tell you boys but Naruto has been expelled. His last stunt was too much for the Hokage."

"What???!!!" The whole class yelled minus Sasuke who just sat there stunned.

"You're kidding right," asked Kiba with a dangerous growl, as Akamaru mirrored him on his head.

"Yeah, that's not fair," said Shino who rarely talked so when he did you listened.

"I am sorry boys but please take your seats the exam is about to begin," said Mizuki Sensei. The boys were about to complain but with one look from Mizuki the headmaster of the ninja academy said if they left they would also get in major trouble, with not just him but their parents.

After the exam which was a piece of cake for the three young men, they were going to see the Hokage himself. As they walked the hallway of the academy they ran into Sasuke.

"You are going to the Hokage right?" asked Sasuke, not looking at any of the three boys.

"Yeah," said Shikamaru, "why?"

"Because I am coming too," said Sasuke with a very serious expression as he finally looked at the other three. His expression mirrored theirs with anger, and concern for Naruto.

"Hm," was all Shikamaru said with a head nod, as they left the school.

'Next stop the Hokage chambers,' thought the four young men.

When the four young new Genin got to the Hokage chambers they were stopped by two Chūnin that were guarding the door.

"Let us through," said Shikamaru dangerously.

"Sorry kids, but the Hokage is currently in a meeting with the Jōnin," said one of the Chūnin.

"Well we need to see him, now," said a persistent Sasuke.

"Sorry but the Hokage has more important people to talk to you than a bunch of snot-nosed kids." said the other guard.

"Hey Shino, how about you, me and Akamaru teach these guys a lesson," growled Kiba rolling up his sleeves.

Hokage was having a meeting with his top Jōnin in his chamber when they heard a large fight going on outside his door, "What on earth is going on out there?" said Nara Shikaku, Shikamaru's father. All the Jōnin prepared for a fight and to protect the Hokage from the intruders. As the door opened they discovered only four young men.

A pissed-off Shikamaru was the one that kicked opened the door as an equally pissed Sasuke and Shino stood next to him. While Kiba and Akamaru were still beating the shit out of the guy that called him snot-nosed kids.

"What the hell, are you kids doing," yelled Yamanaka Inoichi, Ino's father and a part of Shikamaru's father's team.

"Shikamaru, explain yourself?" said Nara Shikaku to his son, with an angry expression but not half as angry as his sons.

"Explained myself how about you ask him to explain!" yelled Shikamaru pointing to Lord Hokage, "How could you expel Naruto for what. Painting on some monument."

"Yeah," growled out Kiba as he dropped the guy he and Akamaru were beating, "All he is doing is bringing sunshine into this dull village's life."

"Nara Shikamaru and Inuzuka Kiba, that is no way to speak to Lord Hokage!" yelled Shikaku at his son and his son's friend.

"Enough!" yelled Kakashi, making everyone quiet, "Now please explain why you young Genin are here?"

"We are here because he expelled Naruto, and just like everyone else in this blasted village treat him like dirt because he is different, because he is a Yokai," said Shikamaru, all the adults stared at him in shock cause no one in the village was supposed to tell the younger generation Naruto was a Yokai. They were sworn to secrecy.

"How do you young men know this?" asked Lord Hokage very seriously finally speaking.

"Oh, please we are not stupid we can overhear the whisperings," said Shikamaru, "The way you all acted around him. It's obvious."

"Well that explains one thing," said Lord Hokage, "but that doesn't explain why Naruto was expelled? Because he was not expelled on my orders. Mizuki said to me that Naruto quit."

"What?" said the four young men and Kakashi with confusion all over their faces.

"But Iruka Sensei and Mizuki Sensei said that you expelled him," said Kiba.

"Mizuki had lied to the Hokage and Iruka Sensei," said Sasuke with a dark expression on his face.

"Yeah, but why?" said Shino.

That when two guards came running in yelling, "It's terrible Lord Hokage. The sacred scroll has vanished."

"Naruto!" yelled the four young men and Kakashi.

"If the sacred scroll is opened the Kitsune's true powers will be unleashed, it will corrupt him." said Lord Hokage.

As everyone in the Hokage's office left to check that the sacred scroll was gone, which it appeared to have been taken.

"That little demon has done it this time," said Yamanaka Inoichi.

"No he hasn't, Inoichi," said Nara Shikaku. "He simply put an illusion over it."

"You men might want to go after the boys," said Lord Hokage to team Ino-Shika-Chō, and Kakashi "because it looks like those young alphas went after them, I would suggest you get there before someone ends up getting too hurt or yet killed."

"Kiba and Akamaru you still have his sent right?" asked Shikamaru to his friends taking the lead as the four young men quickly ran through the village at a very fast speed.

"Yeah, he has definitely went this way," said Kiba, "I have a feeling he's headed for the forest."

That's when the four boys picked up the speed.

"Why would those kids go after that brat?" said Akimichi Chōza. Currently the four men where going after the boys.

"Because your son isn't and alpha," said Kakashi, "Naruto is an omega it's complicated." Kakashi knew the truth but it wasn't his place to tell Nara Shikaku that his son was one of Naruto soulbonds.

"Yeah but he doesn't act like this over the Hyūga girl she is an omega too, right?" said Nara Shikaku, "Out of all the omegas why does he have to have a crush on that thing." Thats when Kakashi stopped, causing the other three men to stop too, "Kakashi what the hell! We got to get there before one of those four boys gets hurt!" yelled Nara Shikaku, "I know your raised the little demon but he is…"

"Shut it, Shikaku," Kakashi said with a growl, "The next person that refers to my soulbond as a thing or demon or even a brat. Will get severely hurt. Got it?" As the three men stared at Kakashi with shock, Kakashi asked them again, "Got it?" but this time there was danger in his voice, saying if they did not answer they would have to face him.

"Got it," the three men said.

When the four young boys got there, Naruto was about to hand over, what appeared to be the sacred scroll.

"Naruto don't!!!" yelled a frantic Kiba.

"Yeah if he opens it, it will destroy you!!" yelled an equally frantic Sasuke.

"Kiba, Sasuke, Shino and Shikamaru?" Naruto said in surprise, "What are you guys doing here?"

"We went to see the Hokage after the exam when we heard you where expelled," explains Shino.

"And when you took the scroll the Hokage said that if it was opened it would release the full power of the Kitsune and it would corrupt you," said Sasuke with tears in his eyes, "I can't loose you too."

All Naruto did was smile even when Mizuki took the scroll from him and pushed Naruto to the ground. "It's mine!" yelled Mizuki as he began to laugh like a madman, he said once again, "It's mine!"

"No, Naruto!!!" yelled Sasuke, Kiba and Shino they where about to attack there former headmaster.

But that is when Shikamaru raised his hand to stop them.

"What the hell Shikamaru!" yelled Kiba.

"Relax. It is not the real scroll," said Shikamaru, "Right Naruto?"

"Yep." said Naruto as he walked over with a smile, to his soulbonds, "I placed a illusion on the real scroll and a big blank scroll I found in Kakashi's room. Let's just say you can't lie to a Kitsune. But thank you guys for worrying."

"What!?" yelled Mizuki, as he broke the seal on the scroll to just reveal a scroll that said idiot on the inside. As he threw it down to the ground he grabbed out a handful of weaponry and threw it at the kids. That was when Kakashi and the other three men arrived to see the scene.

Naruto stood in front of the four boys, his arms raised out as he took everyone of the Shuriken and Kunai to his chest and arms.

"Naruto!" yelled the four young men as Naruto collapsed to his knees. The four young men surrounded him to check to see if he was okay.

"You are going to pay for that one," said Naruto with a growl as he pulled a Kunai from his arm.

"No, Naruto," said Kiba, "we got this one."

As the four young men rose next to Naruto a dark expression, came over their faces. And all four them yelled at once, "You will regret what you just did to our, mate." That's when the boys attacked.

The fight was over in minutes, truthfully but the four young men weren't finish with Mizuki. As the four young men beat the crap out of their former headmaster. While the men just watched from the trees, Kakashi had a smile on his face that match Naruto's. As Nara Shikaku and his team just looked stunned.

"Did he just say?" Nara Shikaku said shaking his head.

"You mean did they all just say?" said Akimichi Chōza.

"His mother will not be happy with this." said Yamanaka Inoichi.

"Who, my wife or Kiba's mother?" said Nara Shikaku.

"I was referring to Inuzuka Tsume," said Yamanaka Inoichi, "but I can see your wife not being thrilled either."

"We should probably stop them before they end up killing Mizuki," said Akimichi Chōza just watching the young ninjas still beating on a Tokubetsu Jōnin.

"Okay boys that's enough," said Kakashi as he appeared on the ground, "I think you proven your point," as the four young men looked at Kakashi, "You don't want to get in trouble with the Hokage if you kill this guy. But you all did very good by protecting your soulbond."

Thats when all of there eyes went wide, as they just realized that all four admitted that Naruto was there soulbond with out any of them realizing it.

"I think they're broken," said Nara Shikaku, as he watched his son and his friend faces go to a deep red colour.

"I very proud of you four," said Naruto with a smile he was covered in his own blood. But acted as if the wounds were just superficial. That when he used his magic to conger up 3 more him, similar to shadow clones. All at once the Narutos kissed a the four boys on there cheeks. And somehow the boys turned into a deeper red colour if that was even possible.

When Naruto's duplicates vanished he turned to Kakashi and said, with a big yawn "Can we go home now. I am tired."

"Yes my little soulbond," said Kakashi, as he picked up the little omega, "You have used a lot of magic today."

"Yeah," said Naruto with another yawn being very cute, as he turned to look at his other soulbonds, he said "Bye boys, I am glad you all figured it out."

As the three men stood their with the four boys all where stunned. However that when Shino said, "We are the luckiest boys alive."

"Uh huh," said the other three shaking there heads yes.

While Shikamaru father facepalmed, Akimichi Chōza and Yamanaka Inoichi patted there teammate on the back.

When Naruto and Kakashi got home, they were graded by some old worried pups. As Kakashi bandaged Naruto wounds which were almost healed already. "You scared me little one, but I am proud of you for protecting them," said Kakashi.

"Of course I would." said Naruto with a tired lopsided smile, "I would do the same for you too, Kakashi."

"I know you would but I hate the thought of you ever needing to do that," said Kakashi, as he pushed back, a piece of Naruto's hair behind his ear.

"I guess this means I don't get that kiss," said Naruto looking down with puppy-dog-eyes, "because I haven't taken the test yet. I'm not even sure they'll let me take it."

"I will speak with the Hokage in the morning Naruto," said Kakashi, " I will make sure you get to take that exam, however, in my eyes, you have already passed." That is when Kakashi removed the mask around his face and place a small and gentle kiss on Naruto's lips. When Kakashi opened his eyes, he saw Naruto was his red as the other boys from earlier this caused Kakashi just to laugh.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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