Naruto: Reborn as Sakura with Manyuu Chifusa Template

Chapter 165: It's Not Very Effective...

"Don't worry about it, it'll pass," said Tenten comfortingly, patting the doubled over Sakura on the back. "Space-Time travel sickness— it's always difficult the first time."

Sakura and Tenten were currently on the other side of the valley that connected the Katabami mine to the village— Tenten had teleported them to a Flying Thunder God Jutsu Formula she had left there, when she had previously gone on reconnaissance.

"I'm… I'm fine," gasped Sakura, who was desperately trying to stop dry heaving. "Urp…"

In the valley below, Naruto and the others had already entered combat with the Kurosuki family underlings. Most of their opponents were regular humans, but judging from their movements, Raiga seemed to have managed to teach a few of them how to unlock their chakra.

However, just from looking at the rather… unusual… technique they had developed, it was clear to Sakura that Raiga hadn't taught them anything beyond that!

"What in the world are they doing?" said Sakura, as she stared over the cliff's ledge in disbelief. "Even Neji, Chōji and Kiba would get motion sickness after spinning for so long!"

The Kurosuki family used clawed gauntlets reminiscent of Wolverine's claws, but such weapons weren't especially rare on the shinobi continent— the strange part was how they used them.

For some reason, the Kurosuki grunts had decided that the best way to attack as a team was the Beyblade no Jutsu: they had stacked themselves into rapidly rotating human towers; their outstretched clawed arms slicing at anything that came close!

Unfortunately for them, they were facing Sasuke of the Sharingan.

Sasuke's sinister pupils spun ominously, his scarlet eyes studying the Kurosuki Human Top Jutsu for flaws… and he inevitably found a glaring weakness. While the Beyblade's rotating motion stabilised the attack, all Sasuke needed to do was to take out the base to topple over the entire structure!

Seeing as her comrades had the small fry under control, Sakura turned her gaze towards a hunchbacked, hooded figure observing the battle from a safe distance— but as if sensing her watchful stare, the man lifted his head, and their eyes met.

'Welp, he knows,' said Inner Sakura. 'Might as well go down and say hello— we'll look stupid if we keep standing here, pretending like he can't see us…'

"Don't bother with Genjutsu," said Tenten warningly, grabbing Sakura's arm. "Trust me."

Even though he had managed to land a spot on the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, Raiga was a thick-headed idiot who couldn't think on his own— the only reason he had obtained the Kiba blades was his affinity for Lightning Style, which was rather rare in the Land of Water.

On his own, Raiga wasn't much of a threat, but the problem was that he was never alone…

Sakura planted her Manyuu blade in the ground and jumped down into the valley to face Kurosuki Raiga head on— her sword would only serve as a lightning rod against someone more proficient in Lightning Style than she was. While she had wrapped wire around herself to serve as an impromptu Faraday Cage, the protection it offered was extremely limited.

If possible, she'd try to dodge everything thrown her way, but that was easier said than done— Lightning Style attacks were notoriously very fast.

"Perfect weather for a funeral," said Raiga emotionally, wiping a tear off his cheek with a finger. "Wouldn't you say?"

Sakura froze where she stood, as a thick fog began to settle over the valley. It was the Kirigakure no Jutsu, no mistake about it— but who had used it!? Raiga was just standing there, not doing anything!

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

When in doubt, strike first— without wasting a single movement, Sakura's fingers wove the technique's intricate hand signs with practised ease, and she expelled a thick stream of azure flames from her mouth, aiming for Raiga before he could take the opportunity to vanish into the mist.

"Useless!" shouted Raiga, brandishing his twin swords in front of him.

Just as Sakura's flames were about to melt Raiga's flesh off his bones, her Great Fireball Jutsu's form began quivering, before splitting into two streams and finally petering out into nothingness. Somehow, Raiga had managed to extinguish her 3000°C fireball, as if it were as easy as blowing out a candle…

"A little trick I learned from Ringo-senpai," shouted Raiga— he had no idea how it worked, just that it did! "The only one of the Seven whose guts I didn't hate!"

'What the…!?' gasped Inner Sakura. 'How did he do that!?'

To answer that question, one must ask: what is a flame's true nature?

Fire is just volatile combusted particles and very cold plasma—gas that has lost its electrons, as extreme heat causes atoms' and molecules' electrons to become excited and jump to higher energy levels.

Effectively, what Raiga had done was to simply run Lightning Chakra through one of his two swords.

Accumulating negative charges in the sword in his right hand accumulates positive charges in the sword in his left hand through electric induction— thereby creating an electric field between the Kiba twin swords. By subjecting Sakura's flames to an electric field, the charged particles will be attracted/repelled to the sources of said field— the Kiba twin swords, in this instance. Positively charged ions will go to the negatively charged sword, and negatively charged ions will go to the positively charged sword.

(A regular flame's charge density isn't that great, so flames aren't particularly susceptible to magnetic fields. However, since Sakura's blue flames burn especially hot, they possess a greater plasma ratio than ordinary Fire Style Ninjutsu).

As a result of being subjected to Raiga's electric field, Sakura's Great Fireball was torn apart, making it impossible for its flames to keep sustaining themselves. Raiga had effectively extinguished Sakura's Fire Style Ninjutsu without even having to rely on Water Style!


There was a gap in Sakura's knowledge— she knew about the five basic chakra natures and their interactions from the original Sakura's notes from the academy: earth retains water, water extinguishes fire, fire is fed by wind… but wind beats lightning, and lightning beats earth— but there was a lot that wasn't taught at the academy.

The first three are self-explanatory, so moving on to Lightning Style's special interactions:

It takes about 10 000 volts of electricity to break down just a centimetre of air. When the voltage is great enough for electricity to leap between distant objects, an electric arc occurs, which is just ionised air (once again, plasma) providing a bridge for electricity to jump through the air, which is normally a great insulator.

So even though it's not directly stated on the Pokémon-like chakra type effectiveness chart, lightning always beats fire (because it's full of ionised particles). Spit flames at a Lightning Style user, and you just might find a lightning bolt travelling back through your flames and down your throat!

In any case, to attack distant targets, a Lightning Style user must first construct a bridge to their target out of chakra— one so thin that it's nearly invisible. This bridge works just like a Taser's wires or natural lightning's ionisation of air before striking, but Wind Chakra disrupts this bridge before the electricity can jump to its target— and that's why wind beats lightning.

Moving on, lightning beats earth, because earth contains impurities that conduct electricity. Earth Style mostly aims to create solid structures made out of earth or mud by holding its particles together with chakra, but lightning disrupts those interactions and bonds, causing them to fall apart.

And in the same vein, water style also contains impurities, so it also conducts electricity. So, lightning always beats water too!

Indeed, beating three out of the five natures, Lightning Style is truly fearsome…


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