[Naruto] Saga of Tanya the Kunoichi

Chapter 32: ANBU's Test [2]

He felt like teaching Tsuyu a lesson this time. He cracked his neck and fist, trying to soothe some of the pain and ache from the explosion earlier.

'One last test on your taijutsu. Come down here. Unless you are a scared', he mocked Tanya, trying to assert his dominance and authority.


Poof! - the Tsuyu standing on the branch turned into white smoke. The real Tsuyu walked nonchalantly from behind a tree.


Inwardly Badger is screaming inside in embarrassment. Because he really didn't notice he's talking to a clone. After all, as soon as Tanya used substitution jutsu she already made a clone and hid while the dude was dealing with an explosion at that moment.

Tanya thought nothing of it and simply assumes he is acting to not notice to catch her off guard; after all an ANBU of his caliber should have noticed at first glance.

"Looking forward to our spar, senior", Tsuyu bowed slightly before she shifted her stance to standard Empire CQC she is used to. Both her arms raised, her gaze sharp.

Badger recollected himself, his arrogance came back.

'Ho. You will regret it then'. He pressed his palms together and made hand seals.

Earth Release: Earth Armament!

Layers of Earth chakra coated his entire body, especially his limbs. He brings both his fists together, clinking them like they are steel making a clunking sound.


Tsuyu's gaze becomes even more serious. 

'Here I come!'.

With a whoosh, he sends chakra along his feets and rushes towards Tsuyu. He sends a jab towards her chest.

Tsuyu saw the incoming attack and dodged. She does not counter attack just yet, and remains on the defensive as blow after blow comes her way. The use of Earth Armament made his movements slower, but each hit packs a heavy punch. 


As Tsuyu dodged the axe kick, the kick landed on the ground causing a small crack. It's apparent that it had a lot of power as well as defense. Tsuyu believes it means his body is also as hard; and if she tried to counterattack at any gap he might take the opportunity to trade blows - which she might lose.

'Hah! Why are you just dodging! Come hit me!', he said arrogantly while trying to land another blow. Tsuyu's shorter stature and swifter nimbly movements makes her harder to hit as is.

As Tsuyu dodges and dances around him, she gathers chakra along all tenketsu in her right arm - overloading all of them to release a single burst of powerful strike.

Raging Fist : Herculean!

The fist drive straight to the steel-hard abdomen without any scruple; 

In the millisecond the fist made contact, the powerful concentrated force of chakra is sent outward.

Crack - crack - the Earth chakra layer beneath cracks and shatters - the force continues into his abdomen, landing on his ribs, even making the acid of his stomach to move up his esophagus. He is sent flying meters away. 


His back crashed onto a tree and smashed into it into pieces. The tree collapses sideways as he gasps for air like fish on the ground, holding his abdomen.

'Gasp…!', he's taking deep breaths. Oh god. A demon. She's a demon. He felt like one of his ribs was cracked. 

She's trying to kill me! He inwardly thought. He's breaking a cold sweat behind him. If someone else took that hit their innards would have exploded.

Though he's overthinking it. Tsuyu are unable to properly control it. Her right arm is trembling from putting on too much chakra. The chakra force is so powerful that she hurts her own arm. And that the Earth Armament withstood a lot of the force and caused the force to also repel back to Tsuyu's own from conservation of momentum. She can't move the muscles on her right arm much now.

I should have practiced this move more, damn it.

Tsuyu felt a little ashamed at her failure but recollected herself quickly. She practiced the regular Raging Fist move more since she can maintain regular combat speed, form and moves. Herculean is just an alternative for a special opponent like the guy there.

Tsuyu took a deep breath, ignoring the pain in her right arm already preparing for another round. Tanya believes her hit doesn't do that much damage and simply pushes him away like a strong gust of wind but no real impact.

Of course, Tanya underestimated herself and overestimated him…

Badger stood while trying to stabilise his breath. He felt like vomiting. He can't even feel embarrassed as he never expected she had such a powerful move. It's almost like Tsunade's.

But as he stood and planned to stop the test - in his horror Tsuyu already rushed to his face!

'W-', the word 'wait' choked on his throat as he quickly dodged sideways as Tsuyu tried to land a hit!

Herculean Axe Kick! BOOM!

Her heels hit the ground missing the target. Crack! Crack! Like spiderwebs, throwing dust and debris in a few meters radius.

Oh god!

If his Earth Armament technique was not cancelled and he still had the weight on him he wouldn't have been able to dodge it just now!

She's really trying to kill me!

Tsuyu noticed the shift in speed. 

As expected of an ANBU, he changed his tactic knowing his technique won't do much against my Raging Fist: Herculean.

Tsuyu gets in a melee with him. Due to Tsuyu's slightly injured right arm and left leg her movements are slightly off; he is able to dodge and also land a few hits to her despite Tsuyu being on the defensive side mostly.

Tsuyu knows; or believes she can't defeat him in the current state. Not to mention she believes he can use the technique to make himself rock-hard again and she can't use Herculean anymore. Therefore...

As she dodges, she is constantly molding chakra and concentrating them into all of her remaining tenketsu in her body.

The amount of chakra even causes them to be felt by Badger. 

W-what is she planning!

He felt a cold chill on his back. The massive chakra fluctuation coming from Tsuyu screams DANGER feelings to Badger. He quickly prepares to escape in panic-

Tsuyu dodged a jab and instead rushed forward. With a jump her entire body grabs hold of him in a chokehold. Half of Tsuyu's face is carved with a devilish smile, her eyes set dead on her senior. 

I hope I pass your assessment, senior!

His eyes contracted and fear is deeply planted in his heart as their eyes locked - the devilish smile and the eyes looking at him like prey to be slaughtered - he struggles to remove the chokehold feeling the amount of chakra in Tsuyu about to-

Raging Fist : Heaven's Roar!


A massive chakra explosion shoots outward from all of Tsuyu's tenketsu from her entire body - causing massive devastation and ground to crack and crumble in a 5 meter radius leaving nothing but devastation. The trees surrounding them are splintered and about to collapse. Dust and debris blocked the view; the result of the attack remains uncertain.

As smoke and dust dissipates, Tsuyu is seen kneeling on the ground; her body shaking and gasping for air.

Her brows furrowed looking at the shattered log in front of her and the fragments here and there. If it's Badger real body; his body would probably had torned into pieces just the same.

Sigh. Substitution jutsu… It seems I have a long way to go…

Tanya shakily stood. Her entire body is in pain really. And she can't mold any chakra as all of her tenketsu points are injured.

Badger barely manages to use substitution jutsu because he can feel the massive chakra collecting in Tsuyu's body beforehand. And even then he is still hit in the perimeter of that technique. He felt pain all over, and he can't move a single muscle. Looking at the log he used to substitute himself in pieces - it could have been him. His back and armpit is so sweaty it drips down his side from fear of death.

Tsuyu raises her head, looking up to her senior standing there without any movement; wondering what he's thinking. Maybe he's disappointed? Maybe he thinks I am too hasty in using that technique? After all it must have been obvious her moves injures herself.

Tanya thinks to herself, self criticising.

After seconds of silence; few ANBU members appear and surround both of them. They had been watching the fight naturally, to see Tsuyu's own ability. They are the ones that are free for the day to watch.

One of them wearing a bird mask clapped in astonishment.

'Amazing, Tsuyu-kun!'.

They murmur and agree with each other. Tsuyu looked around, and she felt elated inside. It seems her performance gained them recognition.

Tsuyu bowed down slightly, her tone humble and respectful.

"Thank you for the praise, senpai!".

One of the bigger guys nods, appreciating Tsuyu's respectful tone despite her talents.

'Let's bring you both to the headquarters to get you both treated', an emotionless voice came from a rabbit masked woman with black hair.

"Yes, senpai".

Tsuyu doesn't have to ask whether she passed or not. Being brought to ANBU HQ means she already passed of course.

As Tsuyu is led away, Badger is still in a daze. The fear in his heart still hasn't subsided. His teammate, Swallow, went to his side.

'Yo, you really got trashed by her. HAHAHA', he laughed with a snort.

'Shut up… she's scary…'. He shuddered remembering the smile on her face. What even is that...

'HAHAH. NO WAY! Hahaha'.


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