Naruto: The Shadow Game System.

Chapter 18: CH-18:)


Your skill has leveled up!

Maintenance, Lv- 5 (22%) Maintaining something is just as important as owning it.

+5% bonus to all items you maintain (clean, polish oil) for whatever their use is Bonus lasts for 40 minutes I closed the box and put all the dishes away. I then ran to the academy, making it just in time for the bell to ring.

I sat through a boring lecture after another, much to Naruto's and mine annoyance and finally for the physical portion of the class I ran fifteen rounds instead of ten, much tougher, but needed.

It was the end of school when Naruto approached me again, "hey Yami! You want to go play in the park today?"

I shock my head, "sorry Naruto, I'm training today, you want to join me?"

"Huh? Training? But we just finished learning ninja stuff!" Naruto whined.

I shrugged, "yes, but I want to do some more training. Come on, it'll be fun!" I told him with my best smile. Naruto sighed, "fine, but tomorrow we go and play in the park!"

I nodded, "deal." We went back to the training yard and Naruto whined all the way there. "But I thought you hated running!" he asked. "Yes, but it's something I need to do!"

"But why?!"

"Because it's something I bad at."

"But if you're bad at it why do you do it?!"

I started to get ticked off, "because then I won't be bad at it anymore!"

"But that doesn't make any sense!"

"Argh!" I need something to distract the damn kid! I opened my inventory and took out my kunai, "here, play with this!"

Naruto's eyes sparkled,"woah! Is that a real kunai?! So cool! Where did you get it?!" I sighed as he snatched it from my hand and looked at it like it was a golden prize, "I got it from a ninja. He caught me walking into the training grounds and I when I told him I wouldn't do it again he gave me that. Don't lose it okay? It's my only one and special to me."

I saw Naruto's REP score go from 20 to 26 in one giant leap. "I promise!" Naruto cried out with a big smile. I sighed, I already knew I was going to regret this.

I began to run laps around the yard watching Naruto as he threw the kunai at a target near the back. So far he wasn't too bad, managed to get the kunai into the target once in awhile, though he did have to run to the target to get it back.

I soon stopped paying attention to Naruto, focusing on running, when I heard him yell, "oh no!"

I stopped and turned to him, "what happened?" He looked like he saw a ghost. He turned to me with wide eyes, tears forming in them, "I-I I'm sorry! I didn't mean too."

I raised an eyebrow, "what happened?"

"Y-your kunai! It's gone!" Naruto said crying out loud, "please don't hate me."

I sighed rolling my eyes, I knew this would happen. I walked up to him and smacked him up the head, "pipe down you cry baby, it's not a big deal,"


You have lost a quest item!

Train for a dungeon!

Have a weapon (0/1) "Ah...okay, it's kind of a big deal. We need to find it, quickly, where did it go Naruto?" I asked him.

"Y-you're not mad?" he asked sniffing. I sighed, "no. Now pull yourself together you moron, the future Hokage can't be seen crying like a little baby!"

Naruto quickly got the steel back into his eyes, "r-right! I threw it over the wall, I think it landed on the other side."

"Well since no one is screaming bloody murder I guess it's safe to say no one got hurt, come on," I told him pulling Naruto along as we ran to the other side of the compound wall and looked around.

We found ourselves on a bridge over a canal. Naruto and I looked around frantically on the bridge when suddenly Naruto pointed at something in the canal below, "there it is!"

I looked down and sure enough my kunai was there by the grass and mud. I was thinking of a way to go down there and safely get it when I saw Naruto climb onto the railing and jump down into the water. "No don't!" I cried out, but I was too late.


He landed in the water and splashed his way towards the grass and mud. He reached out and grabbed the kunai holding it up in the air waving it around proudly, "I got it!"

But as he waved it around I saw him being carried away by the current, "w-what's going on?! Hey!" Naruto cried out as he struggled to move away from the strong current, flailing around like a Magikarp.

I groaned, "of course, the moron doesn't know how to swim." I sighed, I really liked this shirt too. I got on the railing and leaped into the water. I swam along the current reaching Naruto quickly. I grabbed his smaller body and began swinging towards the edge of the canal.

We were being pulled along for the ride, but soon we reached a more open area of the canal with a river bank by the side. I managed to grab hold onto dry land before I threw Naruto out of the water and crawl out myself.

I laid down panting, I looked over and found Naruto leaning up, panting, he didn't have the energy to say a word.


You have gained a new skill!

Swimming, Lv- 1 (0%) Your swimming skills are needed when you are in water...duh.

Speed- 1 Km an hour Cost- 10 SP per minute I sighed as I dismissed the skill box and turned to Naruto, "think before you leap...moron." Naruto smiled, "hehe, sorry." "Don't give me that sorry bullshit! You almost died! If you fucking becoem the Hokage god help us all!" I yelled.

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