Chapter 20: CH-20:)
"Yata! That was a great shower!" Naruto said as he walked out with his hair all wet.
He and I talked for a while before the clothes fully dried up. I put my clothes on and said goodbye to him, he apologised once again but I told him once again, there was no need. I went back to the orphanage that night and did my usual stunt, eavesdrop and then wash the dishes for the evening. I think Kusume started to like my helpful nature, I saw her REP score go down from -41 to -32.
But of course, I wasn't doing it for her, but myself.
I didn't level up any skills that night, but it was alright. I went to my room that night and began to read my book while practicing my leaf concentration exercises.
I decided to hold off on using the +10 skill scroll, I'll first level up the skill using sheer grinding, and when it reaches a point where I can't progress any further without days upon days of training, only then will I use the scroll.
And with that I spent the rest of the night reading under the pale moonlight. I seriously need some light in this place. It's been a week since I found that golden leaf symbol in Naruto's place. Ever since then I've been spending all my free time in the academy searching this place top to bottom trying to find a golden symbol here too.
My reasoning? This is the place where Naruto became a ninja, where he trained, where he met Sasuke and more importantly Iruka. So a golden leaf had to be here!
This was the seventh time I was searching in our classroom but again, nothing. But just then, I got an idea. What if I was searching in the wrong place? Naruto grew super close with Iruka in the last year, this is the first year class room.
So I quickly ran to the older year class room, luckily right now it was lunch, I told Naruto I wasn't feeling well, the boy looked a little sad but he understood. I entered the classroom and searched the place top to bottom. Nothing, not a single thing. I looked at the desk and grumbled, I searched every where! From top to...bottom….what?
I had an idea, a crazy idea. I looked under the tables, from the front row to the back. I looked under each one slowly and then, in the last row I found it. A golden leaf symbol. I grinned and touched it;
Congratulations! You have found a legendary spot: Academy Classroom! Locations found in Konoha: 2/30 Select your reward!
Secret Taijutsu style: Disturbance style +1000 EXP + 10 Stat points Special armour equipment Okay, different rewards, that made sense, different location different rewards. But at the same time, what the fuck am I supposed to pick?!
Okay, first things first, the special armour is nice and all but useless to me right now. I don't know what it is, again it's based on my luck. The 10 stat points are nice and all, but the 1000 EXP would level me up twice giving me the same amount.
But now, what's important now is the secret Taijutsu style. The EXP was...tempting alright, something I would totally take up any other time. But this...this was too important. I need a specialised training style and I need it now.
So I selected the special taijutsu style. There was a poof of smoke as the golden leaf vanished leaving behind a yellow scroll with the words 'Disturbance style' written on it. The moment it touched my hands a new box came online; Ping!
You have obtained a skill scroll! Would you like to learn?
I blinked, I immediately pressed yes and watched as the scroll exploded into a bright light before flowing into my head. I blinked a suddenly I began to understand….something else. It was like movement were imprinted into my head, thirty different kata's and movements were installed into my head, I could see it all, just out of reach but there.
You have learnt a new skill!
Disturbance style, Lv- 1 (0%)
Akin to a warrior's dance performance, a user of this style is able to rapidly and relentlessly bombard their target with precision, at various angles and locations. This style, comprised of sheer unpredictable movements, can easily catch his opponents off-guard.
DMG- +5 + STR + DEX Speed- 10% faster I suddenly realised I knew different way to attack someone and many different strikes. But at the same time, it was like a fog covered the rest of the knowledge from me. I'm guessing I need to level up to obtain it all, hum, this will be troublesome.
You have made progress in a quest!
Train for a dungeon!
Learn how to fight My grin grew wider, two birds one scroll. This means I only have to learn a jutsu before I can enter a dungeon. And then, unlimited power. "WHAHAHHAHAAH!"
"Oye! Shut it down in there! Some of us are trying to work!" came a cry from outside. I lowered my head in shame and quickly snuck out of the class.
I went back to my classroom by the time lunch ended. I sat with Naruto, a small smile on my lips. "What happened?" Naruto asked in a whisper as Iruka entered the room and began his lecture.
"Nothing, hey do you want to go to the park today?" I offered, I felt bad for ignoring the kid all week long while I searched for that damn golden leaf.
Naruto's eyes winded, almost sparkling, "damn right I do!" he cheered loudly.
"Naruto!" Iruka yelled out, "I'm trying to teach here! Keep it down!" "Sorry Iruka-sensei!" Naruto called back scratching his head nervously.
I continued to listen to Iruka's speech, but as I did I began to remember what I did over the past week while I wasn't looking for that damn leaf.
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