Naruto: Winds and Changes

Chapter 212: Chapter 212

Orochimaru grinned as he swung the sword a few times, "Well, shall we begin sensei?"

"Of course my foolish former student," Sarutobi rushed forward. "Let us begin!"

The Raikage held in a smirk as he looked at the Shodai Hokage, "You know, I have always wanted to fight against an opponent of your caliber."

His smirk turned into a frown when he did not receive an answer. Though in hindsight it was to be expected, after all, what did he expect a dead man under the control of a madman to say? "Well, I suppose we should just get started…" He mumbled.

The dark skinned man took off his robe and hat, throwing them away where they made a loud crashing sound to reveal they were weighted. Having never been patient enough for his opponents to make the first move, A charged at the Shodai.

He sent a fist at the man, not at all bothered when it was blocked and a fist was sent his way in return. He blocked the fist easily enough and pulled the man into a knee, however the Shodai merely flipped over the man, spinning in mid air to launch a kick at A. the Raikage managed to duck under the kick, grabbing the Shodai by the foot the Raikage managed to toss the armored ninja away.

The Shodai flipped himself over, landing on his feet and looked up to see A charging towards him. Hashirama placed his hands on the ground, causing several tree branches to sprout out and attempt to grab onto A. The Raikage tried to jump away from the attack, but a vine managed to wrap itself around his ankle.

A grunted as he used his strength to rip the vine and continued his charge towards the Shodai; in response Hashirama went through several hand seals, afterwards he slammed them into the ground, causing multiple bamboo spikes to shoot out. Despite his size, the Raikage moved between the bamboo shafts with relative ease, and swatted away those few that he could not dodge.

Finally closing the distance A lashed out with a kick. However, Hashirama managed to jump over it; landing on the dark skinned mans bulky shoulder. He attempted to kick A, but the Raikage threw him off before it could happen.

He landed on the ground some distance away, and went through more hand seals. Slamming his hands in the ground caused multiple large wooden pillars to shoot out and smash into A. the Raikage grunted as he crossed his arms in a guard as the pillars slammed into him, using his strength to stay in the same spot. Keeping one hand on the branch he had, A used his other one to smash into the pillar. Said wooden pillar shattered as he hit it.

A began doing his own hand seals before opening his mouth. "Raiton: Gian!"

A large bolt of lightning shot out at Hashirama, who began his own hand sealing. A large wooden dome formed around him, protecting the Shodai from A's lightning attack.

When the lightning dissipated the dome came down. Hashirama looked around only to find no one. It was then that he received a powerful blow to the face, sending him flying backwards where he smashed into the ground and skidded across it.

Knowing that a Kage would never be defeated by only one hit, the Raikage began doing more hand seals. "Raiton: Kaminari no Kami Ken (Lightning Release: Lightning God Fist)!"

A thrust out his fist, causing a large blast of lightning to shoot out at Hashirama. It soon took the shape of a fist, right before it crashed into the Shodai, causing him and the area he was in to explode in a shower of lightning.

The Raikage frowned as he waited to see what had happened, knowing better then to let his guard down. His decision was soon shown to be a prudent choice as several wooden stakes shot out of the dust and debris his jutsu had kicked up. The Raikage charged lightning chakra into his fists, bashing the stakes as they came towards him, destroying them.

It was then that the Shodai came out of the dust himself, rushing towards the towering Raikage as he attacked. A blocked the fist that came his way, then lashed out with his own fist. Hashirama dodged the attack, jumping back a little before he came in with a kick. The Raikage managed to grab the kick, keeping Hashirama in place before he lifted the man above his head and slammed him back into the ground. A then jumped up and flipped himself over as he attempted to heel drop the Shodai.

However Hashirama managed to roll away, pushing himself into a flip and landing on his feet a few meters away. The Shodai went through more hand seals before thrusting his fists out, with said fists turning into large blocks of wood that launched themselves at A. The Raikage ran right towards them, using his strength to smash the wooden fists to pieces.

He charged in and got close to Hashirama, using a left punch, right punch combination. When his attacks were blocked A kicked the Shodai's legs out from under him. He would have stepped on the man, but Hashirama managed to twist around and kick the Raikage's foot, knocking him off balance.

The Raikage landed on the ground with a heavy thud, the tiles of the roof breaking from his weight. He looked up to see Hashirama bearing down on him and rolled out of the way. Pushing himself up A managed to block the incoming jab sent his way. He swatted the next hand away and moved in, closing the distance to land a powerful blow on the Founder of Konoha's stomach, sending the man flying away.




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