Negative Point

Chapter 133: Parasite

Kinrui turned his head towards Verte, his tone sharp with urgency. "Verte, the plan?"

Verte's reply was calm but firm, her eyes focused ahead. "More than halfway there."

Kinrui's gaze shifted, landing on the battered remains of October's body. His expression tightened, guilt flickering behind his determined eyes. "There might be nothing I can say that can justify me wiping out your people," he admitted, his voice low but resolute. "But I know I can make you feel a lot better by the end of our fight." Moss began to writhe and twist around his arm, coiling like a living extension of his will.

Suddenly, a crackling blue aura erupted around Acrodontayay's body, radiating power. The glow intensified, making his silhouette appear otherworldly against the dim surroundings.

"The prey killed its predator," Acrodontayay growled, his voice carrying a primal weight. "You'd be safe if it weren't for me being the apex predator." With a deliberate motion, he firmly planted his feet, the ground beneath him groaning under the force.

Acrodontayay's eyes burned with predatory intent as he declared, "You're my hunt now!"

In an instant, he surged forward with blinding speed, a force of nature barreling towards Kinrui. Reacting quickly, Kinrui raised his moss, forming it into a thick barrier before him. Acrodontayay's fist connected with the wall, shattering it with a deafening shockwave that sent Kinrui hurtling backwards. The sheer power of the impact rattled the air, scattering fragments of moss in all directions.

Acrodontayay pressed his advantage, closing the gap between them with unrelenting speed. Kinrui's moss reformed in his hand, this time shaping into a sleek spear. Recovering from the knockback, Kinrui lunged forward, the spear thrusting towards Acrodontayay with precise force. But the predator remained unfazed. He raised a single hand, catching the spear's point against his palm. The weapon crumbled on contact, disintegrating into harmless fragments.

Kinrui's mind raced. Salami shouldn't be faltering this easily…

Acrodontayay sneered, his confidence palpable. "Your moss is all just for show!" Without hesitation, he used the same hand to grab Kinrui's face, his grip ironclad. With a mighty leap, he propelled them both into the air.

"Skill 1: Place!" he roared. From seemingly nowhere, a plastic chair materialized below them. Acrodontayay's movements were precise as he shifted Kinrui beneath him, driving him downward. The impact was cataclysmic—Kinrui's back collided with the chair, a thunderous shockwave rippling outward. The ground beneath them cratered under the force, and a bright flash of light erupted on contact. A small explosion followed, blasting Kinrui free from Acrodontayay's grasp and onto the ground, sprawled on his back.

Acrodontayay landed gracefully, folding the chair with an air of finality. "Stay on your back," he commanded.

Kinrui's body ached, but he forced himself upright, his determination undeterred. "Nah, I can fight for a little bit longer," he said, his voice steady.

Moss coiled around his hand again, this time forming into a long sword. With a swift motion, Kinrui thrust it forward, the blade extending into a network of jagged, larger blades. They arced through the air towards Acrodontayay like a barrage of spears. Unimpressed, Acrodontayay charged head-on, his fists smashing through the mossy constructs with ease. Shards flew in all directions as he closed the distance, his fist driving towards Kinrui. The latter raised his sword in defense, only for it to shatter under the overwhelming force of the blow.

Acrodontayay swung again, but Kinrui ducked under the attack, his movements swift and calculated. Gathering his moss once more, he thrust a freshly formed blade at Acrodontayay's torso. Yet again, the blade disintegrated on impact, utterly ineffective against the predator's impenetrable body.

What's going on, Salami?! Kinrui's thoughts roared with frustration.

Acrodontayay's next punch landed squarely on Kinrui's face, sending him flying backward. He crashed to the ground, the force leaving him momentarily dazed. Acrodontayay unfolded his chair, placing it deliberately on the ground.

Kinrui's thoughts reached out in desperation. Salami, are you alright?

Shakily, he stood once more, his resolve unwavering.

"Skill 1: Sit Down," Acrodontayay intoned with a smirk. Kinrui vanished from where he stood, reappearing atop the chair. Acrodontayay wasted no time, driving his fist into Kinrui's stomach with a brutal punch that sent him tumbling across the battlefield.

Bruised but still standing, Kinrui rose again. Acrodontayay watched him with a predatory gleam in his eyes, his chair now folded and held tightly in his hand, ready for the next move.

Kinrui locked his gaze on Acrodontayay, determination blazing in his eyes. My actions will lead us to victory! he thought. With a commanding gesture, Kinrui pointed at his opponent, and his moss responded. It surged forth, growing to a monstrous size, dwarfing even an elephant. The moss twisted and contorted, forming sharp, gnashing teeth within a gaping maw, and lunged at Acrodontayay like a serpentine predator.

Unfazed, Acrodontayay charged straight into the attack. He unleashed a torrent of punches upon the moss, each strike landing with precision. The moss recoiled, but Acrodontayay followed up with a ferocious uppercut, forcing the moss aside. Undeterred, he surged forward, his sights locked on Kinrui. With a fierce swing of his fist, he aimed to strike, but Kinrui narrowly ducked beneath the blow, evading it by a hair's breadth.

Acrodontayay slammed his foot into the ground, his electric blue aura flaring intensely. He jabbed Kinrui in the neck with alarming speed before drawing his arm back and delivering a devastating punch to Kinrui's chest. The force of the blow launched Kinrui through the air, sending him crashing onto his back.

Gasping for breath, Kinrui's mind raced. I won't make it through the fight if this keeps up. Salami, we need to synchronize.

With an ominous smirk, Acrodontayay proclaimed, "Skill 1: Sit Down." Kinrui found himself teleported once more above the dreaded chair. Acrodontayay seized the chair's leg and flipped it with an almost casual ease, propelling Kinrui skyward. Without hesitation, Acrodontayay dashed into the air, snatched his chair, and folded it with fluid precision. He soared above Kinrui and brought the folded chair crashing down on his head, sending Kinrui hurtling back to the ground with bone-jarring impact. Acrodontayay gracefully unfolded the chair mid-air.

"Skill 1: Sit Down," he intoned again. Kinrui was teleported back onto the chair, but this time he encased himself in a protective sphere of moss. The barrier pulsed with resilience, but Acrodontayay's might was relentless. He punched through the moss, his fist tearing into the sphere like paper. His hand gripped Kinrui's neck with unyielding strength before hurling him downward. Kinrui's body smashed through the terrain, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Bruised and battered, Kinrui's resolve remained unshaken. I can't catch a break, but I can't give up now! I signed myself up for this, after all. As he struggled to his feet, his eyes drifted to Verte, standing at a distance, her expression unreadable.

I hope this plan is enough to kill this guy, Kinrui thought grimly.

Within Kinrui's mind, Verte's voice cut through his thoughts. I don't know if you can spare me enough time to pull this attack off. Toruri and Hiyoku aren't back yet; I don't even see a sign of them fighting. Are we in a hopeless situation?

Kinrui clenched his fists, steeling himself. I can do something to help you stall for time longer.

Verte's mental voice surged with urgency. Kinrui, I can sense your life force. Continuing to fight him won't be good for you!

Kinrui's reply was firm. I do have one last thing. It definitely won't be enough to beat him, but it can buy you some time. The only catch is, this is forbidden, so don't tell anyone about this.

Verte's eyes widened in realization. Wait, you're doing that?!

Kinrui's lips twitched into a faint smile. You know?

I was a student of your father. Of course I know of that forbidden technique, Verte answered, her tone tinged with worry.

So don't stop me, Kinrui said, his resolve unwavering.

Verte's response was immediate. I wasn't going to stop you! All I was going to say is... don't lose yourself.

Kinrui nodded sharply. "Understood, ma'am."

With that, he squeezed the moss in his hand into a dense sphere and promptly consumed it.

Acrodontayay tilted his head, a mix of curiosity and disgust evident in his voice. "That strange mold you use... What kind is it? It grows and shrinks at will. How does it do that?"

"Salami has unmatched flexibility," Kinrui began, his tone clinical yet confident. "It can change its consistency. Since it resides in my body, I can expel it to perform various attacks."

To demonstrate, the moss burst forth from every pore on Kinrui's body in thick, grotesque streams, like wet clay being forced through a sieve.

"But now..." Kinrui's voice deepened as the moss began to coil and writhe, morphing into a second skin that clung to him like armor. It enveloped his frame, forming razor-like claws and a sturdy protective layer. "Now, you'll see a whole other side of Salami—when I decide to synchronize with it."

The living moss crept higher, crawling up his neck and over his chin as he continued. "I've always fought with Salami outside of my body, but now Salami is my body."

The transformation neared its completion. The moss wrapped around his head, solidifying into a sinister mask.

Acrodontayay grimaced, his lip curling. "This is vile. Why does it move through your body like that?"

"Salami isn't just moss," Kinrui replied evenly. "He's a parasite."

Acrodontayay's revulsion deepened, but his focus never wavered. He watched as the moss finished consuming Kinrui's form, encasing him from head to toe in a verdant, pulsing suit of armor.

"Now," Kinrui said, his voice muffled but steady. "How about another ten minutes?"

"Five," Acrodontayay countered without hesitation.

He lunged forward, delivering a thunderous punch that cleaved Kinrui clean in half at the waist. The blow was swift, brutal, and decisive—or so it seemed.

Acrodontayay frowned, his knuckles brushing against moss that felt far softer than before. His body wasn't this pliable earlier.

In an instant, Kinrui's body reassembled itself as though nothing had happened.

"Did I hear fifteen?" Kinrui quipped, his tone maddeningly calm.

Leaping back, he summoned a massive hand of moss from his back. The enormous appendage slammed down towards Acrodontayay with tremendous force. However, Acrodontayay effortlessly shattered it with a single punch.

"Three!" Acrodontayay barked, surging forward.

Kinrui retreated further, his moss-covered feet skidding against the ground. "Twenty if I make myself untouchable."

Crouching low, Kinrui placed a hand on the ground. The terrain ahead of him transformed instantly, the solid earth giving way to a carpet of moss that spread like wildfire. As Acrodontayay charged across it, tendrils of moss shot up, coiling around his ankles in an attempt to ensnare him.

Acrodontayay barely broke stride, the vines snapping like brittle twigs beneath his powerful legs.

"I win if I just slow you down!" Kinrui declared, determination etched in his voice.

"What's your plan with that elf?" Acrodontayay demanded.

"Why don't you find out?" Kinrui shot back.

The moss surged again, this time erupting into dozens of massive spikes that surrounded Acrodontayay. The ground warped and shifted, forming a dome of moss that encased him completely. From all directions, hundreds of sharpened spikes launched toward Acrodontayay. Undeterred, Acrodontayay charged through the relentless assault. His fists obliterated the spikes with raw force as he tore through the dome, each step a testament to his unyielding strength.

"Verte!" Kinrui shouted, his voice tinged with urgency. "How close are we?"

"Spare me another ten minutes!" Verte called back.

"Can do," Kinrui muttered, refocusing on his opponent.

Inside the dome, countless moss tendrils lashed out at Acrodontayay from every angle. They wrapped around his wrists, legs, and neck, trying to restrain him. But with a feral roar, Acrodontayay's aura exploded outward. The sheer force of it obliterated the bindings and the dome itself, scattering the moss in all directions. Now faster than before, Acrodontayay closed the distance between them in an instant. He unleashed a relentless flurry of punches, each one reducing Kinrui to a mass of shredded moss. Yet, Kinrui reformed each time, striking back with his moss-clad claws. But no matter how sharp or swift his attacks, they failed to leave a mark on Acrodontayay. With a flick of his wrist, Acrodontayay summoned his folded chair into his hand. With a single, powerful swing, he struck Kinrui, sending him hurtling skyward.

Kinrui twisted mid-air, recovering quickly. Tendrils of moss sprouted from his back, shooting toward Acrodontayay like spears. But with a casual swipe of his chair, Acrodontayay destroyed them all. He hurled the closed chair at Kinrui, slicing him cleanly in two. Once again, Kinrui reformed, his moss reshaping as he sharpened his claws.

Kinrui dove toward Acrodontayay, aiming a savage slash at his opponent. Acrodontayay sidestepped with ease, countering with a swift punch to Kinrui's stomach. The impact caused Kinrui's upper body to explode into a spray of moss. As Kinrui reassembled himself yet again, he retreated, his breathing heavy but his resolve unbroken.

Kinrui's body began to uncontrollably vibrate, his moss armor trembling as though under immense strain. Small chunks of it melted away, revealing patches of skin underneath, and a spray of blood spattered from the open areas. His moss mask sagged slightly, nearly falling off.

"Salami, you're really hurt," Kinrui murmured, his voice low and apologetic. "You won't die in such a low-stakes fight, though. Just hang in there."

Acrodontayay smirked, folding his arms. "So there is a limit to your regeneration."

Kinrui steadied himself, the moss armor slowly crawling back over his exposed wounds, stabilizing. "To be fair, if I didn't have limits, I'd be like this all the time." His eyes glinted from behind the partially restored mask. "I'd classify myself as a demon."

Acrodontayay summoned his folded plastic chair back to his hand with a flick of his wrist, the weapon gleaming faintly under the dim light. "I haven't even been trying."

"That's even better," Kinrui replied, a wry smile creeping across his lips. Both of his arms morphed, the moss shifting and contorting until they resembled massive, snapping jaws. With a sudden surge, the jaws stretched toward Acrodontayay like predatory snakes.

Unfazed, Acrodontayay charged forward, his punches shattering the jaws into bits of moss with ease. As he closed the distance, Kinrui's arm reformed into a blade, slashing downward in a last-ditch attempt.

Acrodontayay raised his hand, effortlessly catching the moss blade mid-swing. With a swift motion, he broke it into fragments. Before Kinrui could react, Acrodontayay drove his knee into Kinrui's stomach, the impact powerful enough to momentarily halt his movement. Kinrui's body split in half again, but the moss quickly reformed, piecing him back together.

I felt some of that, Kinrui thought, his expression tightening. I'm sorry, Salami, for pushing you like this.

Acrodontayay lunged forward again, his palm glowing with raw energy. With precision, he struck Kinrui square in the chest, sending a shockwave rippling through his moss armor. For a brief moment, all the moss covering Kinrui's chest was blasted away, exposing his bare torso.

"You're an impressive human," Acrodontayay remarked as Kinrui's moss regrew, covering his chest again. "But I've fought stronger."

In the blink of an eye, Acrodontayay was directly in front of Kinrui. His punch connected squarely with Kinrui's face. This time, instead of splitting apart and reforming, Kinrui was sent flying backward. The moss peeled away from his body in ragged, messy strings, falling like ribbons onto the ground.

Kinrui lay sprawled on his back, his moss armor completely gone. For the first time in the fight, he looked vulnerable. Blood dripped from his lips as he whispered weakly, "Verte—"

Acrodontayay raised his folded chair high, ready to bring it down with crushing force.

Before the chair could connect, Kinrui disappeared in a flash of light, replaced by Verte. A shimmering bubble-like barrier enveloped her as she raised a hand, intercepting the swing with surprising ease.

"The elf finally came out to play!" Acrodontayay exclaimed, his grin widening.

"I refuse to sit here and watch you kill a child," Verte retorted, her voice firm but calm.

Acrodontayay let out a low laugh, his gaze sharp. "Ironic, coming from an elf."

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